Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2013

A clear demonstration of the extraordinary moral fortitude of Hitler’s Germany was their progressiveness in dealing with the issue of animal welfare. The modern capitalist system has turned animals into property to be exploited and abused by man as he wills. Even with the relatively recent push for animal welfare coming from various lobbying groups, vivisection still takes place in allegedly “civilized” nations, as the unimaginably cruel and disgusting factory farming industry goes almost entirely unregulated.
Hitler was, in fact, a vegetarian, so deep was his conviction regarding the treatment of animals. Though I do not personally believe that this is a healthy lifestyle choice (about the only place I disagree with Adolf), I do not believe that any feeling human being would approve of the horrible abuses that animals are subjected to on a massive scale throughout the western world.
It is worth noting that the abuse of animals is often considered to be a mark of psychopathy, and it has been recorded that many of the most famous serial killers exhibited cruelty to animals at an early age.
Animals in America
Although it is largely unknown to most Americans, the torture of animals is still common practice in the US. A 2008 report published in the journal Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, it was estimated that 115 million animals were being used in research every year, with the US being the leading offender, torturing 17 million animals. The majority of this is done without anesthetic. ATLA and related organizations estimate that this number continues to increase.
Though PETA often claims to be making progress in the area of factory farming, the reality is that the vast majority of animal products bought and sold in the United States are the result of this absolutely cruel and evil industrial process. According to an estimate by the nonprofit advocacy group Farm Forward, based on data provided by the USDA, over 99% of farmed animals are farmed in factory farms. These animals live their entire lives in cages, where they are pumped full of drugs and often subjected to cannibalistic diets. Chickens and turkeys routinely have their beaks cut off.

Now let us compare these sickening practices of that Great and Noble bastion of Freedom and Democracy to the practices of the Satanic and Murderously Evil Nazi Germans.
The Nazis, particularly Göring and Hitler himself, were incredibly concerned about the welfare of animals, believing them to be feeling creatures with which we share this earth, and do not have any right to abuse or cause unnecessary suffering. This is a very example of the beauty and justice which was the embodiment of the National Socialist ideal, and its contrast with the competing ideologies which destroyed it: both communists and capitalists view the natural world as having value only in terms of the material – that is, the exploitable – while the Nazis viewed the world of creation as having innate value in and of itself.
On August 16, 1933, Göring pushed through the first animal protection laws, putting an end to the cruelty of animal experimentation. He made it clear that he was serious about this when he announced that anyone caught abusing animals in this way would be sent to a concentration camp:
An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp.
On November 24, 1934, a much more comprehensive animal protection law, the Reichstierschutzgesetz (Reich Animal Protection Act), was passed (full text included below). This law was more just and complete in the protections it provided animals than any legislation passed by any government before or since.

The Nazis were also the first to protect endangered species, labeling the wolf a protected animal. The modern capitalist system is allegedly causing the extinction of plants and animal species at a rate of 100-200 per day. It is not long before all of the large mammals will be gone from nature forever; this is one of the most horrible crimes imaginable, and yet no one is even being charged for it.
The kindness shewed animals by the Nazis is indicative of the true nature of Adolf Hitler and his system, and speaks to just how horribly this history has been distorted. These were kind and just men, who cared about all things good.
In looking at this topic, we are able to see just how much we, in the present era, are in need of a system like the Nazis had. We have become sick in our souls, as a people, having no care for the creatures that we share the earth with. The horrible and anti-human treatment of animals is one more thing that the west needs to be cleansed of.
When Fascism rises, all the creatures of the earth shall rejoice.
Below I include the full text of the National Socialist law regarding the fair treatment of animals, signed into law by Adolf Hitler on November 24, 1933.
Reichstierschutzgesetz (Reich Animal Protection Act)
The government has resolved on the following law, which is hereby made known:
Section I
Cruelty to Animals
(1) It is forbidden to unnecessarily torment or roughly mishandle an animal.
(2) One torments an animal when one repeatedly or continuously causes appreciable pain or suffering; the torment is unnecessary in so far as it does not serve any rational, justifiable purpose. One mishandles an animal when one causes it appreciable pain; mishandling is rough when it corresponds to an unfeeling state of mind.
Section II
Measures for the Protection of Animals
It is forbidden:
1. to so neglect an animal in one’s ownership, care or accommodation that it thereby experiences appreciable pain or appreciable damage;
2. to use an animal unnecessarily for what clearly exceeds its powers or causes it appreciable pain, or which it-in consequence of its condition-is obviously not capable of;
3. to use and animal for demonstrations, film-making, spectacles, or other public events to the extent that these events cause the animal appreciable pain or appreciable damage to health;
4. to use a fragile, ill, overworked or old animal for which further life is a torment for any other purpose than to cause or procure a rapid, painless death;
5. to put out one’s domestic animal for the purpose of getting rid of it;
6. to set or test the power of dogs on cats, foxes, and other animals;
7. to shorten the ears or the tail of a dog over two weeks old. This is allowed if it is done with anesthesia;
8. to shorten the tail of a horse. This is allowed if it is to remedy a defect or illness of the tail and is done by a veterinarian and under anesthesia;
9. to perform a painful operation on an animal in an unprofessional manner or without anesthesia, or if anesthesia in a particular case is impossible according to veterinary standards;
10. to kill an animal on a farm for fur otherwise than with anesthesia or in a way that is, in any case, painless;
11. to force-feed fowl;
12. to tear out or separate the thighs of living frogs.
The importation of horses with shortened tails is forbidden. The minister of the Interior can make exceptions if special circumstances warrant it.
The temporary use of hoofed animals as carriers in the mines is only permitted with the permission of the responsible authorities.
Section III
Experiments on Living Animals
It is forbidden to operate on or handle living animals in ways that may cause appreciable pain or damage for the purpose of experiments, to the extent the provisions of #6 through #8 do not mandate otherwise.
(1) The minister of the Interior can at the proposal of the responsible government or local authorities confer permission on certain scientifically led institutes or laboratories to undertake scientific experiments on living animals, when the director of the experiment has sufficient professional education and reliability, sufficient facilities for the undertaking of animal experiments are available, and guarantee for the care and maintenance of the animals for experiment has been made.
(2) The minister of the Interior can delegate the granting of permission to others among the highest officials of the government.
(3) Permission may be withdrawn without compensation at any time.
In carrying out experiments on animals (#5), the following provisions are to be observed:
1. The experiments may only be carried out under the complete authority of the scientific director or of a representative that has been specifically appointed by the scientific director.
2. The experiments may only be carried out by someone who has previously received scientific education or under the direction of such a person, and when every pain is avoided in so far as that is compatible with the goal of the experiment.
3. Experiments for research may only be undertaken when a specific result is expected that has not been previously confirmed by science or if the experiments help to answer previously unsolved problems.
4. The experiments are only to be undertaken under anesthesia, provided the judgment of the scientific director does not categorically exclude this or if the pain connected with the operation is outweighed by the damage to the condition of the experimental animals as a result of anesthesia.
Nothing more severe than a difficult operation or painful but unbloody experiment may be carried out on such an unanesthetized animal.
Animals that suffer appreciable pain after the completion of such a difficult experiment, especially involving an operation, are, in so far as this is, in the judgment of the scientific director, compatible with the goal of the experiment, immediately to be put to death.
5. Experiments on horses, dogs, cats, and apes can only be carried out when the intended goal may not be achieved through experiments on other animals.
6. No more animals may be used than are necessary to-resolve the associated question.
7. Animal experiments for pedagogical purposes are only permitted when other educational tools such as pictures, models, taxonomy, and film are not sufficient.
8. Records are to be kept of the sort of animal used, the purpose, the procedure, and the result of the experiment.
Experiments on animals for judicial purposes as well as inoculations and taking of blood from living animals for the purpose of diagnosing illness of people or animals, or for obtainment of serums or inoculations according to procedures that have already been tried or are recognized by the state, are not subject to provisions #5 through #7. These animals, however, are also to be killed painlessly if they suffer appreciable pain and if it is compatible with the goals of the experiment.
Section IV
Provisions for Punishment
(1) Whoever unnecessarily torments or roughly mishandles an animal will be punished by up to two years in prison, with a fine, or with both these penalties. (2) Whoever, apart from the case in (1), undertakes an experiment on living animals (# S) without the required permission will be punished by imprisonment of up to six months, with a fine, or with both of these penalties. (3) A fine of up to five hundred thousand marks or imprisonment will, apart from the punishment mandated in (1) and (2), be the punishment for whomever intentionally or through negligence.
1. violates prohibition #2 though #4;
2. acts against regulation #7;
3.violates guidelines enacted by the Ministry of the Interior or by a provincial government according to #14;
4. neglects to prevent children or other persons that are under his/her supervision or belong to his/her household from violating the provisions of this law.
(1) In addition to the punishments in #9 for an intentional violation of the law, an animal belonging to the condemned may be confiscated or killed. Instead of confiscation it may be ordered that the animal be sheltered and fed for up to nine months at the cost of the guilty party.
(2) If no specific person can be identified or condemned, the confiscation or killing of an animal may be undertaken in any case when the other prerequisites are present.
(1) If someone is repeatedly guilty of intentionally violating the provisions that are punishable according to #9 the local authorities that are responsible can prohibit that person from keeping certain animals or from business involving them either for a specified period or permanently.
(2) After a year has passed since the imposition of the punishment the responsible local authorities may rescind their decision.
(3) An animal subject to appreciable negligence in provision, care, or shelter may be taken away from the owner by the responsible local authority and accommodated elsewhere until there is a guarantee that the animal will be cared for in a manner above reproach. The cost of this accommodation shall be paid by the guilty party.
If in a judicial process it appears doubtful whether an act violates a prohibition of #1, (1) or (2), a veterinarian shall be summoned as early in the process as possible and, in so far as it concerns a farm, an agricultural official of the government shall be heard.
Section V
Anesthesia as it is understood in this law means all procedures that lead to general painlessness or eliminate localized pain.
The Minister of the Interior can issue judicial and administrative decrees for the completion and enforcement of this law. In so far as the Minister of the Interior does not make use of this power, local governments can make the necessary decree for implementation.
This law becomes binding on February 1, 1934 with the exception of #2, (8) and #3, (11), for which the Minister of the Interior must see the time of implementation in consultation with the Minister of Food and Agriculture.
The laws #1456 and #360, (13) of the law of May 30, 1908 remain unchanged.
Berlin, November 24, 1933
Adolf Hitler