Daily Stormer
June 27, 2014

Vladimir Putin is one of the most popular leaders in the world, because he embodies the will of the people.
And that is the purpose of a leader.
Russia’s head of state Vladimir Putin faces no current challenge for the office of president in the eyes of two thirds of citizens, an opinion poll suggests.
According to a poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation 66% of Russians would vote for President Putin after 2018.
Two thirds of respondents believe that Putin’s activity on the post of president meets the people’s interests. In the last two years Putin’s rating has considerably increased: from 36% in September 2012 to 66% in July 2014.
Most respondents (74%) noted that Putin’s activity corresponded to their expectations when they voted for him two years ago.
Over half (55%) of respondents say Putin fulfilled his duties better than during the previous two terms of office, the Public Opinion Foundation says.Russians confident about Putin’s decisions and statements on acceding Crimea and Sevastopol (29%), the policy towards Ukraine (7%), the Olympic Games in Sochi (5%), enhancing Russia’s authority on the international arena and Russia’s foreign policy (4%).
Among positive changes, respondents note defense capability (49%), foreign policy (42%), social policy (21%), government (17%) and citizens’ security (15%).
Clearly, will two-thirds of the people supporting Putin, it is time that country became more democratic to save the faggots.