Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2014

Local news is giving the situation a bit of coverage, and even interviewed Tim from White Rabbit.
The message is one promoted by a website called The website’s founder, Tim Murdock, told Fox6 by phone from Chicago that he does not know who paid for the billboard, but he explained the message.
“The point of the message is when white people are called racist to give them something to say, something to say to defend themselves so they don’t just sit silently keep getting beaten over the head over and over again. You know everyone has come to the conclusion that racism is only in white countries, only in white people’s churches, houses and businesses, and white people are generally the only ones who face this charge generally on behalf of white anti-whites as well.”
Leeds mayor David Miller tells Fox6 he is trying to find out who is behind the sign, but he’s not happy about the message or its location near his integrated city.
Again, I must give a bit of a negative comment here – part of the reason they are able to attack this is that the message is so unclear, no one really understanding what is mean by the statement on the billboard. Without Googling it, it is rather unlikely that anyone in Alabama would recognize the term “anti-racist.”
This particular slogan would be good to hold up at a rally that is being attacked by antifa, who identify as “anti-racist,” but otherwise, clearly language should be used when attempting to appeal to masses of regular people who do not recognize the term.
Though I applaud whoever paid to have this put up, I just hate to see money and energy – both of which are precious and limited in this movement – poured into something which could easily be a thousand times more effective.
Again, I like “Diversity is Codeword for White Genocide.” We all constantly hear the word “diversity,” and everyone knows what a genocide is. It is very clear, and creates the exact type of image we want to create in people’s minds.
“Multiculturalism is White Genocide” would also work well, as it eliminates the need for “codeword” and is equally clear.
Again, the clearer our message is, the less ability the media has to distort what we are saying, and the more people will be drawn to it.