Baked Alaska Sentenced to 2 Months in Jail for Filming the Capitol Storm

Previously: FBI Informant Ray Epps Tries to Frame Baked Alaska – Says He Was Plotting Against Cops!

A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced livestreamer Baked Alaska to sixty days in prison for filming the Capitol Storm.

He was literally running a stream when he went inside. None of the mainstream Jew media journalists who followed people inside to film what was happening even got arrested. It was just taken for granted that journalists were within their rights to follow people into the Capitol to film what was happening.

But, if you’re the wrong kind of journalist, you go to jail.

Baked did not break anything. He walked in when the cops opened the doors and invited people in. It’s all on the infamous stream.

We’ve known this whole time that the cops opened the doors, because it was on all of these streams, such as that of Baked Alaska. There was never any question about that. The only people doing any violence on January 6 were FBI operatives – none of whom have been arrested – and frankly even that was minimal.

It was quite literally a “peaceful protest.” That term doesn’t have any meaning anymore, and is only used derisively, but it describes the event.

Somehow, the blacks and Antifa – also run by the FBI – were allowed to riot for months on end, which included multiple sieges on federal buildings, and virtually no one was arrested.

Baked is also being treated like a terrorist in his normal life.

This is not going away. They are going to start putting serious legal pressure on anyone who opposes this crooked government.

Two months is not super extreme, but remember: Baked became a cause celebre in right-wing circles and so he had the money for real legal representation. Most of these guys had nothing and just got sent to a gulag indefinitely.

Speaking to the Daily Stormer about his sentencing, Baked said simply “all glory to Jesus Christ.”

Indeed, these people who murdered Christ want all of his followers dead or in prison.

Pray for Baked!

I’m going on his show when he gets out!