Daily Stormer
July 3, 2014

Earlier this week, police surrounded a former school building in Berlin which is being occupied by an invasion brigade mainly from Africa demanding a right to live forever in Germany.
Their asylum applications have been rejected (unlike the UK, Germany actually does that) but they refuse to leave the country.
And of course, they are threatening suicide if they don’t get their way.
Adam, a Sudanese refugee who only gave his first name, told reporters on Friday that many of the migrants had climbed onto the roof and were ready to jump off the building if police entered it.
The tense stand-off involved 40 to 80 refugees and supporters who stayed in the building after police earlier this week evicted the majority of the roughly 200 who had occupied it since 2012.
City officials say they are willing to negotiate with the refugees about their demands but only if they leave the building.
The last updates on this scenario in the news were from two days ago, at which point police were still “preparing.”
They surely don’t want any African goo splattered on the pavement, if it can be avoided.