DoD is Happy Tucker Carlson was Fired

People on Twitter before the ban asked me why I never shill The Midnight anymore. This is why. Just so we’re clear on that.

I’m not making it happen on my Tucker Carlson firing coverage. I know I said I was going to make it happen today. I think I made it happen in several ways (the articles are better today than they have been in weeks, probably), but I’ve really got nothing on Tucker.

I could do a collection of theories. Maybe I will tomorrow. It’s probably worth the time. One of my boys, whose name I won’t say, got me access to the Twitter search. Account still banned by the way.

Anyway, so, like, basically.

I don’t like the guy. I can’t tolerate pro-gay marriage material ever. No matter what. I can tolerate the “oh there’s more important stuff to talk about right now” thing. Even though I don’t think there is really, because God is punishing us for TOLERANCE of homosexuality, first and foremost (and then abortion).

Like, okay, so, basically, like, you have to accept that all reality is a manifestation of the Will of God if you’re a Christian. That is among the basic definitions of the religion. You also have to accept that God judges nations based on the sins they allow. If you’re a Christian. You also have to accept that tolerance and celebration of homosexuality is the worst conceivable social phenomenon.

Therefore, as a Christian, it is simply basic cause and effect that getting rid of the homosexual problem would solve the problems of the nation.

So I think it is that important.

But I can at least understand and accept someone saying “oh well, there are these other issues that are more pressing.”

But that is not what Tucker Carlson said.

Tucker Carlson said that anal fisting – including, mind you, double fisting – and eating your own semen mixed with poop out of another man’s anus is “love” and that it is possible for two men to be “anally married.”

Love as we know it as human beings is based on Our Lord Christ’s love for us.

That is a fact.

So then can you imagine any single thing in this entire universe more evil than saying that putting one and even two fists into another man’s anus while he is shitting and bleeding all over the place is “love”?

At this point, in my view, Tucker Carlson might as well put on a Bohemian Grove robe and carve a pentagram into his forehead and eat a baby. This is just satanism, okay? It’s not cute.

These same evangelical faggots who want to say “well it’s none of our business if they’re fisting” said that playing Dungeons & Dragons was going to cause satanic ritual murder.

So far we’ve got zero satanic ritual murders from Wizards of the Coast, while the number of little boys who were molested is like the McDonald’s counter in the 1990s where they just had to change it to “billions and billions served.”

You know, when I was a kid, there was a number on that they would change every year or whatever it was.

Now, because of the likes of Tucker Carlson, you can basically just say “all the boys were molested.”

How many do you know personally?

Did it happen to you?

Tucker Carlson shares responsibility and he’s going to answer to GOD for that.

So with the gay marriage thing, I just can’t. The “I’m not white I’m an individual and everyone who says they’re white is actually a Nazi” is really terrible in itself, but it’s not like, you know – jacking off little boys in order to transfer the homosexual demons to them.

But yeah – it is definitely possible that Tucker got taken off Fox because of that stuff he was saying about the Ukraine war hoax.


Senior Pentagon officials have welcomed the departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Politico has reported. The popular host regularly criticized the US military’s diversity and inclusivity policies, claiming they were imposed at the expense of battle readiness.

“We’re a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” a senior Defense Department official told the news outlet, on condition of anonymity. The source claimed Carlson had “made a mockery” of the free press and “repeatedly cherry-picked department policies and used them to destroy DoD [Defense Department] as an institution.”

Commenting on Carlson’s exit from the conservative network, another official reportedly said: “Good riddance.”

The popular former prime-time host regularly accused the Pentagon of undermining US fighting capabilities for the sake of ideologically-motivated inclusivity, imposed under pressure from President Joe Biden’s administration.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. Well, actually, he probably is. But Tucker was not the enemy of the Pentagon – not really. He liked their China war plan. This guy was interviewing literal Epoch Times Uyghur organ harvesting CIA kooks. So he was trying to help the Pentagon/State by pushing them toward a different war, but obviously he thought Victoria Nuland was not doing ZOG global dominance right, and she thinks she’s doing it right, so these people could have pulled strings to get him fired.

Tucker: you’re going to hell for this gay shit. It’s not some joke. Hell is real and you go there for equating the sacrifice of Christ – which is LOVE, that’s the meaning of the word LOVE and it is our only ability to come close to understanding LOVE – with a man sticking his fists up another man’s anus while feces fly everywhere.

I wish this was true:

I wish Tucker was pulling out the Old Testament and condemning people to hell.

Instead, in a clip which is on my suspended Twitter, we have him promoting double fisting of twinks and then claiming it is possible to be married through the anus.

Like, he had on Jewish faggot Dave Rubin, who literally kidnaps children.

Just go check Jack Posobiec’s feed. He’s another China-obsessed anal promoter.

This is a new anti-Fox narrative to split boomer retards into stupid warring camps.

Even if the initial thing is Victoria Nuland is mad because Tucker was asking where all the money was going.