[Important Article] Elite School Admits There was No Evidence Boy Bullied to Suicide Ever Did a “Rape”

I love how the Post always gives you something to cheer you up after giving you a bit of bad news.

My strict policy is: “If you’re gonna do the time, you might as well do the crime.”

If I was this dude and was being falsely accused of being a rapist, I’d starting raping bitches left and right.

Of course, my personal situation is different, because I am a rapist. So when a woman calls me a rapist, I don’t get upset. I say: “That’s right bitch, and you better watch yourself, because you can be damn sure I’m watching you.”

New York Post:

A prestigious New Jersey boarding school has admitted it didn’t do enough to protect a student who took his own life on campus after vicious and unsubstantiated rumors spread he was a rapist.

Jack Reid, 17, attended The Lawrenceville School in Mercer County, five miles south of Princeton University, where tuition costs a staggering $76,000 a school year.

On April 30, 2022, Reid took his own life after being subjected to relentless bullying over cruel rumors labeling him a rapist.

No way a bitch doesn’t want to be raped by this dude.

“The school acknowledges that bullying and unkind behavior, and actions taken or not taken by the school, likely contributed to Jack’s death,” Lawrenceville officials wrote in a statement posted on the school’s website on Sunday.

The statement was part of an agreed-upon settlement between the notable boarding school and Reid’s parents, Elizabeth and Bill Reid.

“The only thing I’d love to change here is to get Jack back,” Reid’s father told the New York Times.

Reid arrived at the boarding school in the fall of 2020 as a sophomore, befriending classmates, and winding up honored on the Dean’s list, his parents said.

But the following spring semester, a rumor that he was a rapist began spreading like wildfire through the student body.

Despite the rumor, Reid returned to the school in September of 2021 and was elected president of the residential housing where he lived.

Bill Reid recalled his son asked him if these false accusations would “ever go away.”

A classmate previously disciplined for bullying Reid and determined to be involved in spreading the rumors about him was eventually expelled for an unrelated incident, the school revealed.

The unnamed student was left unsupervised as he packed his things — and during a gathering with peers, he falsely told them Reid was to blame for his being kicked out of school.

The same night, Reid put a bible in his gym shorts pocket and left a note directing his parents to a Google doc that detailed his helplessness.

“He had to escape the pain from the humiliation he was feeling,” Reid’s father said.

Reid’s mother said her son had been seeing a therapist before taking his own life, but never discussed suicidal ideations.

Before his death, Reid had approached school officials to intervene in these false rumors, which prompted the school to investigate the bullying and sexual assault, his parents revealed.

The school found no evidence supporting the rumors and allegations about Reid being a rapist — a fact that the boarding school did not acknowledge in public or in private, according to the outlet. 

Though the facility was aware of the ongoing bullying, the elite boarding school has only now admitted failure — one year to the day of Reid’s death.

“There were steps that the School should in hindsight have taken but did not,” the school wrote in their statement.

Neither Reid nor his parents were informed that the school had cleared the teen of the claims before his death.

“We feel like we both have life sentences without the possibility of parole,” Elizabeth Reid told the New York Times. 

This society does not care about boys.

Nothing will be done about this.

Schools will not implement some system through which they can defend themselves from false allegations of what this society considers to be the most heinous crime.

Women who have sex with men and regret it view the man as evil and hold him responsible for causing the regret. And a woman scorned always goes scorched earth. I guarantee the original accuser cunt laughed at the news of his suicide. (Given the dude is a chad, what most likely happened is that the bitch had a boyfriend, had sex with Jack, then word got out and she told her boyfriend it was rape, then the boyfriend, a pussy-sniffer without the balls to kick the slut to the curb, instead helped do “cunt patrol” to organize “rapist” social shaming against Jack. Many such cases. I don’t really need any details here. It’s a very obvious series of events.)

That said: suicide is always a bitch move.

I feel for the lad, because I always feel for the lads, but don’t ever consider suicide.

Things always get better and there is always help.

Haha, jk.

Mostly, things just get worse and worse and it’s very unlikely anyone but Jesus is ever going to help you with literally anything, ever, in your life.

Honestly, I think these “it will get better, there is help” messages are designed to raise the suicide rate, because this just isn’t true at all.

But most cases of suicide are an express ride to Hell, and anyway, who wants to go down as the whiny pussy who couldn’t take some bullying?

On the “things getting better” issue – I will say, as you age, shit matters a lot less. And in that way, things do “get better,” even while objectively, they are getting worse. I feel pretty great most days, because there are things I enjoy that I fill my life with that break the normative state of life which is, unfortunately, abject misery or at best boredom. If you see people who are “happy,” it’s not that they’ve figured something out, it’s that they’re stupid and probably on Prozac and Xanax.

King Solomon, whom God gave wisdom, experienced everything in the world there was to experience, including all of the sex and weird shit like pagan rituals, and at the end his conclusion was that all that is good in life is to take joy in the blessings of the Lord, to take pride in your work, and to eat, drink, and be merry.

This is one of those “most important verses in the Bible” Bible verses, in this writer’s opinion. (It’s up there with Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit, mentioned here last week.)

You have to find work you can take pride in, firstly. That should not be impossible.

“Eat, drink, and be merry” in this context is the little thing of eating and drinking (alcohol, frankly), but also just doing things you enjoy. The gym, video games, nature hikes, etc.

Life is not “happy.” It won’t ever be “happy.” If you are seeking “happiness,” you’re chasing a gay unicorn across an infinite field of broken glass.

The sooner you accept that the majority of your life is going to be boring or miserable, the sooner you will be able to truly appreciate the things that bring joy and let you break out of that natural state of dull suffering.