Islam Versus Europe
November 19, 2013

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) has called on European leaders and institutions to seriously study the results and take appropriate action after the release of a survey on anti-Semitism by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), showing a substantial rise in the number of Jews who have been subjected to anti-Semitic attacks.
The survey, which took place during September and October comprising approximately 6,000 respondents from Sweden, France, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Latvia, shows that a quarter of respondents said they avoid visiting places and wearing symbols that identify them as Jews for fear of anti-Semitism.
“We commend FRA for conducting this serious and in-depth study on a matter of such importance,” said Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, “However the fact that a quarter of Jews are not able to express their Jewishness because of fear should be a watershed moment for the continent of Europe and the European Union,”
“The Jewish reality in Europe is of great concern and the authorities need to deal with incidents of hate and intolerance in a holistic manner to really combat these manifestations before it is too late.”
“We would like to see concrete steps being taken, including creating legislation to specifically deal with anti-Semitism and racism, bolstering law enforcement agencies and ensure a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism, even, and perhaps, specifically, when opinion-shapers and decision-makers engage in these forms of hate.”
More troubling were the results from the survey showing that the number of reported number of anti-Semitic incidents is much lower than the actual number of anti-Semitic incidents, because according to the report, 82% of respondents to the survey admitted that they did not report the most serious incidents to any authority of organization. Two thirds of respondents to the survey said that reporting incidents was either “not worth the effort” or otherwise ineffectual.
“This is the most damning indictment of the report.” Kantor said. “European Jewry simply has little faith or trust in the process of law enforcement, legislative or judicial processes on large parts of the continent.”
“We also need to do more to educate towards tolerance and respect for the other. The rise of extremism means that democracy has to protect itself, and the response of governments needs to be to put democracy first, like the response of the Greek Government when it stopped government funding for the neo-Nazi party ‘Golden Dawn’. This is not just a problem for Jews, but it is a problem for all Europeans and the identity and spirit of the European Union depends on taking these steps.”
Source: EJC
So they’re calling for even politicians themselves to be even more subject to thought crime legislation than they are already. If this had been the European Islamic Congress calling for the same things, you can be sure the Counterjihad websites would have covered it extensively. But when it’s Jews calling for hate speech laws and state indoctrination programs, not a word must be said.
Do Jews bear moral responsibility for this? How many putatively representative Jewish organisations need to campaign for the criminalisation of free expression without a word of protest from other Jews before responsibility kicks in?