November 20, 2013

The Mark Zuckerberg-funded issues advocacy group FWD.us is launching a new round of ads with a decidedly different tone than past spots on immigration reform, using quotes from President Barack Obama and House leadership to highlight a growing frustration with legislative delays.
The new push features a weeklong, national cable ad buy in the mid-six figures. There is an English-language spot and one in Spanish, and the ads will be on the Web for a longer period of time as part of an online ad buy.
The ads, obtained by POLITICO, mark a shift in course for the group. Its earlier ads — aired through FWD.us and its partisan-leaning affiliates — sought to persuade with a gentler tone, or by offering cover to Senate Republicans who’ve supported immigration reform by highlighting conservative messaging points. The ads also provided reinforcement to Senate Democrats and House Republicans such as Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
The new spot, titled “Why We Wait,” features comments from Obama and House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) talking about support for a comprehensive reform package. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are also quoted talking about the need for reform.
While it doesn’t place blame on either party, the ad comes on the heels of Boehner’s recent comments that he will not enter into formal conference negotiations
with the Senate on its immigration bill. It’s part of a clear shift in strategy by the Facebook founder’s group to apply pressure on the House GOP, especially with the government shutdown over and the legislative calendar fairly open.
But it is seen as highly unlikely that the House GOP will hold floor votes before the end of the year even on the disparate parts of the piecemeal immigration approach it favors.
“On the need to fix our broken immigration system, there are signs both political parties in Washington get it,” the narrator of the English-language spot says.
“Washington’s lagging behind the country on this,” Obama is quote saying. “This issue has been around far too long,” Boehner says.
“And yet, we wait,” the narrator adds. The spot then focuses on border security and the potential boost to the economy that pro-immigration reform forces say would result.