Fairly Elected (Serious) President: No Evidence Russia Hacked Pipeline, But It’s Their “Responsibility to Deal with It”

Just because you didn’t do something doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility to fix it, says the intelligent American President Joe Biden, who was fairly elected in a real and serious election last November.

The biggest gasoline pipeline in America was recently seriously hacked and now it doesn’t work anymore, because a gasoline pipeline is really high technology and if they hack your mainframe you can’t use it.

Biden was asked at a press conference Monday if Russia was behind this real and obviously legitimate event.

The elected official smartly quipped:

I’m gonna have a conf, I’m gonna be meeting with President Putin, and uhh, so far there is no evidence based on, from our intelligence people that Russia is involved. Although, there’s evidence that the actor’s ransomware is in Russia. They have some responsibility to deal with this. Thank you.

After all, people have to deal with things they aren’t responsible for all the time. If a fat person comes into a Walmart and vomits all over the floor, the fat person doesn’t clean it up themselves – some elderly person getting paid $8 an hour has to clean up that vomit.

So if some elderly Walmart employee has to deal with a fat person’s puke, why shouldn’t Russia have to fix this pipeline?

It’s basic common sense.