Le Figaro
May 28, 2014

“The state has forsaken Calais, no one takes notice of us any more”, Arnaud says. This statement is shared by many inhabitants of Calais who must face a record influx of immigrants. The illegal population is an old issue in this port city, but nowadays it can’t cope with the threefold increase of immigrants. In 2013 the number was at 250 individuals, but by now it has risen up to 700. Right in the center of the town, under the Mollien bridge, next to the town hall, at the harbors, in the squats all over the town. And in the last 15 days the situation has worsened, according to the mayor of Calais: “One has observed a very significant influx of new populations”.
Somalis, Afghans, Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, Eritreans, Egyptians, Ukrainians… Lots and lots of makeshift tents on the pavement, with 3 or 4 individuals living inside in dreadful conditions. “Not even cats and dogs are kept living like this”, says Ali, a 20-years-old Afghan national who arrived 3 months ago. “An inhuman and outrageous situation”, sums up Natacha Bourchart, the mayor of Calais and senator for Pas-de-Calais. “A no man’s land with catastrophic consequences for tourism and the economy”, says Francis, a native of the region.
This is the reason why the municipality has decided to take action. A huge eviction operation is to take place the 27th of May in order to dismantle the three main camps, which are inhabited by 550 individuals. Natacha Bouchart raised this issue with Denis Robin, the prefect of Pas-de-Calais, alongside with the chamber of commerce – which operates the harbors -, the police authorities, and the hotel and restaurant owners, that the activities and the attractiveness of the territory are having a rough time. The prefect has confirmed this measure on Wednesday afternoon during a visit to the subprefecture in Calais. A resolution for “an urgent intervention plan” will be issued “within the next days”.

The urgency is mainly due to public health reasons. The cases of scabies, which is very contagious, are numerous according to the Regional Health Agency (ARS), which assumes that there is between a 20 and a 25 percent level of infestation. Till now it has been treated individually, but now the treatment will be collectively managed. Pills and hygienic measures on a voluntary basis, the prefect specified. The second measure is to be the closing down of the three camps in order not to bring back the “jungle” camp, which was dismantled in 2009. Finally, a solution for their accommodation will be proposed for the underaged immigrants in a park away from Calais. There is supposed to be a total of 850 immigrants in the region of Calais. According to comparisons made by the prefect, the authorities moved away 930 individuals in 2012, 1300 in 2013, and 1800 to 2000 in the first months of 2014.
“This cannot be controlled anymore, there is a general feeling of “this is already enough”, Natacha Bouchart says. She cannot keep her eyes closed anymore in the face of this “inertia”, as was recommended to her in the days before the London Olympics or at the municipal elections. The coming of Manuel Valls last December brought two supplementary units of CRS (riot control forces), but “there was nothing for the solution of the core problem”, Francis explained. Even the associations have reached the point of being saturated, says Vincent Lenoir, the president of the Salam Association. There’s lack of food, “one has to organize the distribution in a military way”, the unpaid volunteer explains with sad feeling. This causes tensions, brawls and the settling of scores, as many immigrants from the harbor camp acknowledge.

Zaid, a 27-years-old Syrian, Khaled, a 33-years-old Palestinian, and Mouafaq, a 52-years-old Syrian dream of the English shores while sitting in their tent around a murky-looking tea. Mouafaq has a daughter at the other side and it is 8 years since he last was her. He does not know his grandson. He was the owner of 8 houses in Syria, which were all destroyed during the bombings. This old architect talks ironically about the canvas which now serves as a roof. All have tried to cross the channel two, three or four times under the axles of the camions. “Caught each time”, a young Palestinian called Mahdi sadly explains. On one occasion he was caught by the French police in Calais, on another in Great Britain, after having completed a dangerous but successful crossing. All of them look forward to try again, for “even in these conditions, it is always better than in our war-torn countries”, Zaid says.
A doctor, a lawyer and an engineer are packed inside the tent. One of them has just arrived: “one sees him in his still immaculate shirt and his suit trousers”, Abdullah John, a “very respected” dean in the tent camp points out smiling. “After having lived here for 5 months just like me, he will dress just like us”. Like all those, too. Those Africans over there under the bridge, in the center of the town. They spend their days thinking out a plan to cross (the channel). Some have tried by swimming, Arnaud believes to know. 35 Kilometers!. And also by foot: “shoes with severed feet inside have been found in the tunnel under the channel”, he assures. Camions are the most desired among all methods by immigrants in spite of the enormous amount of control systems like the giant scanners, the CO2 detecting poles to trace out the breathing of the illegals or the “heart bit” for detecting the beating of the heart. But the smugglers are not very talkative. “No confidence and no money”, Khaled says. A ticket with no guarantee of success which is bought for a price between 2000 and 5000 Euros.