Daily Stormer
July 3, 2014

The rat leader of one of the world’s largest Jew Youth movements has been attacked for posting on Facebook that the Israeli government should circumcise 300 Palestinians as revenge for the deaths of the three rat-faced brats.
According to screengrabs of his Facebook wall, Noam Perel, the secretary general of Bnei Akiva, called for the biblical retribution, the same violence King David meted out to the Philistines in the Old Testament as a way to win his bride Michal from her father Saul. He had originally refused to apologise for the post, but later released a statement saying he regretted his words.
Bnei Akiva is the largest Jewish youth movement in the UK, running summer and winter camps and gap years in Israel.
“A whole nation and thousands of years of history demands vengeance,” he had posted, according to Haaretz. He then called for the Israeli army to become an “army of vengeance”.
In a statement released through Bnei Akiva’s Facebook page, Perel said: “In the last few days, the entire Jewish people and the nation of Israel has been in enormous pain. The loss of our sons and our brothers has raised tremendous emotions.
“We are a nation on edge, experiencing national tragedy and all its ramifications. As a nation with a long history and tradition we turn to our sages and our forefathers in times of tragedy for strength and support.
“Following the discovery of the bodies of the three students, Eyal, Gilad and Naftali, murdered in cold blood, I wrote a Facebook post that has been widely misunderstood. My words have been misrepresented due to their biblical and poetic style. I deeply and unreservedly apologise for the anger that this has caused. Particularly in times of national tragedy it is incumbent upon leaders and educators to be more precise and careful in words than I have demonstrated.”
Once again, we get a startling look into the mind of the Jew.

He is not satisfied simply slaughtering random women and children who come from the same country as the alleged killer of these brats, he wants to torture and mutilate these random people. More than that, he specifically wants to torture and mutilate them in a way which relates to their penises.
How could anyone be expected to tolerate a race such as this?