Lead Silverback Promotes Upcoming Supernigger Movie “Pacific Rim Uprising”

Black Panther has been out for 2 weeks now, which means we’re WAY overdue for another “magic negro saves the world” movie brought to us by the hand-rubbing Hebrews of Hollywood.

But don’t fret, fellow goyim. It’s only another 3 weeks before the release of the next one: Pacific Rim Uprising!

I know, I know; the wait will be difficult for many of us. Fortunately, the tanned Englishman playing the lead role is promoting the film in Australia, giving us a sneaky peak at what’s in store!

Sydney Morning Herald:

Five years ago, the Hollywood blockbuster Pacific Rim signalled a tectonic shift in the global movie business when it took more money in China than North America.

Directed by Guillermo del Toro, who is favourite to win best director at the Oscars next week for The Shape of Water, it was an unashamed popcorn movie about human-controlled giant robots battling giant monsters to save the world.

In Pacific Rim: Uprising, which opens next month, buildings are crushed and vehicles sent spiralling as a kaiju emerges from the harbour near the Opera House and moves from Circular Quay through the city, with a quick shot of the Nine Network’s Peter Overton reading the news.

“Sorry, we kind of destroyed some buildings and stuff,” the star and producer John Boyega said in Sydney to launch the movie. “But no buildings were actually harmed in the making of this picture.”

Boyega, best known as Finn from Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, plays the son of the hero from the original movie (Idris Elba) in a multiracial cast that also includes Scott Eastwood and Chinese stars Jing Tian and Max Zhang.

So what brought a Hollywood-meets-China sequel to Australia?

Boyega said the script by writer-director Steven S. DeKnight, who took over when del Toro went off to make The Shape of Water, required a visually spectacular city.

“At the same we were looking for various cities that kind of embodied the unity of humanity,” he said. “The human beings work together. The kaiju are the threat. The city just embodies a diversity.”

“Can you believe the filmmakers gave the lead role to this baboon instead of me?” -Scott Eastwood.

Boy, the kike media machine is going into overdrive with this nonsense. At least with Black Panther you can say “well, February was Black History Month, and since blacks don’t have any history, a black film director needed to create it for them.”

What’s Hollywood’s excuse for another negro-centric movie within the same time frame? Basically nothing, other than continuing to promote blacks as something other than hominids that belong in the treetops of Equatorial Guinea.

Here’s the latest trailer for the film:

Monkey music? Check. A cast of raceless mongrels? Check. Irritating high-speed editing? Check. Uninspired robots rendered in CGI? Check.

The only good part was between 0.06-0.10, when the black lead was sitting in a jail cell. Not gonna lie, that shit was believable.

Sadly, I can see this film being a success. The director, Steven S. DeKnight (who appears to be white, despite the name), admits he is targeting the Chinese box office. Provided that the movie studio is smart enough to hide Boyega’s face in the Chinese promotional items, like it did with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the film will be popular with China’s superhero-loving manchildren.

That best we can hope for is that it bombs when it hits the domestic box office on March 22.