Mike Yeadon Addresses “No Virus People”

Mike Yeadon, the former high-level Pfizer scientist who came out against the lockdowns and vaccines, did a new interview with James Delingpole last week.

Overall, I enjoyed the interview. There is a lot of information and so on.

However, the most interesting thing was that Yeadon said that he’s being hounded by “these no virus people.” He basically said the exact thing that I’ve said about the no virus people: they make a lot of good points, but they don’t provide a mechanism for transmission. It’s just a fact that contagion occurs – everyone has had the experience of being around someone who is sick and getting sick as a result of it.

As Yeadon says, we even have serious disgust mechanisms hardwired into our psyche to avoid people who are showing signs of being ill. As far as I can tell, the no virus people just deny contagion altogether. Thomas Cowan’s book is literally called “The Contagion Myth.” Granted, I have not read it (I should), but I’ve listened to these people talk a lot and read some of their articles, and I don’t really think this is a serious position. I think they make consistently valid points about the undetectable nature of viruses, and the fact that viruses are ultimately just a theory. But claiming that sickness does not spread from person to person – through whatever mechanism – is not serious. We know that bacteria spreads as a contagion, so making the point that bacterial pneumonia actually caused the most deaths during the “Spanish flu” of 1918 is a really good point. But there is no attempt to claim that the modern seasonal flu (which is what “coronavirus” is a part of) is caused by bacteria.

At one point in the interview, Yeadon actually says “the virus – or whatever it is that is causing it, so I don’t upset the virus people…” This tells me that this “no virus” argument has gotten to him. It’s gotten to me too – although that doesn’t really mean much, because I’m not a 60-year-old scientist with some kind of commitment to the premises of modern medicine. But he does say that the entirety of virology could be fake. Which is interesting.

I’ve come to the (tentative) conclusion that as a working theory about certain diseases, viruses are okay, but they should be marked as a theory. These people should not pretend like they can see viruses and identify them in an electron microscope, which is what most people think they can do. In reality, all they see in an electron microscope is blurry blobs that could be anything.

If you had an open discussion in academia, where no virus people were able to openly discuss their work and exchange ideas with virus shills like Anthony Fauci, we could probably get to the bottom of this. I’m sure that people who believe in viruses have more than “I saw it in an electron microscope.” But the burden of proof for viruses is on the people promoting them, ultimately. I would feel better if the no virus people accepted contagion and just said “well, we don’t know what causes it, but it’s not caused by viruses that don’t exist!”

When you press these virus people you find that this theory is non-falsifiable. With the system they have set up, it is impossible to prove that viruses do not exist. They are too small to see.

Then when you think about it, a lot of these viruses are obviously fake: HIV, HPV, etc. All of these viruses are defined by conditions supposedly caused by these viruses, and it just ends up being a catchall – “unexplained liver disease? Oh, that’s from the hepatitis virus. You must have had sex with someone or be using intravenous drugs, or maybe someone spilled blood on you.” It’s the same thing with homosexual immune systems collapsing – nothing that gays are doing could make their immune systems collapse. So it must be a virus.

However, colds and flus definitely appear to spread from person to person, and I don’t think denying that outright is a good strategy for understanding what is going on with all that.


To be fair to the no virus people, here is the first part of a documentary from Andrew Kaufmann and Tom Cowan, who are the two biggest no virus people currently active online.

That is 3 hours long and it is only the first part of a 4-part series. You can watch the other parts on Odysee if you need 9 more hours of this material.