Scotlands BNP
May 28, 2014

The antics of UAF supporting yobs at the European Election count in Manchester where BNP leader Nick Griffin attended was truly appalling and disgusting.
But as Nigel Farage the reserve Tory party leader found out, some of these Communists are quite unpalatable people indeed.
These are the people who protest and call us fascist and Nazi – far from the truth of course and just a slur.
Yet they themselves act like totalitarian yobs trying to deny the freedom of speech by those who oppose their Communist and revolutionary Marxists ideology.
Their behaviour on the night was nothing more than an act of anti-democratic bullying.
Party leader Nick Griffin had to duck placards hurled at him and dodge attackers who broke through police barriers, with officer’s rugby tackling some of them, before he was taken into the safety of the town hall.
Prior to that abuse his car was surrounded by the foul mouth yobs until the police moved them away.
What these yobs might have done to him had they actually got to him is dreadful to think about.
But that is the face of the UAF; their Communist and Marxist allies and supported as signatories to the organisation David Cameron and Red useless Ed Miliband.

Yet true to fashion, Nick Griffin who is a decent man and a true patriot of these British Isles responded by saying that his reception at the town hall was “fairly typical”.
He also stated that he would use part of his MEP’s golden goodbye to fund food banks for “our people”.
We ask the far left UAF, what ex MEP of the far-left that you support would do such a gesture?
Whatever the result on the night, the fact remains that Nick Griffin stands head and shoulders above many others, his exiting as an MEP on July 1st will allow him to concentrate full-time on the party and its growth.
Something he was allowed to do prior to the 2009 European Elections and look what happened then.
He is the far-left`s worse nightmare when it comes to someone with the ability who now has the time to strengthen the party as he does.
Expect the BNP to yet again grow in numbers, already there has been a surge in new members and now the party is preparing to build a strong body of Parish Councillors, Community Councillors in Scotland and upwards.
Not having Nick Griffin tied up in Brussels will only strengthen the party’s membership growth and organisation – and we will regain elected officials across the UK by that effort.
Be of good cheer, we have reason to be.