Andrei Romanenko
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2014

Being a white nationalist isn’t easy.
Being a white nationalist in the West is like being a Liberal dissident in Stalinist Russia. You’re all on your own. At least that’s how most of us, I’m sure, feel. We see everything that is wrong with the system; we see that the system is mercilessly against us. The thought always running through my head is: why the hell all the other Caucasians around me seem so indifferent to the anti-white regime we live in? Why aren’t they mad like I am?
Why aren’t they mad when yet another victim of non-white on white crime goes unnoticed by the major media outlets?
Why aren’t they mad when their children are being excluded from colleges just because of the color of their skin?
Why aren’t they mad when they’re told that they’re evil and the sole reason for the misery on this planet?
Why don’t they resist their own dispossession in the countries their forefathers bled and died for?
Am I crazy? Is something wrong with me? Should I feel bad for wanting to be among people like me? Should I feel ashamed for feeling annoyed when a cacophony of third world languages is spoken around me?
I honestly tried being tolerant and accepting – I tried really, really hard to see the human aspect first and foremost in every person. I tried to “judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.” And after forcing this tolerant belief system upon myself for a while I miserably failed.
Something just clicked in my psyche – there’s NOTHING wrong with me! The system is wrong!
My racial awaking started like something I described above. Firstly, I was oblivious, then aware, then ashamed, and now I’m unapologetically proud to be who I am, and I don’t deny my feelings anymore. Say it loud: “I’m white and I’m proud!”
The problem is, if we say it loud the consequences can be rather harsh.
So going back to my original question: Why are most whites not only complacent with the current way of things, but collaborating in their own demise?
I remember, once I was talking to a White, North American guy who lived for a while in Africa. After saying all the mandatory PC stuff about how awesome it was to travel there, I managed to press him to confess that Whites are hated on that continent. He said he was treated like garbage quite often just because he was White.
Would think this man’s experience could be anything less but a hardcore racial awakening? Well, you’d be wrong. When I asked him what he thinks about Canada and US third world invasion, he pondered for a moment and replied “who cares, we’re all going to be brown in the future.”
Another White guy I chatted with on the same subject went into a long discussion about all the benefits of the third world immigration and stated that it’s good for Whites because “we’re going to be a small, but powerful minority.”
The mess seems endless, but it is time to formulate comprehensive and employable strategies for dealing with the psychological state of our own people.
I would like to encourage a discussion on the liberal White belief system and the pathology behind it. Where it stems from and, most importantly, what can be done to reverse this suicidal thought process.
Every problem has a solution, if one is capable of coming at it from the right angle.