PayPal to Withdraw $2,500 from People’s Accounts If They Say Politically Incorrect Things

PayPal is putting out a new Terms of Service that says that they can take $2,500 out of your account and keep it if you say something politically incorrect.

The new terms of service was deleted from their website after backlash on social media, but can be seen in part on an archived copy of the page.

The terms are to be implemented on November 3. This is the first time a major bank has threatened to fine people for their behavior, and the legality of this is unclear.

The terms say that if you spread “misinformation” you will get fined for each thing you say. It’s unclear how that would be determined, but one would assume that “the coronavirus pandemic was fake and the vax is what’s deadly” would cost you $5,000, as you are making two factual (i.e., “misinformation”) claims.

Of course, you can also be fined for “hate.”

Two of PayPal’s founders, David Marcus and Elon Musk, spoke out against these new terms.

It’s unclear how PayPal is claiming they will find out about what you are saying. They would presumably have to have a team monitoring social media. How it will work in practice, of course, is that the Anti-Defamation League, an Israeli lobbying group, will send tweets and other comments from social media to someone at PayPal and they will take the money out of your account. Presumably, the money will be funneled, at least in part, to the ADL and other Jewish groups.

PayPal has a long history of working directly with the ADL to censor critics of the Jews and the Jewish agenda. Last year, the ADL announced that PayPal would help them spy on people who question the Jewish agenda. The ADL conveniently classifies questioning the Jews as “extremism.” (Full disclosure: this writer has been classified as an “extremist” by the ADL, when in reality the most “extreme” things he has done in his life are various late night Taco Bell orders, the latest of which was a spicy double steak grilled cheese burrito.)

Questions are arising around the Jewish suppression of freedom of speech in America following Kanye West’s removal from Instagram for “anti-Semitism” and Twitter deleting one of his tweets about the Jews. If Jews are allowed to decide what you are allowed to say, and Jews say you are not allowed to question the Jewish agenda, this presents a very clear-cut conflict of interests.

Clearly, it is not fair to have Jews deciding what you are allowed to say about Jews. However, this brings up the question of why anyone should be deciding what you’re allowed to say about anything. We are then left with the fact that the Jews are the only ones trying to decide what people are allowed to say.

If Jews are able to take your money when you criticize them, then this further incentivizes Jewish harassment of well-meaning people who have questions about the direction in which Jews are steering society.