Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2014
Just look at this.
The ugly and stupid Planet of the Apes President, Barack Obama, has just declared that because the US congress has refused to pass the invasion bill he has been pushing, he will now simply make an authoritarian decree that all Mexican and otherwise brown-skinned invaders be given citizenship and that every other person in Latin America be allowed into the United States.
Almost unbelievably, he cited his own Children’s Crusade going on at the border, where thousands of unaccompanied minors are streaming into the country, as evidence that we need to allow more non-Whites into our country. This program was entirely designed by him, and the Federal Government even went so far as to advertise it, inviting minors to come across.

The low-IQ, primitive monkey President appeared enraged like a small boy as he declared that the only purpose of the US congress was to do what he wanted them to do, and if they refused to do what he wanted them to do, he would do it himself.
These executive orders very much make a person wonder what the purpose of the US congress is. If as soon as a President decides he doesn’t like the laws they are passing he can simply override them, then the congress is only there for show and serves no actual function.
“On my own. Without congress,” the spineless primitive chirps.
Obama is the King now. You must serve the emotional and material needs of this useless trained monkey working for the Jews.
Maybe Congress should just be shut down completely?
This is the death of America. We elected an ape, and he is killing us. There is going to be nothing left.
Oh, but it is then, dear brothers, that we will rise from the ashes.
It is only when hell comes down that the light will shine through.