Daily Slave
June 1, 2014

This is another step in the right direction for Russia. If there are any dual Israeli citizens running around this new law will establish a good foundation for getting rid of these parasites. Granted, this situation might not be fair for certain people but Russia is on a war footing and they’ve been left with little choice but to take such measures. The Jews primarily through American foreign policy in Ukraine have sought to antagonize the Russians so they have to deal swiftly with potential infiltrators and spies.

From Moscow Times:
Russia is about to criminalize failure to declare dual citizenship in what lawmakers say is a bid to crack down on the “fifth column” — and the fifth column is duly scared.
Exposing holders of multiple passports may be the first step to banning dual citizenship, said a holder of U.S. and Russian passports who currently lives on the U.S.’ east coast.
“I am just afraid I will not be able to see my friends and family,” she said. She asked for her name to be withheld from print for fear of getting into trouble with the Russian bureaucracy.
A bill fast-tracked by the State Duma makes not reporting another citizenship to migration authorities punishable with a fine of up to 200,000 rubles ($5,800) or up to 400 hours of community service.
The bill’s authors say it is a preemptive measure against possible subversive action by dissidents in the face of Moscow’s deteriorating relations with the West.
But the legislation is borderline unconstitutional and discriminative, targeting thousands of politically uninvolved citizens in a fit of state paranoia straight out of Soviet textbooks, the bill’s critics say.
“This is just the state meddling in personal affairs through laws widely seen as repressive,” said Svetlana Gannushkina of rights group Memorial.