White Nation Network
May 25, 2014

A gross neglect of the ANC-controlled Far East Rand Hospital caused a white patient- Stefan Le Grange- to be dumped in a corridor without medical help for two days already.
Le Grange was involved in a motorcycle accident on the 17th of May 2014- and was transported with a serious fractured pelvis, broken arm, right ankle hurt, left leg hurt and his body full of laceration marks to the Far East Rand State Hospital. Up to date no doctor or medical staff has attended to him as yet- and he was subsequently left in the corridor without proper medical care where he still is waiting for a doctor to tend to him as this article went on-line.No main-stream liberal media will report on this as it firstly is a white patient- and secondly it will reflect bad on the incapable ANC regime. This unfortunately- is the current status quo of whites in South Africa- and the way the ANC regime treats them with lesser respect than domestic goats.
When family members did an inquiry about his well-being- all they got from the black medical personnel is that ” the doctor only will be available on Monday!” They are very rude to the family whenever the family contact the hospital. His family are very concerned about him and even launched a frantic request on the social site Facebook if anybody could assist them in getting a doctor to the injured Stefan before serious complications set in his open wounds and fractured pelvis that might cause a vital organ seizure. Stefan is not the first case where white patients are been neglected by these black hospital personnel- and this seems to be done on purpose with a racist undertone. Further-more are the hospitals in a very bad state due to mismanagement, arrears payments by the ANC regime to suppliers- and a brain drain of intelligent doctors and medical personnel since the racist ANC implemented “Affirmative Action” reversed apartheid laws against whites.

Facebook friends are currently trying to assist the family. A white paramedic responded to the call for help on Facebook- and are now on his way with a colleague to determine the seriousness of the fractures- upon which he will send information as what to do next. In the hope that help could be summonsed before gangrene or more serious problems occur- the parents of Stefan sent their contact numbers to social sites. Anybody that could be of assistance are requested to contact his family by:
His father Wayne Le Grange @ 082 979 5892 or-
His sister Jillian @ 072 657 6981