Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2015

Feminism has always mainly been about women getting gang-raped by non-Whites. It is their fantasy. It’s why they never complain or talk about the epidemic of Moslem-on-White rape in Europe, or the correlating epidemic of Black-on-White rape in America.
So these statements in an email from Bahar Mustafa, a “queer feminist” and Goldsmith’s University Diversity Officer of “#KillAllWhiteMen” fame, to Pamela Geller, a Jew anti-Islam activist, are not especially surprising to me.

In the email, posted on Geller’s site, she writes:
You deserve to be raped in every hole by hordes of muslims, slapping and choking you, spitting in your mouth and pissing in ya face
#Gamergate activists are constantly being attacked by hateful dykes for their rape jokes. So how do we deal with a feminist icon (yes, she is that, all of these liberals came out and supported her over her various drama over the last year) coming out and making a “rape threat” (not actually a threat, but this is how they are always framed by dykes – Geller herself is calling this a “threat”) against another female?
Probably, it’s okay, because although rape jokes are “sexist” somehow, only a man can be sexist. Also, a racist White (Jew, in fact) woman is a valid target for “rape threats.” I would think.