Insight – Daily Stormer The Most Censored Publication in History Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:47:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Memetic Monday: Wednesday Edition: I’m Still Here Wed, 19 Feb 2025 08:58:33 +0000

Just to be clear, I’m still here.

I needed a minute.

But I said I’d do the memes. Also, I’m gonna publish something soon. Something fun. Might be retarded. Idk. I have no idea how people will take it. Something I wrote a long time ago, but am just now editing. It’s been long enough since I wrote it that I can’t remember reading it and it seems very funny, but we’ll see. Then I have some other things that will take longer. I’m also serious about weekly or maybe twice weekly (bi-weekly? None know the meaning of that word) normal essays like I always did, but which were suffocated by the news when I had no staff and had to work a job for money.

I think overall, people will be happy. Some people won’t be. Some will. Possibly more unhappy than happy. Idk. Don’t really care very much at this point tbh.

Oh and yeah, I’ll redo the cover of the site, make it more blog-like. And yes, I will link some kind of “best of” archive. At some point. Right now, I’ve got things going on. I’m juggling wheels within wheels. It feel like since quitting this news bullshit, and then literally turning off the news (unless it has to do with the Ukraine war), I’ve gotten a boost of creative energy. I’m literally dreaming more. What does that mean, I wonder? Does newsmedia somehow suppress dreams? Is that possible? Is it probable? It must necessarily suppress creativity and suffocate the soul, but I think everyone already knew that.

Anyway, regarding doing something different, this is what I decided: it’s better to fail than not try. I don’t think it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all (unless you lost her on the bottom of a lake after she threatened to divorce you). But with work, specifically creative work, you have to know what is in you, how far you can max it out. Actually, I don’t think that is special for creative work. I think whatever your work is, if you don’t max it out, you’ll never know what you’re capable of. And maxing it involves max risk.

Of course, I don’t have any risk. My website is still up. I can just go back to doing this at any time. People already offered me huge sums of money to keep doing it, which was tempting, because that was a big part of the problem in my mind, but I don’t think it is anymore. Now it’s about these other projects I want to do, and seeing if they work.

Again, I’m releasing one thing soon, just finishing the editing, but I don’t really want it to speak for future projects, it’s just a silly thing and editing it has gotten me in the mindset of editing, which is the most important part of writing anything of consequence, and something that specifically and explicitly was never a part of anything on the Daily Stormer, as evidenced by these several paragraphs here. Anyway, excited to share.

Editor’s Pick of the Week:


The Primo Collection:

Alright, I’m Out Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:00:23 +0000

I was hoping to keep working on the news for a few more weeks and produce some kind of grand finale, but I’ve decided I’m too burned out and really don’t care much for grand finales anyway.

So, I’m officially quitting the daily news. Right now. This is now the Irregular Stormer.

The Sunday article might not have been clear, but I think the Monday one clarified things.

But I feel the need to do so once more.

To summarize, everything about doing the news every day has become bad:

  • It doesn’t have any real ability to reach beyond the current audience, because of censorship making discovery effectively impossible
  • It uses up all the energy I could be spending on other things
  • It’s not making any money
  • The site has become a content farm for people who steal my ideas, totally sanitize them (and make millions of dollars)

The key is the censorship. The whole design of the site was based on plans I made before I became the most censored person in human history.

The one time Google wasn’t censoring me for a few hours, I went to the very top box of Google News with a bullshit throwaway news blip with a couple mid-tier jokes. The audience for my ideas is massive, but when social media sites ban links to the site, and it is impossible for anything to ever come up on a search engine (even if you type “daily stormer,” you can’t find the site before the third page of Google, so nothing is ever going to come up on a keyword), there is just not really anywhere to go.

What I want to clarify is that I am not giving up and “letting them win” by responding to the censorship. In the current situation, they are winning. Yes, the site gets a lot of traffic, but very little of it is new people being exposed to the material. I’ve been locked in a ghetto, where I can keep shouting into a void (I know you people aren’t a void, but you understand my meaning). I think it was stubbornness that kept me from reaching this conclusion years ago. There are things I could be doing that would reach more people, or at least different people.

And, of course, as a part of the censorship, I was banned from all banking, globally, for the rest of my life. And money does matter, and I do need to focus on that more, which means doing a completely different job, because so few people will bother to use crypto. The stuff that I’ve been doing for money is more fun than doing the news, actually. Some of it I can reveal at some point in the future, and everyone will be very amused.

The only possible reasons for continuing become very convoluted: for example, I’ve giving people takes on the news which they spread with their friends and family and that spreads the message. This is a stretch. Or I’m influencing influencers. But they aren’t saying what I’m saying in the way I’m saying it, or they’d be banned like I am (unless they’re mixing it with some poison pills and fed affiliations).

I’m going to keep the site alive. I’m going to do weekly memes, and write essays a couple times per week, or at least once a week. I might do a podcast and/or see if Rumble will let me do streams (they’re the only site that hasn’t banned anyone yet, but I’ve never tried it out).

People have nagged me about doing a podcast, doing longer articles, writing books, and so on, and I think people do not understand the amount of time it takes to read all this news, then think about it, then write about it. Then working a totally separate series of jobs for money. It’s not reasonable to expect more out of me than this. So I think people are going to end up with much better content, just less of it.

I have all these notes for novels, but it takes so much time, and it takes a focus of energies. The same is true for nonfiction books. After doing everything I do right now, and have been doing for well over a decade, there isn’t time for things that would not only be better, and more personally engaging, but that would potentially reach a much broader audience or at least a different audience. I can write very well, if given the time, and people passing around electronic copies of my books, outlining my materials in a structured format, will create a different audience than one that takes the time to come to the site every day to get deep into the esoterica of it all.

I’ll be around. I post on this forum sometimes (it also has a lot of news). I’m going to get to all of your messages and emails soon as well. There are a lot and I haven’t really gotten to many of them. And anyway, I’ll be back on Monday with memes.

Obviously, I do not have the ability to stop writing. I’m not going to get “writer’s block,” whatever that is. As some dead asshole once said, I have a manic need to see words running across the page.

Don’t worry.

Right now, I’m trying to relax.

I would advise you all to do the same.

I’m Not Actually Quitting Mon, 10 Feb 2025 07:54:45 +0000
People keep asking me for a recent photo to prove I’m alive. This is from last night, after the game.

On Sunday, I wrote a piece explaining I was quitting the weekly news.

That was just a big joke. I was just trolling you. I’m just going to keep writing inane items about pointless news updates until I die in poverty from liver disease at the age of 61, at which point, management of the website will be turned over to my brain tumor.

No, no. I’m joking. I am quitting the news, but I don’t think the thing I wrote was totally clear on what that means. Here I will give a clear, concise, tight explanation of future plans.

Basically, I’m done doing daily news updates, saying things that are really obvious to me over and over again. The reason I was doing this is because that’s what keeps people visiting the site every day. But it doesn’t really matter if people visit the site every day. Those people already understand most of this stuff. Because of the censorship, there is no way to really grow the readership. Not only am I personally banned on every social media website, you can’t link the site on any social media website, and I am effectively totally de-listed on Google. The only way to get to the site is to type the URL in the search bar. How can anyone new ever find the site? It’s virtually impossible.

So I’m not spreading a message in a meaningful way. Basically, I’m just entertaining the same group of people every day. I’m not getting anything out of it personally, and although I have some fun, it largely feels like a slog. And I’m not getting paid. So the single reason to keep doing this would be to entertain this static group of people, the overwhelming majority of whom will not pay me.

Frankly, I’m glad people aren’t paying, at this point. For a long time, it was frustrating. Like, “come on, bro, wtf, you’re reading this shit every day, that’s like 2 hours of your week, just send me $25 a year, seriously bro, wtf, why?” But the thing is: if every reader was throwing me $25 a year, I’d be paying for the site and making a respectable living, and I would just keep doing it until I was dead. Obviously, money is not anywhere close to my primary concern, or I wouldn’t be doing this ridiculous self-destructive behavior, running this website and totally ruining my life. But if there was steady and reliable money, honestly, I think I would keep doing it, because at least I’m keeping a record of the truth and so on.

But now, there’s nothing holding me back, and I can push myself into something else, which is actually going to result in something much more interesting. I have all these things I want to do, and the work on this site has largely prevented me from having the time to do them. Like, for example, I have this novel, which you will like (or maybe you’ll hate it and think it’s shit, I don’t know), which I need 200 hours to finish. Approximately. If I cut this news, I can do that, maybe first. I can also do my normal, simple book, just outlining the truth about all of these various issues in a more refined and professional way. I can write this book about Indians (feather, not dot – I already wrote my book about dot Indians and it was just two words: “NUKE IT.”)

The thing I want to make clear is that the site is not going away. I have a very particular set of skills. I can produce 50,000 words a week, all of them good. So I’m going to keep the site alive, posting longer, better essays every week, maybe two, one, three, whatever. I might also write shorter things about current events that I want to write about. More or less, it’s going to stop being a daily news site, and more of a blog. Basically, I think most people will think the site is better. It’s possible I’ll get some other writers, and try to get something new up every day, so people can still check it every morning and find something fresh. But I’m not committing to that right now.

I will, for the time-being, commit to continuing to post Memetic Monday, along with some essays, maybe some other stuff, and of course, I will keep people updated about the books. I might also do a weekly podcast, though I’m not going to commit to that. Yet. I would like to make money, but it would be difficult to make less money than I do now, regardless of what I do.

I am also planning on taking a significant vacation, where I won’t post anything because I’m going to be in a cabin in the woods, brooding like some kind of vile psychopath. But I’m going to wait until summer.

Also, to be clear, this is going to wind down. I am not stopping today. I haven’t set a date. But I’m going to stop with the news articles, at some point, maybe the end of the month.

I’m actually really excited. It felt very liberating to finally pull the trigger after having worked this through in my head six million times over and realizing that if I want to push my goals, which include white supremacy and ridding the West of the Jew pest, along with other important missions, I need to be doing something different than lounging around in this ghetto, wasting my genius on pointless news items that actually affect nothing.

They would affect something, or rather my commentary would, if people were seeing it, but it’s all just you guys seeing it. See above reasoning: the only way for someone new to start reading this website is to be told about it either in person, like I guess at a bar or a coffee shop or something, or to receive a link by email. You can’t send links on Twitter or Facebook, even in private messages (at least on Facebook; I haven’t confirmed it on Twitter, but the block rules are usually the same for public posting and DMs). On Google, if you just type “Daily Stormer,” you have to scroll to I think page three to find the site. No one gets any of the keywords, ever, it’s all buried.

I am the greatest. One time, when the domain switched because the Rwandans sold me out (even though I gave them the idea to invade the DRC), I got a new domain that was not blocked by Google and some throwaway crap I wrote ended up at the top of Google News.

Previously, my underlying premise was that I needed to keep doing this in order to prove that the censorship didn’t work. But the censorship obviously did work. I can keep a couple million readers, okay, but these are the same people. Then the logic becomes that these people will spread the ideas, and of course all of these influencers copy my material, so I thought that’s worthwhile. Maybe it is worthwhile, sort of, but I am the master of analysis, and the ultimate redpiller, and I can do a lot better than this.

Right now, most of the articles do not stand on their own. They are meant to be read together, over a period of time, so you start to learn the themes and understand where I’m going with all of this. That is a great model, which I invented, but it can only be effective if the site can be spread through social media and search.

What I have come to understand is that the censorship has locked me down, and the fact that I’m keeping the site online, and soldiering on, is just keeping me from doing other things, which could have a bigger impact.

Books can be spread as e-books, and passed around wherever. Longer and more polished essays can be spread around in various ways, reposted on other sites.

Having the time to do fiction, which I am a bit shy about but which I think is going to be very well received, also provides another point of entry. I’m not writing political fiction, by the way. I’m not writing the Turner Diaries. I want to write stuff that is edgy, and has themes that resonate with my philosophies, but I’m not going to write political fiction, because that is gay and it sucks. I mean, the Turner Diaries is sort of awesome and hilarious, but it’s frankly a bit ridiculous as well. But this stuff will be good. I can promise you that. No, I can’t promise that, actually. It could be garbage. But the two fiction pieces I’ve published here I wrote in a couple hours with no editing and I think they were quite a bit of fun, and people asked for more.


Those were definitely not great. But it’s because fiction requires a lot more work than just spewing your thoughts out. I wrote those stories like I write articles. They could be much better.

I recently had a dream about moving in a house with an old friend and there was a door in the basement that led to a place where all of the people we knew from our lives lived in an ideal form in a kind of paradise, which sort of looked like Oz or where the Teletubbies live, and we went there and everyone was kind and lovely, then my friend went in and started murdering them. Then people in robes who were in an order that protects the fabric of realities came and put us both on trial. I have the notes, it doesn’t really totally make sense, but there was something there, and if I had 20 hours, instead of the standard 3 hours I get for a long essay, I could make something out of it. I would need to figure out what exactly it meant. It had to do with innocence, and the fact that the only reason people hurt other people is that someone else hurt them, and you have this cycle that goes back to Cain killing Abel, where people do evil things to others because evil things were done to them, and how we’re really all just like scared children in this world.

I also had a dream a few weeks ago about this hostel where people do sick sexual shit with each other, use each other up, and then they become plants that an old woman cares for. I fell in love with this beautiful girl, and she told me we would get married and live in a house with so many children, and grow old together, and then we fell asleep together and I woke up to a noise and peeked through a door to see her getting gang-banged in a candlelit room with pentagrams in it by men in animal masks. Then the next day, I realized she’d become a plant, and the old woman told me “don’t worry dear, I will see that she’s watered.” Then I drove away in an old VW Bug, and then looked down at my hands on the wheel to see they were turning brown and there were leaves beginning to grow from my flesh. I then realized that I hadn’t been watching the gang-bang, but actually participating in it. The meaning in this was more straightforward: people surrendering their souls to the desires of the flesh, the way we can give up the things that are sacred for fleeting indulgences, and we beings with eternal souls end up being nothing more than dust to go into the ground, feeding the plants, and that even having used ourselves up, our atomic structure goes back into the earth to create more life. But that is a bit grotesque, that one. Frankly, the one about the basement portal with my friend murdering all of these sweet innocent people was also pretty grotesque.

The point is, those were not the best dreams I’ve had. I have all kinds of dreams. The good ones I wouldn’t share here, because if I tell people about a story I want to do, it sort of ruins my ability to write it most of the time. But I’ve got all of the best dreams, folks, with the most interesting themes, that are not about like, “now that the government has fallen, we have to kill all the niggers because of the Aryan race and the beauty of our women, I’ve been divorced five times but I have a sweet compound with a frigging gun range, and I’m not saying blow up the federal building because your skin is your uniform.”

I would actually write a parody of a right-wing political novel. But right now, I have an almost finished parody of a romance novel, which I am a bit concerned women will actually get off on, but that is basically already finished. I have all of the things.

If I can’t keep up daily articles, then I’m going to have to change the name of the site to “Intermittent Stormer.”

The real question is, will I continue to publish rambling ridiculous garbage that just goes in circles and barely makes sense while half drunk after the Super Bowl, drinking White Monster because I feel like I need to constantly, even the day after I said I was not going to do this? “Hey, it’s the middle of the night, I’m half drunk, let me juice up, maybe put a double scoop of preworkout in for good measure, then write a repetitive circular nonsense thing that goes on forever about how I’m going to stop writing things like this.”

Oh, I thought of a top notch joke a few minutes ago, before I started writing this (27 minutes ago, according to the timestamp, 2,300 words of totally worthless garbage that will drain me of all of my creative energies for the next four hours): “I like my women how I like my Monster: white and full of mood-altering chemicals.”

But the real reveal here is: I was going to bet the farm on the Chiefs, because this whole thing has been so completely rigged, this big satanic ordeal with Taylor the Tranny and Pfizer Trav ensuring the threefer because of crooked refs and the NFL now being basically a much more boring version of pro-wrestling. Then I realized, right before making a bet, that the vibe has changed across the board, and the bluepilled wokesters are going to have to flee to their safespace, so Tay was going to lose. And even if she wasn’t, I wasn’t putting money on The Devil’s Chiefs of Kikesus Shitty. So I moved my “farm” chip to the “Not Taylor” box, and then watched the Chiefs get wrecked like Tranny Tay would wreck the women’s beachball team. I want to thank Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels, and Jose Canseco for making this decision for me.

Basically, I doubled the farm, and now I can retire, and I’m not only not writing the news, I’m not writing anything. I’m going into complete retirement right in the middle of my midlife crisis. I’m typing this in the front seat of the brand new Z06 I just bought, as I’m driving with my knees and winking at the 14-year-old Mongolian girl I successfully bride-kidnapped from some shithole village.

My new whip. As Marcus Aurelius said in Meditations: “Every midlife crisis is a midlife opportunity to ball out.”
The village where I pulled up outside the high school and found the top chick and said: “If you wanna go and take a ride with me, we 3-wheeling in the fo’ with the gold Ds. Oh, why do I live this way?”

We swooped through Dubai and I just dropped a few hundies on this bad bitch’s negress-style nails, we hit the mall and “shawty” is decked out in “drip” that is “pure fire.”

Kids these days smdh.

I Think I’m Ready to Wrap This Up Sun, 09 Feb 2025 05:07:10 +0000

During the most serious illness of my life, which inexplicably coincided with the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, I experienced an intense series of dreams and visions which overlapped with the real world, there in my red room. I still don’t know if some of the conversations I had during that period were real or imagined. I assume the ones I had with dead people were imagined, though I wouldn’t bet my life on it. Along with a burst of creative energy, whatever it is that happened to me in this period has resulted in a series of deep personal reflections, many of which are only now starting to clarify in my mind.

I’ve come to believe that this experience was a message, from God and His angels, calling on me to look at the first half of my life, to realize it is half finished, and decide what I want to do with the second half in order that I may die with a meaningful legacy. As this is going to affect my work, it’s only right I share it with the reader.

In 2010, at the age of 25, having spent nearly a year living in a jungle reading books and learning how to track wild pig, I walked the twenty-five miles to the village where I could hire a motor cycle to take me to a place with electricity. Speaking in the second language I’d learned, I told my jungle friends I’d be back. Maybe I thought that was true, but it wasn’t. Disillusioned with the primitivist ideology I’d come to believe in, finding the jungle and its denizens a terrible bore, I went to live in a bamboo hut on the beach for six months, and continued to read, continued to build my understanding of themes I’d read about in the jungle, honing a new vision of man’s place that would stay with me for the remainder of my years.

In late 2011, while living in an $8 a night hotel in Belgrade, I started a blog dealing with historical revisionism and far-right politics. It became popular very quickly, filling a void no one knew existed.

After blogging for a couple years, I came up with the idea of a large-scale news website, which would have a big staff, and become one of the largest alternative media websites on the internet, offering unfiltered truth with a large dose of humor. On July 4, 2013, I launched the Daily Stormer.

The period between 2014 and August of 2017 was one of the best periods of my life. The energy was incredible, and I felt I was tapping into the lifeblood of the creative force of the universe, gorging on it. The site’s traffic was exploding exponentially, the memes we were spreading becoming a mainstay of youth culture. Everything was going according to plan.

Then, after the Charlottesville event, which I somehow ended up being blamed for even though I wasn’t there and had no role in planning it, a censorship machine that no one even knew existed came down on me. I was offered ways out, which I assume you can imagine. But like Giles Corey, I said: “more weight.”

I don’t regret any of it. I did the right thing and you’d have to have something wrong with you to regret doing the right thing. But the dream was dead. There was no longer any viability to a plan to turn my vision of news reporting into a major media brand.

What’s more, it completely ruined my life, beyond what most people could comprehend. A lot of that is known about, publicly, and you can look it up. The worst parts are not known, and won’t be for a while. Eventually, I can tell that story.

In the years since the dream died, there’s been a lot of reflection. I started writing this provocative, controversial, and often vulgar daily news material when I was a young man. I’m now in middle age. The site can’t make money, it can’t grow in any meaningful way. That reflection has become more intense in recent years, as I have other things I want to work on and feel that what I am doing on this site has lost much of the energy that made it great in the first place.

I want to make it clear that a handful of donors have been extraordinarily generous. You know who you are, and I can’t put into words how much I appreciate it, and love you for it. But ultimately, most of that money had to be spent on the expenses that came along with running a site that is sanctioned, while being dogged by the feds. Some of those expenses are public record, but the bigger ones are not, and I’m not really comfortable explaining the details. Perceptive people can probably imagine it.

The site remains influential, as anyone who reads it and watches the rest of the right-wing media is aware. My ideas are first sanitized and then spread by all kinds of popular influencers. People have made millions of dollars using my materials. But the fact that my ideas are sanitized before being distributed by people who don’t want to get banned from everything often strips them of their original intent.

Years ago, realizing that the donation model was not working, I started doing other work, and I’ve been pretty successful. But I’m left wondering: if I’ve already pushed this format to its limit, if the readership doesn’t care enough to try to keep this site online, if the most important ideas are not reaching a larger audience and are instead simply serving as entertainment for people already in the know, then what exactly am I doing here?

When the site was launched, I had a 30-year plan, where I would work my ass off for the first few years, then hire a staff and have time for other projects. That all became impossible in 2017, and the primary mission became simply keeping the site online. For another eight years, I was left writing 70 articles a week.

Am I going to be doing this when I’m 60? 80? Could my talents not be put to better use elsewhere? I was blessed with a set of skills, and those skills are not being used to their best effect anymore.

Hearing about boomers in their mid-life crises, and reading Bonfire of the Vanities in my late teens and seeing the details of it painted in a way only Tom Wolfe could, I dismissed the entire concept as ridiculous, as I couldn’t imagine ever needing a young mistress and a race car to relive a youth I never thought much of in the first place. As I entered middle age, I realized that the real midlife crisis is an analysis of what you’ve done and what you still have time to do, in order to have maxed out your potential. A catalog of vulgar news items peppered here and there with a few interesting essays (which were generally mediocre because I didn’t have the time or energy to edit them) is not the legacy I want. I’m very proud of the work, and don’t mean to demean it, but I believe I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

The daily grind of running this site has taken a toll on my personal life. Exile is not hell, and my life is a lot more fun and exciting than most people’s, but the constant pressure has left my personal life in disarray. I don’t want to end up like Hunter S. Thompson, a brilliant writer who did all his best work in his thirties, then drank himself into oblivion before blowing his brains out in a shed on his farm. I have things I need to address, and I owe it to myself to find a better balance.

When the donation money dried up after I switched to Monero as the primary donation method, I began working on other writing projects for money, which have been much more professional and very successful. Applying things I’ve learned there to future writings in the political space would require me to get out of the daily grind that the current state of this website necessitates. I had never really edited my work before, and over the last three years, I’ve learned how to do that.

I have no doubt I’ve broken various records for word count output, and I doubt anyone is ever going to beat that record now that AI exists and can be used for this purpose. Now, I would like to focus on more polished material.

To be clear, I haven’t made any decisions yet. Ultimately, what I am trying to do is cut out these daily news updates. That has been the heart of the project, but I just don’t think I can do it anymore. I’m bored and I’ve become boring.

Regardless of the decision I end up making, I’m definitely not going to take the site offline, and I am going to keep publishing my writings here. I will use the site to publish longer and more polished essays, as well as books and potentially a podcast. I’ll probably also go ahead and keep posting the weekly memes. This would be after a three-month hunting trip, which I am going to need to clear my head and figure a few things out.

For the time-being, the site will keep going as it is, but it’s only right to reveal now that over the last year and a half, primarily since my illness, when I was flooded by God with images and ideas, my heart has not really been in this project, and after a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that the daily news project is probably going to have to wrap-up in the not too distant future.

I love you all, and I thank you all for joining me on this long, strange trip. I expect you all to join me in the next phase.


I’d like to hear from readers on this.

You can hit me up on the Session app:


Or at the email:

There may be some angle here I’m missing. No final decision has been made, officially.

Poll: Republican Support for Elon Musk Drops from 47% to 26% Fri, 07 Feb 2025 11:50:15 +0000

.@JaredEMoskowitz: In November, polls showed that 47% of Republicans wanted Elon Musk very involved with the government. Today that number is 26%

— FactPost (@factpostnews) February 6, 2025

This is a result of both Elon’s demands for infinity H-1B visas, and his claims that white people are inferior to Indians and are simply not smart enough to work in tech.

It is also a result of the Fraud Gamer scandal, which proved that Elon Musk is a total fraud, and cannot be trusted to be honest about anything at all, given that he is willing to lie so brazenly about something as irrelevant as video game achievements.

You would have to have never heard of either of these scandals in order to still be a supporter of Elon Musk. I can imagine that 26% of Republicans didn’t hear of these scandals, meaning that if the media had done a better job reporting these things, Musk’s support would be at 0% among Republicans.

The Guardian:

A new poll suggests Republican support for Elon Musk’s upending of US government systems has been shaken, even as the world’s richest man aims a wrecking ball at even more federal agencies including the labor department.

The number of Republicans who want Musk and his self-styled “department of government efficiency” (Doge) to have “a lot” of influence in the Trump administration has fallen significantly to 26%, according to the Economist/YouGov poll conducted this week, reported by the Hill.

The same poll taken in the days immediately following Trump’s November election win revealed that enthusiasm among Republicans for Musk’s role stood at 47%.

The disquiet also appears to have spread to a number of Republican senators, who have begun voicing alarm at Musk’s tightening grip. The billionaire has moved to shutter the US Agency for International Development (USAid), and accessed payment systems and workers’ personal data at the US Treasury, prompting a lawsuit and an order from justice department lawyers to back off, at least temporarily.

One out of two supporters no longer supports him. Since November.

That is a popularity slump like nothing we’ve ever seen, especially given that the Trump administration as a whole is still in the “honeymoon” phase, and is actually doing a serious amount of work to deliver on promises with all these executive orders.

This is a “free fall.”

I used to love zoomer slang when it was all “fr fr on God no cap” and “vibe check on the drip,” but then when it got into this “take the L” and “who’s gonna tell her” language, I began to despise them and seek their total annihilation.

Exhibit A:

She may be a dumb bitch, but she’s right about Elon Musk, and she’s probably actually smarter than he is. Maybe by definition she is smarter than he is, as she has done gaming streams and did not try to pretend to be one of the best gamers on earth.

And further:

It presumably requires some intelligence to keep your supporters happy, no?

Elon Musk very easily could have just not said that H-1B thing, not organized a gaming fraud that exposed his entire life as a fraud. But he decided to go ahead and do those things, because he’s stupid.

JD Vance is defending him. You don’t hear much from this guy, because Trump hates him, but he comes out to try to rescue Elon.

Vance should remember that the last person who defended Musk was the ratty Indian Vivek Ramaswamy, who got rewarded with being kicked out of the administration and is likely to be deported.

Vance might not be able to be kicked out of the administration, per se, but his wife and kids can and should be deported, and he should be forced by Trump into an arranged marriage with that fishface chick from “The Witch.”

Trump will say: “You like barn wenches, Vance? Well, we’ve got you a real beauty this time, now that I had to deport your wife back to her shithole. She’s got one eye on you at all times, and I’m making signals to her in her other eye.”

And then Vance will be like: “Mr. President, I hoped you would be considering the true beauty, Zendaya, as my betrothed.”

And Trump will say: “Pfft,” and walk out of the room, leaving Vance with his Lovecraftian fish-woman.

Meanwhile, Trump just vastly restricted the powers of Musk’s meme organization.


Lawyers with the US Justice Department have agreed to a proposed order that would temporarily restrict the Elon Musk-led Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) from accessing sensitive financial data at the Treasury Department.

The move by the administration of US President Donald Trump late on Wednesday comes in response to a lawsuit by a group of union members and retirees accusing the Treasury of engaging in “unlawful action” by providing information on payments and private data to DOGE.

“The Defendants will not provide access to any payment record or payment system of records maintained by or within the Bureau of the Fiscal Service,” the proposed order read.

You might say “oh, well, there was a lawsuit.” But Trump always fights these lawsuits. He just went along with this one, because of Musk’s drastically dropping popularity.

Elon is headed towards zero support. He not only did those two big scandals, but he managed them horribly, using censorship on Twitter to try to mitigate the damage of both scandals, making the situations much worse, and proving that his “free speech” claims were a complete scam, nothing but a branding exercise.

He also made a very bad choice by banning yours truly, as I am the most influential commentator on the right-wing. You can believe that or not, but it doesn’t matter what you believe, because it’s true. While I may only have a few million monthly readers (which is not nothing), everything I say here trickles down and gets ripped off by everyone. If this website did not exist, the entire narrative would be completely different, and if Musk had not banned me from Twitter, my narrative about him would have been completely different.

Do you know that not only am I banned, but sharing links to Daily Stormer is banned sitewide on Twitter? I didn’t even remember that until someone brought it up the other day, but anyone with a Twitter account can go try it.

I’m also told that if you try to post “dailystormer[DOT]in” and tell people to replace the [DOT] with a dot, you can be banned for that.

Crossing me will go down as the worst mistake Elon Musk ever made. I offered my support, all the way back in 2022, and he rejected it. Now, he is reaping the whirlwind.

What Does Trump Mean That the US Will “Own Gaza”? Wed, 05 Feb 2025 08:43:38 +0000

From the time it became obvious that Donald Trump was going to win the 2024 election, I said that this whole thing was going to be about Israel. We’d be lucky to get a few things from him, but it would be the Israel administration.

However, when he came in, he made a point to push for a ceasefire in Gaza and an Israeli pullout of the Palestinian territory, which couldn’t really be framed as a good thing for Bibi Netanyahu and his war effort, as it was effectively a surrender to Hamas.

On Tuesday, Bibi became the first foreign leader to visit the White House under the new Trump administration, and during a press conference they held together, Trump announced that the US – not Israel, but the US – is going to “own” Gaza, and all of the people living there now will be removed.

“The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too,” Trump told reporters.

He said that “if necessary,” he would deploy US troops to the territory. It’s not clear how there could be a situation where that would not be necessary.

“I do see a long-term ownership position and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East,” he said, adding that Gaza would become the “Riviera of the Middle East.”

He said that the Palestinians living in Gaza would be moved to Egypt and Jordan.

These are incredibly shocking statements, which do not even seem to make sense.

What exactly is he talking about doing? Sending in the US military to do a complete ethnic cleansing of the area, and then making it a US colony? What else could this mean?

It lines up with statements made by Trump’s Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner last year, who called for removal of the population and developing the real estate of Gaza.

However, at that time, you would have assumed he was talking about Israel doing the development (at least the Israeli state managing it, while most of the money would likely come from American-Jew investors). Calling for it to be turned into a US territory is something no one had even thought of. I had not thought of it. This is very extreme. It is more extreme than helping the Jews to take it over.

As the Jews found out over the past year and a half, it is not easy to remove Hamas. If you then add the mission of removing nearly two million people who do not want to leave, this becomes a massive military operation that will take years.

The rest of the Middle East is also going to rise up against this. Most concerningly, it will trigger a US war with Iran.

No one in the Trump base wants another major Middle Eastern war, other than maybe some evangelical cultists. This is a total Jew thing. The US has zero interest in Gaza, and there is no possible way that the other states in the region can be convinced to go along with this.

It appears that Trump came in with this barrage of executive orders targeting immigrants, trannies, and others for the purpose of hyping up the base so he could drop this Jewish insanity bomb on them.

If this is really the plan, this is going to define the entirety of the four years to come, and many years after that. There is not any quick solution to subduing the entire Middle East, and war with Iran will be much worse than the very long war with Iraq.

This appeared to be an official announcement by Donald Trump of a plan he has formed with the Israelis. But nothing was explained. The reporters did not take the opportunity to get him to elaborate in any meaningful way. I’m sure he’ll be questioned further in the future, but as of right now, this does not make any clear sense.

Obviously, we still need to take anything good we can get from Donald Trump. But this is an unveiling of the direction the administration is going to go in, which is exactly what we expected, given the amount of money Trump received from the Jews, and given that the US electoral system is fake and the only way Trump was able to win was that the Jews wanted him to win.

Again, we don’t understand what this means yet, but if it means what it sounds like it means, this is a war that could require a military draft. Iran is a very big country, and there is just going to be violence everywhere in the Middle East when there is video seen everywhere of US troops going in and forcibly marching people out of Gaza.

This is happening at the same time that Israel is making bigger moves in the West Bank, and if you’re going to remove the people of Gaza, there is no reason not to remove the people of the West Bank as well.

After Trump’s statements, Saudi Arabia quickly issued a statement saying that this would make normalization with Israel impossible. If it is actually US troops on the ground forcing out the Palestinians, which is what Trump apparently just said was going to happen, it would cause a total fallout of US relations with Saudi and others in the Gulf.

China issued a statement demanding this doesn’t happen, and the US implement a two-state solution. That is obviously their position, as the Chinese have always defended Palestine, but the reality of the situation is that if the US gets bogged down in a massive war in the Middle East, they are not going to present any threat to China.

The war that Trump is apparently proposing would be the last gasp of the US empire. It would drain it of all remaining resources, and turn whatever remaining support it has around the world into hatred. That’s a good thing.

Everything is going according to plan.

People should read the article I published Sunday if they missed it. It’s about trying to get jobs in the Trump administration. When this empire comes crashing down, we are going to need people inside of the government, with credibility, to reshape a new government, and now is the time for right-wing people to get into these institutions.

It’s going to be a wild ride.

Memetic Monday: I’m Lucky To’ve Met You Mon, 03 Feb 2025 15:19:50 +0000

I’m burned out, bro.

I took too many red pills and then got addicted to red pills and then I crashed out.

Here’s the Editor’s Pick of the Week:

And the Runner-Up:

Finally, the Primo Collection:

The Opportunity Ahead: Seizing Power in the Trump Era Sun, 02 Feb 2025 05:00:16 +0000

There are various views on why Donald Trump was permitted to win the 2024 election, given that we know that the Democrats had the mechanism available to manipulate the results. I have my own theories about what happened there, but none of it is actually relevant anymore. Trump is now in the White House, and the rapid changes underway are creating unprecedented opportunities for those on the right who want to reshape the direction of the country.

Although mainstream Republicans may not fully align with the views of more extreme factions, their anger over the left’s actions during the Biden years has made them largely indifferent to concerns about the “far-right.” For example, a popular UFC fighter recently made comments defending Adolf Hitler, and the response has been largely positive, with most people defending his right to free speech, even if they don’t agree with his statements. This is a totally new world we’ve entered into, a direct result of leftist overreach.

While it’s exciting to engage in online discourse and shift the public narrative, real power lies in government. And right now, there’s a unique opportunity to enter government service, even if you might have some spicy tweets on your record that come up in the vetting process.

In 2017, any attempts for the far-right to gain access to state power were derailed by the Charlottesville debacle, which was organized by feds for the specific purpose of sidelining the hardline base of the American right. This time, we are getting a do-over.

A Call to Action

If you’re an American with any qualifications, now is the time to apply for jobs in the Trump Administration or run for local office on an “anti-woke” platform. The field is wide open. Assess your skills and qualifications, then visit government websites to submit your resume. While you might take a pay cut, government experience is valuable for your future career. More importantly, if you play your cards right, you could rise through the ranks and wield real influence.

If you lack specific qualifications, consider running for local office. Position yourself as a “self-made” working-class hero fighting against the woke agenda. This narrative resonates with many voters and can help you gain traction.

Navigating the Process

It’s crucial to keep certain views private. Avoid discussing controversial topics like race and IQ or other hot-button issues. Stick to mainstream conservative talking points about wokeness, immigration, foreign influence, and economic prosperity.

Trump is currently firing hundreds of thousands of government employees, which means there will be a massive need to fill those roles. Even with minimal qualifications, you can secure one of these jobs by expressing your support for Trump’s agenda and your desire to help “Make America Great Again.”

Here are a few of the avenues through which you can apply for a job in the Trump government:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to Donald J. Trump’s campaign website and fill out the general application. By providing your phone number, you consent to receive communications from the Trump National Committee JFC, Inc.
  2. Apply Through USA Jobs: Apply via USA Jobs. These positions often include unpaid internships for students, offering valuable experience in history, public policy, and the presidency.
  3. Submit Resumes and Recommendations: If you might be qualified for a political appointment, send your resume and policy recommendations to the Office of Presidential Personnel. The Partnership for Public Service provides a platform for submitting materials intended for the Trump administration.

This is list of available department jobs from

If you have a college degree and you’ve ever done any job at all, you likely qualify for one of those job areas.

Again: Trump is moving to fire hundreds of thousands of government workers, and they’re going to have to hire people to fill these jobs. Even if they cut a lot of the jobs, we’re still talking about hundreds of thousands of job openings, and if you know the basic script of what the Trump people are looking for, this is going to be very easy.

The Big Picture

If we end up with 20,000-30,000 totally redpilled patriots in the government, working their way up the ranks and gaining serious influence, we will have the ability to completely shift the direction of the government.

As you are aware, most of the things we hate in the Republican Party are the result of boomers, who are already dying and retiring. Ben Shapiro is literally the last media figure promoting “old school” Jew-obsessed “conservative” politics, and the average Shapiro fan is over 70 years old.

This is our moment to act. Submit applications, attend interviews, and see where it leads. You don’t have to quit your current job unless an opportunity arises, so there’s no reason not to try.

Final Thoughts

No one is coming to save us. We have to do it ourselves.

This is our last chance.

We only get one shot at this.

I believe in you, friend.

We can do this.

Meme Wednesday Wed, 29 Jan 2025 13:07:26 +0000

Theo Von is becoming dangerously based

— Tony Rigatoni (@tonyrigatonee) January 26, 2025

I’m having some computer problems today.

I think my PC might have the woke mind virus.

I have these memes tho.

The Release of DeepSeek AI Humiliates Western Companies and Forces Americans to See the Superiority of China Tue, 28 Jan 2025 10:26:30 +0000
The app’s logo is a white whale that also looks like a dragon.

For years, I’ve been attempting to explain that everything is better in China than in the United States. The gap is so massive that if an American raised on cartoonish propaganda about their birthplace as ‘the greatest country on earth’ visits China, it can trigger a serious personal crisis. It simply does not compute. Unsurprisingly, Americans who have never been to China struggle to process this reality and often revert to mindless claims like “China is a third-world country” or “Chinese people don’t have any freedom” (some even go so far as to claim ‘Chinese are slaves to the government’).

The reality is that China not only boasts a drastically higher standard of living for the average person but also offers much more freedom than the United States. (It is arguably impossible to have prosperity without freedom, hence the fact that the decline in the American quality of life can so easily be linked to restrictions put on personal freedom.)

When I say “China is superior,” I do not mean to imply that Chinese people are superior to Americans. I am simply noting the objective matter that China is a superior country to live in and the Chinese system is capable of much more than America. Rather than an indictment of the people of America, this is an indictment of the American system of liberal democracy and its values of feminism, homosexuality, multiculturalism, and the decadent culture that comes along with this set of values. China does not operate on a bizarre set of abstract ideas about the nature of man, and therefore the competence of the individual and the group are much higher.

Consider this: if you heard that in one country, three out of four people are dangerously overweight, while in another, the number is one out of twenty, you would likely assume that the country with the lower obesity rate is better in many other ways. The physical degradation of Americans is highly visible and indicative of a culture with profound problems.

The misconceptions about China being poor or repressive clearly originate from the US government and media machine. Yet, many who are willing to question the media’s narrative about Jewish power cannot grasp that the same Jewish-controlled media lies about China.

Last year, during the height of the genocide being committed by the Jews against the people of Gaza, the US Congress voted to ban the Chinese-controlled social media app TikTok on the grounds that it was allowing Americans to see what Jews were doing to the helpless people of Palestine. Previously, many in the government had tried to ban TikTok on the grounds of “Chinese spying,” though they never provided any detailed explanation (the app’s code is visible to Google and Apple, making it impossible for TikTok to have spying capabilities beyond those of any other app). There was not enough support, however, until people like Senator Josh Hawley were able to argue that the Chinese were turning Americans into antisemites by allowing them to see videos of the atrocities in Gaza that were being blocked by Western social media companies.

When the ban was set to take effect on January 19, a wave of US TikTok users protested by downloading “RedNote,” a Chinese app designed for domestic use (unlike TikTok, which was created for an international audience). Americans on RedNote were then able to see the real China for the first time, and were shocked to see that life in America is much more difficult than it needs to be in the current year, where technology has developed to the point where there is no reason for people to work multiple jobs and struggle to survive. While few made the connection between China’s higher quality of life and its adherence to traditional cultural norms, this link will eventually become undeniable.

Unsurprisingly, many on the left and right (and even “far right”) claimed that RedNote was not showing the “real China” and that outside of all of the futuristic cities people were seeing on the app, everyone in China is secretly poor and oppressed by their evil communist government.

Beyond spreading misinformation about China, the US has blocked the import of many Chinese products. This means that Americans are unaware that China now has two different companies releasing smartphones that are objectively better than those produced by Apple, or that an entire list of companies have blown past Tesla and are now releasing EVs that are significantly cheaper and better.

While the US has gone to extraordinary lengths to block superior Chinese products—clearly violating its own ‘free trade’ principles—it lacks the mechanisms to stop the import of software. Last year, gamers were awed by the fact that three of the year’s biggest hit games, in three different genres (Black Myth: Wukong, Marvel Rivals, and Path of Exile 2), were made or produced by Chinese companies. These games were celebrated not only for avoiding the transsexual, feminist, and interracial themes that dominate modern Western games but also for their technical and creative superiority. The quality of these games and the attacks on them by the American media caused many to rethink their views on China. There was an outcry when Wukong was denied the Game of the Year Award at the Game Awards, and Wukong won easily when gamers were allowed to vote in the Steam Awards.

I have been pointing out the superiority of the quality (and price) of consumer electronics and I wrote extensively about the superior video games released by China. But many continued to deny reality, coming up with various excuses to align with their belief that “America is better.”

Last week, the Chinese dropped the consumer product equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the United States by releasing their DeepSeek AI model for public use, and it is clear that this is going to finally break the delusion. DeepSeek R1 is superior in every way to ChatGPT, which is currently the most advanced model in the West. While providing a much cleaner and more accurate chat experience, it also runs on a fraction of hardware that the Western models require, which caused the stock price of Nvidia, the company that produces virtually all of the computing power for AI, to drop massively.

The Chinese developed this model with just 200 people and at a minimal cost. By releasing it as open source, they have ensured that every major tech company—Microsoft, Meta, xAI, and others—will be forced to adopt it as the basis for their own code. There is no conceivable way the US tech sector could be more thoroughly humiliated. The gap is so massive as to be almost unbelievable, and proves that these companies are vastly overvalued and that their oligopoly status has made them as decadent and obese as the average American.

When I speak of China having more freedom than America, I don’t simply mean that there is more free speech, with a much wider range of allowed opinion, or that the cops are not psychopathic thugs. I also stress the point that the US government’s partnership with massive corporations has allowed for these corporations to use government power to crush competition from smaller companies, which, along with ensuring wealth remains in a few small hands, destroys ingenuity. It is not a fluke that DeepSeek was developed by a small Chinese company and not TenCent or one of the other large tech companies in China. When you have a system that allows for both big companies and competition from small upstarts, the upstarts are often run by young people who are much hungrier than the executives at big companies, and this creates conditions for the small guy to outdo the big and bloated corporation.

Another obvious takeaway is that the Chinese team that developed DeepSeek is entirely made up of Chinamen, without any diversity at all, which brings into question the claims by the American system that “diversity is our strength,” and a “rainbow” team is better than a homogeneous one. It would appear that these “diversity” initiatives represent decadence rather than competence.

A Time to Reflect

The American media is no doubt going to dismiss this monumental development by the Chinese, even as every American company is forced by necessity to adopt the DeepSeek AI model. But those who are looking at the situation in reality should take this time to reflect on what exactly is going on in America.

Does it really need to be like this? Is it really “the economy” that is driving the enforcement of liberal values, or is it the reverse? Is the economy of the West being forced to conform to social norms that are being enforced for their own sake?

I am not Chinese. I am American. My purpose in explaining that China is a vastly superior country to America is to change America, not to explicitly promote China. Liberal values are a collective social suicide pact. If America continues on the path it is on right now, the path of decadence and depravity, we will be left in the dustbin of history, and be largely forgotten, a footnote in Mandarin history books.

Would it not be better to reflect on why and how China has become so much better than America and to change course, so that America has a place in the future world that is now emerging? The administration of Donald Trump offers opportunities to change things. These opportunities might not be huge, but they present a challenge to the established norms of liberalism.

China doesn’t want a war with the United States. They want cooperation and healthy competition. The US agenda to confront and somehow overpower China with military force is destined to fail for the same reasons that US attempts to overpower China in the tech sector have failed in such a humiliating fashion.

The future is open for us. We need to reverse course. We need to end this project of liberalism, to end this obsession with women, homosexuals, and brown people. We need to return to the values that made European civilization great in the first place, which are rooted in the Christian concept of man as a creation of the divine, rather than as economic units.

Memetic Monday: Awake, NOT Woke! Mon, 27 Jan 2025 16:55:27 +0000
Trump got so redpilled he became based, which is why wokesters are becoming triggered snowflakes

The wokesters are on the run and patriots are in control. That’s the theme of this day and the rest of my natural life.

I posted a thing yesterday that was way too long and it should have been edited, but it was okay. It really should have been edited. If I would have edited it, it wouldn’t have been repetitive, but I didn’t edit it because I never edit anything, and therefore it was repetitive because I didn’t edit it. It’s sort of an abomination. Anyway, you can read it if you want, it’s long, everyone says they want more long articles.

People can criticize me, but few people can pump out 6,500-word first/final drafts while drunk and alone on a Saturday night.

You can also just read this summary from DeepSeek AI, the leader of all AI:

Here are the key talking points condensed from the article:

1. **Left-Right Divide in America**:
– The Democrat-Republican divide is shaped by “belief clusters,” where strong beliefs on certain issues lead to adopting other beliefs perceived as shared by one’s “team.”
– This divide is uniquely American, though it influences other Western countries. Countries like France have different left-right definitions.

2. **Illogical Belief Clusters**:
– Leftists supporting both Ukraine and Palestine, or conservatives supporting big corporations, are examples of illogical belief clusters driven by manipulation by special interest groups.
– Donald Trump’s rise shifted conservative views, making them more critical of big business and neoconservative policies, while the left became more emotionally driven.

3. **Masculine vs. Feminine Impulses**:
– The divide aligns with masculine (order, hierarchy, authority) and feminine (fairness, harm reduction, nurturing) impulses.
– Men tend to prioritize order and hierarchy, while women lean toward nurturing and fairness, influencing voting patterns.

4. **Core Left and Right Values**:
– Left: Fairness, harm reduction, equity, and utopianism.
– Right: Order, hierarchy, authority, and traditional values.
– These values are deeply rooted in masculine and feminine instincts, respectively.

5. **In-Group vs. Out-Group Dynamics**:
– The right prioritizes in-group loyalty, leading to nationalism and racism, while the left emphasizes fairness and equality, often advocating for global utopianism.
– Immigration debates highlight these dynamics, with the right opposing mass immigration and the left supporting it.

6. **Crime and Punishment**:
– The right prioritizes justice and order, supporting harsh punishments for criminals.
– The left sympathizes with criminals, advocating for restorative justice and viewing them as victims of systemic issues.

7. **Paternalism**:
– The right opposes state paternalism, emphasizing personal responsibility and freedom.
– The left supports state intervention, viewing the government as a nurturing “mother” figure that should regulate behavior for the collective good.

8. **War and Foreign Policy**:
– Conservatives traditionally support wars framed as protecting the homeland or serving justice (e.g., Middle East wars post-9/11).
– Liberals oppose wars that harm innocents, viewing them as bullying weaker nations.
– The Ukraine war saw a reversal, with liberals supporting it due to framing Russia as a fascist threat, while conservatives opposed it as a waste of resources.

9. **Tyranny of the Nanny State**:
– The left’s push for rules and control, such as mask mandates, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates, reflects a feminine impulse to regulate behavior.
– The right rebelled against these measures, emphasizing personal freedom and opposing government overreach.

10. **Censorship and Free Speech**:
– The left supports censorship to protect people from harmful speech, viewing individuals as incapable of processing information responsibly.
– The right opposes censorship, valuing free speech and individual agency.

11. **Women’s Enfranchisement and Tyranny**:
– The article argues that women’s enfranchisement has led to the rise of leftist tyranny, as women’s nurturing and rule-loving instincts dominate public policy.
– The solution proposed is disenfranchising women to restore masculine values and order.

12. **Conclusion**:
– The left-right divide is fundamentally rooted in masculine and feminine instincts, with the left embodying toxic femininity and the right representing masculine order.
– The article suggests that removing women from public life is necessary to restore balance and prevent further tyranny.

This summary captures the main arguments and themes of the article. Let me know if you’d like further clarification or additional details!

Great summary.

No wonder so many are saying “DeepSeek number one!”

By the way – why is it taking so long for politicians/media to call for this site to be blocked because “China is stealing your data for their evil database”?

Anyway, memes…

Editor’s Pick of the Week:

Official Runner-Up:

Primo Collection:

Toxic Femininity Manifest as Political Tyranny Sun, 26 Jan 2025 05:12:53 +0000

America’s left-right divide, which would be better described as the Democrat-Republican divide, is somewhat convoluted. People have what are called “belief clusters”; this is a phenomenon where people who feel very strongly about some series of issues will develop other beliefs based on the fact that they perceive that people “on their team” share these beliefs.

The structure of these clusters is fundamentally American. While they are shared in a large part by other Western countries, that is simply due to American influence. Countries with less American influence culturally, such as France, have a rather different definition of the left-right divide, while someone like Nigel Farage in the UK is effectively a carbon copy of an American conservative (Farage is somewhat more liberal on social issues, but we’re going to be doing broad strokes here).

It is clearly illogical that a leftist would root for both the Ukraine and Palestine, given that the Ukraine and Israel are both proxies for a globalist Western hegemony. Just so, it is illogical that a “small government conservative” would support massive corporations partnering with the government to crush the middle class. But Russia and Israel have been packaged together as “white oppressors,” and multinational corporations writing US government regulations has been packaged as “free enterprise.” Positions have shifted some because of the rise of Donald Trump, and this has been generally positive for the right. Conservatives have become more critical of big business and the “Project America” empire-building strategies of the neoconservatives. Meanwhile, in response to Trump, the left has entered into a hysterical tailspin, acting purely on emotion and developing positions that would not make sense to the historical left.

However, despite the seemingly arbitrary clustering (which is in fact not arbitrary but based on manipulation by special interest groups), there is an underlying identity to both left and right. Excluding some strange outliers, you can follow logically why each side believes what it does, and when an issue pops up, it’s not difficult to determine which side of it people will fall on. Clearly, leftists were going to support BLM and coronavirus brutality, while rightists would be against these things.

Simply, the underlying divide between the two sides is based on masculine vs. feminine impulses. Although he doesn’t frame it in those terms, you can find a good analysis of the thinking of right and left in Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Righteous Mind.” Haidt lists six moral concerns that people feel intrinsically, and provides documentation showing that politically liberal people drastically prioritize fairness and harm-reduction over loyalty, authority, sanctity, and liberty. Conversely, conservatives care about these things much more equally, while slightly prioritizing all of them over fairness.

The divide lines up between masculine and feminine impulses rather neatly. Women tend to be nurturing and largely disregard harsh realities (men who have feminine traits tend to follow women on this), while men understand that the world isn’t fair and you need authority based on hierarchy in order to maintain order. Support of stricter social norms is also in line with a prioritization of order. Certainly, voting patterns show this, with women always voting more in favor of socialist and utopian type policies and men endorsing more traditional concepts of social and economic order. Married women tend to vote conservatively, while men raised by single mothers (or weak/absent fathers) tend to lean left.

The entire modern left-right divide is only possible because of the enfranchisement of women. The end of this project is necessarily absolute tyranny.

Natural Left and Right Positions

There are core issues which the left and right will always hold naturally, based on these primary feminine and masculine impulses each side has. All of these issues are ones that do not require any facts to understand, and can be understood purely based on an immediate emotional reaction to the thing. (As we will explain below, if the issue is complicated and requires facts to grasp it, marketing campaigns can be launched to create angles and convince either side to support anything.)

Innate masculine values are embodied in religion. “Justice, Truth, and Beauty” are often listed as the highest moral values in the Christian religion, and this would be the case for all major religions the world over, excluding Hinduism and Judaism (the latter is not really a “major religion,” but rather a small, fringe cult that is only major in the sense of its global influence, which is greater than that of all other religions combined). Note that while Buddhism is often portrayed in the West as a lovey-dovey religion with feminine values, this is plain nonsense drummed up by the likes of the fake philosopher and scam artist Alan Watts as well as other 1960s-era perverts. However, the fetishization of Hinduism by the hippies (the hippies representing peak feminine values) was on-point, as Hinduism is a religion that denies the objectivity of truth and celebrates the ego. Excluding the cult of the Dalai Lama, most Christians would agree with the underlying moral framework of Buddhism. The same would be true of Islam or Confucianism, if the underlying values were to be separated from their cultural contexts.

While the hippies dabbled in “Eastern Mystic” nonsense, atheism became the de facto religion of the left, as atheism is purely a celebration of the self and a denial of all natural order and authority. In the atheist moral framework, higher values are replaced with ostensibly utilitarian notions. Justice is replaced with “equity,” truth is replaced with “lived experience,” and beauty is replaced with “individual preference” and “perception.” It is all just vapid egoism, which is the defining character of the feminine spirit.

We will go through a few simple examples of things that are innate to each orientation.

In-Group Prioritization

The right will always view things in terms of in-group and out-group, which naturally leads to racism and nationalism. Conversely, the left, with their extreme prioritization of fairness, believes that all people on earth are the same, and therefore if one group is more successful, they should be punished for that success in order to level the playing field.

After the Reagan Revolution, it was primarily the Republican Party that was pushing for mass immigration, claiming that this would be good for the economy because it was good for mega-corporations. However, during the Bush years, the immigrants were still ghettoized, and it was rare that suburban whites ever even saw them, so the in-group defense mechanism had not yet triggered. During the Obama years, it became visibly clear that the country was being overwhelmed with foreigners, which led to a massive backlash against immigration by the right. Unfortunately, the right is still afraid of being called “racist,” and most will not say “we don’t want these people here because they’re a different race.” However, the Elon Musk H-1B debacle has really opened up some room for the right to define what it means to be American, and the answer to that is going to have to be: “a European person or I guess an African descendent of slaves, although that second group is different.”

Jews have gotten away with effectively claiming to be part of the in-group of whites by visibly looking similar to whites and by pressing the ridiculous and totally emotionalized falsehood that there is something called “Judeo-Christian.” The opposition of right-wing whites to being called “racist” is simply extended from the fact that while they don’t prioritize “fairness” as the highest value, they do think it is important. Rightists also prioritize personal agency, and therefore want to avoid judging people on immutable characteristics. However, it is not long ago that right-wing whites were aggressive in their declaration that their in-group was a racial category, so I am certain we will get back to this point in the near future.

Note that right next to “keep our schools white” is a sign reading “we want equal but segregation.” Though it is clear that this sign was made by a woman, it’s notable that even at a point in history where the citizenry was on the verge of going to war with the military in opposition to racial integration, they wanted to make it clear that they thought everyone should be treated fairly.

I am very thankful for Vivek Ramaswamy denouncing whites as pathetic losers. Ramaswamy was viewed by right-wingers as being “us” because although he didn’t look like us, he talked like us and seemed to value the same things we value. When he then claimed that Indians are superior to white people, everyone immediately recognized him as “not us,” and surely made the connection with his visual appearance. This is a huge step in the right direction.

Ben Shapiro as a member of the “Jewish right” and his media corporation “Daily Wire” are really the only remaining relevant forces in political culture still pushing the idea that “America is a series of ideas.” Right-wingers, being supporters of order and the sanctity of natural hierarchy, do not typically have an affinity for abstract notions of identity and are going to default to “blood and soil” nationalism. “Nation of ideas” is a concept without any intrinsic meaning, without any hard reality behind it, and therefore it is something that will appeal to the feminine nature of the left, as they can nihilistically imagine that it means whatever emotions they are feeling at any particular time.

The left also believes that they are tasked with spreading equality to all people on earth, and building a global utopia that transcends in-groups completely, a world where everyone is exactly equal to everyone else; the purest form of fairness. This utopianist theory posits that everyone will live in peace and never suffer harm. Because whites have tended to have a higher standard of living historically (although that isn’t really true now, it’s a lingering perception), the left does not think it is enough to raise up brown people, and must also drag down whites (and increasingly Asians) in pursuit of this utopia.

The Objectivity of Crime and Punishment

The right-wing or masculine-oriented mind will always prioritize order based on hierarchy, and therefore they will always have a strong sense of justice. This means that they will not have a particular sympathy for criminals.

The leftist agenda to turn criminals into victims has gotten very extreme in recent years, with such concepts as “restorative justice” being put forward (and acted upon) to make the argument that black people should not be punished in the same way as whites. However, this attitude of “sympathy for criminals” goes back to the introduction of the “insanity defense,” which allowed criminals to claim they are not fully responsible for their crimes because they have mental problems. The companion of lessening a punishment because of the criminal’s personal problems is the federal “hate crimes enhancement,” which says you are committing a worse crime if you do it while feeling a certain emotion (this allows whites to be targeted and punished more severely).

For right-minded people, a crime should be punished the same across the board, as creating these modifiers turns justice into something subjective, when it should be objective. This largely bypasses the inane academic debate over whether consequences for crime should be punitive or a deterrent. It should obviously be both, but justice is an end in and of itself.

When the George Floyd fiasco happened, many on the right were doing events in support of the cops. This was natural enough, given that the left was claiming that there shouldn’t be any cops (they’ve memory-holed it now, but that was actually the argument being made at the time). However, the right is not associated purely with cop-worship, and is always prone to supporting vigilantism when it appears that the cops and the larger justice system are not working.

Daniel Penny, the man whole subdued and choked out a violent black on the New York subway, was universally supported by the right, as was Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot several violent antifa members at a BLM protest, while the justice system that attempted to prosecute these two was viewed as acting tyrannically against justice. Luigi Mangione was more controversial on the right, though many viewed his killing of a criminal insurance boss as justified (while Ben Shapiro was out defending insurance companies).

The pro-authority impulse among the right can be twisted into supporting tyrannical behavior, as it was after 9/11, when most conservatives supported giving unnatural and abusive policing powers to the federal government.

Currently, the left is giving large support to the federal cops and intelligence agencies as they view them as working to help oppressed groups and prevent authoritarianism. This is the result of a major campaign by the media to highlight members of the FBI, CIA, NSA and other federal agencies as anti-racists opposed to the patriarchy. Given that the federal cops have never really promoted natural and objective ideas of justice, it is logical enough that they find their support base among the left.

Paternalism (Which Should Really be Called “Maternalism,” Frankly)

While pro-order and therefore pro-authority, the masculine mind has strong inclinations towards personal responsibility and man’s personal agency. The nature of hierarchy demands competition, and therefore individuals must be responsible for themselves. This leads to strong beliefs about the importance of personal freedom, and opposition to state paternalism.

The feminine left on the other hand believes that the government should be a kind of “mommy” figure, taking care of the population as if they are children. When women first got the right to vote, the first three things they did were ban prostitution, child marriage, and alcohol. The alcohol thing didn’t stick (even while it is heavily regulated, including a lunatic age restriction and “drunk driving” tyranny), but prostitution and child marriage remain illegal. Leftists have also pushed for seat belts, motorcycle helmets, forced insurance, smoking restrictions, vaccination mandates, the pension system, and the entire welfare state.

Right-wingers tend to react negatively to any program that seeks to tell individuals what they are allowed to do in their own lives if those choices are not impacting others.

The absurdity of the left’s pro-abortion slogan “my body, my choice” was put on full display a few years ago when they pushed for vaccine mandates. The left has never believed that a person’s body is their own, and the slogan was designed to sell the idea to people based on an appeal to notions of personal liberty. Again, the first thing women did once enfranchised was use the state to regulate what people were allowed to do with their bodies. On a basic level, women do not respect personal autonomy, because they operate on maternal instincts and when politically enfranchised, treat everyone like little children. When a woman “nags” a man, that is fundamentally what she is doing: attempting to correct his behavior as she would correct a child reaching to touch a hot stove. The entirety of women’s political behavior amounts to a state-level nagging operation with the purpose of controlling other people’s bodies.

The rightist instinct to defend personal liberty was bastardized when the government/media pushed for legalizing homosexuality, which should have triggered right-wing notions of sanctity and purity, but was overwritten by the drive for individual freedom. Given that it is now clear that homosexuality is not a “victimless crime,” this is all being reevaluated. It would have been clear that normalizing homosexuality would infringe on children if people had looked at the data, and many Christian groups were spreading that data at the time, but the data is always irrelevant when it comes to public opinion on literally anything. It had to become obvious that homosexuals are predators before anyone would understand it.

The opposite happened with child marriage, where individual liberty was overwritten by a false sense of the sacred and pure. Leftists have successfully argued that child marriage violates the purity of girls, and therefore most right-wingers are opposed to it. The data shows that girls being sent by their fathers into early, often arranged or semi-arranged marriages, leads to happy families, while allowing a girl to go around having sex with whoever she wants leads to suffering for the girl and ultimately a total collapse of society. But that data is not relevant to the political discourse. (While the right has begun to reverse on the homosexuality issue, it might be a while before people are willing to question core feminist doctrines designed to create a sexual utopia for women.)

Arbitrary Left and Right Positions: Opposition and Support for Various Wars

Political instincts are based on the masculine-feminine dichotomy, but the masses are not particularly clued-in on very much, and therefore when the issue is in any way complex and requires facts to understand it, marketing campaigns can be used to sell them various things based on these underlying drives.

Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, became known as “the father of public relations” after he developed a method to use psychological techniques to appeal to the base drives of humans in order to sell them products. (There is a good documentary series about this called “Century of Self,” which I highly recommend.) All marketing is designed to appeal to various drives, and in theory, anyone can be sold anything if the marketer is good enough at his job.

Let us consider the political divide in relation to the base of support for various wars through the lens of how they were marketed, as this is likely the easiest place to analyze how simple it is for the government/media to convince either side of anything not grounded entirely in an immediate and instinctive reaction by using a framing that appeals to their base orientation.

If we exclude the evangelical-Zionist obsession with Israel (which is a big and largely separate issue, which I will touch on later), the Middle East wars were sold to conservatives on the basis of a need to protect the homeland from strange foreigners who want to hurt our people. They were also sold as revenge for 9/11. Self-defense, hostility towards out-groups, and serving justice to enemies are all concepts you would view as masculine.

Liberals were largely opposed to the Middle East wars, because they viewed them as harming people. Obviously, all war harms people, but they were opposed to the idea of innocents being caught up in the violence. Women and feminine-minded men take a very nurturing view of brown people, who they view as less capable of defending themselves and therefore in need of protection. They viewed the wars in the Middle East as bullying type behavior by a strong force against a much weaker one.

There was also masculine-oriented opposition to the Middle East conflicts, represented by the Ron Paul movement. The framing there was that America was wasting resources on wars that didn’t benefit Americans and we weren’t even getting revenge against the people who did 9/11. It was also consistently pushed that the government was using the wars as an excuse take away people’s personal liberties. “Neoconservative” was largely understood to mean “Jew,” and it was put forward that we were fighting wars for an out-group. However, all of this required an intellectual analysis of the situation, which meant that it couldn’t ever be a popular position, because in a universal suffrage democracy, everything in the popular mind must necessarily be reduced to base emotions largely disconnected from facts. The masses of people do not have the time or the inclination to understand anything beyond the surface level, and they will generally go along with whatever they hear from the people in the media who they agree with on things they understand better, to wit, “Rush Limbaugh is right about the Democrats and the gays, so he must be right about these Middle East wars.”

Before the Middle East wars, conservatives viewed Russia/communism as a legitimate physical threat, a superpower that had the capacity to take over the world. While this also lines up with masculine impulses, it is fundamentally different than the reasons for supporting the Middle East wars. Russians didn’t look different, which made them less offensive to the in-group prioritizing mind than Middle Easterners, but the fact that Russia could realistically win a war against America made the conflict appealing to conservative Americans.

While leftists might not all have outright supported communism (although many did), they largely opposed the Cold War mentality, and certainly opposed the various proxy wars, most notably Vietnam, which flared up during the Cold War. There was the same pity for the Vietnamese as “weaker,” and the general sentiment about the Cold War was that “we should all just get along,” the schoolmarm type impulse that women have. (Women will always try to prevent competition between boys, while men will typically encourage it, even when it can involve physical harm. Women’s attitude towards war is often based on viewing both sides as little boys who should stop fighting on the playground.)

Fast forward to the Ukraine war, and things had flipped, with the liberals aggressively supporting it and conservatives largely viewing it as a pointless waste. There were various political variables involved, and it simply came down to the powerful people who wanted this war realizing that they should focus the marketing for the war on liberals rather than the conservatives who had traditionally been the war-supporting type.

Though the marketing campaign ultimately did come down to appealing to leftist “fairness and harm reduction” emotional motivations, this was not initially obvious, and it clearly could have gone either way. When Barack Obama was running against Mitt Romney, he mocked the Republicans for claiming Russia was a threat, saying “the 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back” (“X called and wants Y back” was a popular joke template after the turn of the millennium). Baby Boomers remembered the Cold War, and could have at that time been convinced to view Russia as a threat, which Romney tried to do. However, when Trump became popular, and was seen as a real threat to the establishment, the left began pushing the idea that he was in league with the Russians. This whole thing appears to have originated with the neoconservative Bill Kristol, who initially commissioned the “dirty dossier” about Trump, which was later handed off to the Clinton campaign. Obviously, Trump was despised by the left, who viewed his masculine persona as representing all of the things they oppose, and through this marketing campaign, Vladimir Putin and all of Russia were classified by the left as part of a “fascist alliance” that opposed homosexuality, feminism, and other leftist values based on fairness and caring for the weak.

Because of the way things had already been framed since 2015, by 2022, the left was very ready to support a war against Russia, so this is where the bulk of the marketing campaign for the war was focused (note that much of this leftist anti-Russia material was also spread during the State Department-backed revolution in the Ukraine in 2014). The Ukraine was framed, almost entirely falsely, as a bastion of leftist values, including homosexuality, feminism, and multiculturalism, under threat from a very bad masculine culture which sought to enforce draconian Christian authoritarianism on them. Putin and Trump were effectively the same person in the minds of Democrat voters. While the left may tend to oppose violence, the claim by the people marketing the war was that Putin was trying to exterminate everyone in the Ukraine and therefore the only option was for them to “defend themselves.” The fact that it was the Ukraine that started the war all the way back in 2014 was not relevant, because again, facts are never especially relevant to these narratives.

There was (and to some extent still is) an attempt by right-wing politicians and media organs to sell the Ukraine war as an extension of the Cold War, presenting Russia as a real threat to America in the same way the USSR was. However, most people on the right took the masculine view that what happens in the Ukraine is none of our business and we shouldn’t be wasting our national treasure on it while creating unnecessary conflict with a foreign nation that should be an ally. The fact that the marketing for the war had been so focused on the Ukraine being a homosexual and feminist “democracy” country, and Russia being a Christian patriarchy, also effectively made this particular war impossible to sell to conservatives.

Finally, the new wars in the Middle East, started by the Jewish state of Israel, have created a situation where both the right and left are reverting to the positions they held after 9/11. This is a nauseating development, as it seems it could destroy all of the progress that was made with MAGA and the opposition to foreign wars that was created by that movement. Trump’s masculine arguments against wars basically hinged on the fact that America is already the most powerful country in the world and therefore any war is a waste of our time and money, and people in wars all over the world should be expected to deal with their own problems, as none of it has anything to do with us. But the Israel issue has flipped that entire narrative on its head.

What’s more: Ben Shapiro and others on the “Jewish right” in America have taken this opportunity to push leftist-style thinking onto the right. Much of the propaganda involved in the marketing campaign for Israel’s wars has to do with Israel being a helpless victim which needs to be protected. What’s more, the “Jewish right” has successfully called for censorship and “canceling” of people who oppose the war, with feminine-oriented claims about how “speech hurts people.” Senator Josh Hawley, an “AIPAC Republican,” successfully lobbied for the Congressional TikTok ban based on the claim that “China” was allowing Americans to see images of what Israel is doing to people in Palestine.

The reason that the right is endorsing Israel’s war, and calling for the US to do more to help Israel slaughter people, is that the Jews have successfully campaigned to make conservatives believe that Israel is effectively a part of America, that they are members of our in-group and therefore we should consider an attack on Israel as an attack on America. Further, Moslems are always going to be viewed as an extreme “out-group” due to their vastly different culture and physical appearance.

It is certainly frustrating to see the American right sliding back into this neoconservative mindset, but it’s simply obvious that it would be just as difficult to convince them that Israel is no different than the Ukraine as it would be to convince a leftist that the Ukraine is no different than Israel. There is a timeline on which the right would be supporting the Ukraine and the left supporting Israel. The Ukraine war could have been sold as the return of the USSR and a threat to the American homeland, and therefore supported by the right, and Israel’s wars could have been sold as a group of feminists and homosexuals defending against barbarous Islamofascists, and thus supported by the left. The views people develop on these “complex” issues involving facts are based on the nature of the marketing campaigns pushed by the government/media.

Women’s Love for Rules Manifest as Tyranny

Political leftism has become tyrannical, and although Trump might be a bright patch on a dark road, it is clear that we are destined to live under a complete tyranny if things continue on as they have been going.

Another important aspect of feminine nature is that it is geared towards consensus building. This is a function of the way women naturally interact with one another in a community. Anyone who has observed women’s behavior knows that they will constantly compliment one another, and they will reach agreements with a kind of hive mindset. Although women have low respect for masculine notions of establishing order from hierarchy, women are obsessed with control, and obsessed with rules, again as a result of their desire to treat everyone like children. Because women lack an internal moral compass, they do not place a qualitative value on rules, instead simply loving rules for the sake of being able to enforce them. Women will glob onto the established power structure, regardless of what it is.

The “coronavirus pandemic” scam and the extremist paternalism that went along with it was the apotheosis of the nanny state, where women succeeded in being able to treat everyone in society like a little child. The government was able to enforce a dress code in the form of the mask mandates, and able to tell people when they were allowed to play outside through the lockdowns. This kind of attack on basic human freedom, the government locking people inside of their houses ostensibly in order to protect people from themselves, was the most extreme tyranny in all of recorded history and it was only possible due to the feminization of our society.

The masks and lockdown movement then led into a forced vaccination movement. (One can argue that they never actually “forced” anyone to take the vaccine, though that was what many were calling for. But they certainly did coerce people, firing them from their jobs if they refused and restricting their movement in public places.) The obsession with forcing the vaccines on people then led to an alliance between the left and the multinational pharma giant Pfizer. Many noted that the left had previously been strictly opposed to large corporations and the medical industrial complex in particular, but this was another situation where the marketing was key to perception.

The flip-side as we know was that the right rebelled against pharma and the medical industrial complex, and this has led to the right embracing Bobby Kennedy and taking positions similar to those of a 1990s health food hippie lady. We should remember that a few years ago, right-wingers would have had a positive view of pharma, believing marketing campaigns about how these are entrepreneurial companies using the free market to cure disease. As something of a health fooder myself, I view this as a very positive move for the right, and it is interesting that it came about as a direct result of the overreach of the left.

Another example of the brutal rules-mongering of the nanny state was the censorship agenda. People may forget that the original claim regarding the necessity of abolishing the free speech rights of Americans was that if you said mean things on the internet, people would read it and kill themselves. They then claimed that if you were racist on the internet, you would trick people into committing mindless acts of violence. The final big push was related to the pandemic scam, when people were told that if they voiced disagreement with government policy regarding lockdowns, masks, or vaccines, people would die as a result.

The stated ideology behind all of this censorship is that individuals do not have the ability to process information, and therefore words that they read on the internet can possess them and cause them to do things. This is a complete denial of human agency and a denial of free will itself, and it certainly brought into question the core premise of democracy, which claims that everyone in society is a fully actualized individual capable of determining how the government is run. The government and media claimed that mass censorship is necessary for democracy to function. The conclusion you would have to draw there would be that if people cannot objectively look at information and they will make decisions purely based on whatever information is put in front of them, then by censoring everything other than the mainstream media, we are creating a situation where the mainstream media dictates the behavior of the people and the direction of society as a whole.

The coronavirus insanity and the crackdown on the freedom of speech demonstrate toxic femininity manifesting as outright tyranny.

Women’s Enfranchisement Must be Revoked

Having a society which is divided into two halves is patently ridiculous and unsustainable, especially given that one of the two sides is made up of people totally disconnected from reality who lack even a basic interest in understanding what makes a healthy environment in which humans can flourish.

The solution to this problem is obvious: women must be disenfranchised and removed from civil society, or at least from public life. There is no real way around that. Leftism as it exists today is the embodiment of toxic femininity. The men who have these views are a small minority of males, and would be irrelevant if they did not have empowered women fighting alongside them. What’s more, the overwhelming majority of leftist men would not have this disposition if it were not for the empowerment of women making these ideas acceptable.

We also have a system where boys are forced to be controlled and viciously abused by women throughout their entire childhood and well into adolescence. These men then go to live their entire lives as servants to women. The mother is the first tyrant. Even if an American boy has a father in the home, which many do not, the father is almost certainly completely subservient to his wife. Further, schools are packed full of women, and most boys have little to no input from adult men. This ends up breaking many men, causing them to develop a kind of Stockholm syndrome where they identify with their abusers.

When confronted with the truth about the nature of women and how it has shaped our dystopian reality, some on the right will revert to blaming all of these problems on the Jews. While I am personally very comfortable with blaming things on the Jews, people who attempt to blame Jews for the behavior of women are simply incapable of emotionally dealing with the reality of what women will become if you incentivize all of their worst instincts in the way Western society has done.

It’s true that virtually every bad idea on the left or the right originates with the Jews, but Jews are a very small part of the population, and they would not be able to wield the influence they wield if it were not for a large part of the population being willing to go along with them. The primary population that goes along with them is white women. We now have all of these nonwhites in our country, and many of them are willing to vote Democrat and support various agendas, but how did they get into our country in the first place? It is a result of the enfranchisement of women.

No country that has maintained masculine values has opened their borders. It is only white countries and all of these countries are feminist countries where the discourse is totally dominated and directed by women. It was Angela Merkel who opened the gates in Europe and flooded the continent with millions upon millions of poor, violent, useless “refugees.” Recently, Giorgia Meloni in Italy ran on a platform of getting rid of the immigrants (a “right-wing woman”), and she ended up more than quadrupling the amount of new arrivals and has yet to deport anyone.

I have often pointed out that if you look at the pictures of pro-immigrant protests, you will notice that if you only look at whites, at least 9 out of 10 protesters are women. The men who are there generally appear to be husbands or boyfriends that were dragged along, or men who showed up to try to meet women because they know these protests have a more favorable sex ratio than anything else in society.

You’ll see the same thing if it’s a BLM protest, a pro-Ukraine protest, a pro-vax protest, or a protest supporting anything else you hate. Meanwhile, recent large scale protests against immigration in the UK and Ireland, and the Canadian anti-lockdown protests a few years ago, are overwhelmingly male.

Obviously, this should not be surprising if we understand leftism as the embodiment of toxic femininity.

It’s fair enough to say that “not all women think this way.” That is clearly true, but it is also irrelevant. Saying “not all women are toxic supporters of the globalist-Jewish agenda and therefore we should allow them to participate in public society” is like saying “not all blacks are criminals, therefore I’m going to walk around in dark alleys on the South Side of Chicago at night.”

The participation of women in public society, and the way that this has created modern political leftism and triggered a cascading wave of more and more extreme tyranny, is the core of what is happening in the West. This is difficult to confront, because there is no obvious solution to this problem, but it is the truth.

Sam Hyde Releases Self-Help Video, Following Up Viral Anti-Elon Video Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:25:22 +0000

Sam Hyde has released a new self-help video which is something of a follow-up on his video criticizing Elon Musk’s H-1B scheme.

On the Elon video, he posted a phone number for people to leave voice mails, and he plays several of those and responds to them with solid self-help advice.

Sam is one of my favorite people and I hope he keeps up this routine of public videos. I think he was still doing subscription stuff, but I didn’t see any of it because I am not allowed to use Visa/MasterCard for the rest of my life because I made fun of an obese woman who had a heart attack during a traffic accident.

As you can see above, the video is age-gated on YouTube, which is a soft (hard?) form of censorship that YouTube uses to stifle popular videos they disagree with. The video has no inappropriate content.

But you can watch it on Twitter.

Sam will probably be banned from Twitter again soon enough. I’m sure Elon didn’t think much of his viral criticism.

When Elon admitted to being a total Fraud Gamer in a DM chat with some random fat guy, he also admitted that he holds grudges against people who criticize him, even if their criticism is all true. He said he has no desire to work with Asmongold or Quin69 because they “trashed him,” despite the fact that everything they said was true, and Elon now admits that they were right in claiming he is a total fraud.

Laura Loomer got her blue check back, but she suggested (without directly stating it) that she had to personally call Trump and tell Trump to tell Elon to give her back her check. Others that lost their checks for criticizing Elon’s planned “Shit Tsunami” from India did not get their checks back.

I think everyone is going to get banned or at least censored on Twitter. Elon banned people for the lowest level things before the administration even started, so what is he going to do when shit gets hot?

I was banned for masturbating to the wrong image of a semi-nude woman two years ago, with no option for appeal.

There is certainly a lot of talk about freedom of speech, but right now Sam Hyde is soft-banned on YouTube and while he is on Twitter, no one really has any confidence he’ll be there long-term. And Sam is pretty mainstream. He had a show on the Cartoon Network and he did that big event with Keemstar.

So what of the rest of us?

I understand I’m the most extreme case of censorship in the world ever, and I don’t really even expect to get unbanned from anything (at least not until the US Empire collapses). But the freedom situation is not good at all, and I don’t see Trump actually doing anything to address it.

Based on his plan for the US government to buy TikTok, if that actually happens, it would be illegal for them to censor it. So, maybe that’s a way out. I sort of doubt it, but okay.

I don’t agree with Sam about not beating your kids. This “peaceful parenting” horseshit has been used since the boomers, and if you look around, it sure as hell does not look like it worked very well. You should beat your kids if they deserve it and you should also make them butcher animals.

If you have a chance, take them to a public execution like in Game of Thrones.

Note that this beheading video is not age-gated on YouTube.

I don’t think I need to explain that age-gating is always censorship, as everyone knows that all of this other stuff is public on the platform. But why is Sam Hyde even ostensibly age-gated? Because he said the f-word (“fuck” not “faggot”)? There are billions of videos on YouTube that say “fuck” and I think at this point we all understand that this word is no longer “obscenity” because it is so widely used in society.

The video is totally worth watching.

Memetic Monday: Wednesday Edition Wed, 22 Jan 2025 11:18:05 +0000

Memetic Monday has always been on Wednesdays, okay?

If that is not accurate, well, it must mean I was too busy watching Gamer Fraud videos on YouTube and also wrestling with Trump’s crypto scams, which I am currently not winning at like I was over the weekend.

Editor’s Pick of the Week:


Primo Collection:

In Weird Move, Gamer Fraud Elon Musk Admits to Random Fatso That He is a Complete Fraud Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:28:45 +0000

In a frankly bizarre turn of events, the complete fraud Elon Musk, a video game cheater, has admitted to some random fat guy no one has ever heard of that he is a total fraud gamer.

Musk apparently had a conversation in twitter DMs with one NikoWrex, who has a sum total of 2.2k followers on YouTube. This is the original video, which still only has fewer than 30k views:

However, those reviewing the video have garnered millions of views.

It is pretty clear that it is real. Too many people have spread it, and the fat guy seems honest. It’s also just obviously the way Elon would talk in a DM. Why on earth he would choose to admit this cheating to some rando in DMs, instead of going on a big stream or just posting it on Twitter, is unknown, but this kind of bizarre behavior seems to fit with Elon’s personality. (Note: he is not “interesting weird,” but rather “offensively strange.”)

The chat is very weird, as Elon continues to not really understand anything. But he admits that he has had someone else play his accounts, both in Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 2. He explains that this isn’t really cheating because everyone does it. However, that is totally false. All of the top-ranked people on PoE2 stream their entire playtime, showing that it is them doing it.

Furthermore, he says he still doesn’t understand the concept of Asmongold having “video editors,” and says that they are editors like “newspaper editors” that determine his content. This concept has been widely explained to him, and it is all through the community notes on his own website, but he says he still doesn’t understand, and thinks Asmongold is talking about people who tell him what content to produce.

He had to do some kind of damage control, but this is the dumbest way he possibly could have done it. Apparently, he has played games with this fat guy in the past, and knew he was a total lickspittle who would reveal this information in the kindest way possible. The fat guy falsely claims that everyone is cheating, then says he doesn’t really know if that is true. He also says that this is ethical behavior, which is clearly untrue. Elon Musk attempted to sell himself as one of the best gamers in the world, a god gamer, and engaged in fraud in order to do that. This is clearly unethical, and it shows that he is willing to do any kind of fraud. If he is willing to do fraud and gain nothing of value, of course he would commit fraud for money.

Imagine someone saying: “Yeah, that guy will trick you and scam you for no reason, but he’s really honest in business.” It doesn’t make sense, right? Obviously, Musk’s gamer fraud exposes that he is a fraud and will do fraud against anyone, for any reason or no reason.

What I think happened is that he did this with Diablo 4, and when no one called him out, he heard about Path of Exile 2 being “similar to Diablo 4,” and thought he could do the same with that game. However, Diablo 4 is a game for babies. It’s a horrible game and it is so easy. All he was really claiming when he claimed to be a top Diablo player is that he is willing to spend 12+ hours per day, every day, grinding in a dead game (no one plays the game anymore). When he streamed, no one could tell he was faking it, because the game is so simple, you can’t tell the difference between a god gamer and a random noob. So when he did this with PoE2, he got called out, because it was so obvious he was not playing his own character, then he doubled and tripled down. Then, apparently, he decided to tell the truth to some rando.

It’s a very weird segment in the ongoing “Elon Musk is Having a Mental Breakdown in Public and It’s Freaking Hilarious” saga. I don’t really know if this will end the outrage of the gaming community, but it will probably at least cool things down. So I guess that is a partial success. But due to the fact that he committed this fraud, then totally crashed out in public and temporarily censored Asmongold, the fact he said all that wild, retarded stuff, means he will forever be hated by anyone who witnessed this fiasco.

There is no possible way he can regain people’s trust. He should have publicly owned the cheating and joked about it, said he was trolling gamers for teh lulz. It was so obvious that this was the strategy. Instead, we get “I leaked the truth to a random fat man who is sycophant and no one will trust him at all because he’s so fat.”

He could have just went on Quin69’s stream and said “look, I was having some fun, and maybe it got a bit out of hand, okay? I was just messing with people, I knew no one would believe it, I just wanted to see how far I could push it.”

Very simple, straight from Andrew Anglin, the world’s most famous and respected crisis management advisor.

Instead, he made a complete mess.


By the way, the fat guy whatever his name is seems like a nice enough guy. He’ll probably read this. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. I have no respect for him because he’s fat. He seems to be a Christian, because he asked Elon “What Would Jesus Do?”, and he didn’t seem to be being ironic, but if he is a Christian he needs to repent of his gluttony and distance himself from criminal gamer frauds. When reviewing the video, the funniest thing Quin said was “Jesus wouldn’t be cheating at video games!” It’s so true.

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and if Protestant churches would actually enforce this, America would be about 1,000X less ridiculous.
