Insight – Daily Stormer The Most Censored Publication in History Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:22:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 It’s Better to Insert One’s Penis Into a Sofa Than an Indian Pagan Vagina Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:00:06 +0000

People are attacking Trump’s VP pick “JD Vance” (this is a fake name, his name is James Bowman) because he wrote in Hillbilly Elegy that he once had sex with a sofa.

As it turns out, he did not actually write that.

It would not have bothered me if he had, however. Having not read it in years, I just assumed it was in there. It wouldn’t have really been out of place, given the tone of the book.

The book is good. In theory, he is open about his various problems. It could all be fake, of course. It was definitely intended as a big part of his branding. Basically, he ran on “I went to Yale and wrote a good novel.” (Nb4 “it’s a memoir” – it’s a nonfiction novel, obviously written to be turned into a film.) But as a literary work, regardless of whether it represents his real thinking, it is good.

People keep accusing me of only saying that because it’s about Ohio. That is not the reason. It’s actually a good book. Everyone thinks that. I never watched the movie, which is more likely what people are commenting on when they claim the book isn’t good.

Anyway, I saw this sofa sex bit and like many just assumed it was true. It was years ago that I read the book and it wouldn’t have stood out in the book, which was intended to show Vance as open and vulnerable. We all did various weird sexual things as teenagers, I’m sure. I wish it was in the book, because it would be funny.

I went in liking the guy a few years ago because of the book, but as soon as he got into politics, he became a total neocon. Maybe not a total neocon, because he has consistently voted against the Ukraine war. But he’s fully on board with the Israel war. This doesn’t even make sense, from any angle. The Ukraine neo-Nazis are brutal, but they are not as brutal as the Jews. So there is no moral argument. Furthermore, the arguments about “well, the Ukraine is in Europe and therefore related to American interests” might not make sense, but they at least exist. There is no argument that Israel is in Europe or has anything to do with American interests.

Vance actually says “no limits” on funding for Israel and literally says “because I’m a Christian.” This is undistilled neoconism straight out of the Bush years. (He also claims to be Catholic now, and the whole “Christians support Israel” is a Protestant/evangelical thing – so it doesn’t even make sense.)

Vance actually introduced the bill to withhold funding from universities that allowed protests against Israel.

He has a special Jew bucket. I quote: “I’m supportive of Israel and their war against Hamas… It’s sort of weird that this town assumes that Israel and Ukraine are exactly the same. They’re not, of course, and I think it’s important to analyze them in separate buckets.”

This guy Bowman says all these nice things about Ohioans, he talks against the Ukraine, he says stuff I guess I agree with about corporations and so on. Glenn Greenwald gushes over his “support for the working class” and seems to give him a pass on the Israel thing because Vance supports the Teamsters. I don’t really have very strong views on that whole angle of his branding, because I think the term “working class” has largely become synonymous with “poor people” (those are certainly the sorts he describes in the book), and I’m really not sure that these unions help people very much. I’m also not necessarily against that. I just don’t really care. I think a bigger issue is the regulations which destroy small businesses, which, along with NAFTA and GATT, are what created this problem of an impoverished peasantry.

There was a kind of dual attack on small town America that involved both removing the mines and factories and letting Walmart (and then Amazon) come in and totally decimate the local retail market. Anyway, I’m sure I basically agree with him on all of that. There are a lot of other issues I think he’s brought to the floor as a “populist.”

But the whole thing is just totally fake. This is all just window-dressing for a Jew lover.

I understand that Trump is also a Jew lover. But he wasn’t in 2016. He said before he was elected that the Jews should have to pay back all the money America sent them. He refused to do the Wailing Wall photo-op before the election. (I think back then, Trump probably really didn’t care about Israel, then when he got into office he realized that Israel ran America and just ended up going along with it. Plus he has some kind of bizarre relationship with his daughter, who is married to an ultra-Jew who is personal friends with Bibi.)

“JD Vance” has not even attempted to hide his total subservience to the Jews. This is heinous.

Remember: George W. Bush said good things too. He was anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-gun, and so on – in his rhetoric. And yet, his entire legacy is defined by only one thing, which is fighting a bunch of wars for the Jews.

Political rhetoric is irrelevant.

What’s more: he’s married to a practicing Indian Hindu woman, which makes all of this seem even more fake.

Why is he married to that woman if he’s a hillbilly who wants to bring back American identity? I’ve defended men who race-mix because they don’t have any options. I don’t support the act, but I support the men themselves, and I understand. But he had options. He went to Yale and was making middle six figures immediately after college. He could have married a normal white woman. I get that it’s probably easier to deal with an Indian woman, but that’s no excuse.

Frankly, I would be less offended if he’d married a Mexican. At least that is a bit more American. We’ve always had these Mexicans around to some extent, they are part of our history and experience. India is not part of our national experience.

Being married to an Indian, having these Indian children… this isn’t good. This does not show a real desire to return to a traditional American identity.

This then becomes the whole “multiracial working class populism” narrative that has been shoved down everyone’s throats as the “new conservatism.” No one wanted this. The populism, people wanted, but making it multiracial is not what conservatives wanted; this is just a way to try to integrate immigrants who should instead be rounded up and put in camps. You could do multiracialism with the blacks. We have all these blacks we need to do something about, okay, try to give them jobs and get them to vote against trannies and so on. But we don’t want multiracialism with Indians. We do not want race-mixing and combining Indian religions with Christianity under the theory that “all religions are the same.” This is just totally satanic.

The other main figure in this “working class populism” is Josh Hawley, who is obviously a homosexual and was the main figure calling for TikTok to be banned because it allowed freedom of speech about what is going on in Gaza. He was calling for it to be banned even before that, because TikTok is Chinese and the Silicon Valley people don’t want the competition.

Rand Paul confronted him over this over a year ago.

Again, his family is all of the most offensive possibilities, because his wife is literally a practicing Hindu. They had an “interfaith marriage.” What the hell?

Then he converts to Catholicism. When I heard that, I thought he and his wife must have converted together. But no. He went through the whole process of conversion to Catholicism without his wife. This is, frankly, the worst part of all. I would not like the Indian thing regardless, but if she converted when they married, or if they converted to Catholicism together as a way to reconcile the faith differences, that would be 1,000 times better.

As it is, he is involved in a much more mixed up family than the one he came from as described in his novel. It’s much better to be blasted on pills and living on welfare in a shed than to have two religions in the same household.

White male/Asian female relationships have lower divorce rates than white male/white female relationships. But firstly, Indians are not Asians, but rather a third thing, and successful WMAF marriages involve either women that are already Christian (there are Christians in every Asian country) or where the woman converts and the children are raised with one religion.

How do you raise children with more than one religion? It doesn’t make any sense. Unless you’re planning on somehow combining those religions into some sort of new thing. Which appears to be the plan.

“JD Vance” is a shill for Silicon Valley. Everyone knows this. I like some of these tech bro types okay. Or I should say, I agree with them on some things. David Sachs is someone I like primarily because he actually defends freedom of speech. But all of these people want mass numbers of Indians. It was on David Sachs’ podcast, All-In, that Trump made his now infamous statement that we should be stapling green cards to diplomas.

Look: replacing the white middle class with Indians is way worse than replacing the white poor with Mexicans. It’s way worse.

I don’t even think these Asians and Indians should have taken over our universities in the first place. How does this even make any sense? What is the purpose of these institutions, if not to educate our own people? If there are going to be Asians, it should be a one-to-one exchange, where we send someone over to one of their schools and they send one to us. No American should be losing a seat at a university to a foreigner. That is completely ridiculous. But this is happening, and it’s definitely better to get them out once they finish at the school than give them all green cards.

America doesn’t need people. We have people. The government has just destroyed them. This was literally the entire point of Hillbilly Elegy – that Americans have been left behind by a government and an economic elite that do not care about them.

You’re not going to teach coal miners to write code, but there is no reason you can’t teach their kids to write code, and they would write it better than the Indians. This whole Silicon Valley obsession with Indian immigrants is not even good for their companies in the longer term – you see that with Elon Musk getting completely destroyed by the Chinese. Tesla is an Indian company, while BYD, solidly the biggest EV company in the world by 2022 and now just completely burying Tesla, is a White-Chinese company.

I wouldn’t want to replace white Americans with Chinese people either. But that would at least make some kind of sense, because they have more core competency than Indians. However, none of the Chinese want to come work in America anymore, because they make more money and have a better quality of life in China, and don’t have to learn a foreign language. Instead, Chinese companies are now hiring whites (especially for programming – Chinese are good at design and engineering, but still struggle with programming).

We’re going to war for Israel and we’re creating a new one-world religion to accommodate tens of millions of Indians being brought into the country to replace the white middle class. That’s the Trump 2024 platform and it is embodied in his VP pick, who is a radical pro-Israel extremist and involved in a bizarre mixed-race, mixed-religion family.

Don’t vote.

It doesn’t matter anyway, because the election is fake and they’ve already appointed Trump, but for the sake of yourself, do not sign a ballot saying you consent to be ruled by this system.

Clarification: Yes, Technically China has Increased Military Spending in the Past Decade Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:05:09 +0000

In response to my article yesterday about China’s plan for the world, I got several complaints about the claim I made that China has not built up its military in the way that John Mearsheimer predicted that it would. I stand by this statement as being fundamentally true, though as is often noted by both critics and fans of my writing, I am prone to gross simplification for the sake of promoting a clear understanding of issues among people who are not sitting around reading think tank papers and statistics.

Frankly, a lot of these complaints appear like nagging. It seems to me that if people wanted detailed statistical breakdowns, detailed historical analysis, or think tank autism, they would go somewhere else to find these things. I’m using broad strokes, and I think everything I say is fundamentally true or I wouldn’t say it, and these simplifications are just that. The whole idea is that I spend my time going through this sort of material so that the reader does not have to.

Consider this response a general response to nagging, nit-picky complaints about “oversimplification.”

It should first be noted that the way these numbers are tabulated by Western institutions is debatable (to say the least) and the way that Western think tanks classify Chinese military spending doesn’t line up with the way China calculates these numbers. China does not file an annual budget report broken down into categories like the US does, making any estimate by a Western think tank on “defense spending” simply a guess which may or may not be backed up by good information.

That said, China has definitely increased military spending, but this increase has in no way aligned with a plan to threaten anyone in the region, let alone confront the United States. It is all defensive (a lot of short to medium range anti-air, anti-ship, etc.).

The US has completely surrounded China with military bases.

It would be absurd not to be prepared for some kind of conflict in the region, given the ridiculous hostility and encroachment of the United States.

Moreover, China’s economy has done very well over the last ten years, despite some underlying problems that Xi inherited from his predecessors (most notably the housing crisis). So, on some level, when every sector is expanding, you would simply expect the military sector to expand. It’s only logical that they would be focused on developing military technology. As I assume everyone is aware, military technologies often have civilian and consumer application.

Officially, military and internal security spending (announced as the same thing by the Chinese government) has increased at an average of around 7% over the last decade, which more or less overlaps with their rate of economic growth. Moreover, this is after a steep drop in military spending to GDP ratio in the 1980s.

According to the World Bank (one of the main groups that keeps track of these things), China’s military budget as a percentage of its GDP has remained static since the 2000s, at around 1.8%.

Simply: there is a very big difference between expanding your military on pace with the larger economy and a “military buildup.”

What China has not done has moved to expand into a “regional military power” or a “hegemon” in the way that Mearsheimer predicted. China has not devoted 40% of its total government spending budget to the military, or even anything close to that, nor are they moving towards something like that.

Perhaps most notably, China has not started building military bases around the world.

China has one overseas military base, while the US has “approximately 750” of these bases.


To Summarize:

Expanding the military budget at the same rate as expanding the GDP could be equated to “not really expanding the military budget.” When a child is growing, his hands and feet are growing proportionally with the rest of his body. This is much different from an adult growing a fat gut.

Furthermore, it is obviously just basic common sense that when the US is building up its military all around you, and constantly threatening you with war, you are going to at least make it clear that you won’t go down without a fight. Certainly, Mearsheimer’s predictions have been completely wrong, objectively.

My predictions that China would focus primarily on trade networks, foreign investment, and developing their own domestic industry, especially tech industries, with specific focus on consumer electronics, have proved exactly correct.

I’m not claiming to never make mistakes. I write a lot and virtually all of it is directly from memory. That’s the process. I read a lot and then I write a lot. So there is room for small mistakes. I accept that. This is the nature of the process and a result of not having an editor and producing such a massive output.

However, this is very rare, and I do not accept this nitpicky claim that “oversimplification” is equivalent to “being wrong.”

I will say that it would have been better if I had included the sentence “China’s military budget has tracked with their GDP.”

The funny part is: I’m pretty sure John Mearsheimer himself would admit that I am right here. He would still say that he expects China to “transfer their economic power into military power” in the future, but he would agree that this has not happened yet.

It’s unfortunate that I’ve been so absurdly slandered by the media, because virtually no one wants to take the flak for being associated with me, even if they follow my material and are aware that my reputation in the media is a result of the malicious false interpretation of satire and other edgy humor. If this wasn’t the case, it would be interesting to have a debate between me and Dr. Mearsheimer on the future of China. He’s someone I respect a lot and actually agree with on many or most things, but I feel he’s allowed abstract reasoning to color his view of obvious physical realities when it comes to the trajectory of China.

Fortunately, the Chinese themselves don’t care that I made edgy jokes and was painted as evil by the media, and don’t really even understand the logic behind why anyone would care what the media has said about me. Because of this, I’m widely read by English-speaking Chinese, and a Chinese university would happily arrange a formal debate between myself and Dr. Mearsheimer. He’s more knowledgable than me, being twice my age and presumably having a higher IQ, so he would certainly have the advantage in the debate; I’m nonetheless very confident I would prevail. But of course, his attendance of such an event would be reported by the Western media and used to attack him (even though he is there to debate me and promote a view he shares with the US State Department), so I fully understand why he would refuse such an offer, and do not believe he would refuse the offer if it weren’t for my strange status as both a very popular and influential commentator and someone whom public acknowledgement of is a career-destroyer.

Pax Sino: Hamas and Fatah Among 14 Palestinian Factions to Sign Unity Agreement in China! Wed, 24 Jul 2024 08:52:41 +0000

This is absolutely huge!
On Tuesday, representatives of 🇵🇸14 Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, pledged to end their divisions and strengthen Palestinian unity by signing the Beijing Declaration.

The announcement was made after a three-day reconciliation dialogue…

— Li Jingjing 李菁菁 (@Jingjing_Li) July 23, 2024

Earlier today I published an article about how China is beating Western companies in developing consumer technology. The tech space is the most obvious place you can look to see where things are headed in the future, because that is a space that has been dominated by America (and American allies, such as Japan and Korea) for a long time, and it is now beyond debate that China is going to bury their competitors.

But China is also going around the world making peace deals between groups that the US wants to be at war with each other.

US Middle East policy was based around war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, then all of a sudden in March of 2023, China made a surprise announcement that they’d brokered a peace deal altering a decades-long status of continual conflict engineered by the US. It’s yet to be seen if that peace will hold, but we know it ended Saudi involvement in Yemen.

Now they make this surprise announcement.


Palestinian factions including rivals Hamas and Fatah have signed an agreement on “ending division and strengthening Palestinian unity” in Beijing, China said Tuesday.

The announcement followed reconciliation talks hosted by China involving 14 Palestinian factions starting Sunday, according to China’s Foreign Ministry, which come as Israel wages war against militant group Hamas in Gaza and as Beijing has sought to present itself as a potential peace broker in the conflict.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the agreement was “dedicated to the great reconciliation and unity of all 14 factions.”

The core outcome is that the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) is the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinian people,” Wang said, adding that “an agreement has been reached on post-Gaza war governance and the establishment of a provisional national reconciliation government.”

We don’t know the details yet, but I will tell you this: it was not Hamas that folded. Hamas no doubt offered concessions, but the only way they would agree to respect PLO/PA/Fatah authority is if the PLO agreed to their platform of resistance against the Jews.

It was unclear from Wang’s comments what role Hamas, which is not part of the PLO, would play in such an arrangement, or what the immediate impact of any deal would be. The talks were held as the future governance of Palestinian territories remains in question following Israel’s repeated vow to eradicate Hamas in response to the group’s October 7 terrorist attack on its territory.

The PLO is a coalition of parties that signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1993, and formed a new government in the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Fatah dominates both the PLO and the PA, the interim Palestinian government that was established in the Israeli-occupied West Bank after the 1993 agreement known as the Oslo Accords was signed. Hamas was not party to the accords and does not recognize Israel.

Mustafa Barghouti, president of the Palestinian National Initiative, who was at the Beijing talks, said “all the parties” have agreed that they should join the PLO, and that the organization is the only legitimate representative of the Palestinians.

You see: the Chinese are the good guys.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of Fatah, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and Mussa Abu Marzuk, a senior member of Hamas, in Beijing on July 23, 2024.

While the Chinese are unifying the Palestinians around the common purpose of forming a coherent state, the Americans are paying the blood-sucking Jews to mass-murder children. The rumor is, Donald Trump has made a deal to end the goal of a two-state solution and give Israel permission to ethnically cleanse not only Gaza, but the West Bank as well.

One thing is for sure: the Adelson woman didn’t give Trump $100 million because she likes his charming smile and dashing ear bandage.

Why are the Chinese the Good Guy?

Dishonest critics of my positions will claim I am promoting subservience to the Chinese, or that I am claiming we should “adopt the Chinese system,” or that I am claiming the Chinese are saviors. I’m not saying any of those things, but it seems none of the critics want to look at what I am actually saying, and instead prefer to distort my positions and then attack the distortions. (It is also possible that many of my critics are simply stupid, and are legitimately incapable of grasping what I am saying.)

The Chinese are the good guys, but it’s important to note that they are not the good guys because they want to do charity for the world out of some spirit of niceness. It is a uniquely Western idea that a government would go around the world trying to help people out of the kindness of their hearts.

And we can all see that while the people in the US and EU are constantly talking about how good and moral they are and how they are on a mission to bring “democracy” and “human rights” to everyone on earth, the actual results are endless war and ridiculous poverty. They also bully people, because they claim they have established a universal moral order (based on nothing, by the way).

We can see, pretty clearly, that while some people might be stupid enough to believe that the Western governments are on a mission of love, this stance of “we are the most moral people in the world” is just a cover for corruption and violence.

Personal charity is a good thing and it’s actually a Christian moral directive. It’s good to help people when you can. It’s good to give a bit of money to someone who is struggling, if they’re not just going to buy drugs with it.

Organized charity, however, is virtually alway a gigantic scam. I’ve written in some detail about the foreign adoption scam, where these groups (usually branded as evangelical Christians) go around the Third World buying babies from their mothers to sell for a profit in the US. There are a few good books on this (I recommend “The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption” by Kathryn Joyce, if anyone is interested in the topic – it’s sort of fascinating). Christian “adoption” agencies being literal human trafficking rackets is one of the more extreme examples of charity organizations being a scam, but they’re all basically like this, including the environmentalist groups.

When you have national governments claiming that their purpose is organized international charity, that is really obviously a scam. We know it’s a scam because we can see all these people do is start wars and sanction countries into oblivion. “Foreign aid” is a bribery scheme to pay off a group of criminals in a foreign government so they serve the interests of the US Empire. These interests include both military interests as well as agreements to sell off a nation’s natural resources to Western companies. No country’s economy has ever gotten better because they received foreign aid any more than a junkie has ever gotten clean because the government gave him clean needles.

China does not claim to be doing any of this for charity purposes. They don’t make claims to be ultra moral people going around saving the world from itself. The basic Chinese premise is that both war and interfering in another country’s domestic affairs through other means are both bad for business.

The Chinese vision of the future is one where peace is based on trade rather than enforced through violence. It’s also a future where a nation-state can make its own decisions about its internal affairs, because meddling in other people’s affairs is destabilizing and ultimately a form of warfare that often or even usually leads to violent warfare. The Ukraine is the perfect example: the US/Europe went in and did a revolution to overthrow the elected government in 2014, and this eventually led to a war. The Chinese policy is “everyone just relax, we’re going to sell you high-quality products at reasonable prices.”

The Chinese Have Literally No Reason to Do War

It’s important, as I said above, to remove morality from this whole analysis. So then, someone will ask: if the Chinese are going to be the dominant world power, why wouldn’t they use violence against other nations?

The answer is because they would have no reason to. If global markets are open and they are making money, what purpose would they have in doing violence? The only theoretical reason I could think of is that if someone tried to close their market to the Chinese, they would want the market open, and therefore could use violence to do that. However, work that through: the model is based on openness and trust between nations, so if other nations saw the Chinese invading another nation, it would reduce trust, which could cause other nations to close up.

There is currently no country that has a good reason to completely close their market to the Chinese, but if a few nations decided to do that, it would not mean much, as all other nations would still be open, and reintroducing war could not possibly be worth the cost.

The Chinese are not a martial people, they are a mercantile people, and their entire view of international relations is based around trade. This is an ancient historical matter. But it is also relevant today, because in the current world, there is not a need for expanded living space. The Chinese and a lot of other people like living in super-densely populated urban areas, and modern shipping technology allows for food to move all around the world. China buys a lot of pork from the US. They are not going to invade the US to take over the pork farms given that they can just buy the pork, while selling the US electric cars and cellphones.

I like a lot of what John Mearsheimer says, but his narrative about China having some secret plan to transit into a global military power is completely baseless. He’s been making this claim for years, and China has not done this. I’ve been promoting this idea of Pax Sino for probably 6-7 years, and during that period, Mearsheimer has been claiming they were going to militarize. My theory has been predictive, while his has not been. They have not militarized significantly; instead they’ve used resources to strengthen trade and now they are involved in global peace projects.

The last time China was involved in a war was in 1979 when they sent troops to Cambodia to protect the Cambodians from a Vietnamese invasion. Think about that. How many wars and interventions has the US done since 1979?

I’ve actually argued that the Chinese should send troops to Burma (Myanmar), because by all accounts that would make good sense, given that Burma is a strong Chinese ally being bullied by US-backed terrorists. But the Chinese just don’t do this sort of thing, and they don’t want to start doing it.

Sino-Futurism (AKA Pax Sino) Isn’t Perfect

I’m not going to claim that the Chinese model is a perfect future for the world, but it’s just an obvious fact that it is six million times better than what we have now.

The Chinese idea is very much based on consumerism, which I’m not sure is the best thing for mankind. I’m actually sure it isn’t the best thing for mankind. Some of these technological products have made our lives better, but a lot of them have made our lives worse, and “just buy infinity stuff” is not a path to human happiness.

However, given that avoiding war and allowing for national independence is a key part of the Chinese plan, no one is going to be forced to base their society around consumerism. China is doing deals with the Taliban, who obviously have an alternative model of living that is not based on consumerism, but rather on faith and family. But they still need money, and there are still products they can use, even if they choose to continue living in caves. (They probably will stay in the caves, because a big part of their understanding of Islam is based on rejection of luxury. They’re a bit similar to the Amish in this way. But the Amish do business. The Chinese would do business with the Amish. They don’t care.)

There are other problems that I’m willing to discuss. Obviously, I am a shill for the Chinese, but I’m not paid and I don’t need to claim that this is going to be a perfect future. But it is the inevitable future, and it is much better than what we have now. All of these weird social issues in the West are going to evaporate, because it is all unnatural and forced on us by this corrupt globalist system. The problems that will come up are problems that we can deal with.

It’s in a way sad that white people won’t rule the world anymore. But we haven’t been ruling the world in a long time anyway. We surrendered that power to the Jews, and it’s been a complete disaster, and now it’s collapsing and the Chinese are taking over. It’s not going to be a perfect world, but it’s going to be a much better world, where we can determine our own futures in our own nations instead of having something forced on us by an elitist global criminal cartel.

To be Perfectly Clear

I want what’s best for white people, for Christendom. If I didn’t believe that Pax Sino was the best thing for my people, I would not be promoting it.

I am completely open to debate and discussion on this topic, which is not the case for people promoting Pax Americana. Those people are obsessed with censorship and forcing their agenda on others.

In the short term, things are not looking good for white people. But in the long term and even really the medium term, things are looking up. If I didn’t believe that, I would not say it.

Memetic [Insert Day of Week]: Whatever Happens, I Will Always Love You, My Friend Tue, 23 Jul 2024 12:40:55 +0000

Don’t ever worry about things you can’t control. All that does is take away energy from changing things you can control. Specifically, the only thing you can control is your own decisions.

And just remember: whatever happens from here on out, I will always love you, my dear reader and very important parasocial friend.

I removed some memes that had sexy women in them because I don’t want to trigger you to abuse yourself.

Editor’s Pick of the Week:


Note: I’m not going to explain giving an award to a Star Wars meme except to say that I genuinely like it.

Here is the primo collection (frontloaded with decade-old Jeep memes instead of sloped roof memes, for your mental health).

Drones, Dead Jews, And the Inevitability of Sino-Futurism Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:32:35 +0000

“There would be ‘no red lines’ in the Houthis’ response to Israel.”

Yemen’s Houthis will continue to attack Israel and will not abide by any rules of engagement, the group’s spokesperson has told Al Jazeera.

🔴 LIVE updates:

— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) July 21, 2024

Houthis are now killing Jews in Tel Aviv.

These are very primitive people. I don’t know that the people are primitive, I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, but I mean to say they’ve been getting the shit bombed out of them by Saudi (using US weapons, of course) since 2015, and the country is like basically a large Gaza.

Saudi deescalated last year because Xi Jinping showed up like Doraemon and took everyone on a magical adventure of friendship, but the country is still a total disaster, and now being consistently bombed by the Americans.

And they are killing Jews. In Tel Aviv. With drones that barely cost 5 figures. Which can be produced in unlimited amounts by basically anyone, anywhere.

Israel’s “Iron Dome” is completely obsolete.

Meanwhile – and this isn’t really a joke, you can go read about it – the US Department of Defense, RAND, CSIS, and others continue to pretend that drones don’t exist.

But of course that’s not literally true. Surely not. And no, you’re right – RAND and CSIS both published studies on drones… in 2014.

  • CSIS: Sustaining the U.S. Lead in Unmanned Systems: Military and Homeland Considerations through 2025. Brannen, S. J. (2014).
  • RAND: Armed and Dangerous? UAVs and U.S. Security. Davis, L. E., et al. (2014).

Seriously, look it up. I read through RAND and CSIS stuff and have for a long time. And Hudson and you know, other stuff. I don’t just make up the things I write on this website, I just generally think constantly citing sources doesn’t really add anything. If anyone disagrees they can disagree. Like if you think the two main “defense” think tanks have addressed developments in drone technology and how that would affect a large scale conflict in the Middle East, you can respond to me and cite the source. You won’t, because there isn’t one. The word “drone” is occasionally dropped casually, but the think tanks that serve the DoD operate as yes men, and no one in Washington wants to hear anything other than “we have aircraft carriers so we can kill everyone in the world if we want.”

It’s actually astonishing.

Iran is sort of a major military entity, so when they overwhelmed the Iron Dome as a demonstration that they can reach out and touch someone, it was kind of not totally shocking.

But the Houthis literally killing someone in Tel Aviv… that is really something. It’s quite something indeed. This isn’t Lebanon. This is Yemen. It’s 2,000 kilometers away.

The drone, an Iranian Samad-3, didn’t go over Saudi Arabia. It crossed the Red Sea, cleverly going over the Sudan, then Egypt, then over the Mediterranean, then hitting the Jews from the West. And it actually hit near the US embassy. So it was guided, using an MS Flight Simulator type system, to a direct target.

For the record, it was only one drone. It wasn’t a swarm. The Jews blamed “human error” for it not being stopped.


The Jews responded with a symbolic bombing.

Well, Jews: we already knew you could bomb Yemen. What we didn’t know is that the Houthis could use a $15,000 drone to hit the fucking US Embassy.

This is a really, really serious change in the basic nature of warfare.

The Guardian:

Yemen’s Houthis will continue to attack Israel and will not abide by any rules of engagement, the group’s spokesperson Mohammed Abdulsalam told Qatar’s Al Jazeera TV on Sunday, a day after Israel struck Houthi military targets near Yemen’s Hodeidah port killing at least six people.

Abdulsalam said there would be “no red lines” in the Houthis’ response to Israel. “All sensitive institutions with all its levels will be a target for us”, he was quoted as saying.

Technology has democratized violence. That idea, “the democratization of violence,” is actually very interesting and important. You can research it. Ask one of the robots about it. It’s already happened.

If one Houthi drone can literally hit outside the US embassy in Tel Aviv and kill a Jew, the obvious question becomes: “Can Iran sink a US aircraft carrier?”

The answer is “obviously, yes.”

When we talk about the democratization of violence, this important term, we are not talking about a point at which there is some kind of “mutually assured destruction” between small rebel groups and massive advanced militaries. We’re talking about a situation where the rebel groups actually have the advantage.

All a rebel group has to do to win a war is survive. The state actor has to destroy the rebel group, which has repeatedly been proved to be impossible, or continue to suffer casualties.

The theory behind the democratization of violence through technological development is that it forces large states (basically, the US empire) to allow independence. Obviously, the Houthis don’t want to be bombed by Israel, but it is so much less to them to be bombed by Israel than it is for Israel to be bombed by them.

Right now, the people of Yemen are willing to tolerate being bombed by Israel and the US because they are mad about Palestine, they are mad they’re being attacked for defending Palestine.

The US could solve the problem simply by stopping weapons shipments to Israel, which would force Israel to capitulate to Hamas. Hamas is open to a two-state solution, by the way. That’s a complicated topic I won’t go into now, but they are de facto open to this, even if they don’t publicly state it as such. In 2017, Hamas changed its platform to include the idea of a “temporary” two-state solution, something like a frozen conflict perhaps – but only along 1967 borders. But the fact that they’re saying 1967 borders means they’re open to it.

Since October 7th, they’ve more or less “explicitly implied” (if you will) a willingness to sign some kind of official agreement surrendering 1967 “Israel” to the Jews.

Here’s the question of all questions: if Donald Trump does what he says he’s going to do and goes all-in for Israel, and Iran sinks a US aircraft carrier, what exactly does that mean?

Does it mean something like this?

For those who don’t know (you probably should know, frankly) that is a scene from the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz” where the heroes discover that the powerful wizard is just a weak old man using a machine to project the image of being a godlike creature.

If Iran sinks a US aircraft carrier, and the whole world witnesses it, we start living in a new world, where people are not going to tolerate being bullied by the Jewnited Snakes anymore.

There were always a lot more “goyim” than Jews. It has always been an illusion that they control us. They have enslaved us to our sins, using free sex, pornography, drugs, processed food, and various other items from their bag of Jewish tricks. But the actual reality of the situation is that no one, save child molesters, hardcore sluts, and a few other groups of freaks, ever wanted this Jewish control, and it always could have been stopped, because they are not all-powerful godlike beings.

They are… well, most of them look like this:

It’s fear that leads people to believe in the idea of Jewish invincibility.

When the illusion fails, as it would if Iran sank a US aircraft carrier, everything changes, and people start saying: “No, actually – we’re going to run our own countries as we see fit.”

When countries say that, China is going to say: “We think that’s a really good idea. Every country has a right to manage its internal affairs as it sees fit, and the US never had a right to tell anyone what to do. It was always kind of fake nonsense anyway, which is why we never really built much of an army – we knew they were going to end up imploding under the weight of their own hubris, because we did all these studies on the psychology of Jews. So, anyway, now that this is settled: who here among you is interested in high quality products at reasonable prices?”

Then, that is Sino-Futurism.

It’s a new world order based on national independence for nation-states¹ and peace enforced not through violence, but through international trade.

Foot Notes: 

¹”Nation-state” is a specific term that means “a nation with a state.” It’s something of a complicated concept now. Obviously, Thailand is a “nation-state.” 98% of the citizenry is Thai and Buddhist. They have a shared national identity based on both race and religion. (Maybe Thailand isn’t the best example, because they’re now going anal and it’s clear Buddha doesn’t like this. They also have a lot of white people there, which, while not citizens, cause some form of unrest in the society due to their numbers. Anyway, I already wrote it down as an example and I don’t have time to change the example.)

The states of Europe were all nation-states after World War I and definitely after World War II, with the exception of Switzerland, which is an “artificial state,” and some people being on the wrong side of borders, and Austria somehow not being the same country as Germany.

Russia is a whole other creature, given that the core (white, Slavic) Russian population conquered a bunch of Moslem areas hundreds of years ago and then governed them. However, that situation is… more or less stable. The minority groups have “semi-autonomous Republics” under a federation. But I mean, to be frank, there are too many Chechens in Moscow. That’s simply a fact. That wasn’t the case during the USSR, however, because if a Chechen wanted to go to Moscow, he had to get a stamp on his passport. So if he had a good reason, he could go. I met an old Kazakh woman in Kazakhstan who lived in Moscow under the USSR, because she had some specific medical skill (which I didn’t really understand the specifics of). She said it was really uncomfortable, and the Kazakh community was very small and all lived together and everyone was mean to them. Now, of course, Kazakhstan is no longer even a part of Russia, but Moscow is filled with Kazakhs. You know. It’s not good. But it’s not terrible and it will be fixed at some point. It’s a standard “labor wages… population… inflation… deflation…” type situation and as always, the solution is to BAN WOMEN.

In Sino-Futurism, we will have to strengthen nation-states. People with the same genetics, culture, religion, identity – they tend to get along. “Multiculturalism” causes very serious trouble everywhere it is implemented. The Chinese understand this, they have full university studies about it. They also understand that tourism is good for everyone, student exchange programs increase peace, and so on. But a state has to be a nation in order to feel that it is united with a common purpose.

This is the path to peace. The Chinese figured it out. White notions of colonialism were always stupid. Whites were so stupid, they brought 12 million Africans into America because Southern plantation owners wanted to reenact some weird concept of medieval feudalism or something. I don’t really understand the reasoning. There were enough poor whites to pick the cotton. It was fine.

Anyway, as we look forward to the Glorious Golden Age of Sino-Futurism, we should understand that nation-states and national independence and the right of a people to government their own affairs is core to the Chinese conception of Sino-Futurism.

It would be nice if America and Europe were entering this Sino-Futurist age with fewer problems. I am a Sinophile, and I am a CPC shill, but it should be understood that the Chinese are not doing this for charity, they are doing it because they think it makes the most sense and will make them a lot of money. One of the problems is that the Chinese will buy land in other countries if they are allowed to. That is not a state policy, and it’s not really part of the theory of Sino-Futurism. It’s just something that individual Chinese people will do. The Glorious Empire of the Glorious Emperor Xi is not the same thing as 1.5 billion (when you include the diaspora in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, it’s probably closer to 2 billion) Han Chinese people. The first reason Glorious Emperor is so glorious is that he abolished corruption in a purge. Chinese people don’t do violent crime, but they will do dirty, snakey type stuff if they can get away with it. I should say “some Chinese people.” I think it’s fine for countries to let the Chinese government and companies contracted with them build ports. The will build the port on reclamation land anyway, so you don’t even have to sell them land for the port. But I don’t think we should be selling them land, and I think in principle, this goes against the ideals of Sino-Futurism and Xism more generally.

Like all things, it’s complicated. But it’s not really that complicated. The same people who are trying to start a war with the Chinese created laws allowing second citizenships and foreign ownership.

Frankly, however, Chinese people owning some of the land in our countries is going to be like an ant standing next to an elephant when compared to the problems these Jews have caused and continue to cause every day. I mention these issues of nation-states, and the issues of some potential negatives we will have to deal with in Glorious Sino-Futurism in order to demonstrate to you, my dearest reader, that I have thought through the negatives as well as the positives of the coming Golden Age of peace and prosperity.

You should take a moment to ponder a world where each people governs its own self according to its own values, and the Pax Sino is capable of enforcing peace without violence.

We are in a very, very bad situation in the West. Look around. There is one way out of this, and that is Sino-Futurism.

No one has to pledge allegiance to the Chinese. The Chinese are not going to tell anyone what to do. They are not going to do “humanitarian interventions.” According to the doctrine of Sino-Futurism, if you want to do something weird in your country, you have every right to do so. You simply do not have the right to go around, like the Jewnited States, and tell others what they can and can’t do inside their own country, and to inflict your values on them using violence.

The borders of some countries will need to be tidied up. “The Ukraine” for instance is not a nation-state, which is why the Chinese implicitly support Putin’s actions there in liberating Russian people from the iron boot of the Jewish Junta in “KEEV.” I don’t think “Austria” is a real thing, though that is up to the Germans to decide. America will probably have to be partitioned, a la India in 1947.

But here’s the point: you will have a place. You will have a home. You will have a people, a race, a religion, an identity. And you will not need to use violence to defend it.

Basically, Emperor Xi is like the real version of the mother in the Pink Floyd song “Mother.”

When you ask him “should I build a wall?” he replies “hey, if you think you need one, go for it, buddy. And of course, we’ll help.”

He also doesn’t think they’ll drop the bomb. And he thinks they’ll like this song.

End Note:

I have zero apologies for shilling for Sino-Futurism.


At all.

I am fully willing to talk about potential problems that will arise, and I want to put my own people first. I’m not like, just really into Chinese people or something. What I am talking about is a realistic future where white people have control over their own destinies. This is what is realistic. I would normally say “it might not be ideal,” but nothing is ideal.

Sino-Futurism is as close to “ideal” as anything could ever be.

Anyone who tells you anything different from this is lying to you on purpose, or they are stupid and have no idea what the hell they’re talking about.

Biden Dropped Out So Fewer People Would Conclude “American Democracy” is a Ridiculous Scam Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:14:11 +0000

I’m doing this “respect the Sabbath” thing. I decided that the reason God tells us to take a rest is that we need a rest, and not resting at all for over a decade had severely drained me. Of course, Christians are not Jews, so everything is reasonable. Jesus said if a goat falls into a well on the Sabbath, you pull it out. The Jews were harassing him about his views on stupid, pointless Jewish rules, and he was like “yeah, no, obviously if the goat falls down a well on the Sabbath, you gotta pull the goat out.” He went on to effectively say that any necessary work is fine on the Sabbath.

Based on my understanding, and conversations I’ve had with priests, it would actually be reasonable for me to say “well, people need the news on Sunday,” but I decided people don’t really need the news on Sundays. It’s probably better for the people if they take a day off the news too. I think the site needs content on Sundays, because the model of the site is one where it’s designed for people to check daily, and have something new. So I’ve decided to pre-write a “Sunday piece” that is long (people like my long articles) and hopefully more focused on self-help or religious type issues, rather than politics. (My first pre-written Sunday piece was a stupid joke piece about beards, and my second a piece about the RNC and the direction of the GOP that was technically political, but was more intended to be a spiritual warning about embracing homosexuality, abortion, and Jews.)

Two Sundays in a row, my sweet goats have fallen in wells.

I had already finished my work day and was getting ready to vibe when Trump got shot last Saturday. I put up a short piece late Saturday, just saying “yeah apparently Trump was shot, totally fake” then literally stayed up all night drinking the drink that is both my “serious party time” and “all nighter at the office” drink – vodka/pre-workout – and watching and reading about the shooting. Then, in Zombie Mode on Sunday, I wrote an article that was not very good at all. But I felt I needed to get out there with the “this is fake and it’s not fake in the obvious way everyone is going to be saying it’s fake” narrative.

[Note: Basically, I think it’s unquestionable that it was staged by Trump or Trump’s people. Probably either the Mossad or some private contractor made up of ex-Mossad agents. For the record, I don’t think Trump knew someone was going to die or even get hurt. I think he pretty much had to have been in on it, and obviously, it wasn’t just that the Secret Service agents created the hole and let the patsy take the shot that were in on it, but also the SS agents that let him do his 16-second first-pump and “fight” chant while there was still a possibility of a live shooter. The protocol would have been to physically pick him up and carry him, regardless if he was saying “wait wait wait.” I don’t think “it was a real hit but the CIA missed” is a serious analysis. You have to go with “divine intervention” in that case, which even as a Christian who believes in the technical possibility of miracles, I am always really skeptical of. Then you have to explain why God would do a miracle for a guy promoting abortion, anal sex with men, and wars for the Jews. I don’t want to go into the details, because that can go on forever, but I don’t think that photo of the bullet is real. No one is explaining how you take a photo of an AR round moving at that speed. No, I don’t think Donald would be comfortable with one of his people dying, but after the guy is dead, it’s not like he can blow the whistle on his own WWE-style political stunt. I know I’m something of a lone voice on this whole thing, but I’m eventually going to be vindicated, as usual.]

Yesterday, I was feeling amazing. I actually put my work computer away completely, I was vibing big time with the bros. I don’t have a smartphone anymore. My assumption there was: “If there’s something important enough that I need to put up an article, someone will tell me.” Then, someone told me: “Biden just dropped out. And endorsed Kamala.”

I spent about 90 seconds typing up the article, but just having to pull my work laptop out of my bag felt like pulling a goat out of a well. (How would you even do that, by the way? I guess I would try to get a noose around both of his hind legs? I guess I will ask a couple of robots, maybe make instructions on pulling a goat out of a well next Sunday’s piece.) But one of the promises of the site is “we’ll catch the breaking news, you can use this as your singular news site and be able to know what is going on,” and Biden dropping out had become obvious over the last few days, with him effectively saying he was going to by saying “if a doctor told me to I would,” and obviously any doctor on earth not paid to tell him the opposite would tell him that, but it’s still a pretty major “breaking news” event.

At time of writing, I don’t have more to say than I said in my short “breaking news” bit. I think the bigger and more interesting story is that he endorsed Kamala. The big follow-up piece of information that happened after I published the piece (which didn’t strike me as important enough to pull the goat out of the well again) was that Obama basically said it wouldn’t be Kamala. But, it’s worth noting that Obama also originally said, after the debate debacle, that Joe would stay in the race, and the official announcement of his drop out appears to have come from George Clooney (as well as every host on CNN/MSNBC and all of the main columnists on the NYT opinion page, but, slightly bizarrely, Clooney appears to me to have given the “official announcement”). So, I guess maybe wait and see what Clooney has to say about Kamala.

Kamala is obviously not any more of a serious candidate than Biden. She’s actually less electable, if we’re talking about real votes, even after Biden’s debate performance. But I think the election is already over. I don’t think the Democrats are even going to do fraud, because I think Bibi Netanyahu called Chuck Schumer and a few other top Democrats (and heads of news outlets) and said “look, this is how it’s going to be: Trump’s in.”

I think basically, Biden not dropping out would have been simply too ridiculous, and led to Democrats having the same feeling Republicans had in 2020 – “this election is fake and the party doesn’t care.” Thus, they’re putting on a little show of not literally running the advanced dementia patient.

It was a weird series of events:

  • After the debate, the entire media called for Biden to drop out
  • Then it sort of didn’t go anywhere, they didn’t zoom in on a candidate as you’d expect them to do, and they sort of started to just flop around, without a clear narrative
  • Then, after the Trump “ear scrape,” Democrats started saying stuff like “now is the time for the nation to unite, and the Democrat Party needs to be united around Joe Biden (which was really a weird narrative)
  • Then, finally, Clooney pulled the trigger
  • Joe said that if a doctor told him he wasn’t fit, he would drop out (literally every doctor on earth, to a man, would say that unless they were paid to say otherwise)
  • Then they announced he has “Covid”

I reported all of this, but I didn’t make any calls until the “if a doctor said” bit, which was as good as just saying “yeah, I’m dropping out.”

Again, the weird part is that he endorsed Kamala. I always said that Joe Biden has been committing crimes for 60 years, and the “intelligence community” could just lay a folder on his desk cataloging a few of these crimes, along with some sex stuff thrown in, and say “we’re sending this to the Times tomorrow morning if you don’t drop out.” It does indeed look like there was some wrangling, not with Joe directly but with Dr. Jill. (No man would actually try to wrangle, as they would know the intelligence agencies have a file, and therefore wrangling would be pointless, but Jill is obviously personally rolling Joe around everywhere, handling him, and women are stupid and always overestimate their power. Just look at that Secret Service bitch refusing to resign. If this had happened in Japan, the head of the SS – who would not be a woman – would kill himself because he’d brought shame on his family.)

Anyway, regardless if it required threats or not, someone ordered him (or rather Dr. Jill) to drop out, and it seems to me whoever that was would have also directed him on whether or not to endorse Kamala. Generally, you would endorse your VP, but this is a special case, where the Democrats really screwed up the VP, first by announcing that it would be a “woman of color,” presumably given that women and coloreds are their biggest constituencies, then by picking an Indian cop who claims to be black, but isn’t really recognized as black, and is just universally hated across the board by women, blacks, and everyone else. Despite lacking dementia, she is probably, today, less capable of appearing mentally capable than Joe is.

I don’t know how the campaign money thing works. Most people say that it can only be transferred to Kamala. I don’t think rules have ever stopped the government from doing anything they wanted to do, in my lifetime. But that would be a good excuse, to just say “yeah, we won’t run the dementia guy, that’s ridiculous, but although Kamala is not ideal, she’s the one who can get the money.”

There are ways around that. They could pick a VP for Kamala that is popular, then say that Kamala is planning to resign after the election “to manage family issues.” (After all, her Jew daughter-in-law is struggling with self-hatred, supporting Palestine, which is probably the biggest crisis possible in a Jewish family.) That would probably also just seem too silly, and if the goal is to not seem silly, then… I guess they should have planned this all out better. But simply going with Kamala removes the biggest silliness. And they don’t really have a good candidate. Under different circumstances, they could have run Newsom and I would expect him to win a fake election, but with the way the media narrative around Trump has changed and the way the Jewish money has shifted, I have no doubts about Trump.

I do think “people losing faith in democracy” is something that is generally concerning to power people. This democracy system has for a long time been the perfect tyranny, where you have a lower quality of life and less real personal freedom than any authoritarian system outside of the most hardcore forms of 20th century communism (the only extant remnant of that sort of thing being North Korea and to a lesser extent Cuba). They can do whatever they want to anyone in this system, but that ability is entirely based on faith in the system. They don’t want more people than necessary losing that faith. The Republicans briefly lost it in 2020, but Trump’s pitch of “we’ll just vote harder this time” has brought them back in the game. But running Biden would have a similar effect on Democrats, and there’s just no reason not to at least switch it to Kamala.

The DNC is still a month out, starting on August 19. I think we’ll know for sure about Kamala about halfway between now and then. I’m leaning towards them just leaving her in place and using the money excuse. I’d say there’s probably a 20% chance they try to switch her out. Again, there just would be no reason for Biden to endorse her unless the same people who ordered him to drop out ordered him to do that. But there might be some wrangling. Frankly, it has never seemed like Obama has really had much influence on the party since he left, and he’s not really made a point to be a public figure, so although it’s notable that he so quickly came out and slapped down Harris, it probably doesn’t mean anything.

Finally, a piece of information no one really cares about (as if anybody cares about any of this inane nonsense): current internet wisdom and betting markets say Pennsylvania Jew governor Josh Shapiro, who just got a media blitz pouring out his heart for Trump, will get the VP slot for Kamala’s run. He’s “a good politician,” i.e., a competent talker, liar, actor, and he’s young, so he’s probably somebody the Democrats want to push as their “next generation.”

Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This Sun, 21 Jul 2024 06:56:32 +0000

Author’s note: This is a Sunday article. I’m only publishing one article on Sundays now. 

The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.

He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?

The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”

There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with.

The current RNC plan is “people like Trump, just talk about how great he is and how God saved him from a bullet from some retard with no history or identity who got a sniper perch on a roof because it was too slanted to be safe for the Secret Service.”

As far as I can tell, Trump was first seen at the RNC during the speech of Amber Rose, a used-up face-tattooed hooker with a shaved head who promotes abortion and feminism and homosexuality and probably a lot of other things I don’t like. Her speech was “they said Trump wasn’t nice but I met him and he’s really nice. The left lied to me and said Trump wasn’t nice. He loves gays.”

So. Really weird.

As has also been stated, there was an Indian voodoo prayer during the RNC.

So, with “JD Vance” (not his real name) and his Indian (practicing Hindu) wife, with Vivek Ramaswamy claiming that Hinduism and Christianity are basically the same thing, with Trump’s pledge to import millions more Indians, it’s pretty undeniable that there is an organized plan to meld Hinduism and Christianity into the same religion. When you start creating new religions for civic purposes, when you start denying Christ for a universal “one god,” I personally think you are getting into very dark territory.

I guess they already did this with “Judeo-Christianity.” But that, as we know, was something very dark.

It all feels very dark to me. The Judeo-Hindu-Christian values, the abortion, the gays… none of it is anything I want to be a part of.

I watched a lot of the speeches at the RNC. Aside from very simple things, like “we shouldn’t have open borders and legalized black crime,” which like, 98% of Democrats agree with, there wasn’t any policy. Everything was just about Trump, the man, and how nice and good he is, what a great family man, he got his ear scraped and the only explanation is that God saved him so he could make all the good things happen.”

Trump’s actual policies, as I’ve deduced just from listening to him talk (rather than reading any policy papers, because such papers somehow don’t exist), include:

  • Stop open borders with normal border security and some kind of remain in Mexico policy
  • Replace poor mentally ill criminal immigrants with Indians through the H1-B system
  • Put even more tariffs on China
  • Bloat the military even worse by increasing spending (or redirecting existing spending)
  • Force companies to bring manufacturing back to America (I think through tariffs, though I don’t understand the details)

There is no more social conservatism. It’s just been cut out. Insofar as it’s discussed, it’s just the really insane stuff like child trannies, which was an unsustainable project anyway, because now they’re seeing what these drugs do to kids beyond the psychological stuff (cancer, 20 IQ point drop, etc.). There is some talk about removing DEI, I guess, but that was also just completely out of control and going to have to go away regardless, because planes are falling out of the sky. (High-caste Indians can maintain a Boeing, for the record.)

There is no serious policy agenda. The RNC admits this and says they want to remove policies and replace them with general ideas.

Remember that Trump did a multi-week tour condemning states for restricting abortion too much. Everything against homosexuality and trannyism has been removed from the platform. There is no more idea of protecting marriage. This stuff is all gone.

Oh, and the head of the Teamsters was there. He got huge applause for promoting communism. So there is also that, which is just… man, I don’t know what to say about that.

Trump came out to a stage with the frigging Elvis Comeback Special sign.

This isn’t irrelevant.

Why did people love Elvis?

Because he was Elvis.

Why do people love Trump?

Because he’s Trump.

There aren’t any policies. The policies that exist are just “good things are good, we like good things.” And Israel. Big, big policies for Israel.

Elvis didn’t have any policies. But he didn’t defend Israel either.

Right now, if Elvis was running and saying “man, we gonna get this thing back on track, you know what I’m sayin’?” it would be much better than what Trump is doing, because Trump is saying that – plus Israel.

Elvis also said “JESUS,” and didn’t say “God” over and over to not offend Hindus. Because Elvis was not trying to combine different religions for civic purposes.

When they called Elvis “The King,” he said he couldn’t accept it, because Christ is the only King.

(He literally said that.)

So to Donald Trump, I would say: “You ain’t no Elvis, bruv.”

I actually think using that sign like that is a kind of… stolen valor, or something.

If there is one truest of all Americans, it is Elvis and it always will be Elvis and Donald Trump is a game show host who is very charismatic but also a total shill for a foreign (Jewish) country and he ain’t no Elvis.

Trump’s speech, which you can watch above, was very, very long. I tried to just read the transcript, but they released a completely different transcript. Frankly, I got bored and started thinking about other things during it, so I can’t claim to have heard everything.

It started with a touching scripted piece about the alleged shooting, which played into this “divine intervention” narrative which was an absolute theme of the convention. He says, like everyone else says, that it was divine intervention.

Well, far be it from me to question the will of God, but it seems unlikely that God would do a divine intervention to promote abortion, gay sex, a melding of Hinduism and Christianity, and war for the Christ-killing Jews. Again, I don’t claim to know the plan of God, but I am fully comfortable saying that I’m sure he doesn’t support any of those things which defined the RNC and the Trump 2024 platform.

Further, if I were Trump, and thought a miracle just happened to save my life, I would not be promoting these things, and would instead ride into the RNC with this sort of energy:

After the tear-jerker about how he survived by the grace of God this alleged assassination attempt that conveniently took place just days before the convention, it turned into just his basic rally speech.

I don’t have much comment on that. Everyone knows what it is. Too many illegals, bring back jobs, support the people, do good things, do other good things, make everything good and everyone happy forever.

Of course he talked about Israel, and my ears perked up. But it was nothing at all surprising: give everything to Israel, defeat Hamas somehow, stop Iran somehow, etc.

He also made the stupid, false claim that Putin is “trying to take all of the Ukraine.” No one believes that. Putin has a peace plan on the table that says he keeps four provinces and Crimea. Him trying to invade and occupy West Ukraine makes zero sense.

Read about the Chinese invading and occupying Tibet. They had no choice but to do that, because the Tibetans were satanic cannibals engaged in slavery, and most pressingly, terrorism. But it was a massive, expensive endeavor. A lot of people died. It was really, really expensive.

Invading and occupying foreign countries does not make any sense. No one wants to do that. Putin only wants the parts of the Ukraine that identify as “Russian,” and he’s currently not even claiming all of those parts (which would include Odessa and Kharkov). Ruling over people who don’t want to be ruled by you is a very expensive nightmare. No one wants to do that. Ask the US troops who occupied Iraq for over a decade. It’s not fun. It’s very expensive. It serves no purpose. If the Ukrainians won’t stop, maybe Russia will be forced to march to Lvov and crush the remaining military and government of the Ukraine, but then they would just sell those parts to Poland and Hungary.

All of this is to say: it’s quite something that Trump would make such a claim – “Putin wants to conquer all of the Ukraine” – in his big speech. Previously, he’d said he wanted a deal to end the war by ceding territory to Putin, but now we don’t even have that on the agenda.

There is Literally Nothing Here I Care About

Trump is not offering me, as a normal white American, a single thing beyond his personality (which I must admit I will always like, but this is not about that).

Obviously, Trump’s 4 years were better than Biden’s 4 years, but the game has changed. Trump’s 4 years were before Biden’s 4 years. The virus hoax and BLM happened under Trump. Everything is always getting progressively worse, regardless of who is president. I mean, can you seriously claim that the Obama years were worse than the Trump years? By any significant measure? Obama did the Iran deal and refused to send weapons to the Ukraine, both of which Trump reversed. Biden obviously has taken the warmongering to a whole new level, but the basic fact is, Trump is openly claiming he’s going to double down on all of Biden’s warmongering.

Things always just get worse. It doesn’t matter who is president. Democracy is a hoax.

But even if I believed in democracy, I would not vote for Trump.

Why would I bother?

There is nothing here I care about, and most of it, I actually hate. I don’t want more gays and abortions. I don’t want more Indian immigrants. I don’t want to meld Hinduism with Christianity.

I’m not saying Biden would be better. Maybe he actually would be, because he would have a harder time getting young white men to sign up for the wars. But none of this matters, because the election is fake anyway.

Sorry, but that shooting was fake. I don’t mean that guy didn’t die, or there weren’t shots fired, but a bullet did not miraculously graze Trump’s ear. That is not possible. I don’t care about the details, but whatever happened is not what they are saying happened. This was a spectacle to turn Trump into Caesar (just in time for his coronation), and it worked.

I’m not voting.

I officially endorse not voting.

I was going to do that regardless, because elections are fake, but after this RNC shitshow, I have even more reason to say: do not sign your name on this satanic gibberish.

Leave the country, go live in a rural area, do whatever you have to do to prevent getting sent to fight one of these wars. But do not go along with this nonsense.

Do not believe the hype.

The logical thing for any man to do right now, in this situation, is to run.

It says it in the Bible.

This is Babylon.

There is weird, satanic shit afoot, and no one can deny it, even if they can’t explicate it.

It may indeed be inexplicable.

Most people are getting what they deserved. They have drank of her iniquities.

How many abortions? How much love for the sodomites? How much gluttony? How much fornication? How many dead in these wars?

How much blood is on the hands of the American people?

How great then will be the vengeance of the Lord?

I don’t like this “miracle saved Trump” talk. But God acts in the world. And chickens come home to roost.

Just get out of the way of the Beast.

Nothing good can come of it.

What is the Difference Between These Two Political Parties? (Vote Hilux 2024) Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:52:03 +0000


“At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border nightmare, and FULLY restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America… We’re going to do that on day 1.

Drill, baby, drill, and close our borders.”

— Ginger Kaiser (@Gigi_Kaiser) July 19, 2024

What Trump is apparently talking about is a 1-to-1 replacement of the illegal immigrants with Indian H1-B immigrants.

Is this what anyone is asking for?

Oh, yeah – actually, Silicon Valley is asking for this.

The whole “teaching coal miners to code” thing didn’t really work out very well.

And frankly: the Indians working in IT probably will vote Republican, because they want low taxes and deregulation. They are all going to start moving to Texas. They already have started moving to Texas.

New York Post:

After the US has suffered historic illegal immigration numbers under the Biden administration, former President Donald Trump issued a full-throated pledge to restore order to the US-Mexico border.

At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border nightmare, and to fully restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America – on day one,” Trump proclaimed.

Trump, 77, rattled through a list of feats on the border such as ending the so-called practice of catch-and-release, cracking down on asylum fraud, and alluding to the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

“Less than four years ago, I handed this administration the strongest border in American history,” he lamented. “Under the Trump administration, if you came in illegally, you were apprehended immediately and deported.”

“The current administration terminated every single one of those great Trump policies that I put in place to seal the border,” he added.

We want people to come into our country,” Trump said. “But we want them to come into our country legally.”

I will end the Illegal immigration crisis by closing our border and finishing the wall, most of which I have already built,” he said in his speech.

This is not even a question anymore.

In 2015-16, and even after in a lot of his rhetoric, Trump was against legal as well as illegal immigration. It was a big part of his basic platform.

Well. Gone are those days.

So-called “JD Vance” (not his real name) is an agent of Silicon Valley, and he’s an agent of Indians.

Did you see the Indian ritual done on stage during the RNC?

I forget if it was before or after the stripper with the face tattoo. But yeah, they did some kind of Indian ritual prayer.

That’s the direction of the GOP now.

It’s strippers, it’s homos, it’s foreign religious rituals, it’s fake ear bandages, it’s believing stupid shooting hoaxes, it’s calling for mass immigration from India, it’s endless wars with Israel’s enemies.

There isn’t even anything left to like about this.

When you throw in Trump’s pro-abortion campaign – which lasted at least like, six weeks (ironically) – what exactly am I supposed to support about this?

If we’re talking about a 1-to-1 replacement of illegal Mexicans (etc., mostly Venezuelans now apparently) with Indians, then there is officially nothing about this platform that I support.

At least the left hates the Jews now. Their leadership obviously doesn’t really hate the Jews, but at least they are now allowing calls for BDS, they are talking about AIPAC, and so on.

It’s all bad. There is nothing good about any of this political stuff. There is nothing to grab hold of.

Trump isn’t even calling for an end to the BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street buy-up of all the single family homes.

Just on a basic level, it’s impossible now to look at the two parties and say which is the lesser of two evils. If MAGA is doing trannies and face-tattooed strippers and Indian prayers and mass immigration and wars, how is it a “lesser evil” than the Democrats?

In the longer term, the Democrat immigration program is about creating a permanent violent underclass. The GOP immigration platform is about replacing the white middle class.

How many people do you know who finally bought a house in the suburbs, and ended up surrounded by Indians? If you’re going to live like that, why not just move to a gated community in Delhi? It’s cheaper and it’s not forced-gay. Probably the Indians in India are a lot friendlier too.

It’s the same argument I’ve made about moving to Venezuela. They don’t have crime there anymore. They forced all the criminals to go to America. Most of them wanted to go willingly, but they emptied their prisons and mental facilities and told people “just go to America.” It’s now a very nice, safe country, that’s also cheap and the people are friendly.

There is this three front war that both parties generally agree on: Eastern Europe, Middle East/West Asia, and China/Pacific. Some of the Republicans have said they are against the Eastern European front, but support the other two fronts. Some of the Democrats have said they’re against the Middle East front, but support the other two fronts. But actually, the Biden people are backing down on the Pacific front, while maybe the Republicans would back down on the Eastern European front, but both are definitely going to continue to support Israel.

Why would anyone bother voting? The only people who I can see wanting to vote are tranny child molester extremists, who might get a better deal with the Democrats, and Israeli Jew extremists, who might get a better deal with the Republicans.

For everyone else? I just don’t see what the difference is.

But even then: the votes don’t count. So even if you are a tranny child rapist or an Israel fanatic, you’re still voting in a fake election.

All of this democracy nonsense is just a hoax.

It’s not real life.

Remember what Tony Montana said?

“All I got in this world is my balls and my word, and I don’t break neither of them for no one, understand?”

“My balls and my word.” It’s internal strength and ethics.


All I’ve got in this world is my Cross and my Toyota Hilux.

When you were born into this world, you didn’t sign a social contract. That’s been done to death in commentary by me and others – the fact that the “social contract” is a spook, and while it is good spook in a good society, in a society run by Jews and women, it’s a noose around your neck.

But here’s another thing that didn’t happen when you were a baby: no one gave you a promise this life was gonna be easy.

No one told you “oh, just vote in elections for the lesser of two evils and you’ll live a normal healthy life and your family will be safe and everything will be fine and good.”

No one ever promised you “at no point in your life will the day come when you have to choose to ride or die.”

From here on out, friends are gonna be hard to come by.

Life was always going to be difficult.

It’s about to get more difficult.

Because I can tell you this: I don’t know where any of this weird shit is going.

But it’s not going anywhere good.

If My Father Raped, Killed, And Ate a Baby, I Would Not Change My Last Name Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:16:22 +0000
I could, um, you know. I could kinda use a friend myself. The Jews really seem to have too many friends.

“JD Vance” is a man without a basic identity.

He’s a single mother disaster raised by multiple step dads who had a high IQ and went to Yale, then wrote a pretty good novel (I genuinely like the book). Then he married an Indian. And instead of trying to assimilate her, she assimilated him – he named his son “Vivek.”

He was a Never Trumper, then became an ultra-Trumper.

He has no roots, no identity, no image of self.

He can be anyone and anything.

His childhood name was “James Hamel,” using his stepfather’s name. He even changed his middle name from “Donald” to “David,” because his father’s name was “Donald,” and there was to be no memory of his father.

Then when his mother got divorced a second time, he took her name.

His actual father’s name was “Bowman,” meaning that is his name. “James Donald Bowman” was the name on his birth certificate.

Right now he’s “JD Vance,” the Vice President Elect, servant of Israel.

He talks about how he’s against neocons and rich people and old conservative internationalist/globalist values. Then he says “yeah but Israel is different.” He doesn’t have a coherent explanation as to why. I would like to hear why Israel is different than the Ukraine.

I saw an interview, after he had converted from anti-Trumpism, and he said “I don’t really care what happens in the Ukraine, as I don’t think it is relevant to Americans.” It’s a great statement.

But why doesn’t that apply to Israel?

If anything, we should be actively bombing Israel just on principle, because they are committing a genocide. But I don’t even support that. Well, I would support that. Not necessarily even because they’re killing Palestinians. I mean, that’s a reason, but I would just support bombing Israel on principle. But that’s not the argument I’m making.

I’m asking how you can possibly say “Ukraine is none of our business” and then add “but we will die for Israel.”

It’s a rhetorical question.

I am just going to tell you, right now: my father is a giant of a man, and I wish every day that I could be more like him.

But if he raped, murdered, and ate a baby, my name would remain “Andrew Barret Anglin.” The name on my birth certificate is going to be on my gravestone.

People have nicknames and crew names and brew names, and that’s whatever. If he likes “JD,” that’s fine. For me, “Drew” was okay. I never liked “Andy.” After a certain time, I told people to call me “Andre.” I think it’s cooler and sort of sillier too. Of course, as an adult in professional life, I use the full “Andrew,” because it sounds adulty. That’s all whatever.

But when you have three surnames, and when you’re freed from your mother’s grasp, you don’t go to the office and say “I would like my father’s name reinstated, please,” then you are like a gooey paste that can be molded into any shape.

The name thing is really all you need to know.

And that he’s married to an Indian. If he was an incel, okay. I don’t shame men for taking what they can get. But he’s a Yale graduate. Less than 10,000 people graduate from Yale every year. You might as well tattoo “ELITE” onto your forehead.

Given current standards of conservatism, he might as well have.

A Yale degree is a pussy pass.

Yet this pussy chose to have an “interfaith marriage” with a Hindu.

Sorry. I’m not racist, but that’s fucking disgusting.

Then in 2019, at the age of 36, he converted to Catholicism for some reason. I mean, we’re all struggling with the various denominations of Christianity. I converted in my 30s to a different branch of Christianity. But I’m not married to a Hindu. And I don’t know what Catholic priest would baptize a man married to an unrepentant Hindu.

What sort of a marriage is that? If he’s just like “yeah, whatever, I’m not really religious, who cares if this bitch is Hindu,” then okay. But he cared enough to actually be baptized Catholic while his wife is doing rituals to fucking Ganesh in the next room?

Can you imagine this?

Can you imagine walking by your wife, praying to an elephant man, and saying “okay, honey, I’ll be in the next room praying the rosary, hope Ganesh blesses your Bhakti Marga, babe.”

Honestly, if he had converted her – before marriage – I would be a lot less bothered. (Frankly, I would be less bothered if he’d converted to Hinduism himself.)

But you know what. I would still be really bothered.

He has no stake in the future of America. He has no stake in the future of white people, who are the core of America. (Frankly, the only actual Americans are us, the blacks, and maybe a few injuns. Most of the injuns have their own autonomous reservations, and therefore are literally not Americans.)

He has no stake in the future of the Christian faith.

His kids are being raised by a Hindu woman.

His kids are going to be totally fucked.

If he has no identity, no stake in the future of the West, of America, of white people, of Christianity, what does he have a stake in?


Israel, apparently.

You can go read about it. He cares a whole lot about Israel.

He also says he cares about “the white working class,” but what is that, and why would he care about it?

I’m sorry, but when I hear the term “working class” in the current year, I think of “poor people,” and I have very little sympathy for poor people. I have some sympathy. But it’s not really a core issue for me. Fewer than 10% of white Americans are in this category, and they all are really, really fucked up on drugs. They have all kinds of baby-mama drama.

Basically, they are a non-entity, socially. They will be dragged along with the middle classes, and hopefully they will be brought up out of their sorry state if the white middle classes are rescued.

Saying “I want to help the working class” is saying “I want to help junkies and morbidly obese people in trailer parks.”

Sorry, but how do you help those people?

The only thing you can do is bring up the society as a whole, and raise the standards of the environments these people are in. Or you can I guess pass out clean needles?

“I care about the working class” is a total bullshit talking point. I care about people who actually care about themselves, and are getting fucked by the government and BlackRock. How about instead of clean needles, we talk about how hard it is to start a small business in this country? How government regulations have made it virtually impossible for millennials and beyond to ever have anything close to the living standards of their parents?

Or hey – how about we talk about bombing Israel? 

Yes, The VP Pick Matters (And for Reasons Other Than “Trump is a 78-Year-Old Man with an Ear Problem”)

Yes, the VP is “a heartbeat away from the presidency.” But in reality, he doesn’t really do very much. Even in theory, he doesn’t do very much.

But Trump is really old, people are poking his ear, you know. There’s a real chance “JD Vance” could become president.

What I am more concerned about though is that this is effectively his first cabinet pick. I already know what is happening, but apparently some people do not. Apparently a lot of people do not understand what is happening. What is happening is that Donald Trump is building an Israel First coalition, and there is really no reason anyone would support him other than the fact he is funny. (And he still is funny, and he can still suck me in when he’s on a roll – I will never dislike him as a person. He’s just too funny. But I’m talking about real life issues here, and things that are going to happen to you and your family.)

Trump was going around for months supporting abortion. He didn’t have to do that. He very easily could have said what he eventually said, which was “it’s up to the states, where it should be.” Instead, he was complaining about 6-week bans in conservative states, and saying stupid whores needed longer to decide whether they want to kill their baby. The whole idea of the 6-week ban is that at that point, you know you’re pregnant, and then you can decide.

But the Christian perspective is that life begins at conception. I honestly don’t understand the moral difference between an early abortion, a late abortion, and killing a baby that has already been born. Obviously, there is a visceral emotional difference when you can see that the baby looks like a human instead of a tadpole thingie. But morally, and really practically, what is the difference? The only thing I can think of is if it is painful for the baby to die, but if you are at that level, where you’re asking “can we kill the baby painlessly?”, you’ve gone way past the point of any basic moral framework into some other realm. This becomes like asking what age children should be legally allowed to get tattoos, or something else stupid and arbitrary. It’s aesthetics.

So, yeah, the whole “Trump Abortion Crusade” was real.

He also did the vaccine, and keeps telling people to take these kill shots.

He says he’s going to stop immigration, but who gives a shit about that at this point? What difference does it make if 2035 America is 36% white or 38% white? He’s also saying he’s just going to replace the Venezuelans with Indians, which is arguably worse.

What are his talking points? Now it’s all about “oh, I got a small injury on my ear somehow – apparently, it was from a rifle bullet, but there isn’t really any evidence of that.”

The guy won’t even agree to stop funding the Ukraine war. I thought that was a big talking point. But not anymore.

The fact is: this entire thing is about Israel.

So who is going to be in his cabinet? Well, Vance is the tell. It’s going to be stacked with Israel Firsters, hellbent on eliminating all threats to Israel. That is the only actual agenda of Trump 2024.

I was Right Again

I was running for a long time with the basic talking point that Trump 2024 was retarded because the 2020 and 2022 elections were fake, and voter fraud is now baked into the voting system through the mail-in ballot system, so even talking about Trump 2024 was ridiculous.

Then October 7th happened, and I started to see the shift, and I said, “what 2020 actually proved was that the vote count doesn’t determine the outcome of an election – it doesn’t prove Trump can’t ‘win.'” It started to become obvious that this Israel thing was a very big deal, and that the Israel Jews, who have a stranglehold on the entire US government, preferred Trump.

I started saying “I think they’re going to appoint him.” I became more and more convinced of this. I was argued with by election believers, who claimed without evidence that the 2024 election would be real for no reason, and people who said that the American Jews and the Democrat/media establishment hates Trump too much to let him come back.


Here we are.

After the debate, the Democrats were all saying they were going to get a new candidate. Then Trump had a small injury on his ear, and the Democrats claimed that they would be too busy sending condolences for the next four months, and would instead just let Trump run effectively unopposed, admitting that he will win.

This is all ridiculous.

I saw a piece from The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur, and he actually said exactly what I said – “they are going to be sending condolences for 4 months.”

This is the Democrat narrative, all over the place.

Cenk’s take is that the Democrats like it when Trump is in power because they raise a lot of money and don’t have to do anything. This is partially true (if the Democrats in question think they can hold their seats, it’s obviously more true). However, as a general rule, the party itself would much rather be in power than not, despite the fact that individual candidates might like doing nothing but complaining about Trump and raking in cash. But it is also true that shot-callers like Chuck Schumer get calls from Israel about what shots to call.

The Democrats are now openly standing down, despite the fact that they could run a media op saying Biden’s poll numbers are rising and he has a 98% chance of winning and then just announce that he won. What are people going to do?

Storm the Capitol?

This is a democracy. You don’t have any ability to petition grievances. If the government fakes an election, you just have to say “well, we’ll get them next time – in the next fake election.”

There is a 100% chance that the Democrats could roll out Gavin Newsom, say the nation is rallying around his moderate message of love and peace, keep saying Trump’s own “rhetoric” led to his shooting, and then fake the votes. Nothing would happen if they did that.

But they’re not going to do that.

Because Israel controls America, and Israel wants Trump, because Trump is going to support them 100% and he is the man who can rally young, fit, white males to go fight a war against Iranian globalists hellbent on destroying the US economy.

Frankly, even I’m shocked at how hard I called all this.

It’s a curse.

Why am I the guy?

Andrew Anglin Officially Endorses “Toyota Hilux” 2024

My professional advice to you is to not vote. You are damaging your soul by participating in this charade.

Voting was always stupid, but this is ridiculous.

When you sign that ballot, you are consenting to be governed by this system.

This system does not have a right to govern you.

This government is illegitimate. It is a criminal cartel run by foreign Jews. It has power because it has guns and men who will use those guns to kill you if you resist it. That’s all. It’s not different from any other criminal gang. Frankly, it is less principled than virtually any other criminal gang, as criminal gangs typically have some type of rules-based order.

This government has no rules-based order.

The Good News

I’m actually really positive about all of this. This level of ridiculousness has gotten so heinous that it cannot possibly survive much longer.

There are adults over in the next room.

These adults feel that the godless US system of global domination is an existential threat, and they are ready to ride or die for their right to exist outside of this “international rules-based order.”

Sino-Futurism is already here. Look at what BYD did to Tesla. Then imagine that this is going to happen to every single Western and Japanese/Korean company. Then imagine that the Chinese are building a massive international trade route to allow everyone to participate in their global “let’s all just get rich” scheme.

China’s vision of the future is one where every nation minds their own business, and everyone gets rich.

Obviously, they want themselves at the center of this. It’s not charity. But in this system, instead of bombing and sanctioning countries that make trouble, they will just cut trade. And they are going to have a way different definition of “making trouble” than the US has. The US sanctions countries for not allowing gay marriage. China has stated, consistently, that every nation has a right to run its own internal affairs as they see fit. They work with Hungary, the Taliban, Burma, the blacks – they don’t care. They have yet to try to tell anyone what to do inside their own country. What they do say is that countries do not have a right to illegally invade other countries in order to force their values on them.

Sino-Futurism might not be ideal. Personally, I would have preferred a world run by white people. But white people decided they didn’t want to do that, and instead handed over all of their power to Jews, because they saw a photo of a pile of shoes.

So, we got the Chinese.

I’m good with it.

I think we should stop selling the Chinese US land. This is actually insane. But whose idea was that?

Oh, the same people who are now trying to start a war with China.


Sino-Futurism will be flawed, like any system, but you are not going to have to worry about the public school turning your kids gay, you’re not going to have to climb over zombie homeless people while going out to buy a pack of cigarettes, you’re not going to scrape to get by on a single income.

Just embrace it.

Worse things have happened to better people.

Memetic Wednesday: All Those Trump Memes I’m Sure You Wanted Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:21:36 +0000
Nothing ever happens.

I’m sure everyone wanted a lot of Trump memes.

I was pretty big on Hawk Tuah myself. Quite frankly.

I was, I think like everyone, very burned out on the fat doomer girl sex memes.

A Reader Thinks It’s the Fallout of the Trump Shooting That Matters Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:10:29 +0000
The CIA: They Do Not Miss.

So, look. I was supposed to write a review of the assassination attempt today. But I didn’t. Frankly, the piece I wrote announcing that I was going to write that piece covered all my main points. But I’m still going to write a thing, hopefully tomorrow, explaining that the CIA doesn’t miss, so either that hit was a real “lone gunman” and the Secret Service was maliciously incompetent or incompetently malicious, or the thing was staged. Those are the two options. Anyone telling you that the CIA missed is lying or retarded. Period. I’m right.

Anyway, the bigger point I wanted to address is the implications of the shooting for the future and the incoming Trump presidency. Trump just announced Ultra-Israel Shill “JD Vance” (fake name) AKA “Nikki Haley with a Beard” as his VP. At this point, he could give a speech explaining how he is going to put Israel before America and the people shilling for him would keep on shilling.

But the fallout of the “assassination attempt” is what matters, and a reader wrote a very good analysis of that which I am going to share here.

Note: hopefully I’ll be on time tomorrow, but I will probably wake up late again. If you’re a morning reader, you’re still getting new articles in the morning, they’re just a few hours older than usual. I’m going to try to clean things up. We’re cleaning things up. I’m energized. I’m the “don’t vote” guy, I’m the anti-Trump guy, I’m the Toyota Hilux guy – we’ve got a Stormer arch, we’ve got a narrative, we’re going to crash the gate doing 98.

Reader comments follow.

Personally, I couldn’t care less about debating speculative theories as to what in fact happened here; nobody’s ever going to agree on the events of yesterday. Not tomorrow, not next week, nor a generation from now, the same as JFK and 9/11, no matter how many incontrovertible facts, witness statements, and official reports come to light. Other people are free to spend their time hashing out what they earnestly think happened, but I don’t see utility in doing so.

I’m not surprised that the shooter is a jew involved with blackrock. But I’m sorry to tell people, this is ultimately also a dead end and won’t have currency with the majority of Americans; Trump isn’t going to walk onto the RNC stage and start naming the jew, before outlining the finer details to machinations of blackrock. Trump supporters, a super majority of whom still support Israel, aren’t going to suffer a mass crisis of identity and back down from their positions, no matter how hard people on social media stress the shooter’s background. The amount of people who will change their minds on jews based on the shooter’s history is statistically negligible, I’m sorry to say. Normiecons will resort to and come up with 6 million and one different sophistries and biases to glaze over this information, the same as always.

So what really matters, from my perspective, is where we go from here. And I’d agree with Anglin to that point.

It’s admittedly been a gut feeling of mine since December, when Hunter Biden was indicted, and the Gaza conflict grew increasingly anticlimactic, amidst the backdrop of Joe’s cognitive decline, that a critical mass of jewish shotcallers probably began to at least entertain, if not prefer, a Trump 2024 win. That suspicion only grew stronger when I saw how irate jews increasingly became over the campus protests, in addition to Biden’s sparring with Netanyahu, while his administration essentially phoned in the bare minimum they could get away with in terms of backing up Israel militarily. This option would also rehabilitate republican voter confidence to some degree, and do more to keep the much vaunted democracy alive vs doubling down in Biden.

The debate, and subsequent controlled demolition of Biden’s credibility, by a critical mass of his own backers, pretty much rendered that scenario a fait accompli; and whatever happened here, the optics of the event itself, and that of the hordes of left-wingers saying Trump had it coming, and worse, have amounted to a coup de grace against the Biden campaign. For the jews, and their acolytes, Trump has become a sleeping aid marketed as a stimulant. At this point, swapping out Biden for Trump does more to keep the goyim asleep, while business commences as usual, than if Biden, or another democrat ham-handedly swapped into his place at the very last minute, were allowed to keep fucking up. Outwardly however, Trump has the natural appeal of a paradigm shift much of the founding stock of real Americans (who can trace their roots far and beyond the 1965 revision of American identity to a mere matter of ink and legalese), and even many nominal Americans, are pining after.

But in the final analysis, what’s really going to substantively change for the better assuming this to be the inevitable trajectory now? Would it be more likely Trump began ruling by decree, and bypassing the obstructive forces he ran up against 8-4 years ago in the deep state, judiciary, legislature, and even at the state and municipal levels, to enact his policies by any means necessary? Or will it just mean another post-election honeymoon period comes to pass, wherein Trump supporters are pacified back to sleep at the wheel of an assured continuity of deterioration of domestic policy, while neocohens again attain get everything they want on foreign policy in an unhappy and renewed power sharing agreement with Trump, no longer having to wheel and deal with a sharply divided and implacable democratic voter base and affirmative action junta masquerading behind a hollowed out, vegetable brained figurehead, where Israel is concerned?

Nigga, Your Boy Back Mon, 15 Jul 2024 05:00:55 +0000


I didn’t get my 15 hours of sleep, but I got several, and I’ve got coffee and I’m ready to finish this thing off.

If you haven’t already, please read my extended note from last night. I just read it, and it turns out that actually says pretty much everything I am going to say today on the topic. But I’m going to rewrite it.

I’m also going to do the normal news as normal, because this is a normal workday, and we always on our job.

My refreshing, nightmare-riddled sleep and my morning coffee has left me with one very clear and important point to stress about this shooting event: the details do not matter because no one can know the details. There are theories that need to be dismissed because they create completely new narratives with long-term ramifications (i.e., the CIA/Mossad tried and failed to take out Trump because he’s going to win a very real election and stop the deep state). But regarding my two core theories, which are the only possible basic theories, the details do not matter.

What matters is the fallout.

In terms of editor’s notes: memes probably won’t get done today, so we’re probably looking at a Memetic Tuesday.

I think the Trump shooting news cycle will basically be wound down by Wednesday, but we’re gonna try to keep on the details until then.


Much of my time over the last 48 hours has been arguing the details on the Gamer Uprising forum, in between scrolling Twitter and watching various analysis videos. If you are interested, the big GU thread is here. There are a lot of smart people there and it shows the evolution of my various theories about details.

Again: details don’t matter, but people are interested in the details, because everyone everywhere is obsessively discussing them. So if you want to read me and some other smart people (as well as several dumb people) discussing the details, you can read that thread. I just thought I’d throw that out there, because there are some of you who will enjoy it. A lot of you will not, however.

I’m Going to Sleep for Like 15 Hours and Then Quadruple Down on “Aim for the Ear” Theory Sun, 14 Jul 2024 23:23:37 +0000
Discrete announcement: The Sam Hyde shooter meme has not been funny for a long time now. Currently, the hottest new meme is when something happens you say “aim for the ear.” Then someone replies with a picture of a bloody ear and you then reply “you’re pretty good.”

So, I had one of the worst weeks of my life both IRL and on the site, which drove me to finally decide to take Sundays off and try to refresh. The first Sunday I meant to take off, I ended up not only not taking the day off, but staying up for 24 hours and spending virtually the entire time in front of the computer.

Because Donald Trump allegedly got shot in the ear.

The article I wrote about the thing was a 5,000-word mess, which contained a lot of really important parts, but had a lot of problems, and should not have been so long and ridiculous.

In the article, I wrote:

Here’s my thing: the CIA doesn’t miss.

Because that is my basic thesis here, I want to repeat it: the CIA doesn’t miss.

They certainly don’t miss from a perfect sniper perch that they have free access to.

Here’s the next mind-blower from your best parasocial friend, Mr. Andrew Anglin: if it was the CIA, they were aiming for his ear.

People then widely accused me of promoting an “aim for the ear” theory. It was actually intended as a hyperbolic statement to emphasize the ridiculousness of the CIA botching an assassination during a Secret Service stand down. I did not actually mean to say that the plan was to shoot his ear, and I think that was actually clear in context, even though there were very serious problems with that article.

I laid down for a bit and might have slept, I don’t know. But I have mostly been up since about 12 hours before the Trump shooting. I am going to be late for work tomorrow. I’m going to sleep as long as I can.

Although I never intended “aim for the ear” to be a real theory, I’ve rethought some of the article’s points. Others were spot on. I need to rewrite the article, cut it down to 1,500 words, and just lay out the basic logic, and explain that the details do not matter.

This is not that article. This is simply a warning that I’m going to be late tomorrow and a soft retraction of that 5,000-word disaster, which contains a lot of very important things but is also botched, with some of the basic sentence structures confusing.

In hindsight, I should have just went ahead and left a nonsense post about beards up as the top article after the Trump shooting. I was at my worst writing about something very difficult and very shocking. I think we are all in some kind of shock. You wouldn’t know it if you were, so don’t make a call on that, but this is the most shocking event of my life since the terrorist attacks of November 9th, 2001. It’s hard to wrap your head around.

Anyway, I’ll be fine to do it tomorrow.

But basically, I stand by the core arguments in the botched article. I believe there are only two possibilities:

  • It was a fake attempted assassination intended to provide rocket fuel for Trump 2024 and his presidential mandate by turning him into Caesar, orchestrated by some intelligence agency, or
  • It was a “lone gunman” and the Secret Service purposefully, maliciously stood down

There are so, so many different details to argue within those two possible explanations for the event. Just as an example, it’s not clear to me that Trump was shot at all. I don’t think that has been proven. In the case of an SS stand down, it seems likely the kid would have had to have been groomed by someone for the order for the SS stand down to be given.

But, as the now memed “aim for the ear” statement was intended to communicate, no intelligence agency could botch an assassination with a Secret Service stand down. That is not possible. I have also ruled out SS incompetence. They had a bead on the shooter for at least 3 minutes. Someone had to have told them not to shoot him. It is not possible that was incompetence. It would have to be on purpose.

One thing I do want to explicitly retract is the percentage chances I implied. I don’t want to imply that either of those things is more likely than the other. At least not right now. I simply want to establish that those are the only two options.

Honestly, it doesn’t really matter very much what happened. People have been arguing over the Kennedy assassinations for six decades. It’s likely that people will be arguing over the Trump shooting six decades from now.

The thing that matters is the effects of this, and the effects are exactly what I said they were going to be; none of that is being retracted. Trump will “win” the election, and he will be the Israel First candidate. Most likely, this will mean boots on the ground in Iran (assuming there is no way to maximize pressure and force regime change in Iran without an Iraq-style invasion of the country).

I’m going to say this again tomorrow (this was just meant to be a short note about tomorrow’s essay and now it’s turning into the essay itself), but I want to say that when I saw this image:

My lizard brain said “where is the nearest recruitment office? We need to immediately go sign up for the military and go get our limbs blown off in a war for Israel.”

That image is more powerful than this image:

Again, I’m going to say this again tomorrow (you’re probably reading this “tomorrow,” because it’s 10 PM EST right now), but just ask yourself: which thing do (mostly rural and/or southern, fit, young) white boys care more about: 3,000 rando Jews in New York City, or Donald Trump?

You all know the answer.

You all understand exactly what I am saying. And you all know that all of the Israeli money, as well as huge amounts of domestic Jew money (following October 7th), is behind Donald Trump. You know that the Jews threw Biden under the bus.

We all know what is going on here. It’s not complicated.

It’s incredibly tragic.

But it’s not a mystery.

If you were stupid, you wouldn’t be reading this website. You are all my personal parasocial friends, and you are very smart. So if you are not following exactly what I am saying right here, you are experiencing denialism, which, during the Illness Revelations, I identified as the most powerful force of protection of self identity that exists in the human psyche.

Most of you were (or still are) teenagers, and you felt the sexual love emotion towards a woman. And probably, she went and fucked some other dude.

That’s what Donald Trump has done to America.

My Brother in Christ, my heart is just as broken as yours is.

But we are men. We are not little boys. We face reality and we deal with reality, as men, created in the image of God.

Things just got real weird, and they’re about to get weirder.

A great man once said “when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

My new version is: “when the going gets weird, my brother in Christ, buy a Hilux.”

The Trump Shooting Means He Wins the Election, And It Means America is Going to War for Israel Sun, 14 Jul 2024 13:40:48 +0000 UPDATE:

This is like 5,000 words and I’m getting bullied over:

Here’s my thing: the CIA doesn’t miss.

Because that is my basic thesis here, I want to repeat it: the CIA doesn’t miss.

They certainly don’t miss from a perfect sniper perch that they have free access to.

Here’s the next mind-blower from your best parasocial friend, Mr. Andrew Anglin: if it was the CIA, they were aiming for his ear.

“Aiming for his ear” is not meant to be literal. I’d have hoped that was obvious. What I meant was that if the CIA was attempting to assassinate Trump, and wanted to kill him, and had an open shot, and fired ten rounds at a soccer ball sized target (I don’t hear ten rounds, but that’s what the Secret Service says – it’s irrelevant): they would hit the target.

A teenager could make that shot. I don’t know if they did hit his ear. I think the Secret Service around him could have cut him. But I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know.

Just don’t act like “aim for the ear” is a serious claim. It was meant to emphasize the point that I personally do not believe that the kind of intelligence agency that would be able to get the Secret Service to stand down like that would not have missed if they were trying to kill him. I don’t believe this is possible.

I reserve the right to review this over the coming week. It’s been a pretty rough week, and I don’t feel very good about this article generally, but I deserve better than to have people claiming I’m promoting an “aim for the ear” theory.

The only other option I give any credence to is an actual lone gunman and incompetent SS run by women. The CIA or one of the other intelligence agencies would not set up the perfect shot and then miss.

For people claiming it is all real and just very straightforward: why does the cop behind the shooter wait for him to shoot before killing him?

There are other problems in this article. “Aim for the ear” is not a real problem, it’s a standard hyperbolic Daily Stormer statement.

Regardless, this article is a fucking disaster by any standard, and I apologize for that.

But I’m holding on to the point and not backing down from it: the CIA isn’t going to accidentally not assassinate someone correctly.

Frankly, all of this is just a distraction from the one fact that matters most that no single Trump believer will acknowledge: elections are not real. They are not decided based on vote count. That means if Trump “wins,” he is installed. That is true regardless of whatever the hell this shooting thing was.

Anyway, I am so fucking exhausted right now. This has been one of the worst weeks of my life.

We’ll take another shot at this after I get some sleep.

(See what I did there?)

Original disaster follows. 

Author’s Note: Please forget about the beard thing. This is the first official “Sunday Single,” and they will follow in this format of casual but complex for the foreseeable future. This is a serious analysis of the Trump shooting that begins with a story of my struggle to accept the use of prostitutes as morally incorrect. 

Author’s Note II: Article’s Revenge (Against Author): I’ve just read this article myself, which I do not usually do, and found that it has a lot of problems. This is also some really good stuff. But please disregard the previous note where I said I’m using this style in the future. This style will be put on hold until my brain tumor mutates again.

This was the first time in the 11 years I’ve been running this site that I decided to take a Sunday off. I want to do this for both personal and religious reasons. What I understand about the Christian faith is that these things overlap. You see Jews flying on airplanes in plastic bags and ordering pizza with no pepperoni and it’s like “there is literally no point to these activities.” But in Christianity, practicality and righteousness overlap. Even atheists admit that prayer has measurable health benefits. Arch-atheist Sam Harris (Jewish, by the way – but who’s counting?) is obsessed with promoting meditation as a way to simulate the benefits of prayer without believing in God.

If I’m honest, I still don’t understand why I can’t have sex with hookers. I understand why a hooker shouldn’t have sex with me, because she should be a wife and mother. But I don’t see why I shouldn’t have sex with her. I do not see the harm. I have actually heard men say “it hurts your soul” and frankly, that just sounds really gay. I have faith that all sin separates you from God, and I will accept that having sex with a hooker is a sin because this is a part of Christian doctrine, so in a roundabout way, sure. But the idea that having sex with a prostitute emotionally damages a man is ridiculous. Having sex with some stranger you meet in a bar and don’t pay for in cash will likely cost you a piece of your soul. I’ve certainly never had a good experience with that behavior, and actually felt like these women were trying to suck my soul out of me. Why would they have sex with me for free? I’m very handsome and charming of course, but only someone who has zero basic understanding of women thinks they give sex “for free.” It is literally the only thing of value they have to trade, and everything is transactional with women; all of their interactions with men revolve around that gooey hole between their legs. But going into a brothel and paying a woman for an hour? Not buying the theory this causes psychic damage. Sorry, but if you make that claim, you sound like a weird faggot.

Having worked it through, what I’ve concluded is that if all men refused to have sex with hookers, hookers would have to get real jobs as wives and mothers. I don’t think that’s realistic, but we are working to build the Kingdom of Heaven, are we not?

To be clear: I’m not arguing that everything about the religion must be totally logical, I’m simply arguing that every instruction should have a practical logic to it. I’m not saying the trinity or miracles are logical. I’m talking specifically about Canon Law. (I’ll add for my Islamic bros that I basically feel the same about Sharia. I reread the Koran a year or so ago. I don’t necessarily understand the pork thing, but that’s about it. And I’ve done some reading where people claim that pigs carried some disease in the Middle East at the time. Frankly, I can even understand the ban on alcohol. I’m not saying I agree with it. But I understand it.)

Every religion has a rest day and I have been examining the quality of the site, which I think has been rather low lately. So after about two years of considering the Sabbath and whether or not it applied to sitting around typing, I decided that even if it doesn’t, it will help my mental and physical health, in particular because at least once a month (in the good weather months) I can dial it in on Saturday and then go camping/hunting/fishing for basically two days (without having to bring some wifi hotspot device and staying within cellphone range).

The Story of My Life

As is characteristic of my life, on the first Sunday I decide to act on this belabored decision to take it off, basically the one single thing that would require me to work happened to happen.

Frankly, if Joe Biden had died, I probably would have just posted it as a single sentence (just for the people who literally only get their news here, which is actually like, a lot of people). I’ve already written about the various scenarios in which Biden could die, and what they would mean. But this Trump shooting I must write about, because I did not foresee a “fake failed assassination” in my Illuminati card game deck. (For boomers and newfags: “Illuminati: New World Order” is a card game from 1994 that predicted 9/11 and basically every other world event. Here’s a YouTube video showing every card. If anyone has a full deck, please save it for me, and some day we will do a dead drop in Havana or something. Or maybe we’ll just meet at a cafe in Havana and you can give it to me. If we do a dead drop in Havana we’ll probably both end up arrested and spend days in a Cuban jail while the communists try to figure out the meaning of these cards.)

As you have no doubt noticed, this is not a news article. Which works, because there aren’t many facts available at time of writing (early morning Sunday). But briefly, let’s go over the basic facts that we do have.

  • Trump was at a normal rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, with all of the normal Secret Service protection.
  • He was shot in the ear. The photos that show him with two bloody scratches on his face appear to be the result of the SS grabbing and dropping him to the ground.
  • The alleged shooter has been identified as 20-year-old white male Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was also dropped to the ground by the SS, and is dead. There are various bits of information on Twitter that may or may not be true about him, but it appears to be confirmed that he’s from the area, he was registered as a Republican, and donated $15 in 2021 to a Democrat PAC. (Spoiler alert: everything about this guy screams “patsy.” It’s unfortunate that he wasn’t able to scream “patsy” like Lee Harvey Oswald did.)
  • The alleged rifle was an AR. He allegedly fired ten times (which is more than the number of shots I hear in any of the video, but that’s what the SS is saying).
  • The alleged shooter apparently climbed up a building that was effectively inside of the rally, which doesn’t make sense, and has yet to be explained. He was less than 300 feet away from the president. I don’t know how a random twenty year old gets a perfect assassination perch on a former president leading the presidential race. I also don’t know how he misses but hits his ear.

This is the map:

You might be saying “it’s simply not believable that the Secret Service would not have a man on that roof and a sniper bead on the building. Again: less than 300 feet away.

Well, the solution to that conundrum is that they did have a bead on the building, because the shooter was dead within seconds after firing. The second round of shots heard in all the clips is him being killed.

People were filming the guy. Unless this video is some kind of AI, it appears there was actually some law enforcement behind him waiting for him to shoot and then shooting him.

That video is utterly ridiculous. Is it fake? How is this real? It’s not clear to me that this video is real, which is why I didn’t list it among the facts. It seems too extreme. Even if it is real, they are going to have to say it’s fake. (For most of the rest of this article, I’m just going to assume that it is fake or will be declared fake. We passed the point about a year ago where it is possible to determine if that video is fake or not.)

Regardless: why was this man allowed to climb onto the roof of the building and shoot the former president in the head? (Yes, the ear is a part of the head.)

Why was there no drone surveillance? Isn’t that standard procedure?

This video isn’t fake:

This is some normal guy saying he was with other people trying to tell the cops and the Secret Service to stop the guy for 3-4 minutes, and they wouldn’t listen to him.

Very strange, huh?

Wonder if he’ll get an interview on CNN or Fox?

So What Happened?

The obvious and most immediate explanation that is going to come to everyone’s mind when they hear the media come out with their “lone gunman with inexplicable access to a sniper perch” is going to be that this was an attempted assassination by the CIA, and the Secret Service was in on it.

The media is going to push “lone gunman” while knowing that people will think it was the CIA. Almost certainly, Tucker Carlson is going to go out there and say it is the CIA, as will virtually every other “mainstream alternative” media figure. I assume Joe Rogan will say it. Alex Jones. They’re all going to say it. And this is part of how the media operates: it is part of the control grid that the mainstream media prepares for the reaction by the mainstream alternative media. (The Daily Stormer has now become the alternative alternative media, by the way. There are a few others in that camp. Honestly, calling Joe Rogan, who is the most listened to broadcaster in the world, “alternative” is sort of confusing. I’m sure he lost some people when he went to Spotify, because old school podcast people hate Spotify and Joe Rogan’s original fanbase was old school. He was saying “nigger” up until like 2014. Anyway, before he took that $100 milly in blood money from Spotify, he was getting 12 million listens per episode, and the number of regular listeners was 200 million. For comparison, Tucker Carlson, the highest rated TV news host, was getting 4 million at his peak in 2020 on Fox News. No one has totaled up Tucker’s current views. He’s on Twitter, but also YouTube and podcast platforms. I would guess he’s getting into Rogan territory, maybe 4-5 million average. Anderson Cooper, the highest rated leftist TV host, gets 1.3 million average views. The point of this aside is to say: these “alternative” figures are a huge part of the media landscape, and more directly influential on people who follow politics. People who don’t follow politics have a droning leftist narrative in their ear all the time, because all of the institutions, including the academy and corporate HR culture, are controlled by Jews.)

Here’s my thing: the CIA doesn’t miss.

Because that is my basic thesis here, I want to repeat it: the CIA doesn’t miss.

They certainly don’t miss from a perfect sniper perch that they have free access to.

Here’s the next mind-blower from your best parasocial friend, Mr. Andrew Anglin: if it was the CIA, they were aiming for his ear.

So, what I am going to assert is that it was not a lone gunman, because that is simply impossible. The kid they killed was probably mentally ill and groomed online by some spook. (They likely gave him blanks and the shots probably came from somewhere else. That seems to be the game plan with these events.)

I Hate to Tell You This, But I Think Trump is Being Installed as President and is Going to Start a Massive War

These would be the greatest optics of all time:

There’s a reason why they’re not the greatest optics of all time, and you all know what it is.

It’s sickening to me that there is a female SS officer in that shot. It really damages what would be the most iconic image of this century. However, it will also let future historians know in a second what was going on in this strange epoch we are all living through. (These future historians will be working in male-only universities, where the “women’s rights” debate revolves around whether or not it should be legal to teach women to read.)

I believe that this event was not a failed assassination attempt. I believe it was a successful attempt to stage a fake assassination attempt in order to boost Trump to Caesar-type god-king status.

This is something I believe very strongly. I would never say I was certain of something like that.

There’s a woman SS officer in the photo. Maybe it was a bunch of female SS officers that were supposed to be watching the potential sniper perches, and it really was just some leftist “lone gunman” kook. Maybe it was the CIA and they missed. Those are possibilities. There is a nonzero chance that either of those things is true. It is also possible that some other intelligence agency more directly controlled by the Democrat Party organized it. It could have been something even smaller, some kind of private intelligence group. Knowing what I know about mentally ill people on the internet, I would say that virtually anyone with a 130 IQ could locate and groom a mentally ill 20-year-old to do this in 2 weeks. There are a lot of extremely unstable young people in the United States.

However, you still have to deal with the Secret Service failure, which is inexplicable. This is on par with Israel leaving the border open on October 7th. He climbs up on the roof, inside of the rally, people are filming him as he sets up a mount and they wait for him to shoot and then immediately shoot him.

Based on every single piece of the official narrative, Trump has never been more at risk of assassination than after the Biden debate, when Biden was basically shown to be unelectable. I have argued, and I can say it more or less with certainty, that if Biden got 25-30% of the real vote, which is probably what he is likely to get after that debate, they could still just say he won and nothing would happen. Nothing would happen immediately, at least. But I think it would be so ridiculous, that most people with power in this country and in Israel simply would not want to do that. I think the only people who would want to do that are the people who are running the Biden White House – whoever that might be.

This Olympian Godlike Optics Victory Comes Very Recently After Biden was Thrown Under the Bus

I made a pretty solid argument following the debate that Biden was purposefully thrown under the bus in order to benefit Donald Trump. Clearly, he was thrown under the bus, but the prevailing wisdom is that the Democrats did this to replace him. They are certainly saying that in the media, but it has not happened, and they haven’t even focused in on a candidate or series of options. The media is clearly being directed to throw Biden under the bus, but they don’t appear to be betting on any direction beyond that.

To be crystal clear: no one knows who these people running the White House are, and I pretty much just assume it’s the people you see. Sullivan and Blinken probably really do make the foreign policy decisions, and they support the Ukraine because they are gay and Jewish, respectively. Yellen is actually running the Treasury Department, and actually believes the US can just keep printing money and that that will result in military victories in two wars that all experts on the topic say are unwinnable, and I think Sullivan and Blinken hear her say that and think “well, she probably knows what she’s talking about.” (That’s really the only way I can grasp the fact that they haven’t tried to freeze the Ukraine while they all know that Bibi is pushing for a full-on war with Iran and all of Shia Islam and potentially a lot of Sunnis as well.) Mayorkas probably really does just order the Border Patrol to leave the border open, just because he’s Jewish and read a white paper about how the browning of America means permanent Democrat rule.

Of course, these people are all obviously morons who don’t really have any leadership qualities at all. They all look very weak and timid. Blinken most notably looks scared all the time. But look at any of the others, during interviews or appearances in Congress; they all look like they just got caught masturbating by their mothers. The only one who ever speaks with any confidence is Yellen, because she’s an empowered yenta. Therefore, the actual work would be done by staffers. That’s the “shadow government,” and no one really knows who these people are or if they’re being organized by someone. Frankly, there are probably a lot of millennials just screwing around doing weird ideological stuff and running cheap grafts. The lobbyists are going wild. I think it’s basically exactly what it looks like: a complete circus.

Where I Tend to Want to Go with This

Because it is a circus, it’s difficult to really analyze. Generally, you use game theory to examine the motives of players, but other than Bibi Netanyahu, no one is behaving like a rational actor. Bibi is unhinged, talking about a seven-front war (like that song), but he is a “rational actor” in terms of having goals and a plan to enact these goals. The rest of these people just sort of vaguely want to do Bush-era type Pax Americana multiracial homosexual Jewish globalism, i.e., “spreading democracy.”

If you listen to the few serious adults in America who are willing to speak frankly in public, and these people are very few in number, you will constantly find them in a state of confusion, expecting to find some kind of rationale in all of this lunacy that is going on both domestically and on the foreign policy front, and becoming frustrated because they can’t make any sense of it. This is basically universal among any serious people speaking on what is happening on earth right now. The Russians are the same. They are all saying that they do not understand what America is doing. Russians think slightly differently, so they are more likely to imagine there is some kind of secret plan at work that they just haven’t quite figured out yet, despite the fact that they have very good intelligence.

(The only possible secret plan I’ve been able to think of is that these people are doing the plot of the Silo and Fallout TV shows – that they’ve built underground bunkers and they are planning to nuke the entire world and then emerge hundreds of years later and build a new civilization.)

I don’t personally feel confused by any of it, necessarily. It just looks like a situation that is completely out of control, and unless the US is able to do some kind of color revolution in Israel, Bibi is ultimately going to get the US involved in a war with Iran.

Here’s where I would go with that: Ron Klain, the Jew who was the chief of staff for Biden from his inauguration until last year, did his debate prep. He’s the guy who was running the White House, insofar as anyone was, up until February of 2023, and he was in charge of throwing Biden under the bus. He looks like a guy who’s got a lot of dirty laundry.

It looks like some of that dirty laundry is probably, you know – kids’ clothes. If you catch my drift. (I’m suggesting that he looks like a child rapist.) He could also simply be an Israeli-inclined Jew posing as a normal American Jew pervert.

Ron Klain was (by pure coincidence) replaced as chief of staff by another Jew, Jeff Zients, who could be a pervert that the Mossad has dirt on, or he could be a willing Israeli agent. Who knows. I think it’s one or the other with both these men, and I think what we’ve witnessed is Bibi installing Donald Trump as president.

We know from the Epstein scandal that the Israeli Mossad was building blackmail files on American Jews. No one really talks very much about that. Whitney Webb has done good work on the Epstein story, but I don’t think that she’s quite edgy enough to point out that it’s very strange how focused the Mossad was on American Jews. What I have suggested is that Israel has historically been a project of American Jews, and that Israel doesn’t control America, but rather American Jews use Israel as a way of controlling America and acting lawlessly internationally. I think this is originally how it functioned. All of Israel’s money comes from America. What I think happened is that Bibi Netanyahu flipped this upside down, used the Mossad to operate within US intelligence, and built blackmail files that put him in charge of American politics. I also think he’s commandeered AIPAC, an organization that completely controls the US Congress and is traditionally run by American Jews. Again: Bibi is the only visible “rational actor,” so it would make sense that in the middle of this circus, he would seize control.

Nothing that America is doing right now will work to secure American hegemony. The fact that they recently pulled a bunch of mid-range missile systems from the Philippines shows that they’re backing off of the Pacific theater. China is holding high level meetings with South Korea and Japan. The Philippines is a very weak country; there is of course an IQ gap between the average Filipino and the average Northeastern Asian, but the Filipinos are not like blacks or something, and they have zero interest in war with China and are trying to get out of it.

If you were actually pushing for a return to Pax Americana unipolarity, you would not be jerking off in the Ukraine accomplishing literally nothing for no reason. You would be pushing for the collapse of the Chinese economy and some kind of soft regime change that didn’t involve removing the CPC/CCP from power, but would agree to isolate Russia and “open up.” China was actually on this type of path before Xi effectively made himself emperor and did a purge.

The Final Analysis

My thesis on the Trump shooting is that the Mossad shot him in the ear to take him to god-king level.

But the big thesis here is that every time I go through this thing, what I find is that Bibi Netanyahu wants Donald Trump to win the election because he would do a much better job organizing a war in the Middle East than Biden’s shadow government of circus freaks would. Klain threw Biden under the bus by doing this ridiculous debate, someone announced to the media that they’re going to replace Biden, and now nothing is happening and some of them are walking it back; they are not getting clear orders.

If polls are to be believed, Trump is more popular in Israel than Bibi.

Bibi is pissed off about Biden. He’s pissed off at the protests. He’s pissed off about these ceasefire hoaxes and everything else. Trump is telling you what he thinks of Gaza, which is an outright genocide: he says “finish them off.”

That’s what he’s going to say about Hezbollah, it’s what he’s going to say about Iran.

Everything is all lined up.

Trump is a personality cult. He is a figure of immense power.

The fist after being shot in the head made him into an eternal folk hero and god-king.

The people he wants in his cabinet are all neocon lunatic Israel firsters. His ultra-optics ear event doesn’t change anything about that. During the debate, he said he would not agree to Putin’s negotiation terms. So he’s not even saying he’s going to end that war. He supported that last $60 billion aid package, and Lindsey Graham – who is the gay “war with all heterosexual countries forever” guy, who also happens to be Trump’s biggest supporter – said that the Ukraine aid bill couldn’t have been passed without Donald Trump.

According to Newsweek at the time, it “raised eyebrows.”

By my estimation, it actually did this:

Trump took $100 million from Jew casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson’s widow and the very widespread rumor is that he agreed to declare all of Palestine – that is, Gaza and the West Bank – Israeli territory. Whatever the negotiations were, she didn’t give him $100 million because she misses his charming smile.

I know this is still hard for people. It’s hard for me. I completely ruined my life for this man.

But the thing is: he’s the Israeli candidate. He’s going to win the election. America is going to war with Iran, and there is going to be popular enthusiasm for Jewish wars more powerful than there was after 9/11 – at least among whites.

The worst part of all is how this affects me personally: I’m going to be in a position of siding with leftists and brown people against the Great White Hope.

I’m not supporting wars for Jews. I’m not going to do that. Basically, everyone else is going to support it. After this shooting, which is the symbolic culmination of everything they’ve done to him going back to the dirty dossier, all of this war against him, which always felt to all normal Americans as a war on all normal Americans, Trump is going to keep 95% of his supporters even if he declares boots on the ground in Iran (it will probably be Yemen first, and then there will be a lot of naval conflict, then there will be covert ops in Iran, and then he will announce boots on the ground in Iran – but these are details).

I don’t usually make predictions because I’m not a wizard. But I’ve worked this thing through in my head a million times over, and everything I’ve told you here appears obvious to me.

But There is Good News

The good news is that the US is going to lose the wars and China is going to be the dominant world power. When the bottom falls out of the dollar, the jig is up.

In that scenario, we will be allowed to rebuild our country. It will be a whole new world when the Jews are out of power.

It’s just such a horrible tragedy that it’s Donald Trump who is going to do this to us. That will be very difficult for people to recover from, and most people will not recover from it.

We’re in for a rough ride.

But when the empire falls, there will be a future for white children.

There will be hope.


Having thought about that insane video of the cop waiting for the guy to shoot and then shooting him, and seeing all of the talk of this being “staged,” there is some possibility that they will claim Trump did a false flag against himself. The media used to say false flags didn’t exist, but now they accuse Russia of them constantly. This would be really weird, but I can’t understand that video.

Unless the cop behind him was a woman cop. I guess I could then understand the behavior. However, that still doesn’t explain why the Secret Service wouldn’t have shot (and probably shot that cop as well, I would think). Unless, again, the Secret Service were also women.

The Beard Question Sun, 14 Jul 2024 06:00:02 +0000

I’ve seen the right-wing memes about how hipsters are faggots and respectable men shave. I remember a meme I can’t find right now comparing some beardsoy to Cary Grant.

But I can just recreate it:

I think Cary Grant was definitely more stylish than a hipster. It’s my belief he was also a homosexual. Some people will still argue the point, and I don’t really like accusing dead people of being homosexuals, as a general rule. But with Grant, I think it’s pretty well-established, if not simply obvious.

On the other end of the beard-shave spectrum, however, there is an Islamic hadith that says that men who shave are basically transvestites, trying to make themselves pretty like women. I think that as fashionable as Cary Grant was, he was also trying to make himself pretty like a woman.

The thing with the hipster beard, which has become such a disgusting trend, is that they obsessively groom the beard, to the point where they are also attempting to make themselves pretty like women. They are just taking a different angle.

The issue here is spending overly much time grooming yourself for the sake of women’s approval. I think one should not look like a slob. Certainly, one should have good hygiene. But if you are doing more than the basics, you are getting into weird territory, where you are focusing on your appearance much too much. That is unrelated to beards.

What’s crazy: if you look at pictures of 19th century (pre-Hollywood) miners, most of them are engaged in some form of shaving, even if they keep the mustache.

Beards Do Not Hide the Fact You are Fat

One point that I’ve really tried to stress to millennials who are doing this beard thing is that it doesn’t hide the fact you are fat.

The first hipster to try to hide the fact that he was getting fat was Jim Morrison.

He wasn’t really that fat, it’s just that he was known for looking like a twink. (He’s someone dead I don’t feel bad accusing of being a homosexual. Also, the music was trash.)

These men using beards to try to hide their fat now are a lot fatter, and it is not working at all, and it just makes them seem more pathetic. If you’re a fat piece of shit, just own it.

Shaving is a Hassle

Shaving is a terrible hassle and it is bad for the skin. You can buy hundreds of dollars’ worth of chemical products, but we don’t know what is in these chemicals. I wouldn’t want them in fresh tiny wounds on my face, which is why I’ve never used shaving cream or aftershave.

I’ve settled on just “shaving” with an electric razor, which basically just gives a “scruff” look. I usually leave the mustache, because I believe in it and it just seems to fit.

However, I also go through periods where I just don’t shave at all for weeks or months and grow out-of-control mountain man beards that I just vaguely trim with scissors maybe once a week. This is generally associated, however, with periods of my life where my attitude has been “fuck you all, don’t even talk to me.” This is not my normal attitude, generally. But you know. Life has phases, and you sort of have to roll with it.


This article is pointless garbage and I don’t even know what point I’m trying to make.

I don’t have a problem with shaving or beards. If there is a point here, what I have a problem with is men spending too much time on fashion. I think the Moslems have a point when they say this makes you like a transvestite.

Part of me wants to say “hair grows there for a reason – if you weren’t supposed to have hair on your face, it wouldn’t grow there.” But I don’t feel particularly committed to this position. Shaving because it feels cleaner or makes you feel fresher seems fair enough to me.

In old stories that I used to read about frontiersmen, they would all have beards, but if they came across a settlement where they could take a bath and clean up, they would also shave. This is despite the fact that they were cutting their beards with a knife when they got out of control while they were out in the wilderness scalping injuns or whatever.

I am against looking like the hipster or Cary Grant in the original photos. I do not think any man should groom himself that much. Men should be thinking about what they’re going to do when the machines fail, and it’s about survival.

If you need to fix yourself up for work, to get that money, then do it. I don’t blame anyone for doing what they have to do to get money, unless it is something gay. You gotta get money.

However, please: don’t use soap. There is just no reason for it. Just scrub yourself in warm water. There is no reason for soap in the age of warm water, unless you’re literally working in a coal mine.


I really like The Killers. I’m not ashamed of that.


I’m going to try to keep these Sunday articles focused on health and fitness or religious issues. I am going to make sure they are a lot better than this one, I can tell you that much. This bullshit shouldn’t even published, but it is going to be, because something must be published.
