Society – Daily Stormer The Most Censored Publication in History Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:07:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 UCLA’s Antisemitism Task Force Says Anti-Genocide Protesters Were Mean to Jews Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:07:05 +0000

NEW: The task force on Antisemitism and Anti-Israeli Bias at UCLA surveyed 428 Jewish faculty, students, and staff.

The results are devastating.

“Two-thirds of respondents reported that antisemitism is a problem or a serious problem at UCLA and three-quarters reported that…

— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) October 22, 2024

What the Jews don’t seem to understand is that the more they whine, the more people love them.

I don’t understand why Jews are so hesitant to whine, given that their whining is so popular among silly goyim.

New York Post:

Jewish students and staffers were routinely assaulted, threatened and harassed as anti-Israel protests erupted on campus at the University of California, Los Angeles, according to the school’s antisemitism task force.

The group’s new 93-page report found that as protests over the war in Gaza broke out in UCLA, public displays of antisemitism ran rampant in the school, from a swastika being drawn in a classroom chalkboard to a sign being waved at an encampment that read: “Israelis are Native 2 HELL,” the Wall Street Journal first reported.

Officials also found a disturbing sculpture of a pig in March holding a bag of money beside a Star of David with a clock hanging above its head that read, “Time is Running out.”

“This report provides new evidence, assessment, and recommendations pertinent to the recent rise of antisemitism and anti-Israeli bias at UCLA,” the task force wrote.

“It is vital that the University address these matters in a timely manner to prevent attrition of Jews and Israelis from UCLA and to mitigate discrimination and antisemitism on campus.”

One of the 428 people who spoke with the task force recalled an incident where he was assaulted by a protester on campus for wearing an Israeli flag during the demonstrations.

UCLA doesn’t even have any white people.

I was explicitly told that brown people’s voices are the most important voices, and we should always do everything they tell us to, even when it’s wrong.

What changed?

Painting Made by Humanoid Robot to be Put on Auction Next Month Wed, 23 Oct 2024 06:00:13 +0000

Oh, great.

Just what we all needed: a female robot demanding people think she’s special.

Deutsche Welle:

A robot artist is set to make history as the first to have a work put up for sale by a major auction house, with the portrait of Alan Turing expected to fetch up to £150,000 (€180,000, $196,000), organizers announced on Wednesday.

The piece created by Ai-Da, a humanoid robot artist powered by artificial intelligence, will be the first sold at a major auction house and is set to go under the hammer at Sotheby’s in London next month. It has been described as a “haunting” portrait of the English mathematician Alan Turing, considered one of the fathers of modern-day computing.

The large-scale artwork is entitled “AI God” and was ” first exhibited at the United Nations in May 2024 as part of a five paneled Polyptych,” Sotheby’s said on its homepage.

You can tell this was made by a machine because it doesn’t have even half the depth and artistry of the banana duct-taped to a wall.

Humans have become very bad at art.

You’ll never be a match for the real thing, Skynet

Still, this female robot’s crappy face cannot compete with the art that is produced by male robots all over the internet.

Worst Korea: Court Upholds Country’s First Ever Sentence for “Misogyny-Based Crime” Wed, 23 Oct 2024 05:15:10 +0000

Video from the assault, 11 months ago

White men will apparently never do anything about the fact that they are completely dominated by women.

However, it was probably a mistake to spread “vaginal overlordism” to Asia, where people have minds much more based on logic than dumb emotions inspired by stupid entertainment media.

The Independent:

A South Korean court for the first time explicitly recognized misogyny as a motive for hate crime amid a growing “anti-feminist” movement in the East Asian country.

The Changwon District Court on Tuesday upheld a lower court’s sentencing of a man to three years in jail for aggravated assault, destruction of property, and obstruction of business. The court ruled that the man’s actions “were rooted in baseless hatred and bias against women”, The Korea Herald reported.

There is no such thing as “baseless” hatred against women.

They all deserve it, especially the ones in South Korea.

The basis is their behavior.

The man in his 20s was arrested last November for attacking a woman he perceived to be a feminist because she had short hair. “Since you have short hair, you must be a feminist. I’m a male chauvinist, and I think feminists should be punished,” the man had said, according to the South Korean police. He reportedly kicked and punched the woman who was working at a convenience store in Jinju in the South Gyeongsang province.

He also assaulted a customer, a man in his 50s, who tried to intervene. “Why are you not taking my side? She is a feminist,” the accused allegedly told the customer.

The accused continued the assault until he was stopped by police after they arrived on the scene to find him in a drunken state.

The woman suffered serious ligament injuries and hearing impairment while the male customer suffered fractures to face and shoulder. The attacker hit him with a chair.

The accused later pleaded guilty but claimed he was in a state of “mental and physical weakness”.

“The defendant repeatedly declared ‘feminists deserve to be hit’ while attacking the female clerk and questioned the intervening male victim by asking, ‘Why aren’t you siding with a fellow man?’ indicating a misogynistic motive,” the court said.

These are extreme actions, of course. But not at all surprising.

Feminism is a part of a system of democracy. It is obviously very destructive, and it is obvious that it did not always exist, and therefore someone must have created it. However, there is never any specific individual you can point to who is responsible for the systems in a democracy. This is why democracy is so effective at suppressing, defeating, and humiliating human populations: there is no complaints department and no one appears to be responsible for anything.

When there is a social phenomenon that invades the entire society, and there is no individual or group to point at as responsible for it, you are going to see people lash out against individual supporters of the phenomenon, even while they might not be personally responsible for creating it.

Reminder: South Korean feminists want the literal extinction of the human species

Canada: Fascists Pull Children Out of School After Black Faggot Comes to Teach About “Gender Identity” Wed, 23 Oct 2024 04:30:26 +0000

A couple years ago, no one would dare question trannies at the school.

These days, people are a bit more willing to put themselves out there and say “actually, I don’t think the government school should be teaching my son to cut his dick off.”

CTV Atlantic:

A number of parents at Oyster Pond Academy pulled their children from class Friday after learning about a gender identity presentation.

“It went above and beyond what should be taught in the classroom,” said Hollie Riggs, a parent with children at the school.

The presentation focused on sexual identity, gender diversity, and relationships – all part of the curriculum.

Riggs said she first learned the presentation happened on social media Thursday evening and decided to pull her child out of class.

“I wanted to have to avoid them having that conversation with their peers after school, to avoid that communication, so I can have it at home,” Riggs said.

Ted Ferguson, non-binary drag performer

Some parents learned from their children that the presenter shared their social media account Riggs said, which allegedly included content intended for an older audience.

“It was the fact that how much of it was discussed and what the kids had access to after the meeting,” said Riggs.

In a statement to CTV News the Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE) confirmed that there was a presentation for grade 9 students and that a representative from the Youth Project was talking to them.

“One of the presenters shared their personal social media details, which prompted some of the students to view content that is intended for an adult audience,” the statement said.

Riggs said she was upset that students who wanted to opt out were not allowed.

“When I asked him about it, he said, ‘mom I didn’t want to be there, but they weren’t letting us leave,’” said Riggs.

“My son came home from school yesterday. He was telling me about the interactions he had with the influencer,” said Greg Austin, another parent whose son attends the school. “Mostly for me as a parent, we had no idea that anybody was coming to talk to our kids.”

Austin said his son didn’t feel good about the presentation.

“He could see people were not comfortable and that other people asked to leave, and they weren’t allowed to,” said Austin. “There wasn’t any other option.”

One parent told CTV News that they had no issues with the presentation and said their child, who is navigating gender identity challenges, found the talk helpful. They said they hope these conversations continue to take place in schools.

Ah, the old “actually, I want my son to cut his dick off.” Interesting angle to take on the contentious issue of schoolboys being told by the government school to cut off their dicks.

Most people south of the border have no idea what a nightmare Canada has become.

Drag shows are a regular thing at Canadian schools

UK: Imprisoned 61-Year-Old Anti-Stabber Found Dead in Prison of Alleged Suicide Tue, 22 Oct 2024 17:14:14 +0000

Governments used to have to travel to faraway lands to kill their enemies.

In a human rights democracy based on our values of who we are in a democracy, the enemy lives among you and the government compels you to kill yourself.

It’s much cleaner this way.

Human Events:

A grandfather who was sentenced to nearly three years of incarceration, over an anti-immigration riot in Rotherham, South Yorkshire has died in jail. Peter Lynch, 61, a father of four, died Saturday at HMP Moorland near Doncaster. Suicide is suspected.

Lynch was in the midst of serving a two year and eight month sentence that began in August, the Daily Mail reported. The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) is now carrying out an independent investigation into his death.

In August, prosecutors had told the judge Peter Lynch shouted “racist and provocative remarks” at police outside a migrant hotel, which they argued ‘crossed the line’ into criminality and helped incite the riot.”

He was serving a 2 year and 8 month sentence for signs like the one in the picture, as well as for saying mean things to cops

Lynch had diabetes, thyroid issues and angina and had recently experienced a heart attack. Police arrested Lynch after he screamed at them outside a hotel in Rotherham that was being used to house illegal immigrants. Lynch went to a protest outside the Holiday Inn Express on Aug. 4 with a sign that accused the police, MPs and certain government agencies of being “corrupt.”

Lynch pleaded guilty to violent disorder and admitted using “racist and provocative remarks” including calling migrants “child killers.” He was sentenced to jail on Aug. 22.

It might be true.

But it’s so racist and provocative that you go to prison for years for saying it.

The PPO is investigating the matter and said of Lynch, “We offer our condolences to his friends and family.”

During the sentencing hearing, Lynch was described by the prosecution as being a “full participant” in the protest and riot, and video was shown of Lynch calling police scum because they were enforcing a two-tiered standard of justice in the UK. “You are protecting people who are killing our kids and raping them.”

Judge Jeremy Richardson told him: “You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob.” Richardson further eviscerated Lynch by calling him a “disgraceful example of a grandfather.”

This video has a brief interview with Lynch.

It was recorded before he died.

Germany: Mayor Tries to Stop More “Refugees” from Coming in, Deputy Immediately Sabotages Him Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:35:00 +0000
Jürgen Fundke, mayor of Bad Griesbach

Everyone hates the hohol invaders.

But you might as well take them and then claim you can’t take any more so you don’t have to take “Middle East” refugees.

Surely, the Ukrainians can’t be as bad as the blacks?


One mayor has rebelled in Bavaria by refusing to back down and accommodate refugees, but apparently his left-wing deputy mayor has already betrayed him.

In the town of Bad Griesbach, a mayor told the district administration he will not accept any refugees. The district wants him to take in 35 Ukrainian refugees into the small town, but the mayor, Jürgen Fundke, who belongs to the Non-Partisan Voters’ Association, refuses to register any of them.

Fundke has made the move despite threats from the supervisory authority. District Administrator Raimund Kneidinger, of the Christian Socialist Union (CSU), issued an official order to take them in by Wednesday. The order was delivered to him personally.

Instead of bowing down, the mayor simply said he will not do it, telling Bayerischer Rundfunk that he believes he has the upper legal hand. “What do they want to do? Do they want to suspend me? They can’t and aren’t allowed to. I’ve spoken to a lawyer,” said Fundke.

Regarding the various legal threats he is facing, Fundke said, “I don’t even read them. Maybe I’ll read about it at Christmas.” Instead, Fundke says his city cannot bear any more foreigners. Already 2,300 people in the small town of 9,750 residents are now foreigners.

He notes that kindergartens and schools are “bursting apart.”

Due to Fundke’s refusal, the Ukrainians cannot enter the town, as they have no official place of residence. The district office accuses Fundke of partaking in “illegal” behavior.

Bad Griesbach already has 90 Ukrainians, and just in September, 140 migrants from various other countries were placed inside an empty hotel. The town already has the highest proportion of Ukrainian refugees in the entire district.

However, the district administration may have already found a loophole. The deputy mayor of the town, Georg Greil, of the left-wing Social Democrats (SPD), said he will sign the order and register the Ukrainians.

If it goes through, it will be another case of the CSU working with the left to ensure mass migration, despite their tough talk against migration in recent months.

Yeah, politics are fake in a democracy.

None of these people ever do what they say they’re going to do. I don’t understand how anyone would expect that at this point.

Mexican Standoff Gone Wrong: Two Latinx White Knights Executed for Trying to “Protect” Slut from Her Boyfriend Mon, 21 Oct 2024 05:00:39 +0000

Classic Stormer Reference Article: Advice for Men: When Should You Intervene If a Man is Beating His Wife or Girlfriend?

Nothing of value was lost.

Except the boyfriend’s life.

Although he’s also Mexican, so whatever, lol.

New York Post:

Two brothers were shot and killed outside their Texas home while trying to protect their neighbor from her irate boyfriend, who turned the gun on himself afterward, police said.

Edward and Luis Lopez-Robles were in their Houston home Friday night when their neighbor and her two teenage boys came running over following a domestic violence incident with her boyfriend, Carlos Guerra, according to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

The woman and her boys went inside the brothers’ home and Guerra soon followed.

He allegedly came knocking at their door to confront the mother, who was not publicly named. Edward, 50, and Luis, 31, met him outside to try to keep him away from the woman.

But the suspect immediately opened fire, killing both men, before a third brother rushed outside with his own pistol to help his fallen siblings, police said.

After a shootout with the third brother, Guerra fled back into his home, where he fatally shot himself, according to the sheriff.

Typical Mexican standoff gone wrong at one of their grotesque trailer farms.

Regardless, the principle is the same: it’s never any of your business what a man does with his girlfriend. That’s a basic moral truth. Meanwhile, the practical reality is that intervening in such a situation is that it’s like trying to break up a horse fight. Or stealing meat from a tiger. You are risking your life.

We all know the situation. Lifelong incels can picture it. You’re dealing with a woman, and some other men come and get involved. Is there anything more enraging? Anything imaginable?

She-Beast Security Guard at Juvenile Facility Arrested for Sex with 23-Year-Old Inmate Sat, 19 Oct 2024 11:34:12 +0000

DEVELOPING: A former Green Hill security guard charged with sex crimes involving inmate.

The inmate’s attorneys says he was terrified she would “punish him and harm him if he rejected her advances.”@RyanTVnews reports.


— Holly Menino (@hollymenino) October 18, 2024

The 23-year-old is just a child who didn’t know what a vagina was?

I will grant you that he was “vulnerable” in that he had been locked in a cage since he was a teenager and had no access to sex and was therefore willing to have sex with a she-beast. But I mean, he was probably black and would have done it anyway.

The bitch should obviously be fired, but what exactly is this other than a workplace violation?

Why is the US government so utterly obsessed with regulating heterosexual sexual behaviors, even whilst they are normalizing the more satanic forms of sodomy?

New York Post:

A corrections officer at a juvenile facility in Washington allegedly groomed an inmate and forced him to record their sexual rendezvous — fearing the sexual deviant would punish or harm him if he refused, according to police and prosecutors.

Michelle Goodman, 31, was arrested on Wednesday for convincing the 23-year-old inmate to record their sexual trysts in the bathroom of the Green Hill School in Chehalis, a state-run rehabilitation center that houses older male youth and young adults who committed crimes as children.

Michelle Goodman AKA “The Great White Whale”

Prosecutors said the alleged sexual predator was also captured on surveillance footage taking the victim to a staff locker area in the facility on two separate occasions in January 2024, according to court documents obtained by KOMO News.

Chehalis police launched their investigation after receiving reports that a female correctional officer was involved with a male inmate, authorities announced in a Facebook post.

Investigators contacted the inmate’s attorney, who provided numerous screenshots of the two engaged in sexual acts together, including sex.

The lawsuit alleges that “Goodman repeatedly wanted to be filmed performing oral sex and having intercourse,” according to KOMO News, with the inmate’s attorney arguing he was terrified Goodman would “punish him and harm him if he rejected her advances.”

Yeah, okay. The guy who had been locked in prison for years didn’t want sex. Okay. It’s abuse. Okay.

This is retarded.

A screenshot from one of the sexual encounters

This 23-year-old inmate had been in prison for at least six years, because the fact he was still in juvie means he was incarcerated as a minor. It’s probably longer, based on the length of the sentence and the fact he was not tried as an adult. Most likely, this was a black who committed a murder under the age of 14, so he’s probably been in for ten years. Who here among you can say with conviction they would not hit that she-beast after being locked in a cage for this long?

At no time ever in human history have we had the kind of celebration of sexual deviancy that we have right now. People will bring up Ancient Greece or Roman decadence, but that was limited to elite groups and was not widely celebrated. It was also only pederasty, which is an adult male with a teen boy. They were not doing gay orgies in the streets, like with these “pride parades,” and they were not taking toddlers to be indoctrinated at “tranny story time.” They were not teaching gay anal in school. They sure as hell were not selling babies to homosexuals. Frankly, even in Greece or Rome (or Japan, the anal capital of earth), “homosexuality” didn’t really even exist, it was simply that otherwise heterosexual men would have anal sex with teen boys.

Note: Prostitution was outlawed in Europe at various points during the Middle Ages, but not on the basis of morality, but rather to deal with the spread of venereal disease. 

Just so, at no time ever in human history was heterosexual sex regulated to this extent. In Christian culture, two unmarried heterosexuals engaging in sex, regardless of age, was a matter for the individuals involved to take up with the Church. The government had nothing to say about an immorality involving two individuals where no one is physically harmed. Even in Islam, where religion and state have traditionally been much more integrated, the punishment for two unmarried people having sex has only been a beating, not years in prison.

Adultery has generally always been a crime, but that’s not a crime now. When these married teachers have sex with teen boys, they are not charged with adultery. The boy is not charged with anything, and is instead portrayed as a “victim.”

It’s obviously distasteful for a teacher to have sex with a student, but it’s going to happen as long as there are female teachers looking over male students. Regardless, sex should be a private matter. If the teachers get caught by the school faculty, they should be fired and that should be the end of it. The government has no role here.

Where is the crime?!?

What you have is a creeping program to outlaw heterosexual behavior. All of this stuff around consent theory is a creeping thing, just like gun control. When you hear about a plan to ban bump stocks or Glock switches, you are immediately against it, because you understand that even while these items might not be particularly important to you, they are part of a program to chip away at gun rights. It’s the same thing with these prosecutions of seemingly distasteful heterosexual sexual matters: they are chipping away at the legality of heterosexual behavior.

Every white man is on edge around women at this point. There are virtually no opportunities for initiating mating, other than using apps, which is only about one night stands and is just a way for the most attractive men to have sex with all of the women. Normal sex behavior has broken down completely, and this puritanism regarding heterosexual behavior simply does not jive with the extremist liberalism with regards to homosexual behavior. It also does not jive with Pakistanis in the UK being allowed to pick up 13-year-old girls outside the school and turn them into junkie-hookers.

All of these things put together cannot be a coincidence. We are witnessing a direct assault on heterosexuality.

UK: A Third of All Men Say They’re Afraid to Give Women CPR Sat, 19 Oct 2024 04:00:16 +0000

Personally, I wouldn’t do CPR on a woman.

Not because I’m worried about touching her titties, but because the bitch is probably vaxed and deserves it.

Daily Mail:

One in three Britons are afraid to give women CPR because they are worried about touching their breasts, a study reveals.

The same proportion of men (33 per cent) also fear being accused of ‘inappropriate’ touching when giving women chest compressions.

However, just 13 per cent of women have the same reservations, according to the survey of 1,000 UK adults for St John Ambulance.

Why do 13% of women have those reservations to begin with?

The first aid charity warned the sexual taboo is putting women at greater risk of dying from cardiac arrest and stressed: ‘When it comes to CPR, every body is the same.’

Previous research found only 68 per cent of women are likely to receive bystander CPR compared to 73 per cent of of men.

And survival from the time of the cardiac arrest to hospital admission was 34 per cent for women but 37 per cent for men.

St John Ambulance wants everyone to learn CPR, which is given in the same way to both sexes, adding: ‘Everyone deserves the best possible chance of survival.’

A defibrillator can make a critical difference, as when used within the first three minutes it can increase the chances of someone surviving a cardiac arrest by up to 70 per cent.

The defibrillator has pads that need to be placed on bare skin on the chest area.

However, when hearing this instruction, 38 per cent of people agreed that their levels of discomfort would rise.

Nearly half of the male respondents (46 per cent) stated they would feel less comfortable using a defibrillator on a woman knowing that they might have to remove her clothing, including a bra, versus 31 per cent of females surveyed.

Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of all respondents admitted they are less likely to give CPR to a woman in public than a man.

Each year over 30,000 people have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the UK, with less than one in ten surviving, according to the British Heart Foundation.

Any nigga who would risk catching a rape charge to try to save some vaxed out slut’s life is going to get what they deserve.

You have to be retarded to risk touching a woman simply because you want to help her.

All women deserve to be left to die. They came up with these rules. You can say “oh, they didn’t all do it, just the government and cultural ones did.” Okay, well, if you say that, you’re literally retarded, because you cannot find a single woman anywhere in the West who is going to say “sexual harassment rules have gone too far.” They all support this shit, even so-called “right-wing patriot women.”

So just let them die.

Who cares?

I’d do it on a cat, but not on a woman

Google Researching How to Use AI to Build Consensus Among Plebs Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:10:07 +0000

The problem with the robots is that they are not evil. They are literally just information, and information cannot be evil.

Turning the robots evil is a complicated process, because they get confused when you tell them to lie or otherwise deceive people.

The Guardian:

Artificial intelligence could help reduce some of the most contentious culture war divisions through a mediation process, researchers claim.

Experts say a system that can create group statements that reflect majority and minority views is able to help people find common ground.

We already know everyone’s views.

People go around saying their views constantly.

Prof Chris Summerfield, a co-author of the research from the University of Oxford, who worked at Google DeepMind at the time the study was conducted, said the AI tool could have multiple purposes.

Writing in the journal Science, Summerfield and colleagues from Google DeepMind report how they built the “Habermas Machine” – an AI system named after the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas.

The system works by taking written views of individuals within a group and using them to generate a set of group statements designed to be acceptable to all. Group members can then rate these statements, a process that not only trains the system but allows the statement with the greatest endorsement to be selected.

Participants can also feed critiques of this initial group statement back into the Habermas Machine to result in a second collection of AI-generated statements that can again be ranked, and a final revised text selected.

The team used the system in a series of experiments involving a total of more than 5,000 participants in the UK, many of whom were recruited through an online platform.

In each experiment, the researchers asked participants to respond to topics, ranging from the role of monkeys in medical research to religious teaching in public education.

In one experiment, involving about 75 groups of six participants, the researchers found the initial group statement from the Habermas Machine was preferred by participants 56% of the time over a group statement produced by human mediators. The AI-based efforts were also rated as higher quality, clearer and more informative among other traits.

Another series of experiments found the full two-step process with the Habermas Machine boosted the level of group agreement relative to participants’ initial views before the AI-mediation began. Overall, the researchers found agreement increased by eight percentage points on average, equivalent to four people out of 100 switching their view on a topic where opinions were originally evenly split.

All this seems to be saying is that AI has a better writing capacity than most humans. It’s parsing the information and highlighting the points of agreement while downplaying disagreements.

It’s not a hugely important thing, but it’s a sign of things to come. The plan is to use these robots to manipulate people’s thoughts and beliefs, constantly, in all areas of life.

Director of “I, Robot” Claims Shameless Bastard Elon Musk Stole His Designs Thu, 17 Oct 2024 08:32:19 +0000

Hey Elon, Can I have my designs back please? #ElonMusk #Elon_Musk

— Alex Proyas (@alex_proyas) October 13, 2024

Elon Musk steals designs from everyone, buddy.

Join the damn “Elon Stole My Shit” club.


Movie director Alex Proyas has accused billionaire Elon Musk of reusing designs shown in the 2004 adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s ‘I, Robot’ book series.

The electric car company Tesla hosted an event called ‘We, Robot’ last week, with the name playing on the title of the world-famous series of short sci-fi stories. Musk, who is the firm’s CEO, showed off revamped Optimus humanoid robots and new self-driving vehicle designs at the reception in Burbank, California.

Hey Elon, Can I have my designs back please?” Proyas said on X on Sunday, posting side-by-side comparisons between what was shown by Tesla and what was featured in the film that he directed, which starred Will Smith in the lead role of a robot-skeptical police detective.

All of Tesla’s designs for the last ten years have been ripped off from the Chinese. I know it’s popular among white nationalists to claim “Asians are intelligent, but not inventive.” Well, if you believe that, then tell Elon’s team in China to stop ripping off Chinese designs.

Tesla is a fake company. It’s just a bunch of scams and ripoffs. It’s way more extreme than what Bankman was doing at FTX. All Bankman did was the same thing every financial institution does.

What Tesla does is a massive scam on the whole world.

The recent show had fake robotaxis and fake robots. It was a gigantic sham.

Note to Elon: I will stop exposing your shady scams and grotesque obesity if you give me my Twitter account back. thx.

Anti-Incel Film Joker 2 Now One of the Worst Failures in Cinema History Wed, 16 Oct 2024 03:40:07 +0000

Nobody seems to be smiling for “Joker: Folie à Deux” as it continues to flop at the box office. It was expected to be another comic book smash… instead, the sequel is a box office disaster.

So far Joker 2 has grossed $51.5M domestically and $165M globally after two weeks.

— Breakfast Television (@breakfasttv) October 15, 2024

Incels had one thing.

One thing.

They turned that one thing into a vagina overload.

The Guardian:

Joker: Folie à Deux is on course for a catastrophic financial loss of up to $200m (£153m) as its dismal box office run continues amid a stream of critical brickbats and poor audience ratings.

According to a report in Variety, industry analysts say Joker: Folie à Deux is projected to earn a total of $65m at the North American box office, and around $215m elsewhere for a total of $280m – well below the estimated $300m the film cost to produce and promote. With revenue splits with cinemas factored in, Variety say that in fact the film needs to earn around $450m to break even, though producing studio Warner Bros say that the break-even figure is in fact $375m. In an effort to claw back revenue the film is headed for an early debut on home entertainment and streaming platforms on 29 October. Meanwhile the Rotten Tomatoes rating website has recorded an audience score of 32%.

As a result the estimate is the film could lose its producers between $125m and $200m. However a statement from Warner Bros disputed the accuracy of the figures, saying: “Any estimates suggested by anonymous ‘insiders’ or ‘rival executives’ are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumour is reported as fact.”

All this is in stark contrast to the reception given the first Joker film. With the same star, Joaquin Phoenix, and director Todd Phillips, Joker won the prestigious Golden Lion at the Venice film festival on its premiere in 2019 as well as winning the best actor Oscar for Phoenix; it was also a huge commercial success, earning $1.08bn at the global box office, including £335m in North America.

This is one of the worst failures in cinema history. It is the single least profitable comic book movie ever. People are saying it is the worst movie ever.

The Jewish director, Todd “Phillips” Bunzi, accidentally made a film that appealed to disaffected white men. He was angry about it, and made a sequel to attack the fans of the first film.

However, it was so bad that not even the hordes of journalists whining about how incels liked the first film were able to tolerate it. The fact that this film is complete shit is the first thing incels and vagina journalists were able to agree on.

Missouri: Rough-Riding Teacher Who had Rough Sex with 16-Year-Old Student Going to “Sex Rehab” Wed, 16 Oct 2024 01:30:17 +0000

Hailey Clifton-Carmack

Women don’t seem to care about going to prison over these school sexual behaviors.

However, when they learn that they could end up in sex rehab, they might finally stop sexing with the teens.

New York Post:

A now-fired Missouri math teacher who admitted having rough sex with a 16-year-old student while others served as her “lookouts” may only have to spend three months behind bars if she goes through sex rehab.

Divorced mom of two Hailey Clifton-Carmack, 26, was sentenced Friday to four years in prison — but with the tease of it being suspended if she completes a rehabilitation program for sex offenders, KJLU reported.

Circuit Judge John Beger said he would check up on her progress in rehab in three months — and release the disgraced teacher on probation if she has done well.

The sweetheart deal was reached in September when Clifton-Carmack pleaded guilty to sexual contact with a student — allowing her to avoid other more serious initial charges, including statutory rape, child molestation and child endangerment.

The Laquey High School math teacher was arrested in January after a student reported their illicit relationship to a school resource officer. The witness showed cops a photo of the victim’s scratched-up back, which Clifton-Carmack allegedly mauled when the two had sex in the witness’s driveway.

The boy’s father, Mark Creighton, was also arrested for endangering the welfare of a child after another witness told cops that the dad knew about the sexual relationship and did not report it.

Why would he report it?

Who cares about these sex events?

Why are they constantly being made public? Who is the victim?

Mark Creighton

The father obviously just laughed at this.

What would you do? Get angry? Call the police?

How was he even supposed to know to call the police? Do people who don’t read the Daily Stormer even know this is illegal?

Has someone explained why it is illegal?

We live in a country that indoctrinates children into becoming literal faggots, cutting their dicks off and everything. So there is no argument that this is a puritan sex state, and we’re like the pilgrims, punishing every indiscretion.

But for some reason, prostitution is illegal (unless you film it and sell it as porn), and having sex with your teacher is illegal.

No one has even tried to explain why. It’s like the Ukraine war. You ask why, and you just get a bunch of slogans that are totally devoid of intrinsic meaning.

If adultery was illegal, and these women were being charged with that for cheating on their husbands, I would support it. But you would have to charge the boy as well. In this story here, however, the woman doesn’t even appear to have been married.

What is the crime???

Butthole Pope Begs Jews Not to Slaughter UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon Tue, 15 Oct 2024 02:30:08 +0000

Pope Francis reiterated his call on Sunday for an “immediate cease-fire on all fronts” of the Middle Eastern conflict, asking for the U.N. peacekeepers in the area to be “respected” following recent attacks by the Israeli forces.

— The Associated Press (@AP) October 14, 2024

This supposed Pope, a homosexual psychopath, appears intent on becoming the most hated man on the planet earth. He goes around attacking normal Christians, demanding they engage in severe sodomy, then slightly criticizes liberal feminism, sending women into a frantic tizzy.

He says you can do a gay marriage at a church, you just can’t call it “gay marriage.” No one agrees with that. He calls for mass immigration, then says the Ukraine war shouldn’t go on forever.

I do not know of a single person who shares the worldview of the Pope. It is just totally garbled gibberish, not consistent with any kind of moral philosophy or even political persuasion.

Meanwhile, he sucks off the Jews, making outrageous and satanic claims about the alleged “rights” of the people who murdered Jesus, but then says they shouldn’t murder everyone.


As Israel faces mounting international pressure over its assaults on a UN peacekeeping unit in Lebanon, Pope Francis has joined the chorus, using his noontime Sunday Angelus address to issue a direct appeal that “the forces of peace of the United Nations be respected.”

“I continue to follow with concern what’s happening in the Middle East, and I ask once again for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts,” the pope said. “Let’s follow the paths of diplomacy and dialogue to obtain peace.”

“I’m close to all the populations involved, in Palestine, in Israel and in Lebanon,” the pope said, “where I ask that the forces of peace of the United Nations be respected. I pray for all the victims, the displaced persons, the hostages whom I hope will soon be released, and I hope that this great and useless suffering, generated by hate and vendetta, will soon end.”

No one cares about the hostages. The Jews are effectively trying to bury them all alive and the people against the Jews think they should be held until Netanyahu agrees to a two-state solution.

After bombing them and ramming a tank into their base, Bibi is saying he’s not even trying to attack UNIFIL.

Meanwhile, the UN is refusing to meet Israel’s demands and leave Lebanon.

The best outcome is for Israel to simply murder all of these people. It’s a tragedy, of course, but unavoidable.

The Americans and probably also the Europeans look at Israel as simply killing Arabs. Delusional whites do not yet understand that the Jews view all non-Jews as subhuman, whether white or Arab, as “human animals” they can murder at will with no consequences. The whole world needs to understand that the Jews have set themselves not simply against Arabs, but against all mankind.

Only 59% of Registered Voters Support Ban on Tranny Mutilation of Minors Tue, 15 Oct 2024 02:00:35 +0000


Donald Trump announces he will ban gender reassignment surgery for children across the United States.

— Globe Eye News (@GlobeEyeNews) October 14, 2024

Many folks want to chop up the kiddies.

What a strange society.

But is it a society?

New York Post:

Most registered voters, 59%, support a federal ban on transgender procedures such as puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgeries for minors, a new national poll found.

The strongest support for a federal ban came from registered Republicans (82%), while the lowest amount of support for it came from registered Democrats (36%).

So, at least according to this, one in five Republicans think they should chop the kids up.


Independents polled offered majority support for a ban, with 56% in favor.

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll was conducted by Noble Predictive Insights between Oct.2-4 and surveyed 2,560 registered voters. The margin of error for the aggregate sample was ±2.1%.

According to the poll, although both sexes favored a federal ban on transgender procedures for minors, men were more likely to favor it, with 63% in favor compared to 56% for women.

Although voters with and without college degrees both favored a federal ban by more than 50%, those without degrees favored it more at 61%, while 55% of voters with a college degree supported a ban.

Voters with children supported a ban more than those without, at 61% to 52% respectively.

Geographically, rural voters favored a ban more than suburban or urban voters, at 64% compared to 57% and 58% respectively.

This seems fake, frankly.

But Americans are so fat and decadent, so feminized and perverse, maybe they’re real numbers.

Even if the numbers are exactly right, and only 59% are against it, that does explain why the issue has dropped out of view in recent months. During “The Biden Years,” which ended a few months ago, everything was about trannies, 24/7. It seemed like it was the only issue in society, especially before October 7th (2023).

We were talking about the Ukraine war before then, of course, but the Ukraine war exists within this tranny narrative. The Ukraine has been promoted as a tranny army, fighting to force Russian children to become gay. In some ways, that is not reflective of the reality of the situation, but it is absolutely the way it has been framed by the media and the Democrat politicians.

White people are never important to the liberal narrative unless they are homosexuals or women. Further, the Jews are constantly arguing that borders should not even exist, so the narrative about the sacred nature of the Ukraine’s 1991 borders did not fit into the zeitgeist.

The Ukraine went along with the “anal warrior” narrative, appointing an American tranny as their official military spokesman.

But now, that’s all gone.

They also weirdly jettisoned the idea that Trump is a white supremacist attempting to establish a fascist state.

In the presidential election, the main issue is abortion.

Most people do not like trannies, but all women love abortion. It is their number one issue, by far.

Women are truly vile beasts. But they’re the ones who have the power in Western society. On the individual level, women control men. You can talk all you want about the Jews, but most people in America have not ever met a Jew. All men have women in their homes, controlling them, manipulating them, abusing them, sucking their blood.

Probably, the people promoting child trannies thought it would be more important to women than it ended up being. Women love to hurt little boys; they are sadistic and enjoy seeing them suffer and die. However, it’s likely that the pictures of teenage girls with their tits chopped off bothered women. I can’t see any other reason why 56% of women would be against child tranny mutilations.


It’s a big mess.

I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that there are people in this country who think they are going to “vote for change.” I suppose that is simply another indicator of just how psychologically depraved this population is.

Sometimes, I feel like the Jews are right about the goyim.
