Society – Daily Stormer The Most Censored Publication in History Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:22:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The IOC to Use AI to “Protect” Athletes from Mean Words on the Internet Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:22:39 +0000

You can’t just go around saying mean things.

It’s not allowed.

Nordic Times:

The Paris Olympics will see the first large-scale use of artificial intelligence to remove “cyber hate” from social media in real time.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will use AI technology to scan thousands of accounts on various social media platforms and delete posts and comments deemed hateful, threatening or otherwise inappropriate as soon as they are published.

The goal, they say, is to create a safer environment for athletes, who are currently said to be highly targeted by hate, racism and sexism. All Olympic participants with open accounts on Facebook, X, Instagram and TikTok will have their accounts automatically scanned in 35 different languages, after which they will be flagged and deleted by the tech companies – “in many cases before the athlete even has time to see them”, reports Bonnier-owned Dagens Nyheter.

Former alpine skier Lindsey Vonn, one of the project’s initiators, says that “It would have saved me a lot of anxiety and emotional trauma”.

Lindsey Vonn is a known coal burner

Sports governing bodies around the world have long called for greater censorship on social media – and it is argued that female athletes are more vulnerable than others. During last year’s Women’s World Cup, 20% of players said they had been the victims of abuse on social media, with soccer player Olivia Schough expressing a desire for the comments to stop.

In total, the accounts of more than 15,000 athletes will be scanned by the AI, and according to IOC chief Kirsty Burrows, the aim is to “try to make the Olympics a safe place”.

However, not everyone is impressed with the rhetoric, and critics point out that using AI technology and automated systems to mass censor what is, in most cases, perfectly legal speech is dangerous.

Many also point out that “cyber hate” is vague and can mean anything and should not be confused with, for example, threats or incitement to violence.

AI is an incredibly powerful tool.

We just need to make sure the open source models are as good as the ones the governments have.

I think “the people” are smarter than the government.

I’m not really worried about the technology, as long as the closed-source stuff doesn’t remain significantly better than the open source stuff.

Right now, the gap seems to be closing rapidly.

Boeing has No Plans for Stranded Astronauts to Ever Return to Earth Fri, 26 Jul 2024 03:00:49 +0000

The NASA guy, Steve Stich, still hopes Boeing can get those astronauts back. But “We don’t have a major announcement today relative to a return date,” said Steve Stich, the program manager for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. (They’ve been up 50 days on an 8-day mission.)

— Bev Harris (@BevHarrisWrites) July 25, 2024

It’s strange that “trapped astronauts” is not a bigger story, no?

I guess they’re fine. But they will not be fine indefinitely.

The Guardian:

Two Nasa astronauts on Boeing’s Starliner capsule will remain at the International Space Station with no official return date yet, Nasa and Boeing officials said on Thursday morning, as engineers continue to examine the technical problems with the spacecraft.

Test pilots Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams first departed for the station roughly seven weeks ago, in early June, on a test mission that was meant to last about a week. But the capsule’s undocking was delayed because of faulty thrusters and small helium leaks that raised safety concerns.

On Thursday, Nasa and Boeing officials said they were not ready to announce a return date, and that the pilots would remain at the space station until the engineers finish working on and examining the issues with the capsule.

“We’ll come home when we’re ready,” Steve Stich, Nasa’s commercial crew program manager said in the press conference, according to the Associated Press. He also acknowledged that backup options are under review, including using other capsules to get the astronauts home safely, which he said was a top priority.

So is part of the situation here that they don’t want to ask Russia to help?

Russia would help.

That would be the worst optics ever, to have the US unable to get their own people back because their technology is so shit that they’re forced to ask the Russians for help.

The optics are already terrible, however, and just ending the problem might be better than whatever is happening now.

What exactly is happening now?

This was the first use of this Boeing pod, the Starliner, which was announced in 2010 and ended up going $1.5 billion over-budget during delays. Apparently it was just… built badly.

It’s sort of ridiculous that it would not have been tested, unmanned. These are engineering failures. The thing was never going to work. “Faulty thrusters” is not a minor problem. Thrusters are a core component of the machine.

North Carolina: 6/10 39-Year-Old Female High School Teacher Arrested for Sex with Student Fri, 26 Jul 2024 01:00:55 +0000

Britney Marie Vernon

I’ve fully concluded that this always happened, ever since the dawn of women in high schools with boys, and it’s simply that now they are getting caught because they create these digital records.

New York Post:

A North Carolina high school teacher was arrested Wednesday for allegedly sexually abusing a student, police said.

Britney Marie Vernon, 39, was hit with three counts of felony indecent liberties with a student and three counts of felony sex acts with a student, according to the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office.

The disturbing assault allegations against the Randleman High School teacher were first reported on July 1.

If you think this is a problem or that it matters, you have to get women out of these workplaces.

They are always going to do this.

It’s their nature.

Watch: New Video Shows Body of Alleged Trump Ear Scratcher on the Roof Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:57:18 +0000

Oh y’all..

Here’s body cam footage of the Secret Service and the police on top of the roof with the dead shooter.

They’re talking about the sniper inside the building that took a picture of Crooks BEFORE he got on the roof, and several detained individuals…



— SaltyGoat (@SaltyGoat17) July 23, 2024

There’s still no motive or explanation for the shooting.

But hey – a new video!


Soon after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, local law enforcement officers and a U.S. Secret Service agent discussed how pictures of the shooter were shared among officers by a sniper who lost sight of him before he opened fire, a newly released video showed.

The three-minute video was recorded on the body-worn camera of an officer from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit who was at the Trump campaign rally on July 13 in the rural western Pennsylvania town of Butler, and released on Tuesday by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley.

Crooks’ bleeding body can be seen a few steps away from the officers on the roof. One of the officers gestures to a semi-automatic rifle near the body.

It’s obvious that the de facto official story is that the CIA attempted to assassinate Trump.

The CIA no doubt is responsible for this event, but it was not a real assassination attempt.

Elon Musk Attended Bibi’s US Congress Speech as a “Special Guest” of the Israeli Child-Killer Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:35:02 +0000

Elon Musk applauded Netanyahu during his speech to the Congress.

this is the man we’re supposed to trust with our “freedom of speech” on Twitter…

— 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖍𝖔 (@_monarcho) July 24, 2024

“If Twitter is free speech now, why is Andrew Anglin still banned?”, the people ask.

The answer, in fact, is very strange indeed.

The Guardian:

Elon Musk attended Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday as a guest of the embattled Israeli prime minister.

A day earlier, the tech billionaire announced that his Starlink internet service was now active in a Gaza hospital, with the support of Israel’s government.

Musk previously met with Netanyahu during a visit to Israel last year, as the tech leader sought to quell accusations of antisemitism after personally endorsing a post on his social network X, formerly Twitter, that claimed Jews hate white people. Far-right content on the platform has also increased.

In recent weeks, Musk has also thrown his support behind Donald Trump’s election campaign and played a direct role in advising the former president to select JD Vance, Ohio senator, as his running mate.

What a goofy fat retard.

This is ridiculous.

It was also ridiculous when he went out there and said “Jews are trying to exterminate the white race.”

Why would he say that?

It’s true, and I wish more people would say it, but when you’re in the position he is in, you need to be a little bit more strategic than that.

He owns a platform now. He can let other people say it. He doesn’t have to go out and directly endorse it – just like he doesn’t have to do 55 standing ovations when the king of the Jews comes to order around the American people.

But what is the game here?

Why does Bibi want him as a pet, and why does he want to be Bibi’s pet? They must both be getting something out of it.

For Elon’s part, it makes sense to cuddle up with the guy who de facto runs the US government. But why would Bibi want to cuddle, unless Musk was agreeing to censor Twitter? Is there something else Musk could be offering?

Killing a Tranny Now a Special Crime in Mexico, Carrying a Sentence Up to 70 Years Thu, 25 Jul 2024 01:30:50 +0000

So in Mexico you get 20 years for murder but 70 for transfemicide.

— British Australis 🇬🇧🇦🇺 (@Nademocist77) July 24, 2024

So, uhhhh.

When they invented “hate crimes,” they said that the same crime can have different punishments based on the context.

This has always been a little bit true, as there have always been “mitigating circumstances,” even in the case of murder. For instance, if you walk in on your wife having sex with another man and you kill one or both of them, that is different than plotting to kill your wife because you’re fed up with her shit and then following through with the plot.

If you kill your wife as soon as you discover her with another man, you are typically going to get a softer sentence, because everyone sort of understands and sympathizes with you, even though murder is still a serious crime and you must be punished for it regardless.

“Hate crimes” are a lot different. Firstly, they can’t really be proved. If a white guy kills a black guy during an argument in a parking lot, any prosecutor is going to look into his social media and see if they can find him making some racist comment and then claim it’s a federal hate crime. You can’t actually prove that the fact the guy was black was related to the murder. Even if the guy is on video calling the victim the n-word, that doesn’t actually prove that if the victim had been another white man, you wouldn’t have done the exact same thing. These are not like “mitigating circumstances,” where the key word is “circumstances,” this is a baseless claim about what a man was thinking at the time he committed a crime.

I guess because that sort of thing doesn’t really make sense, now they’re just saying that there are protected groups whose lives are worth more than other people’s lives, regardless of circumstances. That’s actually a good way of streamlining the “hate crimes” thing.

The Guardian:

When the trans sex worker Paola Buenrostro was killed by a client in Mexico City, her friend Kenya Cuevas grabbed the man to stop him fleeing and recorded the scene as police arrived amid sirens, screams and red and blue lights.

Despite the footage and witness testimonies, a judge considered there was insufficient evidence to hold the man and released him after 48 hours, since which time he has been on the run.

That night in 2016 turned Cuevas into an activist. And last week, after years of campaigning, Mexico City passed a law making transfemicide a crime with a prison sentence of up to 70 years – a “watershed” moment in one of Latin America’s deadliest countries for trans people.

“For the first time, we can feel represented before the law, and that violence against us really carries a severe punishment,” said Cuevas at a gathering on Sunday to recognise the victory. “For the first time, I can feel some satisfaction, some peace, after all these long years of work.”

The law, named in honour of Buenrostro, was passed almost unanimously in the state congress.

Mexico City is the second of the country’s 32 states to criminalise transfemicide. Earlier this year, Nayarit, a small state on the Pacific coast, introduced sentences of up to 60 years for the crime.

Mexico has gotten really weird.

Trans activists celebrate in front of the Congress of Mexico in Mexico City, 18 July 2024.

It was of course already illegal to kill a tranny. But you probably would have been sentenced to 15 years, as you would with killing a normal person in a non-premeditated situation.

Mexico’s average sentence for premeditated murder is 30 years, twice that of non-premeditated (based on data I was able to find just now). “Premeditated” is always worse than getting in a fight with someone and killing them. This is reasonable, given that plotting to kill someone is very different than a situation where things get out of control and you end up killing someone based on your emotions that you’re feeling at the time. Killing anyone is always a big crime, but these two types of murder are different, and halving the sentence when you didn’t plan the murder (or doubling it when you did plan it, whichever way you want to view it) is logical and just.

People should not kill hookers.

However, planning to kill a hooker is very rare. Prostitution is obviously associated with drugs and a generally seedy atmosphere, and this creates the types of conditions where you would expect things to get out of hand and for murder to happen more often in this type of environment.

A non-premeditated prostitute murder is not rare, and prostitutes know this. They are putting themselves in situations they know are dangerous in order to make money doing something immoral, which should really lighten the sentence for killing them. But let’s say you just get the normal sentence for killing a prostitute: it’s probably going to be 15 years. Now, if that prostitute is a man dressed like a woman, you are going to be sentenced to nearly 5 times that? And more than twice what you would get for the premeditated murder of your wife?

This is very strange.

But we have to admit: it does make more sense than US “hate crimes enhancement” laws.

Scientists Rethinking Origin of Life After Discovering Potato-Shaped Metallic Lumps Produce Oxygen Thu, 25 Jul 2024 01:03:14 +0000

WATCH: In a new @NatureGeosci paper published today, deep-sea scientists led by Prof Andrew Sweetman of SAMS have found a new mechanism for oxygen production.

‘Dark oxygen’ occurs at thousands of metres below the sea surface!

Read the paper:

— Scottish Association for Marine Science (@SAMSoceannews) July 22, 2024

Scientists are a smart bunch, and if they say human beings grew from bacteria that was created by a magic rock, I believe it, even if it is completely retarded and makes no sense.

The Guardian:

In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries.

The surprise finding has many potential implications and could even require rethinking how life first began on Earth, the researchers behind a study said on Monday.

It had been thought that only living things such as plants and algae were capable of producing oxygen via photosynthesis – which requires sunlight.

But four kilometres (2.5 miles) below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, where no sunlight can reach, small mineral deposits called polymetallic nodules have been recorded making so-called dark oxygen for the first time.

You sort of have to wonder why, if we put a man on the Moon (lol), we don’t know what’s going on 2.5 miles underwater, don’t know about magic rocks.

Frankly, I don’t think this proves bacteria turned into fish and then fish turned into monkeys. There is not really anything that make me believe something that dumb.

A rock that creates oxygen, however, is something interesting.

Andrew Anglin contributed to this article. 

Free Falling: Tesla Reports Lowest Profits in More Than Five Years, Elon Blames the Chinese Wed, 24 Jul 2024 07:20:49 +0000

Many $TSLA investors don’t know that BYD is outselling Tesla 6:1 in China 🇨🇳, while Toyota is outselling Tesla 6:1 globally—despite Tesla receiving massive subsidies and despite price cuts— or that Tesla is relying heavily on BYD and CATL for batteries for cars and “megapacks”

— Facts Chaser 🌎 🤦🏻‍♂️ (@Factschaser) July 23, 2024

The jig is up.

Tesla has no market. They are not better than Chinese alternatives and they are three times the price of Chinese alternatives. Yes, the US has banned the Chinese alternatives and the EU is tariffing them. But that doesn’t fix Tesla.

Tesla is too expensive, and it is complete garbage. They are cheap pieces of crap. A $90,000 Tesla uses the same quality interior as a $10,000 BYD. Furthermore, BYD also makes EVs in the $90,000 range, which are ultra luxury vehicles that are competitors to Porsche.

Tesla is doomed. They were buried alive by the Chinese, who insist on delivering high quality products at reasonable prices.

The US invented globalism, gutted the US middle class jobs sector, and now they’re telling you you can’t have Chinese products anymore, even while not giving you your jobs back. Chinese production is the total basis for the modern US economy, and the only way it works. Not only does America not have jobs, it also doesn’t make anything worth buying.


Tesla on Tuesday reported its lowest profit margin in more than five years and missed Wall Street earnings targets in the second quarter, as the electric vehicle maker cut prices to revive demand while it increased spending on AI projects.

The company said it was on track to produce new vehicles, including more affordable models, in the first half of 2025, although the models will result in achieving less cost reduction than previously expected. Shares fell 8% in after-hours trade.

The company also laid off more than 10% of its employees to cut costs, and Tesla said profit was also weighed down by restructuring charges and an increase in operating expenses largely driven by artificial-intelligence projects.

Dan Coatsworth, investment analyst at AJ Bell, said Tesla has now missed earnings targets for four quarters in a row. “There is a lot of talk about robotaxis, humanoid robots and autonomous driving, which provides an exciting narrative for investors but doesn’t get over the fact that these are tomorrow’s potential riches, not today’s.”

Musk told analysts on a conference call that new competitors “have discounted their EVs very substantially, which has made it a bit more difficult for Tesla.”

They didn’t “discount” them. They are not selling at a loss to flood the market. That would be smart and funny if they were, but they’re not. (The whole “run at a loss to defeat competitors” isn’t really a typical Chinese strategy.)

BYD and the other Chinese companies beat Tesla by making better cars. That’s it. Full stop.

BYD hired Wolfgang Egger, a German who was formerly the lead designer at Alfa Romeo, Audi, and Lamborghini as their lead designer.

He’s an ultra-competent German engineer who knows what he’s doing.

They hired other whites for different engineering jobs. And they of course hired the most competent Chinese men. They pay everyone very well, because they want the best people.

Almost all of the top people at Tesla are Indians. Elon Musk really only hires Indians. They fail at literally everything but he keeps hiring them, and that’s because if you want someone like Wolfgang Egger, he’s going to demand a lot of money. Then, on down the line, it’s the same explanation: competent white men at every level want more than their Indian alternatives.

The Indians are not all totally incompetent. I’m not even saying that, necessarily. If you said “I’m gonna hire the best people at my tech company,” some of them would be Indian, but most of them would be white or Chinese (or Japanese/Korean). Elon’s program is not “hire the best and make the best product and dominate the market,” it’s “hire Indians because they’re cheaper while getting subsidies from the government and relying on the US and EU governments to stop competition.” It was a really bad strategy that did not pay off, and now the race to dominate the EV market is over. Tesla lost (badly), because Elon thought he could do things on the cheap and use crony tactics.

Tesla isn’t selling cheap cars because they can’t make them efficiently because they don’t have good designers. That’s part of it. The other part is that the business model is based on huge profit margins per vehicle, which is opposed to the Chinese model, which is to make less profit per unit and sell more units.

This was all just done completely and totally wrong, and the only person to blame is Elon Musk.

This has Really Already Happened to Apple as Well

Though the US is closing the market to Huawei, they are doing the same thing to Apple that BYD did to Tesla on the larger global market. Huawei is making a better product for cheaper because they hired the best people (whoever that was, but mostly whites and Chinese), while Apple refused to innovate and just demanded people pay outrageous prices because they’re a “luxury brand.”

The Chinese also make “luxury” products for people who want to pay more to demonstrate status. They understand that concept and they are covering that ground. But they understand that the normal person (particularly men) make purchasing decisions based on practical concerns, rather than a desire to demonstrate status. (This is especially true with phones and other consumer electronics – with cars and clothes, men are more likely to want status symbols.)

We are in the midst of a transformation, where the Chinese are going to go through every single Western market and use this strategy to make better products at lower prices and destroy competitors.

Again: the US invented this concept of making China the factory of the world. Now they’re blocking the Chinese and demanding, whether it is Tesla or Apple, that you pay three times the price for a product of lesser quality. It’s not sustainable. Paying three times the price would be fine if Americans had jobs paying three times the salary, but they don’t. Real wages continue to fall decade to decade.

At this point, there aren’t very many “great American companies” left to even save. You would have to build new ones, and the population is now so grotesque that it’s unlikely we have the human resources to do that on any kind of scale. Whites are not breeding, they’re being replaced not just with brown people but the worst types of brown people on the planet.

It’s a disaster.

Elon Musk Says He was Tricked Into Turning His Kid Into a Tranny Wed, 24 Jul 2024 04:00:57 +0000

MUSK: I was tricked into giving puberty blockers to my son. These are sterilization drugs. My son Xavier is dead. They call it deadnaming for a reason. Killed by the woke mind virus. This is the reason I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus.

— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) July 22, 2024

A very nasty trick indeed.

New York Post:

Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes his estranged transgender child was “killed by the woke mind virus” after he was tricked into giving his consent for puberty blockers.

The 53-year-old billionaire vowed to “destroy” the “incredibly evil” culture that allows the gender-reassignment surgery that his 20-year-old child Vivian Jenna Wilson, who was born Xavier, got in 2022.

I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,” the X owner told psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson in a Daily Wire interview.

“This is before I had any understanding of what was going on. COVID was going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told Xavier might commit suicide if he doesn’t…”



Described the process as “incredibly evil,” Musk said it was never explained to him the puberty blockers were “actually just sterilization drugs.”

I was tricked into doing this,” Musk said.

Being 50 or whatever and being tricked into turning your son into a tranny is confusing to me. It seems that at that age, you probably should have figured out your views on these things.

People often change their views during their 20s, but any major changes in a worldview after the age of 30 is very strange.

Further, Musk is supposed to be some kind of Tony Stark genius, so how is it so easy to trick him?

That having been said, he likely is legitimately mad about this situation. I don’t know how any human could not be mad about it.

Saying “my son is dead” is pretty hardcore. At least for him.

I am certain some of you are dealing with the situation of a divorced wife turning your son into a tranny, and you really have to take this position of “he’s dead” and just write him off. There is nothing else you can do. You don’t have the ability to stop it. If you tried to stop it, the government would send men with guns to kill you or lock you in a cage. And even then, you wouldn’t stop it, you would just be dead or in prison and your son would still be a tranny.

But listen: do not try to have a relationship with a tranny child. It’s not going to help anything – it is only going to break your heart further. You can have more sons. You can’t save a tranny son.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article. 

Footage Shows White Cop Shooting Unarmed Black Woman in the Face in Her Illinois Home Tue, 23 Jul 2024 03:32:45 +0000

Sonya Massey, a beloved mother, friend, daughter, and young Black woman, should be alive today.

Sonya’s death at the hands of a police officer reminds us that all too often Black Americans face fears for their safety in ways many of the rest of us do not.

— President Biden (@POTUS) July 22, 2024

I used to side with the cops. I would see a headline like this one and say “well, there must be more to it, I’m sure that nigger was up to something.”

Now, however, following the virus hoax primarily, as well as other events like the police attacks on student protesters, I just instinctively side with the nigger.

When it comes to interactions with cops, I am solidly pro-nigger. A nigger held a knife to my throat once and a gun to my head another time. A nigger stole the bag of a woman I was with twice. Niggers have done several other things against me.

However, no nigger ever locked me in my house or forced me to wear a cuck muzzle at Walmart. No nigger ever told me I couldn’t protest the Jews.

It was always a choice between the lesser of two evils, but I’m on Team Nigger now.

Or maybe I should say: “having learned from experience, I have determined that cops are the real niggers.”

The Guardian:

Authorities have released shocking video that shows a white police officer in Illinois shooting a Black woman – who called police in fear of a home intruder – in the face, killing her.

Sonya Massey, 36, was killed early on the morning of 6 July by deputy Sean Grayson of the Sangamon county sheriff’s office in her home in Springfield, the Illinois state capitol.

Sonya Massey. Looks friendly enough to me. 

Massey, whom her daughter confirmed was paranoid-schizophrenic, had called police because she thought someone was trying to break into her home. When police arrived, they began looking into Massey’s home with flashlights, a neighbor, Cheryl Evans, told the Guardian. Evans wondered why police hadn’t knocked on her door, as they typically have done in the past when searching for suspects. Eventually, Grayson, who is white, and his partner entered the home where they began speaking to Massey.

Sean Grayson… forearm tattoos, clear history of steroid use (though presumably not on cycle right now). This is the exact type of goon who is going to hit you with a club because you aren’t wearing a mask. 

After an initial discussion and request for Massey’s drivers license, Grayson spotted a pot of boiling water on the stove and ordered Massey to remove it to avoid starting a fire. In doing so, Massey asks the officers – who visibly distance themselves from her as she goes to handle the pot – why they moved away from her.

“Where you going?” she asks them.

“Away from your hot steaming water,” Grayson answers, with a laugh, before Massey responds: “Away from the hot steaming water? Oh, I’ll rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”

With his gun drawn, Grayson closed the distance between himself and Massey, who was beginning to kneel behind a counter with her hands up.

You better fucking not, I swear to God I’ll fucking shoot you right in your fucking face,” Grayson warned.

Wow, tough guy.

Having a little girl type freakout.

Seriously, imagine Dirty Harry saying that. To a woman.

Massey can be heard saying, “I’m sorry,” as Grayson continues to advance. “I’m sorry,” she says again as Grayson fires three shots, striking her with a bullet below the eye that exited from the back of her neck.

As Massey lay dying on her kitchen floor, Grayson says he’ll go get his medical kit to render aid.

“That’s a headshot. She’s done,” Grayson says before going to get the med kit.

When I watched the George Floyd tape, it pissed me off,” said Tiara Standage, a Springfield resident who is Black and has helped Massey’s family in recent weeks as they have navigated legal remedies and media coverage. “When I watched this, it pissed me off even further.”

Well, maybe if you wouldn’t have been so pissed off about the George Floyd tape, people would care more about this one?

Basically, after George Floyd, normal people hear this “innocent black killed by white cop” stuff and just roll their eyes.

Sonya Massey’s mother.

It’s unlikely this will get any traction.

I said I support the blacks over the cops, but I should clarify: I don’t support BLM or black movements.

I just agree that cops are out of control, and I’m not going to defend some cop who shot some woman to death because he’s too much of a baby to do his job.

France: Leftist MP Says Israeli Athletes Aren’t Welcome at Paris Olympics Tue, 23 Jul 2024 01:05:36 +0000

🇫🇷 This French MP has sparked a political row

He said Israeli athletes were not welcome at the Paris Olympics because of the war on Gaza.

Hid name is Thomas Portes – Kudos to him 👊🏼

— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) July 21, 2024

Related: Jews Begin Talking About Leaving France as Tolerance for Their Behavior Wanes

There’s no point in trying to politically analyze antisemitism.

Whether left or right, people are either paid by Jews or they are antisemitic.

The Guardian:

An MP for the radical-left France Unbowed party has sparked outrage after saying Israeli athletes are not welcome at the Paris Olympics and calling for protests against their presence.

Citing Israel’s war in Gaza, Thomas Portes told a pro-Palestinian gathering in Paris on Saturday: “We are just a few days away from an international event to be held in Paris, the Olympic Games. And I’m here to say that no, the Israeli delegation is not welcome in Paris. Israeli athletes are not welcome at the Olympic Games in Paris. We have to use this deadline and all the levers we have to mobilise.”

Portes later told Le Parisien newspaper that French diplomats should put pressure on the International Olympic Committee to ban the Israeli flag and anthem at the Games, which open on Friday, “as is done for Russia”. “It’s time to end the double standards,” Portes said.

Yeah, I mean, they make Russians compete with no flag. Even if you think Putin is an evil tyrant or whatever the heck, no one can claim he’s slaughtered children like the Jews have. Anyone who thinks any country can be sanctioned at the Olympics would have to support sanctioning the Jews.

Maybe the Olympics should be some kind of totally apolitical event, where nations come together regardless of international conflicts to play sports. That was actually the original concept. But then they banned Russia because of a border skirmish in the former USSR. So surely, the Jews, doing a much worse war, must be banned?

Japanese Government Questioning Stupid Whores as to Why They Refuse to Produce Children Mon, 22 Jul 2024 04:40:06 +0000

Bitch, wtf is wrong with you?

Time to man up and get dicked down.

We need people in this country, cunt.

By the way, “country” and “cunt” have different etymological roots.

A country is not “a place for cunts.”

It’s a place where human beings live normal lives and produce children like all other species on the planet.

The Guardian:

The Japanese government has begun to consult young people about their interest in marriage – or lack thereof – as Japan continues to struggle with a demographic crisis that is expected to result in a sharp population decline over the next decades.

The Children and Families Agency, launched in April 2023, held its first working group meeting on Friday to support young people in their efforts to find partners through dating, matchmaking and other means. Attenders included those considering marriage in the future and experts versed in the challenges facing younger people.

The government recognised that ideas about marriage among young people are different from what was once considered standard, an agency official said. The government has been seeking experts’ views and now wants those of single people.

Because comparatively few children are born to unmarried people in Japan, the decline of marriage has been cited as a significant reason for its low birthrate and dwindling, ageing population. In 2023, the number of marriages dropped below 500,000 for the first time since the 1930s. Meanwhile, births dropped 5.1% to 758,631, a new record low and almost reaching 755,000, a figure the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research had predicted for 2035.

Outlaw birth control, ban women from working, ban abortion, slut shame – there are many obvious options here.

Asking “bitch what is wrong with you?” is not going to work.

She doesn’t know what’s wrong with her and it really doesn’t matter at all.

“What is wrong with these women?” is like some kind of zen riddle, like “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” No one knows what the question means and no one gives a shit about the answer.

Because we already know the solution.

Meanwhile, the nips are upping the anal.

I’m not a scientist, but I don’t think babies can be birthed from an anus.

Jamie, pull that up. Can a baby be birthed out of a man’s anus?

Meanwhile, I also saw a story about a porno woman who drowned in semen during a bukkake. But I tried to search for that and… I didn’t get news stories.


I questioned the robot about bukkake drownings.

I’m not sure if the first one is true, but I love #2. It makes it sound like they investigated “drowning in semen” as a potential cause of death.

I wish every single news article that said “cause of death is unknown” (a lot of those in the last couple years, huh?) added “their death was unrelated to bukkake or drowning in semen.”

Like for example:

(Note: She died from birth control pills and abortions AKA “breast cancer,” not the vax. Though you might wonder if the vax made it worse, as it’s been shown and admitted to have done with various cancers.)

Robots Could Save Mankind from Toxic Weedkillers Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:01:15 +0000

We’ve now developed really solid AI, and we’re still poisoning ourselves for no reason.

It does seem like robots should be able to solve this problem.

The Guardian:

On a sweltering summer day in central Kansas, farm fields shimmer in the heat as Clint Brauer watches a team of bright yellow robots churn up and down the rows, tirelessly slicing away any weeds that stand in their way while avoiding the growing crops.

The battery-powered machines, 4ft (1.2 metres) long and 2ft (0.6 metres) wide, pick their way through the fields with precision, without any human hand to guide them.

Brauer, a former California-based tech executive who moved back to his family farm in central Kansas after his father developed Parkinson’s disease, sees the robots as critical tools to help farmers reduce their reliance on chemicals and be more protective of their health and the environment.

Greenfield founder Clint Brauer tests one of his fleet of weed-whacking robots in a Kansas sorghum field.

His Greenfield agricultural technology company now builds and programs its robots in a shed behind an old farmhouse where his grandmother once lived. Twenty farmers are signed up for the robotic services this season, and the company hopes to weed 5,000 acres (2,023 hectares) this year.

The answer is here,” he said. “This solves a lot of problems for farmers.”

Farmers have been fighting weeds in their fields – pulling, cutting and killing them off with an array of tools – for centuries. Weeds compete with crops for soil moisture and nutrients and can block out sunlight needed for crop growth, cutting into final yields. Over the last 50-plus years, chemical eradication has been the method of choice. It is common for farmers to spray or otherwise apply several weedkilling chemicals on to their fields in a single season.

But as chemical use has expanded, so has scientific evidence that exposure to the toxic substances in weedkillers can cause disease. In addition to glyphosate’s link to cancer, the weedkilling chemical paraquat has been linked to Parkinson’s disease. Another common farm herbicide, atrazine, can be harmful to reproductive health and is linked to several other health problems.

Weedkilling chemicals have also been found to be harmful to the environment, with negative impacts on soil health and on pollinators and other important species. The widespread use of herbicides in farming has fueled weed resistance, leaving many farmers struggling to control weeds in their fields even with repeated applications of herbicides.

Imagine that the government allows big agriculture corporations to poison your food and to poison the water supply but they don’t allow you to know if your son is a tranny.

Media Saying Oklahoma Man Predicted Trump Assassination Attempt with Alleged Vision from God Sat, 20 Jul 2024 21:35:46 +0000

See: Jew-Loving Evangelical Kooks Claiming “God Saved Trump,” Calling It a “Miracle”

Well, this is important.

New York Post:

An Oklahoma man predicted the attempted assassination of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in eerie detail a month ago, claiming it came to him in a vision from God.

In a video of a podcast posted to YouTube on March 14, Brandon Dale Biggs said Trump would be targeted — and that a bullet would fly by his ear.

“I saw Trump, rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life,” Biggs told Pastor Steve Cioccolanti, who hosted the taping.

“This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum,” Biggs continued, adding the vision came to him a few weeks before the taping.

“And I saw, he fell to his knees during this time frame, and he started worshipping the Lord.”

Brandon Dale Biggs

“The Lord told me, he said, ‘I am not done with America,’” Biggs said, who further foreshadowed “a new wave of patriotism coming out” leading to “a red wave coming out of Michigan.”

He then saw people carrying flaming torches through Oklahoma, and “bringing forth a new patriotism upon this nation. … It was being birthed and it just kept spreading, like fire.”

I wonder if this is all leading to… “God saved Trump so Trump could save Israel.”

No, I’m just joking.

I don’t wonder about that.

Delaware: Female Catholic School Teacher Sends Nudes to 14-Year-Old Student Sat, 20 Jul 2024 01:20:55 +0000

Alanis Pinion

Ain’t nobody want those nudes, Alanis.

Ain’t even no 14-year-old boys into those nudes.

New York Post:

A Catholic school teacher from Delaware has been charged with sending sexually explicit photos to a 14-year-old former student, according to police.

Alanis Pinion, a 24-year-old 8th-grade teacher at St. Mary Magdalen School in Wilmington, was arrested Thursday by the New Castle County Police.

Detectives discovered that Pinion frequently communicated with her students over Snapchat — and sent sexually explicit photos to one of them.

In a matter of a few years, every woman is going to be in prison for sexual interactions with “minors” that they documented on digital platforms.

If these bitches were just like “hey kid, meet me after class for a blowjob,” everything would be fine.

But these whores want digital records of everything, so they can… go to prison?

Seriously, how stupid are women?

I think a clever dog would be able to figure this out, for sure.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article. 
