World – Daily Stormer The Most Censored Publication in History Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:25:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 America, UK, And Infertile Korea Accuse One True Korea of Global Hacking Campaign Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:13:49 +0000

Why are North Korea’s hackers so good, if it’s a communist shithole with no lights?

Have you seen these people go on about how North Korea doesn’t have lights?

It’s because they’re sleeping at night, retards.

Staying up all night drinking beer outside of a 7/11 doesn’t prove you are better than people who have sex.

Unlike South Koreans, North Koreans actually have sex.


North Korean hackers have conducted a global cyber espionage campaign in efforts to steal classified military secrets to support Pyongyang’s banned nuclear weapons programme, the United States, Britain and South Korea said in a joint advisory on Thursday.

The hackers, dubbed Anadriel or APT45 by cybersecurity researchers, are believed to be part of North Korea’s intelligence agency known as the Reconnaissance General Bureau, an entity sanctioned by the U.S. in 2015.

The cyber unit has targeted or breached computer systems at a broad variety of defence or engineering firms, including manufacturers of tanks, submarines, naval vessels, fighter aircraft, and missile and radar systems, the advisory said.

Victims in the U.S. have also included the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Randolph Air Force Base in Texas and Robins Air Force Base in Georgia, FBI and U.S. Justice Department officials said on Thursday.

“South Korea” is not a country. It is a violent revolutionary movement, backed by the United States, occupying the south of the one and only Korean country, which has only one leader, Kim Jong-Un.

If South Korea were good, people would be having sex.

Australia Sees Sharp Decline in Birth Rate in 2023 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:18:07 +0000

What are we doing here, people?

The Guardian:

Australia is in the grips of a “baby recession”, which some have attributed to rising cost-of-living pressures and economic uncertainty.

The number of births in Australia dropped to 289,100 in 2023, the lowest recorded since 2006, analysis from KPMG Australia showed.

Since 2006, Australia’s population has increased by over 6 million, almost entirely from immigration.

The pandemic baby boom is over, with 26,000 fewer births last year compared with the 2021 spike and an overall 4.6% year-on-year decline.

Terry Rawnsley, an urban economist at KPMG, said economic uncertainty after the pandemic and stretched household budgets in a cost-of-living crisis meant many families delayed having children or put off having more kids.

“We haven’t seen such a sharp drop in births in Australia since the period of economic stagflation in the 1970s, which coincided with the initial widespread adoption of the contraceptive pill,” he said.

Fertility rates were lowest in CBDs and surrounding inner suburbs while the highest number of births in capital cities were often in greenfield areas, the analysis showed.

Sydney births fell 8.6% from 2019 and Melbourne’s dropped by 7.3%.

There was a 6% decline in Perth, 4.3% in Brisbane, 0.8% in Adelaide and an overall drop of 3.6% in the Northern Territory.

However, there was no change in Canberra, and Tasmania experienced a 2.1% bump compared to 2019.

The overall fertility rate has dropped in recent decades, falling from two babies per woman in 2008 to 1.6 in 2023.

It’s not good.

Women in Australia used to be normal until relatively recently

Israeli Government Tried to Frustrate High-Stakes US Lawsuit Over Pegasus Spyware Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:09:26 +0000

BREAKING: Israeli government secretly tried to frustrate US lawsuit over Pegasus spyware.

Reportedly, Ex Trump US Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, acting as a US lawyer for Pegasus’ maker NSO Group, asked if Israel would “come to the rescue” of the notorious spyware manufacturer.…

— John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) July 25, 2024

Why are the Jews allowed to just up and hack you?

The Guardian:

The Israeli government took extraordinary measures to frustrate a high-stakes US lawsuit that threatened to reveal closely guarded secrets about one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest.

Israeli officials seized documents about Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in an effort to prevent the company from being able to comply with demands made by WhatsApp in a US court to hand over information about the invasive technology.

Documents suggest the seizures were part of an unusual legal manoeuvre created by Israel to block the disclosure of information about Pegasus, which the government believed would cause “serious diplomatic and security damage” to the country.

Pegasus allows NSO clients to infect smartphones with hidden software that can extract messages and photos, record calls and secretly activate microphones. NSO’s clients have included both authoritarian regimes and democratic countries and the technology has been linked to human rights abuses around the world.

Since late 2019, NSO has been battling a lawsuit in the US brought by WhatsApp, which has alleged the Israeli company used a vulnerability in the messaging service to target more than 1,400 of its users in 20 countries over a two-week period. NSO has denied the allegations.

The removal of files and computers from NSO’s offices in July 2020 – until now hidden from the public by a strict gag order issued by an Israeli court – casts new light on the close ties between Israel and NSO and the overlapping interests of the privately owned surveillance company and the country’s security establishment.

The July 2020 seizures were made after Israeli officials and the company appear to have discussed how to respond to WhatsApp’s requests for NSO to disclose internal files about its spyware, raising questions about whether they coordinated to conceal certain information from US legal proceedings.

At one stage, one of NSO’s lawyers, Rod Rosenstein, a former US deputy attorney general in the Trump administration, appears to have asked one of Israel’s US lawyers whether the Israeli government would “come to the rescue” in the legal battle with WhatsApp.

I don’t think the Jews should be allowed to do this at all.

US Doctors Demand Arms Embargo of Israel, Say Death Toll Much Higher Than Officially Reported Fri, 26 Jul 2024 01:30:16 +0000

This is an open letter addressed to @POTUS, @VP , and @FLOTUS signed by 45 American physicians and nurses, about what we saw while working in Gaza. Please feel free to distribute. A PDF can be downloaded from the link and/or QR code on page 1.

— Feroze Sidhwa (@FerozeSidhwa) July 25, 2024

It’s obvious at this point that it doesn’t matter what anyone says or thinks, the US is going to keep on funding the slaughter in Gaza.

Biden or Kamala would do the same thing, but while complaining about it and pretending they’re not doing it and allowing people to protest.

Trump and his VP James Bowman are vowing “endless death.” Both Trump and “JD Vance” have sworn that they will never put any limits on Israel and will help them to attack Iran.

The Guardian:

Dozens of US doctors and nurses who worked in Gaza have written to Joe Biden claiming that the true death toll from Israel’s months-long assault is much higher than previously reported, demanding the US withdraw diplomatic and military support for Israel until there is a ceasefire.

The eight-page letter, delivered on Thursday and addressed to Biden, the first lady, Jill Biden, and the vice-president, Kamala Harris, said the medics saw evidence of widespread violations of laws governing the use of US weapons supplied to Israel, and of international humanitarian law.

Forty-five surgeons, emergency room physicians and nurses who volunteered in several Gaza hospitals over recent months laid out what they described as the “massive human toll from Israel’s attack on Gaza, especially the toll it has taken on women and children”.

“We cannot forget the scenes of unbearable cruelty directed at women and children that we witnessed ourselves,” they wrote.

“Every single signatory to this letter treated children in Gaza who suffered violence that must have been deliberately directed at them. Specifically, every one of us on a daily basis treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head.”

Several of the signatories previously told the Guardian they believed Israeli snipers were targeting children and reported the devastating impact on civilians of weapons designed to spray high levels of shrapnel.

The medics, who volunteered with the World Health Organization and other relief groups, told the president the real death toll is much higher than the Palestinian ministry of health’s casualty figure of more than 39,000 people killed, the majority being women and children.

It is likely that the death toll from this conflict is already greater than 92,000, an astonishing 4.2% of Gaza’s population,” they wrote.

That’s a whole lot of death.

Compare it to the Ukraine war: that’s like if Russia would have killed 2 million Ukraine citizens in the first 9 months.

Bibi keeps saying, and said during his speech before Congress this week, that October 7th was “Israel’s 9/11,” and actually much worse than 9/11. Well, the US, insane as it is, didn’t respond to 9/11 by eradicating 4.2% of their civilian population in 9 months.

The only people who can get away with just mass-murdering kids are Jews.

France Suffers “Large, Coordinated Sabotage” of High Speed Railway Network Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:09:22 +0000

Maybe fix your shit, retards.

Why did you digitize everything just to save a few pennies?

Not saving so many pennies now.

All the pennies you saved are lost as a result of this sort of thing.

Deutsche Welle:

France’s national rail operator SNCF on Friday said the country’s high-speed TGV rail network has been struck by “malicious acts,” including arson attacks that have disrupted the transport system.

The incidents come only hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

“This is a massive attack on a large scale to paralyze the TGV network,” SNCF told the AFP news agency.

The operator added that many routes would have to be canceled and the situation would last “at least all weekend while repairs are conducted.”

By mid-morning, the company said some 800,000 passengers were affected.

Traffic on the high-speed line between Lille and Paris has been cut off since 5:15 a.m. after “a malicious act in the Arras area,” according to SNCF.

On the route between Paris and eastern France, the company said vandalism between Metz and Nancy was seriously disrupting traffic.

Traffic was also cut on the Atlantic line after “an act of vandalism near Courtalain,” where the tracks divide for Brittany and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

“Deliberate fires were started to damage our installations. SNCF network teams are already on site to carry out the diagnosis and begin repairs,” the broadcaster BFMTV reported SNCF as saying.

According to the channel, there were also thwarted sabotage attempts on the southeastern line from Paris.

French Sports Minister Amelie Oudea-Castera condemned the attacks, linking them to the start of the 2024 Olympics.

“It’s completely appalling,” she told BFMTV. “To target the games is to target France.”

I thought at first this was done by the pro-Gaza people, but leftists and vibrants sabotage trains in France on a regular basis, so it might not be directly related.

Video from 1 year ago

Germany: At Least 140 Flights Canceled After Climatards Glue Themselves at Frankfurt Airport Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:42:05 +0000

What would you do if you thought the weather was going to change and exterminate you?

Well, if you were a man, I would say probably check into a mental hospital.

However, if you were a man trying to fuck some bitch who believed that, I would say your best move would be to glue yourself to an airport runway.

I guess?

Deutsche Welle:

Last Generation climate group staged a protest at Frankfurt airport early on Thursday, causing the suspension of flights.

“The continued extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal is a threat to our existence,” the group wrote.

Airport officials issued a statement on social media site X saying: “Due to an ongoing demonstration at the airport flights are currently suspended. Passengers are asked not to go to the airport for the time being. Instead, it is recommended to check the status of your flight before traveling to the airport and allow extra time for your journey.”

Later on Thursday morning, the airport said that flights were “gradually resuming,” but urged travellers to check with their airline before arriving, as at least 140 flights were being canceled.

DW’s Daniel Koop reported “massive” lines and delays at the busy hub as traffic got back underway.

Police at the airport said that eight activists had been detained.

Activists promise wave of protests

The protest came a day after Last Generation members blocked Cologne/Bonn airport.A Cologne/Bonn spokesperson said that the activists were arrested for trespassing after gluing themselves to the runway.

The group had promised multiple demonstrations throughout the week, also breaching a fence at Norway’s Oslo airport on Wednesday before being apprehended. They declined to comment on whether they would target the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.

Do men believe this?

Or are they all just trying to get laid?

I’m sure most men will nod about it and not rock the boat, but if they are actually going out and doing these gluing activities, are they doing it because they believe in it, or because they’re trying to catch a whiff?

It’s an important question.

Germany: Government Bans Shiite Islamic Center for Opposing Jews, Ties to Hezbollah Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:33:17 +0000

To my Islamic friends: the EU was never pro-Islam.

They were always just anti-white, and they used your poorest people to hurt white people.

This is born out by the fact that if they see you do something the Jews don’t like, all of a sudden they are not so “welcoming.”

Deutsche Welle:

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Wednesday that the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) would be banned for propagating extremism and that its famous “Blue Mosque” was being searched by police.

“It is very important to me to make a clear distinction here: we are not acting against a religion,” Faeser said, but just against a group accused of undermining the German state as well as women’s rights.

The Imam Ali Mosque, known locally as the Blue Mosque, is one of Germany’s oldest mosques and is operated by the IZH.

What is the Islamic Center of Hamburg?The IZH is an organization that is considered an extension of the Iranian regime in Germany and is thought to have a significant influence over certain mosques and associations, according to Germany’s domestic intelligence services.

The IZH is being probed for “spreading aggressive antisemitism,” Faeser said on Wednesday, adding that raids against the group in November established proof of connections to Hezbollah and led to Wednesday’s ban.

This organization has been around since the 60s, but the first time it got raided was one month after Jews started bombing Gaza.

I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

In a statement, the Interior Ministry said that it “banned the Hamburg Islamic Centre and its affiliated organizations throughout Germany to date, as it is an Islamist extremist organization pursuing anti-constitutional objectives”.

The ministry accused the organization of spreading Iranian revolutionary ideas, writing the IZH worked to spread those ideas “in an aggressive and militant manner.”

53 properties searched in connection with IZHThere had been calls for years from Hamburg residents to investigate the IZH.

Affiliated institutions in the federal states of Bremen, Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin were also being investigated. The ministry said 53 properties were being searched, and four mosques were shut.

Based on any objective analysis, what Israel is doing in Gaza is way worse than anything Hitler ever did.

Furthermore, it is happening now, while Hitler has been dead for nearly a century.

Also: Iran did nothing wrong.

Hitler didn’t do anything wrong either.

Germany: Pro-Invader Journalist Whines About Being Punched by 13-Year-Old Syrian Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:00:05 +0000
Christian Neef works for Der Spiegel, one of Germany’s premier leftist shitrags

Don’t whine, faggot.

This is what you wanted.

The right-wing argument was never “we hate these people because they have a different skin color,” it was “importing these people is going to cause chaos and destruction.”


A journalist for Germany’s left-leaning Spiegel Magazine, known for its pro-migration views and efforts against the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, stepped in to protect two elderly women near the North Sea coast, which resulted in a 13-year-old Syrian punching him in the face. Now, he is complaining about a lack of consequences for the youth.

Christian Neef is a well-known journalist for the outlet and has been working for many years for Spiegel. However, Neef himself said he “defended two elderly” women in Husum in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, which resulted in consequences.

“Today, I had my own experience with a so-called refugee. In Husum, a Syrian punched me in the face. I had defended two elderly women who asked him to get off the back of a public bench on which they were sitting and not to continue to spit at their feet. The interesting thing: The police told me that it was a 13-year-old Syrian who was well-known in the city and who had been caught over 50 times for theft and violent crimes since the beginning of 2024 alone. Sanctions available: none.”

The post led to widespread mockery on X as a case of a liberal journalist suddenly confronting what tens of thousands experience every year, with violence, sexual assault, and robberies skyrocketing in Germany due to mass immigration.

One X user wrote, “It could be that they learned more in this moment than in their 26 years at Spiegel.
If they’re lucky.”

Another wrote, “Individual case, as always,” with the user referring to the left-liberal tendency to describe the many cases of individual crimes involving migrants as “individual” cases that do not represent migrants as a whole. For many critics of this term, the “individual” cases accumulate into hundreds of thousands of crimes that have affected millions of Germans.

While speaking with German newspaper Junge Freiheit in response to what had happened, a police spokesman stated that they were aware of the incident.

“No information will be given about the identity of the suspect, who is still a child. The suspect comes from the district and has already come to the attention of the police due to similar crimes,” said the spokesman, who refused to provide any more details.

As Remix News reported in the past, the issue of underage migrants flagrantly conducting criminal activity in Germany is a major problem, as current laws do not allow for any type of punishment. Just this weekend, an 11-year-old Moroccan migrant leading a youth gang was arrested for over 70 burglaries in and outside Hamburg but will face no jail time. In some cases, even one involving the rape of an 11-year-old girl, the German state has refused to issue jail time because the criminal migrant was under the age of 18.

It just goes to show: it’s all fun and games for these liberals as long as they can escape the consequences of the things they promote.

As they become less and less able to escape the consequences, there will presumably be fewer and fewer liberals, which will not result in political change, but rather Western governments becoming even more authoritarian.

Japan Records Highest Ever Population Drop and Highest Ever Number of Foreign Residents Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:55:03 +0000

But the real important issue is that there aren’t enough women in politics…

Why doesn’t Japan just ban women?

It’s not hard to do.

If they can’t figure it out, they can pay someone from the Taliban to come in and explain to them how this process works.

Japan Times:

The number of Japanese residents as of Jan. 1 fell by 861,237, or 0.7%, from a year before, marking the steepest decline ever and dropping for the 15th year in a row, a government survey showed Wednesday.

The country’s population of Japanese people totaled 121,561,801, based on the nation’s resident registry, according to the internal affairs ministry survey.

The population of Tokyo rose by 3,933, or 0.03%, up for the first time in three years, while the country’s other 46 prefectures saw their populations continue to decline.

The number of foreign residents in the country rose by 329,535, or 11.01%, to 3,323,374, hitting a record high since the ministry started taking statistics for foreign residents in 2013.

Any country that does not ban women is going to hit “extinction level” birthrate problems.

Feminism is a system of extinction.

In Japan, women don’t even have all this special status stuff they have in the West. Just giving them any autonomy at all results in extinction.

What are the benefits?

It enlarges the workforce? Well, not for very long!

It would be better to have women marry and produce sons!

Simple math!

I thought you nips were supposed to be good at math!

All old people in Japan should start doing this, it might at least scare the blacks away

Australia Sanctions Jew West Bank Settlers for Sexually Assaulting and Torturing Palestinians Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:10:04 +0000

Wong: I’m getting flak for doing nothing on #IsraeliWarCrimes.

Adviser: How about we sanction some token ‘bad apple’ settlers in #WestBank?

Wong: Brilliant! Great distraction from the #Gaza genocide, and we avoid sanctioning the Israeli government!

— Simon Rosenberg (@simon_rosenberg) July 24, 2024

If Chinese people hadn’t infiltrated the Australian government, these people would all still be sucking Jew cock.

For whatever reason, white people crave the taste of Jewish cock.

Other races, not so much.

The Guardian:

Australia has imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Israelis and a youth group who Canberra says have been involved in violent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.

The foreign minister, Penny Wong, says Israel has received a lot of support globally, urging its government to “recognise the importance of its standing and legitimacy in the international community”. She says settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal under international law and a “significant obstacle to peace in the Middle East”.

See: Top UN Court Orders Israel to Leave West Bank, East Jerusalem, And Gaza!

Wong’s office on Thursday morning announced the imposition of Magnitsky-style sanctions against the individuals and youth group over their “involvement in settler violence against Palestinians”.

“The individuals sanctioned today have been involved in violent attacks on Palestinians. This includes beatings, sexual assault and torture of Palestinians resulting in serious injury and in some cases, death,” Wong said in the statement.

Penny Wong

“The entity sanctioned is a youth group that is responsible for inciting and perpetrating violence against Palestinian communities.

“We call on Israel to hold perpetrators of settler violence to account and to cease its ongoing settlement activity, which only inflames tensions and further undermines stability and prospects for a two-state solution.”

There is probably going to be some kind of backtracking here, and Penny Wong will be fired for having small eyes or eating dogs or whatever.

Ireland: After Losing Last Elections, Fake Nationalist Party Does Fake “Toughening” on Migrant Stance Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:19:24 +0000

They’re gonna consult you, but nothing you say will matter

It’s a democracy.

What are you going to do?

In a democracy, the government just forces things on you against your will. You have no ability to petition grievances.


Ireland’s main opposition party, Sinn Fein, outlined a stricter immigration policy on Tuesday after identifying its lack of clarity on the issue as a major reason for a poor showing at local council elections last month.

Sinn Fein’s commanding three-year opinion poll lead melted away in the election run-up. It picked up just 12% of the vote as more people seized on immigration as their top concern rather than affordable housing, an issue which Sinn Fein has dominated.

It proposed that an audit of local services such as housing, transport, health and education be required before accommodation centres for asylum seekers are located in a community, with local people also allowed to make submissions on the proposals.

A lack of community engagement has been cited as one of the reasons for protests at proposed accommodation centres – some of which have turned violent in recent months – as the government struggles to deal with record levels of refugees.

“We were told in no uncertain terms that people and the communities that we represent weren’t hearing us loudly enough, saying simply that they don’t have the resources, the support that they require,” Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald told a news conference, referring to a review of its poor election.

Opinion polls suggest the left-wing party has been caught between its traditional working-class voters more sceptical about immigration and its newer, younger middle-class supporters concerned about migrant rights.

Who is concerned about “migrant rights”?

Seriously, who cares?

They can go have rights somewhere else.

(The answer is that women care about “migrant rights,” which is a big reason that women should not have rights.)

Reminder: you can’t be a nationalist and pro-anal at the same time

Ireland: Woman Fired by Israeli Company for Anti-Israeli Posts Wins €35,000 in Court Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:11:57 +0000
Courtney Carey

The Irish government is completely out of control on the immigrant issue.

But they’re actually pretty good on Palestine. Certainly better than any other democracy government in the world.

Roscommon Herald:

An Israeli tech firm has been ordered to pay €35,000 compensation to a former Irish employee who was unfairly fired after she labelled Israel a “terrorist state” on social media.

Wix Online Platforms had accepted that it had unfairly dismissed customer care team lead, Courtney Carey, on October 23rd, 2023 for gross misconduct over online comments she had made about her concerns about the situation in Palestine.

The Israeli multinational, which employs around 500 people in its Dublin office, acknowledged that the manner in which it had dismissed Ms Carey had been “procedurally unfair.”

The company, which is headquartered in Tel Aviv, provides a platform for building websites.

‘Blacklisted’Ms Carey (27) from Clondalkin, Dublin told a hearing of the Workplace Relations Commission in June that she felt “blacklisted” from working in the tech sector as a result of the controversy which arose over her dismissal from Wix where she had worked for 4½ years.

In posts and comments on LinkedIn, Ms Carey had described Israel as a “terrorist state” and criticised the “indiscriminate” bombing of Gaza by Israel.

No lie detected

Wix’s chief operations and president, Nir Zohar, explained last year that the company had decided to part ways with Ms Carey after it had been bombarded with messages from Israeli employees who had complained about Ms Carey through screenshots of her post.

The controversy prompted the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin, to claim Ms Carey’s dismissal was “unacceptable” as employees “should be allowed their individual viewpoints.”

Ms Carey said the very public nature of her dismissal and the subsequent comments made by a senior Wix executive had a very negative effect on her efforts to mitigate her losses and on her future career prospects.

She claimed she had subsequently applied for 60 jobs which Wix’s legal representatives pointed out represented 2-2.5 jobs per week.

They also suggested that the complainant had received political support at the time of her dismissal and that her reputation had not been damaged given the many positive comments she had received on social media.

However, Ms Carey said she had been unable to afford her €1,800 monthly rent on a studio apartment after losing her job in Wix and had to move in with a relative.

WRC adjudication officer, Marie Flynn, said the only issue between the parties was the appropriate level of compensation given Wix had accepted Ms Carey’s dismissal was unfair.

Following the WRC hearing last month, Ms Carey said she had no regrets about her original comment about the situation in Gaza, despite being subjected to what she claimed were derogatory and defamatory posts telling “complete lies” about her online.

“I think I was very soft-handed. What has happened since to Palestinians and what has been happening at the hands of the Israeli government has only exacerbated and got worse. I’m glad I said what I said,” said Ms Carey.

She added: “It was true then and it’s even more true now. I think the evidence is damning when we look at what Israel is doing to Palestinians.”

Respect for this bitch.

Good job.

I bet none of these Jews lost their jobs

West Bank: Jew Settlers Beat Up White People Helping the Palestinians Wed, 24 Jul 2024 05:00:38 +0000

The Jews don’t actually view white people as anything better than the Palestinians.

In reality, if anything, Jews like Moslems and Arabs better than white Christians.

Understand: they would do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians if you were in the way.

This story here demonstrates that – when the Jews attacked, they didn’t say “oh, there are white people here, we should back off.”

Straits Times:

Israeli settlers on July 21 attacked a group of foreign volunteers helping Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank, injuring some, the activists and Israeli army said.

Eight mainly American volunteers were working with farmers in an olive grove near the Palestinian village of Qusra, when settlers came after them, said Mr David Hummel, an American-German in the group.

“We were standing there peacefully, not a threat to anyone, when they started coming towards us and pushing us down the path,” Mr Hummel told AFP.

“They started attacking and beating us with sticks and metal pipes, and they were throwing rocks at us as well,” he said.

Remember: the Jewish argument is that Palestinians are the ones prone to dumb violence. But the Jew settlers do this sort of thing constantly. It’s just not usually to white people, so you don’t hear about it.

“I was attacked on my legs, on my arms and here on my jaw as well, and it was… very violent,” the volunteer added, showing bruising on his face.

These are volunteers of the International Solidarity Movement, an NGO dedicated specifically to peacefully protesting what Jews do to Palestinians, whose members are getting constantly beaten and killed by Jews

Attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank have increased since the Gaza war erupted on Oct 7.

Tensions have been further fuelled by an International Court of Justice ruling on July 19 that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967 was illegal.

The volunteers are from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a group that says it deploys people to form a “protective presence” for Palestinians at risk of facing violence in the West Bank.

Two women were among four activists treated at Rafidia hospital in the nearby city of Nablus, according to Qusra Mayor Hani Odeh. An AFP journalist saw at least three being treated at the hospital.

Israeli troops arrived and fired warning shots in the air to chase away the volunteers and farmers, according to the mayor.

Mr Hummel said the group of settlers who attacked them included six women.

Well, that’s embarrassing.

If I was Mr. Hummel, I would have left that part out.

Worst Korea: Court Blocks Methodist Church’s Excommunication of Pro-Anal Priest Wed, 24 Jul 2024 03:14:57 +0000
Fake priest Lee Don-hwan attending an anal event

So in the worst Korea of all the Koreas, you can’t even fire an anal priest.

Korea Times:

A local court accepted a pastor’s request, Thursday, to suspend the Korean Methodist Church’s (KMC) decision to excommunicate him for blessing sexual minorities.

The Suwon District Court decided in favor of Rev. Lee Dong-hwan, saying the effect of excommunication will be suspended until the ruling of the relevant lawsuit to annul the KMC decision comes out.

In October 2019, the KMC suspended him for two years for holding a blessing prayer for LGBTQ people at the Incheon Queer Culture Festival a month earlier. Then it excommunicated him in December last year for violating the church’s doctrine that prohibits any acts “favoring or sympathizing with homosexuality.”

Vice made a documentary about him a few years ago. He’s been at it for a long time.

While he appealed, the church’s judicial committee confirmed the excommunication in March, and he filed for the court injunction.

Unlike suspension or dismissal, excommunication is the highest level of punishment that would prevent him from ever setting foot in a religious order again. If the disposition is confirmed, Rev. Lee cannot return to the domestic Methodist Church even as a regular church member.

“The norm and evaluation of homosexuality has changed over time. The Constitution guarantees equal rights to all citizens, and the National Human Rights Commission of Korea prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation without a reasonable cause,” the court said.

“Considering these, the level of disciplinary action should be decided by reflecting every factor comprehensively. While excommunication means expulsion from the church, its decision was not made in that way.”

The court also said, “The freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution, especially the freedom of expression on public interests, should be guaranteed as much as possible as an important constitutional right,” the ruling said.

The South Korean government keeps complaining about the birthrate then says “but let’s make things gayer.”

The worst of all Koreas is still better at Christianity than America is

To be clear, there is no such thing as “South Korea.” It is a violent rebel movement claiming to be a state.

There is only one Korea, and Kim Jong-Un is the leader of it.

When the US falls, Kim’s liberation forces will swarm the south.

They won’t have a hard time, because there are really only old people there now anyway.

Israel Blocking Medical Aid Workers With Palestinian Heritage From Entering Gaza Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:14:45 +0000

🇺🇸🇵🇸 Please stop what you’re doing and listen to Jewish American Dr. Mark Perlmutter on his medical mission in Gaza:

“I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined.”

“No child gets shot twice by mistake by the world’s best snipers”

— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) July 22, 2024

There’s nothing to say about this anymore, really. It is what it is.

This is just a news update.


Palestinian-American doctor Jiab Suleiman arrived in Jordan last month ahead of an emergency medical mission into Gaza, which he was due to oversee. The Ohio-born orthopedic surgeon had already led two trips into the besieged strip since the Israel-Hamas war broke out in October and was finalizing details for his third.

But his preparation would ultimately be for nothing. The day before the team was set to cross into Gaza, Suleiman received notice that he had been denied entry by Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, or COGAT, the Israeli agency that manages policy for the Palestinian territories and the flow of aid into the strip.

Suleiman’s denial is part of a policy recently communicated to medical missions going into Gaza through Israel. The restrictions block the entry of US healthcare workers, and those of other nationalities, if they are of Palestinian origin or have Palestinian heritage, according to internal memos from the World Health Organization (WHO) obtained by CNN.

Jiab Suleiman distributing food.

CNN reviewed WHO internal memos from early June describing the extent of what they call Israel’s new policy, in which aid groups were advised against bringing medical professionals with a Palestinian background – even if only through a parent or grandparent – on mission trips.

“They said ‘you’re denied because of your Palestinian ID,’” said Suleiman, the medical mission lead at Rahma, a US-based humanitarian organization, referring to COGAT. “It’s very upsetting, annoying and disturbing to deny someone entry to a war zone to do a mission just because of the fact that they’re by genetics Palestinian.”

You should not forget what is happening to the Palestinians, because it’s your government that’s doing it.
