Spain: Number of Invaders Reaching the Canary Islands Breaks All-Time Record

“We gonna pay yo pensions whether you like it or not”

So, the migrant thing is still happening.

It’s actually worse than it’s ever been.

It’s just that no one really talks about it anymore, because the Jews are killing everyone in their big wars.


The number of migrants reaching Spain’s Canary Islands on precarious vessels from West Africa has hit an all-time annual record with 41,425 arrivals between Jan. 1 and Nov. 30 of this year, Interior Ministry data showed on Monday.

The seven islands off northwestern Africa’s Atlantic coast are struggling to absorb the surge in irregular migrants arriving on crammed, open-topped boats seeking better opportunities in Europe.

With one month of 2024 still pending, this is the second year in a row that the archipelago, a front line in Europe’s struggle to curb migration, has seen a record number.

The government isn’t helping

Mali, Senegal and Morocco were the top three nationalities of migrants reaching the Canaries, according to latest data until October from the European Union’s border agency Frontex.

Seeking to revert the trend, Spain has asked Frontex to resume an air and maritime surveillance operation that had ended in 2018 in Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia.

Last year, 39,910 migrants arrived, surpassing the previous record in 2006.

At this point, the only hope we have is that so many invaders come in that the islands just capsize and everyone there dies.