For those who do not recall, in 2018, well before World War Floyd, two blacks were arrested for loitering in Starbucks and after a backlash from white women, the company said that homeless people can come sleep in their shops, doing drugs and begging for money.
As the culture is going through a right-wing shift that is very beneficial to corporations, Starbucks is now saying that in order to hang out in Starbucks, you have to buy something.
If you want to hang out or use the restroom at Starbucks, you’re going to have to buy something.
Starbucks on Monday said it was reversing a policy that invited everyone into its stores. A new code of conduct – which will be posted in all company-owned North American stores – also bans discrimination or harassment, consumption of outside alcohol, smoking, vaping, drug use and panhandling.
It would have been much easier to just say “no niggers.”
Seriously, find a nigger at Starbucks who isn’t doing drugs and panhandling.
They have to do that because of slavery. They also don’t have money to buy a coffee because whites took all their money during slavery.
Starbucks spokesperson Jaci Anderson said the new rules are designed to help prioritize paying customers. Anderson said most other retailers already have similar rules.
“Paying customers” AKA “The Aryan Master Race.”
“We want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable in our stores,” Anderson said. “By setting clear expectations for behavior and use of our spaces, we can create a better environment for everyone.”
The code of conduct warns that violators will be asked to leave, and says the store may call law enforcement, if necessary. Starbucks said employees would receive training on enforcing the new policy.
That was the whole issue to begin with – white women on Twitter freaked out over the cops being called on useless niggers, saying that if you call the cops on a nigger menace the cops are likely to snuff out their worthless lives for no literally reason.
Nearly two years ago, the white woman who called the cops on the nigger got a $25 million payout because Starbucks called her a racist hater.
We have to admit: on some level, it is very satisfying to see all of these “wokies” getting blown out all across the board.
I’m suspicious of all of it, of course. But the reality is, woke had gone so far that there was no other option than to roll it back.
I mean, can you imagine that Starbucks announced that their stores would effectively function as homeless shelters and drug dens because it’s wrong to call the cops on black criminals?
Most of the homeless weren’t even blacks because blacks don’t feel comfortable in Starbucks. It was white junkies and mentally ill people. All with their carts and everything.
The most notable thing about these changes that are being made across the board is that there isn’t really any pushback. People are allegedly complaining about Facebook announcing a free speech policy, but I’m not seeing any complaints beyond those of the “fact-checkers” who are losing tens of millions of dollars because of this policy change.
They told us “we have to do woke because people are demanding it,” but it turns out all those protests were astroturf and no one wanted any of this bullshit.
Starbucks, the most Jewish, sterile, safe company on earth, is saying “get out, nigger, before we call a white supremacist cop to put his knee on your neck.”
Frankly, I think Starbucks is garbage, but if they start having events where the cops are snuffing out the worthless lives of niggers, I will pay their $8 to watch the show.
I want to see some pseudo-goth barista with problem glasses and a septum ring screaming “stop trying to breathe, nigger! Just give up! It’s over!”