Nigga, you in a war, nigga, do you even make the correct shells, nigga?
Nigga, we in a mf war, we need them shells, can’t you make them?
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has been actively investigating claims that domestically produced 120 mm mortar shells have been malfunctioning on the war front for the last three weeks, the ministry said in a statement Tuesday.
“Preliminary investigation results indicate possible low-quality powder charges or violations of ammunition storage conditions, which led to [mortar shells] damage,” the ministry said, responding to waves of criticism in Ukrainian publications and from the public.
One of Moscow’s most effective war tactics to gain ground in Ukraine is merciless infantry assaults aiming to exhaust Ukrainians and their weapons no matter how many Russian soldiers die in the process. 120 mm-caliber mortar shells are supposed to blind or stop the infantry advances.
However, one in 10 Ukrainian-made 120 mm shells from the latest supply batch explodes on the front lines, Ukrainian journalists reported earlier this month, citing numerous complaints from the troops.
It ain’t good, nigga.
You need them bitches working, you at war with a mf country like five times bigger than your country, you need to bomb them to win a war.
Get it together, son.