UK: Museums Now Changing the Word “Mummy” Because… Something

They are just making up weird things in order to alter language.

This is a psychological training exercise. Manipulating language like this is what they do in mind control to break down your sense of place and sense of self.

This is no longer even political, they are just coming up with random pieces of language to cause confusion and distress.

They know some people are ill enough to go along with all of this, and they are the slave bots.


They are among the most popular exhibits in museums worldwide, with a name so resonant, blockbuster films have been built on it.

But some museums in Britain are now using words other than “mummy” to describe their displays of ancient Egyptian human remains.

Instead, they are starting to adopt terms such as “mummified person” or to use the individual’s name to emphasize that they were once living people.

Using different language to describe these human remains can also distance them from the depiction of mummies in popular culture, which has tended to “undermine their humanity” through “legends about the mummy’s curse” and by portraying them as “supernatural monsters,” Jo Anderson, assistant keeper of archaeology at the Great North Museum: Hancock in Newcastle, northeast England, wrote in a blog posted in May 2021 that outlined her museum’s language change.

Jo Anderson, dumb bitch

Although the field “has been looking at the most appropriate way of displaying human remains for about 30 years…in terms of the use of the word ‘mummy,’ I think that’s been more recent,” Daniel Antoine, keeper of the department for Egypt and Sudan at London’s British Museum, told CNN.

“We have human remains from around the world, and we may vary the terminology we use depending on … how they’ve been preserved. We have natural mummies from pre-dynastic Egypt, so we’ll refer to them as natural mummies because they haven’t been artificially mummified,” he added.

Using the term “mummified remains” can encourage visitors to think of the individual who once lived, the museums told CNN.

Initial findings from visitor research into the Great North Museum: Hancock’s display of the mummified Egyptian woman known as Irtyru found that many visitors “did not recognize that she was a real person,” museum manager Adam Goldwater told CNN in a statement.

I’m pretty sure everybody knows that mummies used to be living people at some point; that’s literally their whole appeal.

There is no other reason people want to see them.

By “displaying her more sensitively,” Goldwater added, “we hope our visitors will see her remains for what they really are — not an object of curiosity, but a real human who was once alive and had a very specific belief about how her body should be treated after death.”

The museums vary in their approach to the word “mummy.”

The British Museum told CNN in a statement that it “hasn’t banned the use of the term ‘mummy’ and it is still in use across our galleries.”

However, it added, “our recent displays used the term ‘mummified remains of…’ and include the name (when known) of the person who has been mummified…[to emphasize] that mummified remains are of people who once lived.”

If we want to respect the corpses, maybe we should put them back in their graves?

This whole “digging up people and making them into a display is okay if they’ve been dead a certain amount of time” is sick. It’s just grave desecration, regardless of the time that’s passed.

Meanwhile, in Egypt