Daily Stormer
May 28, 2014

The whacked-out Jewish nutjob Petro Poroshenko, who was recently installed as ruler of the ZOG government of the Ukrainian territory, has announced that he has a plan to invade Russia and steal from that sovereign nation the territory of Crimea.
Ukraine’s president-elect has said that one of his main priorities is to return Crimea to his country’s rule but Russia says Crimea will not be returned to Ukraine.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that Crimea is part of Russia and will never be returned to Ukraine.
Peskov’s comment came after Ukrainian President-elect Petro Poroshenko said during an acceptance speech on Monday that he will bring back Crimea under Ukrainian rule.
“The number one issue is that Ukraine will never recognize the illegitimate referendum … [in] Crimea. And the strategic choice for the development of our country has been made by the Ukrainian people. Today, on May 25, in the first round the people have made their choice. And that choice is European integration,” Poroshenko said.
Poroshenko is the 130th richest Jew in the world – a real man of the people.
The slaughter in the East of the Ukraine continues to escalate as the fat Jew dances around talking about invading Russia.