Why is Brandon Now Telling the Goyim They Have to Get Nuked for Ukraine Democracy?

There are things that the government does that I really do not understand. This has been something I’ve had to come to terms with since the 2020 election hoax. Before that, I was able to contextualize and understand what the government did, and now in many instances I can’t.

My instinct is that I can’t understand it because they are acting in a way that is dumb and actually against their own interests. My explanation for this is that they are decadent and depraved, and that evil simply cannot be truly efficient, because it is evil.

If we look at evil throughout history, it has always relied on the efficiency of good men. Look at what they did to poor old Adolf Hitler. They couldn’t tell the soldiers they sent to die in that war that this was a war to give total control of the world to the Jews, who would then go on to ensure that the men who went to fight Hitler had mulatto tranny grandchildren. They told them they were fighting for freedom and America and so on.

Now, however, no one working for this system believes they are fighting for freedom or America. They all necessarily know they are fighting for mulatto trannies. Frankly, at this point, I question whether even the low-information proles who support the war against Russia are not themselves evil. I don’t think it is evil to believe the government/media when they tell you that there is an enemy (Hitler, Putin) who wants to kill you because they are evil. But at this point, everyone knows that Russia is an anti-gay country, and America is the galactic center of child gay anal sex.

There is this line (which I can’t pinpoint but I know exists) between:

  • Believing stupid lies from the government, and
  • Embracing evil

If you simply believe bad information, like the Americans who went to fight Hitler, then you can’t really be held responsible. However, if you look at the US Embassy in Moscow flying the anal flag and say “we need to destroy Putin in the name of child trannies,” you have embraced the evil, and you are now morally responsible for that evil. Maybe there are some lead-paint baby boomers who legitimately do not understand that Lindsey Graham is an evil faggot who wants to forcibly sodomize the innocent boys of the Ukraine and Russia, and somehow actually believe that America is on the side of God. It’s maybe possible, if they just only watch Sean Hannity. Ultimately, what they know is between them and God.

But I digress.

Regarding the issue of this Brandon government engaging in actions that do not make sense to me: I don’t think any of us will ever know if they are just acting dumb because they are evil, or if this is some kind of high level global chess going on.

Why would they tell people that they are going to be nuked for “Ukraine Democracy”?


US President Joe Biden has said the risk of nuclear war is at the highest level since the peak of Cold War brinkmanship in the 1960s. He further claimed that Russia could seek to deploy some of its huge arsenal in Ukraine.

Speaking at a fundraiser for Democratic candidates in New York on Thursday, Biden invoked a biblical reference to warn of potential nuclear annihilation, stating that soaring hostilities between Russia, Ukraine and the West could escalate to outright “Armageddon.”

[For the] first time since the Cuban missile crisis, we have a direct threat of the use [of a] nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path they are going,” the president said, apparently referring to the war still raging in Eastern Europe.

“We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since [US President John F.] Kennedy.”

Biden went on to assert that the Russian military is “significantly underperforming” in Ukraine, saying that could raise the stakes in the conflict, ultimately leading to a dangerous spike in violence should Moscow become desperate.

This is a total reversal of the official government narrative. Previously, the government was telling the goyim that there was nothing to worry about, Putin is just bluffing.

These appeared to be prepared remarks that someone told Brandon to say. However, the White House did react to it like they react to Brandon’s various senior moments.

Despite the president’s dire warnings, however, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said earlier this week that officials had not seen “any reason to adjust our own strategic nuclear posture,” as there is no indication that Russia is “preparing to imminently to use nuclear weapons.” Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder echoed those remarks on Thursday, telling reporters that Russia has not made a decision to use nukes.

There’s no video, so we don’t know for sure, but I think these statements were scripted. The fact that the White House said this does not mean they didn’t also tell Brandon to say the Armageddon thing. If you wanted to promote Armageddon, you would be sending mixed messages like this.

But why would they want to promote Armageddon?

It makes much more sense to me to just continue telling the goyim not to worry, the war against Russia is really just the same thing as the wars we’ve been fighting against the Moslems for two decades.

We live in a democracy, so there is literally nothing the government can’t do to us. In a democracy, you have no ability to petition grievances, because the act of voting is supposed to be the petition. This is of course why Jews, homosexuals, and women love democracy: they are able to force their sickening agenda on the majority. The majority are then told to go vote for Lindsey Graham.

The government can do a world war over Ukraine Democracy if they want to, and it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. I do get tired of people saying “they couldn’t get away with such and such.” They can get away with anything.

However, a world war is definitely going to go a lot better if people have some degree of commitment to it. The single worst thing I’ve ever heard Tucker Carlson say was that if there is a war between Russia and the United States, he would side with ZOG. Technically, he has to side with them; if an open war breaks out, it will be illegal to question ZOG. But he doesn’t have to say it, especially before the war starts. (For the record, in any conflict, I will side with the Christians against the Jews, homosexuals, and women.)

This is what they want. They want people to rally around the flag. It makes a war much more likely to be won.

This is true: people are more likely to rally around the flag if they are not totally aware that this whole thing was started over who controls a really glum piece of land in the east of the Ukraine.

I have to think that now is not the right time to start telling people they are going to get nuked. There is no argument whatsoever that this conflict with Russia has anything to do with American interests. The US government, literally, is not attempting to make that argument. They are saying that this is a charity war to enforce the 1991 borders of the Ukraine and force the people in the east of the Ukraine to be ruled by a hostile Jewish regime in Kiev, against the popular will. That’s their official story on why this war is happening. No one claims it has to do with America, at all – but they are now claiming that Americans may be nuked in the name of enforcing homosexuality in Eastern Ukraine.

Therefore, it seems like a dumb move to have a top headline this week be: “you’re going to get nuked by Russia.”

To my mind, it would only make sense to say this after you have presented a threat to the American people.

Once again: no one can do anything to stop the US government from starting a world war. I guess people could riot, but people won’t riot, and even if they did, the government would just gun them down with live ammo to make an example of what happens when you question the Jews.

Whether this was the right move or not, it does appear that the people in control are officially announcing an escalation. That Indian cunt Nimrata Randhawa was out there on Fox News yesterday promoting nuclear war.

It’s quite a thing that this is happening alongside Kanye West, the biggest pop culture icon alive, openly saying that the Jews are at war with white people. I’ve been around for quite a while, and I have not ever seen any point when things were this close to boiling over.

It’s everywhere.

From your private life, to the culture, to the global political situation, everything is about ready to pop.

The cleansing cometh.


Forgive the meandering. This is old school Stormer. It’s a gestalt. Now is the time of the gestalt, because everything is coming together, and what Kanye is can’t really be separated from what Putin is doing. We’re on the brink of the end of the total collapse of history that began in 1945.

The sky is opening up and we’re all going to see ourselves the way we really are.