14 Years for Vicious Black Rapist Who Beat White Grandmother to a Pulp

November 17, 2014

This picture of the victim was provided by the family who wanted people to see what was done to their grandmother.

A man who pleaded guilty to rape and assault of a grandmother in White Center was sentenced to 14 years and three months in prison.

King County Superior Court Judge Julie Spector gave Christopher Brown the highest sentence she could, and will recommend to the indeterminate review board that he never gets out.

Brown attacked a  58-year-old grandmother in March when she walked to get the bus. She was beaten to the point where she was unrecognizable. Friday that victim,  Patricia, faced off with her attacker in court.

“You told me you would kill me at that instant. I woke up unconscious on the ground to you kicking me, saying ‘You’re not dead  yet, I’m not through with you, ‘“ Patricia said.

“My will to live is stronger than your desire for hurting people,” she added.

Christopher Brown tried to blame his childhood for his cowardly and perverted attack.

Police arrested Brown after investigators developed a DNA profile collected from evidence at the scene that matched him.

He was extradited from Oklahoma. He pleaded guilty to rape, assault, and robbery charges. Brown tried to tell the judge he’d been abused as a child, but Judge Spector said his mother and sister said that wasn’t true. Brown had a previous conviction for rape.

Judge Spector had little patience and told Brown, “How many chances do you get? I think you’re done.”

His victim, Patricia, told Brown, “I hope you never walk out of the penitentiary.”