2021 Had the Highest Death Toll in History, Media and the Science Blame Coronavirus

Okay, so.

Let’s just…

The alleged novel coronavirus debuted at the beginning of 2020. By the beginning of 2021, mass inoculation with an experimental gene therapy had begun. The Science claimed that this would end the virus.

Instead, many more people died in 2021 than in 2020.

The Science now claims coronavirus is responsible.


The U.S. experienced its highest death total ever in 2021 largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Driving the news: There were more than 3.465 million deaths in 2021 — about 80,000 more than 2020′s record-setting total, AP reports.

There were more than 415,000 deaths from COVID in 2021, up from 351,000 the year prior.

Please note that according to The Science, the vaccinated are more likely to die from coronavirus. They say this is because higher risk people were more likely to get the vaccine, but the math doesn’t really work.

By flooding the body with poisonous spike proteins, the vax causes a “flu like” disease similar to the alleged coronavirus. So they blame it on the virus.

But that is just the first wave of deaths. The big death will take place over a longer period, and be caused by all kinds of different illnesses.


The crude death rate for cancer increased modestly, in addition to increases in deaths from diabetes, chronic liver disease and stroke.

People who had cancer going into remission died from cancer after taking the vax. We know it causes strokes, along with the very obvious heart disease we’re seeing everywhere.

It’s a poison that will eventually kill everyone who took it.

We said from the beginning that the vaccine would kill people and they would blame it on the virus.

This wasn’t really a very hard thing to predict.

We predicted that they would begin this process last winter, with a big push for more vaccinations.

That obviously didn’t happen last winter. We were wrong about that. Of course, we couldn’t have predicted the Ukraine war hoax. If it was not for the Ukraine war hoax, we’d still be in coronavirus psychotic mania mode.

The Ukraine war hoax is starting to bore people, because there is no threat to their lives, and no one is really capable of sustaining the ridiculous illusion that they care about people in a country they can’t find on a map dying for very long. It’s good for social signaling when it’s the hot topic, but it doesn’t have a very long shelf life.

The fact that the US has failed so miserably in executing this war, resorting to Bucha and train station false flags, also kills the vibes. Maybe most people don’t know the details of Bucha or the Donetsk train station, but they can sense on some level that this is bullshit.

The war is also about to wrap up here in the next month or so, and they need something for people to focus on. They can’t go back to Black Lives Matter, because the defund the police movement has led to the highest levels of crime in living memory, and people don’t really like that very much. Short of a fake space alien landing, the only option is to go back to the coronavirus hoax.

You’re already seeing the wheels moving, and it is still spring.

Fauci is already back in prime time.

They’re talking about more boosters.

Wait, not that booster. That’s a booster I’d take a shot of (if you catch my drift).

Anyway, yeah – my timescale was off because I couldn’t predict the Ukraine hoax would begin (though I did predict that Russia would be the first target, before China or Iran).

But Covid will return, because it has to. Unless there is an alien invasion. Or maybe some kind of cyber polygon whatever computer shutdown thing.

The good news is, Bill Maher is now saying edgy things.

That means we’re winning, according to Tim Pool, who is very smart and insightful.

Even with Maher saying edgy things, however, I still do not understand why the same people saying they want to drastically reduce the population are obsessed with saving us from a disease with a 99.85% survival rate.

Maybe Tim Pool and Bill Maher can do a show together and explain this to me.

By the way – Tucker Carlson concurs with everything I’m saying about this topic: “We’re just beginning to see the outlines of the repression that Covid has made possible.”

After losing the Ukraine conflict, the lights are all going to start blinking red, as the lunatics that run America once again turn their attention to where it is easy to win: war against the American people.