With ISIS Defeat Incoming, Saudi Steps-Up Yemen War

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

Looks like Middle Eastern… war or whatever.

Fox News:

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen closed off the land, sea and air ports to the Arab world’s poorest country early Monday after a rebel-fired ballistic missile targeted Riyadh, blaming the launch on Iran and warning it could be “considered as an act of war.”

The coalition’s statement ramps up tensions between the ultraconservative Sunni kingdom and its Shiite rival Iran, both of which have interests in Yemen’s yearslong conflict. The bloodshed continued Sunday as an Islamic State-claimed militant attack in Aden killed at least 17 people.

In a statement, the coalition accused Iran of supplying Yemen’s Houthi rebels and their allies with the missile launched Saturday toward the Saudi capital’s international airport.

Iran has backed the rebels, but denies arming them. The Houthi militants have said their Volcano-variant ballistic missile is locally produced.

The Saudi-led coalition’s statement said the closures would be temporary and “take into account” the work of humanitarian and aid organizations. The war has claimed more than 10,000 lives and driven the Arab world’s poorest country to the brink of famine.

The Saudi-led coalition launched a wave of airstrikes — starting overnight and continuing until noon Sunday — on the rebel-held capital, Sanaa, apparently in response to the ballistic missile. Saudi Arabia said it shot down the missile, with fragments landing in an uninhabited area north of the capital.

The Jewish/ZOG/Sunnigger system for the Middle East is constant conflict, and the ISIS crisis is just about wrapped up.

So naturally, this alliance is looking for places to start trouble.

The Kurdistan thing appears to have officially fizzled out, so it’s not even a little bit surprising to see Saudi engaging in further provocations of Yemen.

This war has been going on for years, but it was sort of stagnated. Expect it to flare up hot and heavy.