55% of Europeans Want Islamic Immigration Totally Stopped

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2017

With this, the real headline should be “45% of Europeans want Europe to be forcibly Islamized,” as that is a much more nutty thing.

Still though – they tell us that democracy is the will of the majority.

Well, the majority want an end to the kebabvasion.

Chatham House:

Drawing on a unique, new Chatham House survey of more than 10,000 people from 10 European states, we can throw new light on what people think about migration from mainly Muslim countries. Our results are striking and sobering. They suggest that public opposition to any further migration from predominantly Muslim states is by no means confined to Trump’s electorate in the US but is fairly widespread.

In our survey, carried out before President Trump’s executive order was announced, respondents were given the following statement: ‘All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped’. They were then asked to what extent did they agree or disagree with this statement.

Overall, across all 10 of the European countries an average of 55% agreed that all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped, 25% neither agreed nor disagreed and 20% disagreed. Majorities in all but two of the ten states agreed, ranging from 71% in Poland, 65% in Austria, 53% in Germany and 51% in Italy to 47% in the United Kingdom and 41% in Spain. In no country did the percentage that disagreed surpass 32%.

Public opposition to further migration from Muslim states is especially intense in Austria, Poland, Hungary, France and Belgium, despite these countries having very different sized resident Muslim populations. In each of these countries, at least 38% of the sample ‘strongly agreed’ with the statement. With the exception of Poland, these countries have either been at the centre of the refugee crisis or experienced terrorist attacks in recent years. It is also worth noting that in most of these states the radical right is, to varying degrees, entrenched as a political force and is looking to mobilize this angst over Islam into the ballot box, either at elections in 2017 or longer term.

Our findings also reveal how, across Europe, opposition to Muslim immigration is especially intense among retired, older age cohorts while those aged below 30 are notably less opposed. There is also a clear education divide. Of those with secondary level qualifications, 59% opposed further Muslim immigration. By contrast, less than half of all degree holders supported further migration curbs.

So the majority of Europeans would support a Trump-style ban, and these filthy lying media Jews want us to believe fake news polls claiming that Americans want more Moslems.

It’s stupid.

Here are the numbers:

Spanish hippies and United Cucks love hajis most, while Catholic Poland loves them least. What is interesting is that the most Islamized countries – Austria, France and Belgium – while being very liberal, have hate numbers the nearly the same as the extremely conservative East.

It seems that along with conservative values, exposure to Moslems makes you hate them.

Unless you’re British. Then you just love the abuse.