80,000 British Students Turned Away From Nurse-Training While 80% of New Nurses are Foreign

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2014

Up to 80,000 British students each year cannot find places on nursing courses, even though the NHS is hiring thousands from abroad.

Despite 100,000 competent British students applying to be trained as nurses, the government is refusing to take on any more than 20,000 a year and is insisting on importing sub-standard foreigners for the position instead.

Figures released on Tuesday showed that 4 out of 5 nurses are now hired from abroad, with almost 6,000 recruited from overseas in just last year alone – a four-fold increase on the previous year.

Instead of investing the time and money on our own people who care about us and speak our language, the traitors in power would rather cut corners and employ third rate shysters who hate us from elsewhere.

For the £70,000 that it costs to train a White nurse in Britain, the government can get three witch-doctors qualified in Limpopo and enrich the NHS with diversity at the same time.

Who cares that they cannot speak the language and dont know an appendix from a uterus, they have a badly spelled piece of paper that says they have a degree in nursing and that is all that matters.

Last month the Mail visited a recruitment fair in Porto, Portugal, where Bedford Hospital hired 25 nurses. They were offered contracts without any formal English tests.

Daily Mail:

There are fears that severe staffing shortages are leading managers to lower the bar for recruits’ English skills.

Dr Carter told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that it was ‘totally unacceptable’ for hospitals not to give proper English tests.

And Dr Wollaston criticised the ‘yo-yo of recruitment’, adding: ‘It’s time for [training] schemes to deliver on the right numbers of nurses and doctors for today’s NHS and increase the opportunities for the thousands of British applicants.’

In the past, training nurses was far cheaper because they could learn as apprentices in hospitals. But a system brought in during the 1990s required all nurses to have a degree.

Last month the Mail visited a recruitment fair in Porto, Portugal, where Bedford Hospital hired 25 nurses. They were offered contracts without any formal English tests and some were even given help filling in the application form.

Meanwhile, readers have told the MailOnline website of their own families’ difficulties with finding jobs in the NHS. One man wrote that his wife worked at a hospital in Devon but left in 2004 to start a family.

She tried to return to the NHS after taking a refresher course, but was unable to find a job.

At one interview she was one of 13 candidates for five jobs, which all went to EU nurses.

Another said her daughter, a nurse, found jobs ‘were all filled by overseas candidates. She had no choice but to work in the private sector.’

A third said: ‘My English granddaughter is desperate to train to be a midwife.

‘She has passed English and Maths GCSE, but still has to take a test in these subjects before she can even get an interview at a university.’

A Department of Health spokesman said there were 5,000 more nurses on wards than in May 2010 and 1,000 extra training places this year. The department has started a £5million campaign to get retired nurses back to work.

It seems to me that most people would rather have someone who they are genetically close to serve them when they are ill or injured, as human beings simply feel more comfortable around such persons.  At the very least, on a basic practical level, you would think people would prefer the health worker with the highest possible IQ.

So, once again, you have decisions being made against common sense, against the interests of the people, against economic interests, probably against other forms of interest as well, for the sole purpose of damaging the cultural and racial fabric of Britain.

If these foreign nurses were in any way competent, they would not be needing the British army Ebola taskforce to teach them how to wash their hands.

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.