A Lesson from Rattlesnakes to Use with Evolutionist Race-Deniers

H Millard
Western Spring
September 4, 2014

Eastern diamondback rattlesnake.

Unless you’ve been off planet, you know that various extremist lefties, PC wimps and assorted anti-White bigots have for years been trying to deny the existence of races of humans. They do this to try to have us all blend together into a bland one size fits all Tan Everyman by practicing bedroom genocide.

Of course, this idea that all humans are the same is absurd.  So absurd, in fact, that eventually, when the PC dinosaurs pass from the scene, people will understand that not only are there different races of humans, but that what are currently thought of as the major human races will actually be classified as subspecies.

We humans are part of nature and we are the products of the natural forces of evolution that are seen throughout nature.

Evolution is all about divergence — a constant tinkering and engineering with flesh and making new models to survive in ever changing conditions. This is why there are different races (actually subspecies) of humans and why there are different races, subspecies and species of every type of organism.  It is also why science will never be able to classify all species and why new species are constantly being discovered — nature keeps inventing new ones built on what went before but with some modifications.

Comes now this article HERE on how a particularly venomous species of rattlesnake — the Mojave rattler — is now showing up in New Mexico in the United States.  The point I want to make about this, if this is not already clear, is that it is foolish for humans to think that all humans are one race.  Nature doesn’t work that way.  Our eyes tell us we’re not all the same.

Mojave rattlesnake.

Medical science tells us that we’re not all the same. Statistics of behaviors and abilities tell us that we’re not all the same. So, why would anyone believe that we’re all the same?  It’s nuts.

Anyway, back to our lesson given to us by nature about rattlesnakes — a lesson that we should be able to analogize to humans if we can but rid ourselves of the false belief in a one-size-fits-all, samey-same human type that society has filled us with.

This species of rattlesnake — the Mojave rattler, remember — looks much like many other species of rattlesnakes and the easiest way to distinguish it is that at the end of its tail it has white bands that are thicker than its black bands. Just a minor visible difference.  However, the real difference with the Mojave rattler is internal. It’s venom is much stronger than the venom of many other rattlers and if you’re bitten by one, you need to be treated with a different anti-venom if you hope to survive.

Now, if you want to apply PC principles to rattlesnakes and say they are all the same under the skin, and if you handle the Mojave rattler as you might handle some other rattlesnakes, you’re likely to be pushing up daises.

And, just to drive the point home about the differences among seemingly similar organisms (including humans), HERE’S  a list of the different species of rattlesnakes.   By the way, most of the various species of rattlesnakes (and there are many different species) look more alike than do the human races look like each other.

Learn the lessons of nature.  They’re all around us. Be a naturalist. Darwin understood more about evolution and nature just by studying earth worms in his back yard and pigeons near where he lived than one can usually find in many textbooks today.

Do not miscegenate.  It stops White evolution. Live White. Think White. Breed White. Our highest destiny is to evolve into a new human species incapable of breeding with older human types. To so evolve, we must not have gene flow from those who are not our White kind. Period.

Northern black-tailed rattlesnake.