ABC News Suspends Brian Ross for Fake News on Trump, Flynn and Russia

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2017

ABC News has suspended their reporter Brian Ross for a fake news report surrounding Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and Russia.

ABC News reporter Brian Ross recently broadcast a report stating that Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to contact the Russians while he was a candidate. It turns out that the report was factually incorrect as the directive occurred after Trump became President.

This sent the stock market plunging.

Amazingly, ABC News has decided to hold Ross accountable for his mistake. This is of course an extreme rarity in today’s Jew run fake news business.

Fox News:

ABC News announced Saturday that Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross had been suspended for four weeks without pay over a botched “exclusive” about former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Ross’ suspension is effective immediately. ABC News spokeswoman Heather Riley would not comment on whether anyone else had been suspended in connection with the error.

During a live “special report” Friday morning, Ross reported that Flynn would testify that Donald Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate. The report raised the specter of Trump’s impeachment and sent the stock market plummeting.

Later in the day, ABC News — part of the reliably liberal Disney ABC Television Network — issued a “clarification” to Ross’s report, saying that Trump’s alleged directive came after he’d been elected president. That’s a key distinction in any investigation of Russian actions during the campaign. Ross himself appeared on “World News Tonight” several hours after the initial report to clarify his error.

In a statement, ABC News said Ross’ report “had not been fully vetted through our editorial standards process.”

Here’s the official statement from ABC News.

And here’s Trump’s reaction to the fake news report.

Theoretically, the job of a journalist is very simple. A journalist is supposed to report who, what, when, where, why and how. Instead of doing that, most of these so-called journalists have become activists and propagandists. You can’t call them journalists. They’re subversive agents who are actively trying to undermine America.

The Jew run media has been foaming at the mouth trying to make this fake news story about Trump being some type of Russian agent stick. This fake news from ABC News is just more proof of it.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has gotten a free pass even though she is guilty of high crimes. Trump brought this up in a couple of other posts.

Mark Dice has also done a video which sums up the situation.

The fake news is out control. Unfortunately, it is doubtful that we will see other media outlets hold their reporters to the same standard that Ross was held to by ABC News. Fake news seems to be encouraged not discouraged at these Jew run operations.