ADL Elders Of Zion Conference: A Blueprint for the Criminalization of Jew Criticism

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2016

Thursday was the first day of the Anti-Defamation League’s ‘Elders of Zion’ conference, dubbed “Never is Now.” This was the first conference with a theme revolving around mounting white resistance to Jewish hate, focusing primarily on the rise of social media and the internet as a place for dissidents to circumvent the Judenpresse, as well as on devising new strategies for undermining free speech in a 21st century environment.

It appears, though, that Jews are already beginning to consider strategic retreats in order to address more direct concerns: they’re in damage control mode. The hubris laden “background check” on the ADL website concerning Trump appointee Steve Bannon – for the first time in my recollection – has fallen on completely deaf ears, and it appears that the ADL did not take into account  just how discredited the mainstream media is. Along with this, the problem of not being able to buy Trump means their diktat is less relevant than ever before.

The Daily Stormer editorial staff supports Bannon, but only critically, as he cucks hard for the illegitimate warmongering parasite welfare state of Israel, probably as a veiled effort to shield himself from the full brunt of Jewry. Daily Stormer understands that we need to work with our fellow Republicans until the transition of power is completed, and then we will criticize or support our party’s leadership decisions as is appropriate of a case-by-case basis.


Nevertheless, the ADL is now retracting on accusing Bannon of “Anti-Semitism,” a prejudicing slander that basically translates to “You’ll neva’ work in this town again!” but is now an obsolete threat.


While there is a long fact pattern of evidence that Breitbart served as a platform for a wide range of bigotry and there is some controversy related to statements from Mr. Bannon’s divorce proceedings in 2007, we are not aware of any anti-Semitic statements made by Bannon himself. In fact, Jewish employees of Breitbart have challenged the characterization of him and defended him from charges of anti-Semitism. Some have pointed out that Breitbart Jerusalem was launched during his tenure.

Nevertheless, Bannon essentially has established himself as the chief curator for the alt right. Under his stewardship, Breitbart has emerged as the leading source for the extreme views of a vocal minority who peddle bigotry and promote hate.

Many people have been predicting that Jews would soon start throwing their Cultural Marxist clothes overboard and changing into ProudBoy shirts and going on the Gavin McInnes Show. Jews on the “left” and the “right” – from Lena Dunham to Ben Shapiro – united as one to try and get Hillary Clinton elected this election season, but now they’re in the awkward situation of having to count on a single 35-year-old Jew (Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner) to push their agenda in an environment that is overwhelmingly hostile to it.

Additionally, most Jews know that Trump is only what’s on the surface, and that what’s coming in behind him will start directly holding them accountable for making our countries browner by the minute and third-worldizing our economies and standards of living. Our job now is to keep shining the spotlight on them, and make sure they can’t infiltrate the rising political revolution in any appreciable way.

At this point, any Jew wants to be in the Republican Party is only buying time until he can make his move.

Here is an Associated Press overview of the Zionist conference:

American Jews gathered Thursday to wrestle with how they should confront an election-year surge in anti-Semitism, a level of bias not seen in the US for decades.

At a national meeting of the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish civil rights group, about 1,000 people listened to talks expressing shock at the hatred expressed during the presidential campaign and questioned what they thought was a high-level of acceptance by other Americans.

During this past year, anti-Semitic imagery proliferated on social media, Jewish journalists were targeted and longstanding anti-Jewish conspiracy theories got a fresh airing. Much of the bias originated with the alt-right, or alternative right, a loose group espousing a provocative and reactionary strain of conservatism. It’s often associated with far right efforts to preserve “white identity,” oppose multiculturalism and defend “Western values.”

In addition to the online intimidation, reports of anti-Semitic vandalism and other attacks have risen. Last week, the day after the election, a Philadelphia storefront was sprayed with a swastika and the words “Sieg Heil 2106,” which means “Hail Victory,” a common Nazi chant, and the word “Trump,” with a swastika replacing the “T.”

These developments have stunned US Jewish leaders, who in recent years had been more focused on anti-Semitism in Europe and on addressing complaints of anti-Jewish bias on college campuses amid the debate over the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel.

In a sign of the depth of American Jewish anxiety about anti-Semitism, ADL officials said donations to their organization increased 50-fold in the days immediately after the election and a large majority of the money came from first-time donors. Every one of their regional offices reported an uptick in calls from people wanting to donate or volunteer, the ADL said.

“We must not be silent, we must raise our voices, we must act, and to act we must understand what we are up against,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive officer of ADL, opening the meeting in Manhattan.

As the presidential race intensified, Jews started seeing their names bracketed with a series of parentheses in harassing tweets, signaling that the person had been identified as a Jew. The image became known as the Jewish cowbell and its source was traced to neo-Nazis and white nationalists.

The ADL investigated the harassment and found more than 800 journalists had suffered anti-Semitic attacks on Twitter during the election, mostly from anonymous Twitter accounts, although some belonged to white supremacists.

Donald Trump’s campaign came under scrutiny since much of the harassment came from accounts claiming to support him.

Trump drew direct criticism last July when he tweeted an image of Hillary Clinton’s face with a six-pointed star, a pile of hundred dollar bills and the words “most corrupt candidate ever.” The star was in the shape of the Jewish Star of David and was widely condemned as anti-Semitic. Trump’s campaign said it was a sheriff’s badge.

Last month, Trump gave a speech in West Palm Beach, Florida, in which he accused Clinton of holding secret meetings with bankers in a conspiracy to undermine US sovereignty. The ADL said that whether intentional or not, Trump had reflected a classic anti-Semitic theme of Jewish control of banks.

The president-elect’s daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, who is now one of his top advisers, are Orthodox Jews. Kushner has defended Trump against allegations of bias.

The issue erupted anew when Trump announced far-right publishing executive Stephen Bannon as his top White House Strategist. Bannon led the Breitbart website, considered by many to be the alt-right’s platform that has been widely condemned as racist, sexist and anti-Semitic. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway called the accusations against Bannon “very unfair.”

Seventy-one percent of Jewish voters voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 race, according to exit polls. ADL’s Greenblatt worked in the Obama administration.

Still, Jonathan Sarna, a Brandeis University professor and historian of American Judaism, said it would be wrong to attribute the criticisms of Trump appointments or his supporters to partisanship. “I don’t know anybody who is looking at this in a serious way who says nothing has changed,” in regard to the level of anti-Semitism, Sarna said.

“American Jews assumed that anti-Semitism had largely been overcome,” he said. “And then all of a sudden, unexpectedly, anti-Semitism of a virulent kind came roaring back.”

Will you look at that, all it took to start cutting the most powerful and ruthless ethnic group down to size is to refuse to take their money and double down when they ask you to apologize.

With that said, the struggle is only beginning, and one shouldn’t spend too much time basking in the fear of these oppressors.

Jews are pulling back on some fronts while pushing hard on others, and I’m almost certain that the ADL pressured Twitter to get rid of countless Alt-Right commentators and intellectuals this week on the eve of this conference [editor’s note: Heidi Beirich of the SPLC is claiming she was responsible for the list which led to the purge, though the list had apparently been submitted a while ago. -AA].

Times of Israel:

The Anti-Defamation League released recommendations Thursday to help combat the rising tide of anti-Semitic abuse that spread online during the recent US presidential election.Among the measures advocated by the anti-hate watchdog group are stronger state cyber-stalking laws to prohibit harassment on digital platforms, more governmental funding for enforcing existing anti-harassment laws and a comprehensive federal review of the phenomenon. It also called for new laws to “criminalize new forms of online abuse.”

In a report last month, the group found a dramatic uptick in the harassment of Jewish journalists during the election campaign, with more than 2.6 million tweets in a one-year time frame containing language commonly associated with anti-Semitic vitriol.

The study found the vast majority of perpetrators were self-identified alt-right supporters of then-Republican nominee Donald Trump.

The report follows the ADL’s formation of a task force last summer to study the resurgence of anti-Semitic rhetoric and abuse on popular social media platforms.

Several Jewish journalists — including Julia Ioffe, CNN’s Jake Tapper, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg and The New York Times’s Jonathan Weisman — had chronicled the virulent rhetoric and, in some instances, wrote of threats leveled against them personally.

We all have a collective obligation to confront online hate, and we must do so urgently. It’s normalizing anti-Semitism, hate and prejudice, and fracturing our society in a way that is unsustainable,” CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement released with the new recommendations.

The attacks on Jewish journalists reflected a rise in hate-group rhetoric throughout the campaign, according to ADL.

After Weisman tweeted a link to an essay by the neoconservative political scientist Robert Kagan about Trump’s candidacy, titled “This is how fascism comes to America,” the Times editor found himself the target of a torrent of anti-Semitic abuse.

Ioffe, too, was subjected to a campaign of insults and threats through social media, emails and even threatening phone calls after she published an April 28 GQ article on Melania Trump. “I’m getting phone calls from a blocked number that play Hitler’s speeches when I pick up,” she tweeted.

Roughly half of the recommendations — which also included advice for journalists and the victims of abuse — were directed at the social media industry.

The ADL’s statement noted Twitter’s announcement this week about its new anti-abuse policies, which include allowing its users to mute notifications that include certain keywords and giving them a more direct way to report harassment. Twitter will also retrain its support staff to respond to reported violations more promptly and effectively.

The committee that studied this wave of hate over the last year comprised members of the media and academics at leading journalism schools in the United States.

The group Included Steve Coll, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism; Brad Hamm, dean of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism; and Leon Wieseltier, former literary editor of The New Republic and now a contributing editor at The Atlantic and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Over the last year, I’ve learned to pass judgment sparingly on people doing their own thing, but I think this should serve as a lesson for people like Richard Spencer who posted a cordial picture of him and ADL member Julia Ioffe shortly before his account got deleted by twitter.


Spencer and others of the more conservative wing of the Alt-Right need to

A) Stop trying to redefine the word “Zionism” – the ideology that preaches liberal globalism for whites and nationalism only for Jews – in a positive context, and

B) Start treating your enemies with the seriousness that they treat you with.

I iterate and reiterate this in almost every article I make here. Jews have made this a zero-sum game, either we go or they do. Ethical scruples don’t apply to them, because when they have the upper hand they don’t have any towards us.

Every Jew must be assumed a latent or blatant threat to our individual selves, our families, and our nations until meticulously proven innocent, and even then you’re gambling. If we stop treating them as a class, they will simply get their way and treat us as one. If any of our guys are ever approached by somebody like Julia Ioffe, they should suspend all the good manners you learned in boarding school and get in her face to tell her off as an evil genocidal Jew. Look like you care.