African Savages Turn French Port Into War Zone as They Attempt to Storm the Ferry

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 6, 2014

Security staff were forced to turn a fire hose on the enemy troops as they attempted to overpower officials and run up the main ramp into the ferry’s vehicle hold.

Things are escalating at Calais where the enemy troops have been collecting and festering as they prepare for large-scale invasion once their forces reach critical mass.

A trial run of storming the ferry was attempted yesterday, causing the ships crew to have raise up the drawbridge and create a moat around the castle.

The Cultural Marxist memes of ‘only looking for a better life’ and ‘escaping poverty and war’ were heard on every news channel ad nauseum.

What they really mean is ‘looking for someone else’s better life so they can ruin it’ and ‘bringing poverty and war to wherever is naive enough to welcome them.’

Daily Mail:

Riot squads were sent into Calais last night after UK-bound migrants turned the French port into a ‘war zone’.

Anarchy broke out when 250 men burst into the town’s docks and tried to board vessels sailing for Dover.

One gang of marauders broke through gates and climbed over fences in a  desperate bid to reach a ferry.

Brushing off pursuing police officers, the migrants stopped only when the ship’s crew turned a fire hose on them and pulled up the car ramps.

The mayor of Calais last night begged David Cameron to come to Calais to tell the waiting hordes that Britain was ‘no El Dorado’. Natacha Bouchart said the UK was too soft on migrants.

In a day of drama:

  • The port authority demanded immediate action, saying the ferry terminal was under siege;
  • A British lorry driver branded Calais a war zone, saying the situation was at its worst in 20 years;
  • A Briton found a stowaway in her car after returning from France.

Dramatic film of Wednesday’s storming of the port was posted on YouTube by a British lorry driver who watched from his cab as up to 100 mainly Eritrean men ran toward him at full tilt.

Footage has also emerged which is believed to show the savages trying to board a lorry headed for Calais.

‘Looks like loads of immigrants have managed somehow to get into the port,’ says Mark Salt on his video footage.

Sirens can be heard blaring and a van appears as Mr Salt says: ‘Police have just turned up to try to rein them all in – but there’s loads of them.’

The mob jump over a wall to escape pursuing police and stream past more officers to head for the Berlioz, a MyFerryLink vessel, where they are finally stopped.

Another lorry driver Lee Croson told ITV: ‘It’s more like a war zone than it used to be. If you get into Calais or park anywhere in Calais you can be 99 per cent sure you will get the immigrants in your trailer.’

He said many drivers are threatened at knifepoint. Anywhere within three hours drive of the port is considered a risk, he added, saying he had not known a worse situation in 20 years.

If a trucker is caught with migrants in his vehicle it is the driver, not the company, who is liable for a £2,000 fine. The chaotic scenes recall the early 2000s when migrants repeatedly tried to storm the entrance to the Channel Tunnel.

Jean-Marc Puissesseau, of the Calais Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which runs the port, said: ‘The situation is unacceptable, the port is under siege.

‘I demand that the forces of law and order have a permanent presence at the port as quickly as possible.

These creatures even have the cheek to start demanding we feed and clothe them on the docks where they are squatting.

They have been indoctrinated to think that if they can break into Britain, then everything will be provided for them.

They march around with placards during the day that make clear this incredible sense of entitlement, complaining that the Police are arresting them instead of feeding and clothing them.

It is way past time that they were brought back down to reality and reminded that they are nothing but beasts and would have nothing at all, if it wasn’t for us.