Alt-Tech: Is Brendan Eich’s “Brave” Browser Destined to Become the Industry Standard?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2017

Most of my work is done inside of a web browser. Almost all of it.

Firefox fired Brendan Eich for being a Christian, and then he created Brave.

His firing like this, specifically for donating money to a Christian group that opposed “gay marriage” – as any actual Christian group does – set a new precedent for silencing political thought in 2014. This was the precedent on which James Damore was fired from Google – the idea that you aren’t allowed to have certain personal opinions and work at a major corporation.


So maybe this is why I’m thinking about it now, as I have just been the target of multiple precedent-setting attacks on freedom of speech. Mine was a bigger deal, but these things tend to get bigger as they progress.

Firefox has been cruising on Eich’s genius for a couple of years, like Apple was cruising on Jobs’ before the current stagnation.

Meanwhile, Eich was developing this new one. As Firefox is finally starting to lose its stored magic, Brave appears to be developed enough to use as a main browser for some people.

I’ve been using it on my phone for some weeks now (a phone browser obviously has to do a lot less, but I find that it preferable to FF, Chrome, Opera and Safari mobile versions), and have recently installed it on my computer and am testing it out.

It’s based on what seems to be a gimmick, but actually sort of isn’t: it automatically blocks ads and then gives you the option of donating to sites that you regularly frequent through Bitcoin. The browser itself calculates your budget and distributes it to the sites that you visit.

This actually makes a whole lot of sense, given that so many people are now using adblockers that not using them is rapidly becoming financially unsustainable for content-based sites that have relied on them.

I think it is almost certainly going to become the best browser eventually, but it isn’t there yet.

Switching is a big thing for me. I like to only have one primary browser. Nowadays, I alternate between FF and Chromium, because neither really fits fully what I need it to do.

Presently, it is a long way away from being capable of functioning as a regular primary browser for me. You can install extensions from Chrome, sort of, given that the browser is based on the open-source Blink software that Chrome is based on. But they often do not work. I don’t know the timeline for actually setting up their own extensions, but I’m sure that add-on developers would be happy to port their apps to it once that is available.

Earlier this year, Eich raised $35 million in under 30 seconds, so there is a lot of excitement about it in the tech community.

I view this as a part of what has been labeled “Alt-Tech,” and it is something that I want to support.

I like Eich and give him mad respek for not cucking out on being a Christian in order to save his project and I pretty much like everything about the idea of Brave.

Just wanted to make a post about it and get others’ thoughts and experiences with the browser in the comments, as well as share it with those who haven’t heard of it.

The download is here:

Or in iStore or Google Play for the mobile version (which again, functions well as a primary phone browser).

nb4 “Anglin, you and the rest of our favorite Alt-Right sites should apply to be partners and we will all sign-up and support you and the rest of our favorite Alt-Right sites that way” – I may do that eventually, but I’m not going to do it right now. There are too many people who would feel strongly either way on me or other Alt-Right sites being confirmed or denied by Eich for me to put that on them before they are more stable. Neither “Eich supports neo-Nazis” or “Eich is going along with big tech companies and silencing speech” is something that I want to put on him and his company just now.

Also, I don’t have my dot com in my own possession right now, and will need to get that worked out, something which could take months. Google has still not contacted me about it.

Currently, 10% of the US population supports the Alt-Right, and in the next year that will double, and then accepting us on this type of service will not be such a difficult or controversial decision.