Amazon Putting Out Film Defending Mexican Woman Who Chopped Off White Man’s Penis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2019

This story is back for a modern take.

Because of course.

On a sleepy night in 1993, Lorena Bobbitt sliced off her husband’s penis after years of abuse. John and Lorena Bobbitt’s dueling narratives exploded in a ravenous 24-hour news cycle, igniting a renewed battle of the sexes. Lorena became a national joke, her suffering ignored by the male-dominated press. But as John spiraled downward, Lorena found strength in the scars of her ordeal. This four-part docuseries from Executive Producer Jordan Peele, revisits the events of this American scandal and sheds a new light on one of the most sensationalized tabloid stories of our time.

I don’t think tabloids really had to do much sensationalization.

The bitch cut the poor lad’s dick off while he was sleeping then threw it out the window of a moving car.


The incident occurred on June 23, 1993, in Manassas, Virginia, and the legal case surrounding the incident subsequently took place during 1993 and 1996. Lorena stated in a court hearing that, after coming home at night on June 23, 1993, her husband raped her. After her husband had gone to sleep, Lorena grabbed a knife from the kitchen, entered their bedroom, and removed her husband’s penis at its base.

After this, Lorena left the apartment with the severed appendage and drove away in her car. After a while, she threw it into a field. She eventually stopped and called 9-1-1. John’s penis was found after an exhaustive search, and it was reattached in the hospital where he was treated. The operation took nine and a half hours.

At the time, people were like “yah brah that bitch is fugggged up.”

But of course, now she must become a hero.

She wasn’t just a woman who was being abused by a man randomly for completely no reason and received death threats, she was also an empowered latina standing up to the white patriarchy.

She was acquitted of all charges at the time anyway, so it is really brazen to go back and examine the fact that she was a hero actually. She isn’t “in need of justice.”

Most people have forgotten about this story, so it is about bringing it back into people’s minds, probably inspiring more latinas to chop of more dongs, just demonize white men in general and promote the idea that they’re evil so violence against them – including what is really the most vile act of violence anyone can think of – is always justified.

She is actually in the film, doing interviews, talking about how he was such a mean person and she didn’t have any other choice but to nip his bud.

This truly escalates things, dragging this bitch out like this for a film that is getting screened at festivals and so on.

People should protest outside Amazon HQ, like “IS MY DICK NEXT, BEZOS???”

You can’t get people to protest Amazon for locking their employees in cages or the much more egregious act of removing all of the organic food from Whole Foods and then charging the same price, but maybe you can get them to protest his endorsement of Mexican women chopping off our dicks.

In response to this, I wish Clint Eastwood would make a pro-male film about the life of John Bobbit after the event.

After the incident, John attempted to generate money from his renown by forming a band, The Severed Parts, to pay his mounting medical and legal bills, although the band was unsuccessful and failed to generate enough money. In September 1994, he appeared in the adult film John Wayne Bobbitt: Uncut, in another attempt to make money. In 1996, he appeared in another adult film, Frankenpenis (also known as John Wayne Bobbitt’s Frankenpenis).

In 1994, he was charged with striking Kristina Elliott, a 21-year-old former exotic dancer he met while in Las Vegas on a publicity tour. On August 31, 1994, he was convicted of battery and sentenced to 15 days in jail (75% of the original 60-day sentence was suspended). “I firmly believe you have an attitude problem,” Justice of the Peace William Jansen told Bobbitt. “Your attitude problem is caused by your drinking.”

On August 10, 1998, he appeared on the World Wrestling Federation’s Monday Night Raw television program, where he was featured with Val Venis. Not long after, he moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where he worked as a bartender, limo driver, mover, pizza delivery driver, and tow-truck operator. He also had a stint serving at a wedding chapel as a minister of a Universal Life Church there.

In 1999, Bobbitt received probation for his role in a theft at a store in Nevada. In 2003, he was sentenced to prison for violating his probation for the 1999 theft, after he was arrested on battery charges involving his then-wife, Joanna Ferrell. He was again twice arrested on charges of battery against Ferrell in 2004, and that same year, he filed for divorce under the name John W. Ferrell, which he had been using during his marriage with Ferrell.

In 2014, he was severely injured when he broke his neck in a vehicular accident in Buffalo, New York.

His life demonstrates in the absolute sense the world that the Jews have forced upon white men in America and the West generally.

This is a fucking circus.