Americans Extremely Optimistic About the Economy of Trumpmerica

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2017

Even people against Trump recognize what he is doing for the economy.

The Hill:

A strong majority of Americans say the U.S. economy is running strong, and most believe the upward trend will continue under President Trump, according to a Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively to The Hill.

The survey found that 61 percent view the economy as strong, against 39 percent who say it is weak.

A plurality, 42 percent, said they believe the economy is on the right track, versus 39 percent who said it is on the wrong track.

Trump and congressional Republicans have claimed credit for the turnaround, noting numerous polls in 2016 that showed that many Americans wanted change in the nation’s capital. Democrats counter that former President Obama handed a healthy economy to Trump and point out that the unemployment rate has dropped under 5 percent. At a press conference on Thursday, Trump said he inherited “a mess.”

Among Republicans surveyed in the Harvard-Harris poll, 60 percent are satisfied with the economic trajectory, versus 23 percent who are dissatisfied. Only 33 percent of Democrats said the economy is on the right track, while 48 percent said it is headed in the wrong direction.

At 65 percent, Trump voters are the likeliest to say the economy is headed in the right direction.

So, those anti-Trump people are saying the economy must be bad because Trump is a racist.

But what will happen when Trump’s economic work really starts to take shape, and they see just how good the economy has become?

Will they really be able to continue attacking him on the ground that he’s “just bad,” or will they have to admit that he is actually doing everything he said he was going to do and the country is that much better?

Pretty much, the white working class is lost to the Democrats forever. What they have is a bunch of white elitists, brown people and the Jews that rule them all. And that isn’t enough to run a working coalition. At least not yet it isn’t.