Andrew McCabe Asks for Immunity Before Testifying on Clinton Investigation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 6, 2018


Is this really happening?

Are these people all going to get called on their massive conspiracy?

It really does not seem possible that they could be. Trump can’t do it alone. And if you uncover the Clinton coverup, then you discover that the entire Russia hoax is part of that continuing coverup, then you have to ask what is being covered up. We haven’t even gotten to any of that yet.

But I will say this: Pizzgate is real.

I don’t give a shit how many times the media says “conspiracy theory” – there is no way in hell those Podesta emails are talking about Pizza. It just isn’t possible.

And a “pizza related” map on a handkerchief?

And flying in $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs for a private party?

Fuck you.

Pizzagate IS REAL.


The former deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, is reportedly seeking immunity from prosecution before testifying at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

McCabe is accused of authorizing the leaking of information about the FBI’s probe into the Clinton Foundation to the media. He is now reportedly willing to provide emails showing that he was “working with FBI colleagues to correct inaccuracies before certain media stories were published” in October 2016, according to a letter his attorney, Michael Bromwich, wrote to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Tuesday, CNN reported, citing a letter in the network’s possession.

Under the terms of such a grant of use immunity, no testimony or other information provided by Mr. McCabe could be used against him in a criminal case,” Bromwich wrote. However, if the committee declines to grant McCabe immunity, he would “have no choice but to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.”

Grassley has scheduled hearings for next week, reportedly inviting McCabe, former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to testify about the Obama administration’s probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was serving as secretary of state. In July 2016, Comey publicly announced Clinton would not be charged during an unprecedented press conference, clearing the way for her presidential bid.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions officially fired McCabe in March, two days before his official retirement date, citing a report by the Department of Justice inspector general accusing the deputy director of lying to investigators about leaks to the press in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

One of the key testimonies against McCabe in the inspector general’s report came from Comey. If McCabe can produce evidence exonerating him from charges that he leaked to the press, that would mean Comey was the one “lacking candor.” This could spell trouble for the former director, who was reviled by Democrats after Clinton’s defeat, only to become their hero after getting fired by Trump in May 2017.

Meanwhile, the FBI’s top counter-intelligence official, Bill Priestap, spent eight hours on Tuesday testifying behind closed doors before a joint congressional committee of the Judiciary and House Oversight members. Priestap was the direct supervisor of Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who participated in the Clinton investigation, the Trump probe, and who even served on the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, until the emergence of thousands of text messages he exchanged with his paramour, Lisa Page, one of McCabe’s aides.

Both Strzok and Page were open about their disdain for Trump, and, at one point, discussed an “insurance policy” against his election in McCabe’s office, according to the text messages.

The Strzok texts should have been enough to open this thing up.

But apparently, they were not enough for Slow Jeff, who we become increasingly suspicious could himself be involved in some kind of Pizzagate-oriented scandal. Or maybe he’s just a complete fag who is easily intimidated by smarmy kikes.

But when you’ve got McCabe and Comey both trying to throw each other under the bus… even though this is an ostensibly small matter of a leak to the press (small in the context of all this other stuff, it’s still a series of felonies), something could be picked up in the chaos that leads to a reason that no one can deny means the whole thing has to be opened up.

That is all that is needed here – a reason to start sending out subpoenas.

This is all a house of cards.

Everyone in high positions in the so-called “deep state” is in on all of this, and most of the Congress is on some level or other.

They should just give McCabe full immunity to testify about everything, in my opinion. Let this guy go. He has the ability to take every single other person in this down, from O’Comey and O’Brennan, all the way to Obama and Clinton.