Another Blacks Murders Another White Woman “Randomly for No Reason”

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 11, 2017

Esstefan Hamlin.

We are in the middle of a race war.

These people are killing us, randomly on the streets. Because of the color of our skin.

And the media is still talking about “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” – even while it has been confirmed for a fact that Michael Brown’s hands were going for the officer’s gun.

CBS Denver:

More than a week after her death, a suspect is charged with First Degree murder, but friends and family of Cristina Weir say they are still trying to cope and handle with the loss.

Weir was found face down in the hallway of her Five Points apartment. Weir’s belongings were still in her apartment except for her car key.

A neighbor said there had been an issue recently with transients breaking into the small apartment complex’s laundry room. A neighbor would eventually identify the suspect as the same man seen in the laundry room the night Weir died.

Court documents say 24-year-old Esstefan Hamlin was seen driving around Denver and Aurora in Weir’s car between July 31 and August 1. Detectives began following Hamlin and eventually arrested him. Hamlin has not spoken with investigators, but did have blood on his shorts which is being tested to see if it matches Weir’s DNA. He’s charged with 2 counts of first degree murder, criminal trespassing, burglary and aggravated motor vehicle theft.

Hamlin was arrested on August 1. He was formally charged Thursday morning with murder, burglary, trespassing, and auto theft. All are felony charges.

An autopsy on Weir determined she was stabbed to death.

Investigators have told Weir’s friends and family the attack appears to be random.


This is what all the articles say.

How often do Whites “randomly” murder blacks?

And if that happened, do you imagine that it would be a news story? Something more than a blurb in a local paper?

Cristina Weir.