Another Win: Madrid Patriots Avoid Eviction

The New Observer
May 12, 2016

The Communist Party mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, has failed in her bid to force the Hogar Social Madrid (“Madrid Social Home,” or HSM) from its premises in the city.

HSM uses the building as a storage venue and accommodation for needy Spanish people—but the group’s opposition to the nonwhite invasion of Europe has put it at odds with Carmena.

As a result, Carmena , who claims to have resigned her membership of the Partido Comunista de España (Communist Party of Spain, PCE), put forward a motion at the most recent Madrid town council meeting to have the HSM expelled from its legally occupied building.

As the council meeting proceeded, about thirty members of HSM demonstrated outside, with two of their most prominent members chaining themselves to the building railings.

The other HSM members unfurled a banner reading “Guilty only of helping our own people.”



Council chairman Jorge García Castaño said that HSM “uses the building to pick up and deliver food, but that is a cover for its violent activities.” These “violent activities,” he claimed, included “assaults, threats, and intimidation against persons on grounds of ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, and propaganda campaigns with slogans such as ‘Terrorists Welcome.’”

Castaño also accused the HSM of “criminalizing the entire Muslim community and the millions of people who, fleeing war, have lost everything.”

Despite the extravagant claims, no members of HSM have actually been convicted of any crimes, and, as the movement pointed out on its Facebook page, the only violence at any of its public appearances had come from the far left.

Despite their efforts, the attempt to evict HSM failed to muster enough votes to pass,

and the organization—which has been evicted from other premises before—is safe for the time being.

The HSM posted a series of pictures on its Facebook page showing exactly what they do at their headquarters—helping the elderly and the needy survive. The brave patriots have sworn to continue their work, no matter what—and are steadily growing in support and activist numbers.

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