Anti-Social Muslims Make White People’s Lives a Misery for Ramadan

Daily Stomrer
July 22, 2014

Police walk straight past one of the trouble-makers at Easton, Bristol.

Police from Easton have responded to complaints from residents about Muslims engaging in “anti-social behavior” during their holy fasting month of Ramadan.

I have found Muslims engage in strange dealings every month.  But apparently during the holy month, it becomes unbearable.

Bristol Post:

Groups of noisy men have been congregating on streets late into the evening following the breaking of the dawn-to-dusk fast.

Police have stepped up patrols and put up posters in the streets, in cafes and in mosques asking people to respect their neighbours.

But residents said the street posters have been torn down and the problem has persisted.

One Easton resident, of Milsom Street, who asked not to be named, told the Bristol Post: “We are all being kept awake and today I spoke to a new neighbour who is also calling the police most nights.

“It’s so odd that it’s still going on when we are all feeling the impact of these men standing about talking in loud voices.”

Rizwan Ahmed, spokesman for the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society, said the behaviour was not “in the spirit of Ramadan” and called for further outreach work to curb the problem.

Margaret Hickman, a councillor for Lawrence Hill and Easton, said residents had been “really badly impacted” by the anti-social behaviour.

Shah Jalal Jame Mosque, 468-470 Stapleton Road, July 2010<br /> © Mehmood Naqshbandi, 2010,
Enemy stronghold in Easton, Bristol.

This year Ramadan takes place between June 29 and July 27, meaning the dusk end to the fast comes later than normal.

Martin Dunscombe, Avon and Somerset police spokesman, said: “Some residents in the Easton area have raised concerns over noise associated with people participating in Ramadan and congregating in the street late at night.

“We’ve put up posters in the local area asking people to respect their neighbours and keep noise to a minimum. These posters have also been put up in local Mosques and cafes.

“We’ve increased patrols in the area and moved our staff to later shifts so they can visit the local Mosques and cafes and are in a position to respond to any further concerns.

Muslims cause trouble during Ramadan wherever they are.