Anti-White Hate Group SPLC Whines That PayPal Continues to Allow Financing of Pro-White Sites

Daily Slave
April 4, 2015

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a notorious anti-White hate group run by Jewish supremacists.

A writer named Keegan Hankes for the notorious anti-White hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC, is whining that PayPal continues to facilitate donations to various pro-White web sites.  Even though both the Daily Stormer and my own site had our PayPal capabilities taken away from us several months ago, the SPLC is still not satisfied.  They are continuing their attempts to sabotage the financing of pro-White causes through their devious and underhanded tactics.  Hankes article was even republished by the Marxist oriented web site Salon.

What’s interesting is that the SPLC accepts PayPal donations on their website to spread their hateful Jewish supremacist and anti-White world views.  As a result, I am calling on PayPal to immediately suspend the SPLC’s payment account.  If they do not do so, it shows that PayPal is a hypocritical organization that hates White people.  The SPLC has historically spread all sorts of anti-White hatred and I am quite frankly appalled that PayPal would do business with such an operation.  You can complain to PayPal about their continued business relationship with the SPLC via their contact page.

Here is PayPal’s policy toward hate organizations.  It shows that the SPLC falls directly under the category of a hate site due to their well documented hatred of White people.

PayPal is a worldwide company with account holders in many countries where the possession or sale of certain items associated with hate organizations is a criminal offense. To determine what goods and services should be prohibited, PayPal carefully considers the following factors:

  • The promotion or glorification of hate, violence, or intolerance because of a person’s race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.
  • Any graphic portrayal of violence or victims of violence.
  • Previous activity associated with the account holder.
  • Any transactions that involve financial exploitation of a crime.

On top of this, the author of this mean spirited SPLC piece Keegan Hankes, has previously been accused of subversive activities at pro-White events.  The Southern Nationalist Network wrote a 2013 article about his provocative activities and how he slandered several pro-White activists via the SPLC’s website.

The bottom line is that the SPLC is a vile hate organization.  They simply do not share the same values that we as White Americans hold dear and as a result, they must be held accountable.  Please tell PayPal that you won’t tolerate them assisting in the financing of this disgusting anti-White hate group.