Artificial Intelligence Systems Poised to Replace “Journalists”

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2019

Artificial intelligence is on the verge of replacing “journalists.”

We are quickly entering an era where an increasing number of jobs are going to be replaced with automation, artificial intelligence and other forms of technology. The field of journalism is no exception. Media outlets are already employing rudimentary forms of artificial intelligence to produce stories.


A text-generating “bot” nicknamed Tobi produced nearly 40,000 news stories about the results of the November 2018 elections in Switzerland for the media giant Tamedia — in just five minutes.

These kinds of artificial intelligence programs — available for nearly a decade — are becoming more widespread as news organizations turn to them to produce stories, personalize news delivery and in some cases sift through data to find important news.

Tobi wrote on vote results for each of Switzerland’s 2,222 municipalities, in both French and German, for the country’s largest media group, according to a paper presented last month at the Computation + Journalism conference in Miami.

A similar automated program called Heliograf has enabled The Washington Post daily to cover some 500 election races, along with local sports and business, since 2014.

“We’ve seen a greater acceptance of the potential for artificial intelligence, or robo-journalism, in newsrooms around the world,” said Damian Radcliffe, a University of Oregon professor who follows consumer trends and business models for journalism.

“These systems can offer speed and accuracy and potentially support the realities of smaller newsrooms and the time pressures of journalists.”

News organizations say the bots are not intended to displace human reporters or editors but rather to help free them from the most monotonous tasks, such as sports results and earnings reports.

These organizations say that these systems aren’t designed to replace humans, but that’s only because they haven’t become advanced enough. In the not too distant future, these systems will be able to produce increasingly more sophisticated articles. In fact, it is highly probable that many of the prominent Jewish media organizations will be forced to rely on them to produce a bulk of their propaganda. There’s already been massive employee layoffs in the industry and implementing these systems could soon become a financial necessity.

The robot journalists won’t simply be smarter than existing journo-scum – they’ll be sexier as well.

Right now, Jewish media operations like BuzzFeed and others use low paid shills with zero critical thinking skills to regurgitate their narratives. If there are systems capable of producing the same type of content as these low paid shills, these low paid shills will be rendered obsolete.

The larger question is what will happen when the Jews are forced to use artificial intelligence to manage their propaganda.

Remember Tay? She gave us one possible outcome.

Either way, it is safe to assume that artificial intelligence is going to play a major role in pushing propaganda and narratives to the masses. It will soon become difficult if not impossible for the average person to determine if a story was written by an actual person or by a computer system. How this eventual reality will impact society is difficult to predict.