Assange Blasts Bizarre Negroid Abomination Eric Holder Over Russia Hoaxspiracy!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2018

This Russia conspiracy gibberish has become tiring in a deep, human way. Almost on a spiritual level, I feel exhausted still listening to these people, after years, claim that “Russia hacked the election.”

We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating claims that were made based on absolutely nothing, and we have found absolutely nothing, but it just keeps on going.


WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has pinned the blame for the website’s releases ahead of the 2016 presidential election on the Obama administration, as it put him in such conditions where he had “nothing to do but work 24/7.”

Assange made the quip on Twitter Friday, responding to a two-week-old anti-Russian post by the former Attorney General Eric Holder.

Holder, who headed the Department of Justice from 2009 to 2015, put forth the usual set of allegations against Moscow, claiming Russia would interfere with the upcoming US midterm elections.

Apparently addressing President Donald Trump, Holder demanded new sanctions against Moscow, which were “overwhelmingly approved by even this dysfunctional congress.”

“Are you simply unfit, without the necessary nerve or do they have something on you? We were attacked!” Holder wrote on February 20.

“Attacked? By what? The truth?” Julian Assange replied on Friday, adding that ultimately the US case against him, which followed WikiLeaks’ release of US classified documents in 2010, was to blame.

The Russian theory is less credible than any fringe conspiracy theory, as it has actually been investigated and been proved to be false. It was investigated by the same people who invented the theory, who were then given a free pass to investigate whatever, and they came up with absolutely nothing.

How are we still talking about this?